def test_column_expression_and(self): query = "x = 1 AND y = 2" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "left": { "left": { "column": "x" }, "operator": "=", "right": "1" }, "operator": "AND", "right": { "left": { "column": "y" }, "operator": "=", "right": "2" }, }, )
def test_select_join(self): query = "SELECT FROM users u JOIN schools ON u.school_id =" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_select() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "select": "SELECT", "results": { "0": { "table": "u", "column": "id" } }, "from_": { "from_": "FROM", "expression": { "left": { "value": { "table": "users" }, "alias": "u" }, "join": "JOIN", "right": { "table": "schools" }, "on": "ON", "condition": { "left": { "table": "u", "column": "school_id" }, "operator": "=", "right": { "table": "schools", "column": "id" }, }, }, }, }, )
def test_column_expression_is_not_null(self): query = "x IS NOT NULL" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "left": { "column": "x" }, "operator": "IS", "right": { "operator": "NOT", "right": "NULL" }, }, )
def test_table_alias(self): with self.subTest("full form"): query = "users AS u" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_table_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure(parser, result, { "value": { "table": "users" }, "as_": "AS", "alias": "u" }) with self.subTest("shorthand form"): query = "users u" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_table_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure(parser, result, { "value": { "table": "users" }, "alias": "u" })
def test_column_alias(self): with self.subTest("full form"): query = "x AS y" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure(parser, result, { "value": { "column": "x" }, "as_": "AS", "alias": "y" }) with self.subTest("shorthand form"): query = "x y" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure(parser, result, { "value": { "column": "x" }, "alias": "y" })
def test_column_expression_call(self): with self.subTest("no args"): query = "now()" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure(parser, result, {"function": "now"}) with self.subTest("composition"): query = "upper('hello') || concat(' ', lower('world'))" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "left": { "function": "upper", "0": "'hello'" }, "operator": "||", "right": { "function": "concat", "0": "' '", "1": { "function": "lower", "0": "'world'" }, }, }, )
def test_column_expression_precedence(self): query = "- 1 + 2 * 3 + 4" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "left": { "left": { "operator": "-", "right": "1" }, "operator": "+", "right": { "left": "2", "operator": "*", "right": "3" }, }, "operator": "+", "right": "4", }, ) query = "- 1 + 2 * (3 + 4)" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "left": { "operator": "-", "right": "1" }, "operator": "+", "right": { "left": "2", "operator": "*", "right": { "expression": { "left": "3", "operator": "+", "right": "4" } }, }, }, )
def test_column_expression(self): query = "- 1 + 2 * 3 * 4" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result)
def test_select_full(self): query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE is_active IS TRUE GROUP BY country HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_select() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result) self.assertParsedStructure( parser, result, { "select": "SELECT", "results": { "0": { "function": "COUNT", "0": "*" } }, "from_": { "from_": "FROM", "expression": { "table": "users" } }, "where": { "where": "WHERE", "expression": { "left": { "column": "is_active" }, "operator": "IS", "right": "TRUE", }, }, "group_by": { "0": { "column": "country" } }, "having": { "having": "HAVING", "expression": { "left": { "0": "*", "function": "COUNT" }, "operator": ">", "right": "0", }, }, "order_by": { "0": { "order": "DESC", "value": { "function": "COUNT", "0": "*" } }, }, "limit": { "expression": "10", "limit": "LIMIT" }, }, )
def test_column_expression_between(self): query = "x BETWEEN a AND b" parser = Parser(Lexer(query)) result = parser.parse_column_expression() self.assertParsedAll(parser, result)