Example #1
def asset_prompt():
    trading_pair = dev_0_hello_world_config_map.get("trading_pair").value
    example = EXAMPLE_ASSETS.get(trading_pair)
    return "Enter a single token to fetch its balance on %s%s >>> " \
           % (trading_pair, f" (e.g. {example})" if example else "")
def trading_pair_prompt():
    market = dev_0_hello_world_config_map.get("market").value
    example = EXAMPLE_ASSETS.get(market)
    return "Enter a single token to fetch its balance on %s%s >>> " \
           % (market, f" (e.g. {example})" if example else "")
def symbol_prompt():
    market = execution1_config_map.get("market").value
    example = EXAMPLE_ASSETS.get(market)
    return "Enter a single token to fetch its balance on %s%s >>> " \
           % (market, f" (e.g. {example})" if example else "")