Example #1
def RobotKiller(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	if not is_bad_robot_request(environ, reqdata):
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)

	cfg = get_cfg(environ)
	# Under some configurations, no user agent is considered a
	# bad robot.
	ua = environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')
	if not ua and not cfg['no-ua-is-bad-robot']:
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
	elif not ua or (ua == 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; MyIE2; Maxthon)'):
		return httputil.genError("web-robot", 403)

	# Look for bad robots.
	#brl = [x.strip() for x in cfg['bad-robots'].split(' | ')]
	brl = cfg['bad-robots']
	for rua in brl:
		if rua in ua:
			# This error is somewhat arbitrary, yet generally
			# truthful. The file *isn't* available, at least
			# not in that form, to you, and it's because your
			# access is forbidden.
			# was 'file-not-available'.
			return httputil.genError("web-robot", 403)
	# Okay, we're good
	return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #2
def doPOSTMangling(reqdata, qdict, webserv):
	# Now, there is a complication, and that is that we
	# can't redirect from a POST to a GET without things
	# screaming at us. So we want our POST URLs to look
	# just like the regular URLs. So we have to encode
	# the view in the POST data, nnngh. Which means we
	# have to decode magic.
	# override reqdata view based on the POST data.
	if 'view' in qdict:
		reqdata['view'] = qdict['view']
	# A view in POST is never allowed to be 'normal'.
	# The value here is arbitrary but chosen to be
	# a) distinct and b) likely to fail spectacularly
	# later.
	if reqdata['view'] == "normal":
		# This can only happen if a hand-crafted POST is
		# submitted. In that case -- outta here.
		reqdata['view'] = ":post:claimed-normal"
		# We do not reject this immediately for obscure
		# reasons involving that other things might be
		# handling POST queries that are intercepted later.
		# (I am not convinced that such POSTs can be useful.
		# FIXME: examine later.)

	# We immediately refuse out of zone POSTs before we
	# try to do *anything* more with them.
	if 'query' not in reqdata:
		return httputil.genError("out-of-zone")

	# We do this for clarity (right now), since we currently
	# have no way of logging messages here. FIXME: fix this.
	if not webserv.view_exists(reqdata['view']):
		return httputil.genError("sec-error", 403)

	# Only a few views support POST. Reject invalid views
	# immediately.
	if not webserv.view_cmd_allowed(reqdata['view'], "POST"):
		return httputil.genError("out-of-zone", 405)

	# At this point we must load the request data with the
	# view magic. (Am I starting to rethink the whole mess
	# of how reqdata goes to the HTML view? Yes.)
	view = reqdata['view']
	paramdict = {}
	plist = webserv.view_param_list(view, "POST")
	for key in qdict.keys():
		if key in plist:
			paramdict[key] = qdict[key]
		elif key == "view":
			# Not an expected parameter? YOU LOSE.
			return httputil.genError('sec-error', 403)

