Example #1
def parse_usage(text):
    Parse a usage message by inferring its structure (and making some assumptions :-).

    :param text: The usage message to parse (a string).
    :returns: A tuple of two lists:

              1. A list of strings with the paragraphs of the usage message's
                 "introduction" (the paragraphs before the documentation of the
                 supported command line options).

              2. A list of strings with pairs of command line options and their
                 descriptions: Item zero is a line listing a supported command
                 line option, item one is the description of that command line
                 option, item two is a line listing another supported command
                 line option, etc.

    Usage messages in general are free format of course, however
    :func:`parse_usage()` assume a certain structure from usage messages in
    order to successfully parse them:

    - The usage message starts with a line ``Usage: ...`` that shows a symbolic
      representation of the way the program is to be invoked.

    - After some free form text a line ``Supported options:`` precedes the
      documentation of the supported command line options.

    - The command line options are documented as follows::

        -v, --verbose

          Make more noise.

      So all of the variants of the command line option are shown together on a
      separate line, followed by one or more paragraphs describing the option.

    - There are several other minor assumptions, but to be honest I'm not sure if
      anyone other than me is ever going to use this functionality, so for now I
      won't list every intricate detail :-).

      If you're curious anyway, refer to the usage message of the `humanfriendly`
      package (defined in the :mod:`humanfriendly.cli` module) and compare it with
      the usage message you see when you run ``humanfriendly --help`` and the
      generated usage message embedded in the readme.

      Feel free to request more detailed documentation if you're interested in
      using the :mod:`humanfriendly.usage` module outside of the little ecosystem
      of Python packages that I have been building over the past years.

    # Split the raw usage message on lines that introduce a new command line option.
    chunks = [dedent(c) for c in re.split(OPTION_PATTERN, text) if c and not c.isspace()]
    # Split the introduction (the text before any options) into one or more paragraphs.
    introduction = [join_lines(p) for p in split_paragraphs(chunks.pop(0))]
    # Should someone need to easily debug the parsing performed here.
    logger.debug("Parsed introduction: %s", introduction)
    logger.debug("Parsed options: %s", chunks)
    return introduction, chunks
Example #2
def parse_usage(text):
    Parse a usage message by inferring its structure (and making some assumptions :-).

    :param text: The usage message to parse (a string).
    :returns: A tuple of two lists:

              1. A list of strings with the paragraphs of the usage message's
                 "introduction" (the paragraphs before the documentation of the
                 supported command line options).

              2. A list of strings with pairs of command line options and their
                 descriptions: Item zero is a line listing a supported command
                 line option, item one is the description of that command line
                 option, item two is a line listing another supported command
                 line option, etc.

    Usage messages in general are free format of course, however
    :func:`parse_usage()` assume a certain structure from usage messages in
    order to successfully parse them:

    - The usage message starts with a line ``Usage: ...`` that shows a symbolic
      representation of the way the program is to be invoked.

    - After some free form text a line ``Supported options:`` (surrounded by
      empty lines) precedes the documentation of the supported command line

    - The command line options are documented as follows::

        -v, --verbose

          Make more noise.

      So all of the variants of the command line option are shown together on a
      separate line, followed by one or more paragraphs describing the option.

    - There are several other minor assumptions, but to be honest I'm not sure if
      anyone other than me is ever going to use this functionality, so for now I
      won't list every intricate detail :-).

      If you're curious anyway, refer to the usage message of the `humanfriendly`
      package (defined in the :mod:`humanfriendly.cli` module) and compare it with
      the usage message you see when you run ``humanfriendly --help`` and the
      generated usage message embedded in the readme.

      Feel free to request more detailed documentation if you're interested in
      using the :mod:`humanfriendly.usage` module outside of the little ecosystem
      of Python packages that I have been building over the past years.
    introduction = []
    documented_options = []
    # Split the raw usage message into paragraphs.
    paragraphs = split_paragraphs(text)
    # Get the paragraphs that are part of the introduction.
    while paragraphs:
        # Check whether we've found the end of the introduction.
        end_of_intro = (paragraphs[0] == START_OF_OPTIONS_MARKER)
        # Append the current paragraph to the introduction.
        # Stop after we've processed the complete introduction.
        if end_of_intro:
    logger.debug("Parsed introduction: %s", introduction)
    # Parse the paragraphs that document command line options.
    while paragraphs:
        description = []
        while paragraphs:
            # Check if the next paragraph starts the documentation of another
            # command line option.
            if all(OPTION_PATTERN.match(t) for t in split(paragraphs[0])):
        # Join the description's paragraphs back together so we can remove
        # common leading indentation.
    logger.debug("Parsed options: %s", documented_options)
    return introduction, documented_options
Example #3
def parse_usage(text):
    Parse a usage message by inferring its structure (and making some assumptions :-).

    :param text: The usage message to parse (a string).
    :returns: A tuple of two lists:

              1. A list of strings with the paragraphs of the usage message's
                 "introduction" (the paragraphs before the documentation of the
                 supported command line options).

              2. A list of strings with pairs of command line options and their
                 descriptions: Item zero is a line listing a supported command
                 line option, item one is the description of that command line
                 option, item two is a line listing another supported command
                 line option, etc.

    Usage messages in general are free format of course, however
    :func:`parse_usage()` assume a certain structure from usage messages in
    order to successfully parse them:

    - The usage message starts with a line ``Usage: ...`` that shows a symbolic
      representation of the way the program is to be invoked.

    - After some free form text a line ``Supported options:`` (surrounded by
      empty lines) precedes the documentation of the supported command line

    - The command line options are documented as follows::

        -v, --verbose

          Make more noise.

      So all of the variants of the command line option are shown together on a
      separate line, followed by one or more paragraphs describing the option.

    - There are several other minor assumptions, but to be honest I'm not sure if
      anyone other than me is ever going to use this functionality, so for now I
      won't list every intricate detail :-).

      If you're curious anyway, refer to the usage message of the `humanfriendly`
      package (defined in the :mod:`humanfriendly.cli` module) and compare it with
      the usage message you see when you run ``humanfriendly --help`` and the
      generated usage message embedded in the readme.

      Feel free to request more detailed documentation if you're interested in
      using the :mod:`humanfriendly.usage` module outside of the little ecosystem
      of Python packages that I have been building over the past years.
    introduction = []
    documented_options = []
    # Split the raw usage message into paragraphs.
    paragraphs = split_paragraphs(text)
    # Get the paragraphs that are part of the introduction.
    while paragraphs:
        # Check whether we've found the end of the introduction.
        end_of_intro = (paragraphs[0] == START_OF_OPTIONS_MARKER)
        # Append the current paragraph to the introduction.
        # Stop after we've processed the complete introduction.
        if end_of_intro:
    logger.debug("Parsed introduction: %s", introduction)
    # Parse the paragraphs that document command line options.
    while paragraphs:
        description = []
        while paragraphs:
            # Check if the next paragraph starts the documentation of another
            # command line option.
            if all(OPTION_PATTERN.match(t) for t in split(paragraphs[0])):
        # Join the description's paragraphs back together so we can remove
        # common leading indentation.
    logger.debug("Parsed options: %s", documented_options)
    return introduction, documented_options