def __init__(self): self.curDateTime = str( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())) # 当前日期时间 self.config = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.configFile) # 配置文件路径 self.sender = self.config['EMAIL']['Smtp_Sender'] # 从配置文件获取,发件人 self.receivers = self.config['EMAIL']['Receivers'] # 从配置文件获取,接收人 self.msg_title = self.config['EMAIL']['Msg_Title'] # 从配置文件获取,邮件标题 self.sender_server = self.config['EMAIL'][ 'Smtp_Server'] # 从配置文件获取,发送服务器 self.From = self.config['EMAIL']['From'] self.To = self.config['EMAIL']['To'] self.Port = self.config['EMAIL']['Port']
def get_run_flag(skey): """ Get the flag in the configuration file. param: skey: flag usage: ret = get_run_flag('Flag') return: ret: 'Y' or 'N' """ yaml_dict = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.exeConfigFile) ret_flag = yaml_dict['RUNING'][skey]['Flag'] return ret_flag
def tmpl_msg(low_path): # 发送钉钉模版测试结果 config = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.configFile) # report外网发布地址ip+port report_url = config['REPORT_URL'] # 钉钉标题 content = config['DING_TITLE'] # 从报告中取得测试结果数据 e.g. 3 tests; 2.23 seconds; 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 errors file_result = os.path.join(gl.loadcasePath, 'result.cache') # result_content = read_file(file_result, 'r') # Remove file remove_file(file_result) res_list = result_content.split(";") # 发送钉钉消息 msg = """{}执行【已完成】:\n共{}个用例, 执行耗时{}秒, 通过{}, 失败{}, 错误{}, 通过率{}\n测试报告: {}/{}""" msg = msg.format(content, res_list[0], res_list[1], res_list[2], res_list[3], res_list[4], res_list[5], report_url, low_path) return msg
def invoke(): """ Start executing tests generate test reports. :return: There is no. """ # CONFIG: Read configuration information config = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.configFile) dd_enable = config['ENABLE_DDING'] dd_token = config['DD_TOKEN'] dd_url = config['DING_URL'] email_enable = config['EMAIL_ENABLE'] # END CONFIG. # Test report file name. time_str = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()) path = RunTestCase.create_report_file() # Start test the send pin message. if dd_enable: scripts.send_msg_dding('{}:★开始API接口自动化测试★'.format(time_str), dd_token, dd_url) # Execute the test and send the test report. if dd_enable: # Template message. dir_list = path.split('\\') low_path = dir_list[len(dir_list) - 2] msg = RunTestCase.tmpl_msg(low_path) print(msg) scripts.send_msg_dding(msg, dd_token, dd_url) if email_enable: # Send test report to EMAIL. email = EmailClass() email.send(path)
def _parse_config(config): """ Parse config parameters. """ if config: # Setting global var. if config[0] == 'set' and config.__len__() == 1: try: os.system(gl.configFile) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("已终止执行.") elif config[0] == 'set' and len(config) == 2 and '=' in config[1]: cf = config[1].split("=") update_yam_content(gl.configFile, cf[0], parse_string_value(cf[1])) elif config[0] == 'get' and len(config) == 2 and '=' not in config[1]: content = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.configFile) try: print(content[config[1]]) except KeyError as ex: print('[KeyError]: {}'.format(ex)) else: print('Unknown command: {}'.format(config[0]))
def load_case_data(flag='TEST_CASE'): """ :Desc: load DDT data form YAML. :param flag: The starting node of the interface case in YAML. default: TEST_CASE :import from httptesting.library.scripts import load_case_data or form httptesting.library import scripts :invoke load_case_data() or scripts.load_case_data() :return: [] DDT data list """ data_list = [] temp_list = [] case_path = None for _ in range(0, case_exec_queue.qsize()): if not case_exec_queue.empty(): case_name = case_exec_queue.get() # OFF/ON Specify the execution case. parse_bool = False # Specify the execution CASE. if '&#' in case_name: parse_bool = True path_parse = case_name.split('&#') case_name = path_parse[0] path_parse.pop(0) # case path case_path = os.path.dirname(case_name) # Read the case read_yaml = conf.get_yaml_field(case_name) # yaml start the node,The default is TEST_CASE. case_dict = read_yaml[flag] # OFF/ON Specify the execution case. if parse_bool: for case_name in path_parse: try: data_list.append(case_dict[case_name]) except KeyError as ex: print('{}测试用例名称错误,请检查拼写、大小写.'.format(case_name)) raise ex else: # Loop through the configuration data under the node, # so case begins the use case for key in case_dict: # What begins with a case in configuration data is considered a use case. if str(key).lower().startswith('case'): # Organize DDT [] data, and each case is a dict object data_list.append(case_dict[key]) else: raise Exception("The CASE execution queue is empty.") # csv or parameter var. temp_list, csv_exec_flag = _csv_parameter_func(case_path, data_list) if not csv_exec_flag: temp_list = _parameter_variable(data_list) # Scenario case Skip. temp_list = _skip_scenario_interface(temp_list) # case order by desc data_list = sorted_data_fuction(temp_list, orderby='desc') return data_list
def __init__(self): self.config = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.configFile) self.base_url = self.config['BASE_URL'] self.OUT_TMPL = """{0} {1}请求:{2}\n请求:\n{3}\n响应:"""
def run(path): """ Execute the test and generate the test report file. Args: path: Report file absolute path. Return: There is no return. """ config = conf.get_yaml_field(gl.configFile) exe_con = config['ENABLE_EXECUTION'] exe_num = config['EXECUTION_NUM'] rerun = config['ENABLE_RERUN'] reruns_nums = config['RERUN_NUM'] repeat = config['ENABLE_REPEAT'] repeat_num = config['REPEAT_NUM'] exec_mode = config['ENABLE_EXEC_MODE'] debug_mode = config['ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE'] last_failed = config['ENABLE_LAST_FAILED'] failed_first = config['ENABLE_FAILED_FIRST'] # custom function RunTestCase.copy_custom_function() # failed first failed_first_args = ( ' --ff ' if failed_first else '') if not last_failed else '' # last failed last_failed_args = ( ' --lf ' if last_failed else '') if not failed_first else '' # Enable repeat case. repeat_args = ' --count={} '.format(repeat_num) if repeat else '' # Enable CPU concurrency py_args = ' -n {} '.format(exe_num) if exe_con else '' # Enable failed retry reruns_args = ' --reruns {} '.format(reruns_nums) if rerun else '' # debug mode print debug info. debug = '' if debug_mode else '--tb=no' """ Load the pytest framework, which must be written here or DDT will be loaded first. from import test_load_case """ case_path = gl.loadcasePath # Output mode console or report. if exec_mode: cmd = 'cd {} && py.test -q -s {} {} {} {}'.format( case_path, reruns_args, '', repeat_args, debug) else: cmd = 'cd {} && py.test {} {} {} {} {} {} --html={} {} --self-contained-html'.format( case_path, py_args, reruns_args, last_failed_args, failed_first_args, '', repeat_args, path, debug) try: os.system(cmd) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('已终止执行.')