	if paramdict:
		reqdata['view-dict'] = paramdict
	# We let the HTML view code fix up missing parameters.
	return None
Example #3
def HostKiller(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	uh = httputil.hostFromEnv(environ)
	if uh and not valid_host(uh):
		environ['dwiki.logger'].warn("rejected invalid Host: value from request URI: %s" % repr(uh))
		return httputil.genError("sec-error", 403)
	gh = getHost(environ)
	if not valid_host(gh):
		environ['dwiki.logger'].warn("rejected invalid Host: value from Host: header: %s" % repr(gh))
		return httputil.genError("sec-error", 403)
	return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #4
def IpKiller(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	cfg = get_cfg(environ)
	ipl = cfg['banned-ips']
	sip = environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
	# no remote IP means immediate kill
	if not sip or httputil.matchIP(sip, ipl):
		logger.warn("banned IP denied access")
		return httputil.genError("disallowed", 403)
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #5
def RobotKiller2(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	ua = environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')
	if not ua:
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
	cfg = get_cfg(environ)
	brl = cfg['banned-robots']
	for rua in brl:
		if rua in ua:
			return httputil.genError("web-robot", 403)
	return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #6
def StaticServ(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	cfg = get_cfg(environ)
	if staticserv.getStaticPath(cfg, reqdata) is None:
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
	# We are serving static stuff, one way or another.
	if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
		logger.warn("POST request to a static URL")
		return httputil.genError("sec-error", 403)
		return staticserv.doStatic(cfg, reqdata, get_static(environ))
Example #7
def InsaneKiller(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	ri = environ.get("REQUEST_URI", '')
	# 'http://..../..' URLs are legitimate, at least for
	# HTTP/1.1 requests, and so we generously accept them
	# all the time.
	if ri and '#' in ri:
		return httputil.genError('out-of-zone')
	# The advantage of using this is that it is post-decode.
	bu = reqdata['request-fullpath']
	if bu and ('//' in bu or '/../' in bu):
		return httputil.genError('out-of-zone')
	# HTTP Referer values including ', ' (or just space) are a)
	# illegal and b) the sign of certain spambots. We fail them
	# on POSTs.
	rt = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
	if rt and environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' and ', ' in rt:
		# this is sort of accurate. sort of.
		environ['dwiki.logger'].warn("rejected POST with bogus HTTP Referer")
		return httputil.genError("web-robot", 403)
	return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #8
def IpCommentKiller(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	if reqdata['view'] != 'writecomment':
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
	cfg = get_cfg(environ)
	ipl = cfg['banned-comment-ips']
	sip = environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
	if not sip or httputil.matchIP(sip, ipl):
		logger.warn("banned comment IP denied access")
		return httputil.genError("disallowed", 403)
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #9
	def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
		cmd = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
		logger = environ['dwiki.logger']
		if cmd not in ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'):
			# 5xx series errors are theoretically things that
			# can be retried later; that makes 501 the wrong
			# code here. 405 implies 'permanent failure'.
			resp = httputil.genError('not-supported', 405)
			return [sendResponse(resp, start_response)]
			cfunc = getattr(self, "do_"+cmd)
			return [cfunc(logger, environ, start_response)]
Example #10
def doStatic(cfg, reqdata, staticstore):
	# We only serve static files from the normal view.
	# We pretend they don't exist in other ones.
	if reqdata['view'] != 'normal':
		return httputil.genError("out-of-zone")
	path = getStaticPath(cfg, reqdata)
	# We don't serve directories, so the empty path that
	# indicates our root is an immediate exit.
	if not path:
		return httputil.genError("file-not-available")
	po = staticstore.get(path)
	# We flush immediately because we only ever make one
	# call per request to the staticstore.
	if not po or po.type != "file" or not po.displayable():
		return httputil.genError("file-not-available")
	resp = htmlresp.Response()
	resp.arbitrary(po.contents(), guessContentType(path))
	if po.timestamp() > 0:
	return resp
Example #11
def genPostReqdata(logger, environ):
	# We get the POST body before flailing around establishing our
	# request parameters, because this is slightly faster if something
	# is broken in the POST.
		qdict = getPostBody(environ)
	except derrors.ReqErr as e:
		logger.warn("security: "+str(e))
		return (None, httputil.genError('sec-error', 403))

	# There are a number of reqdata fixups that we need to
	# do based on the state of the HTTP POST data and
	# similar things. They are all done out of line.
	reqdata = gather_reqdata(environ)
	resp = doPOSTMangling(reqdata, qdict, environ['dwiki.web'])
	return (reqdata, resp)
Example #12
def ReqKiller(next, logger, reqdata, environ):
	if ':kill:request' in reqdata:
		return httputil.genError("sec-error", 403)
		return next(logger, reqdata, environ)
Example #13
def doDwikiRequest(logger, reqdata, environ):
	# Recover things from the environment.
	cfg = environ['dwiki.cfg']
	modelserv = environ['dwiki.model']
	webserv = environ['dwiki.web']

	# If it is not a request for something we handle out of
	# line, and it is not rooted under our root URL, it dies
	# right now.
	if 'query' not in reqdata:
		return httputil.genError("out-of-zone")

	# If the view doesn't exist at all, fail now with a 404.
	# Logging this is somewhat questionable.
	if not webserv.view_exists(reqdata['view']):
		logger.warn("nonexistent view '%s' in HTTP command '%s'" % \
			    (reqdata['view'], reqdata['http-command']))
		return httputil.genError("out-of-zone")

	# Enforce only-accessible-by-POST views. Since we never
	# generate URLs to such zones, they must be being set
	# up by some overly-nasty outsider, so we are abrupt.
	if not webserv.view_cmd_allowed(reqdata['view'],
		logger.warn("view '%s' not allowed in HTTP command '%s'" % \
			    (reqdata['view'], reqdata['http-command']))
		return httputil.genError("sec-error", 403)

	# Picky compliance issue: rooturl is a directory, not
	# a URL prefix. If you gave us the non-directory version,
	# we force a redirect to the directory version ... and
	# will probably re-redirect to the actual front page.
	# AHAHA ahem haclick.
	if not reqdata['query'] and \
	   reqdata['request-fullpath'] and \
	   reqdata['request-fullpath'][-1] != '/':
		return httputil.redirToSlashedDir(reqdata['request-fullpath'],

	# Okay, it's something that we serve out of the HTML view.
		ctx = context.HTMLContext(cfg, modelserv, webserv, reqdata)
		cache = environ['dwiki.cache']
		if cache:
			ctx.setvar(':_cachestore', cache)
		# Try to load authentication if there's a cookie
		# present.
		if 'cookie' in reqdata:
			htmlauth.setLoginFromCookie(ctx, reqdata['cookie'])
		viewer = webserv.viewFactory(ctx)
		resp = viewer.respond()
		# Did the request encounter a reportable error?
		# If so, report it but do not abort response processing
		# to display an error.
		if ctx.errors:
			for e in ctx.errors:
	except derrors.WikiErr as e:
		resp = httputil.genError("internal-error", 500)
	return resp