Example #1
def test_rnnslu_embeddings(**kwargs):
    Wrapper function for training and testing RNNSLU

    :type fold: int
    :param fold: fold index of the ATIS dataset, from 0 to 4.

    :type lr: float
    :param lr: learning rate used (factor for the stochastic gradient.

    :type nepochs: int
    :param nepochs: maximal number of epochs to run the optimizer.

    :type win: int
    :param win: number of words in the context window.

    :type nhidden: int
    :param n_hidden: number of hidden units.

    :type emb_dimension: int
    :param emb_dimension: dimension of word embedding.

    :type verbose: boolean
    :param verbose: to print out epoch summary or not to.

    :type decay: boolean
    :param decay: decay on the learning rate if improvement stop.

    :type savemodel: boolean
    :param savemodel: save the trained model or not.

    :type normal: boolean
    :param normal: normalize word embeddings after each update or not.

    :type folder: string
    :param folder: path to the folder where results will be stored.

    # process input arguments
    param = {
        "fold": 3,
        "lr": 0.0970806646812754,
        "verbose": True,
        "decay": True,
        "win": 7,
        "nhidden": 200,
        "seed": 345,
        "emb_dimension": 50,
        "nepochs": 60,
        "savemodel": False,
        "normal": True,
        "folder": "../result",

    param_diff = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(param.keys())
    if param_diff:
        raise KeyError("invalid arguments:" + str(tuple(param_diff)))

    if param["verbose"]:
        for k, v in param.items():
            print("%s: %s" % (k, v))

    # create result folder if not exists

    # load the dataset
    print("... loading the dataset")
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load_data(param["fold"])

    # create mapping from index to label, and index to word
    idx2label = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic["labels2idx"].items())
    idx2word = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic["words2idx"].items())

    # unpack dataset
    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex, test_ne, test_y = test_set

    vocsize = len(dic["words2idx"])
    nclasses = len(dic["labels2idx"])
    nsequences = len(train_lex)

    groundtruth_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y]
    words_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]
    groundtruth_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y]
    words_test = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

    # instanciate the model

    print("... building the model")
    rnn = RNNSLU(nh=param["nhidden"], nc=nclasses, ne=vocsize, de=param["emb_dimension"], cs=param["win"])

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    print("... training")
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    param["clr"] = param["lr"]
    for e in range(param["nepochs"]):

        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], param["seed"])

        param["ce"] = e
        tic = timeit.default_timer()

        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(train_lex, train_y)):
            rnn.train(x, y, param["win"], param["clr"])
            print("[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%" % (e, (i + 1) * 100.0 / nsequences), end=" ")
            print("completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r" % (timeit.default_timer() - tic), end="")

        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        predictions_test = [
            map(lambda x: idx2label[x], rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, param["win"])).astype("int32")))
            for x in test_lex
        predictions_valid = [
            map(lambda x: idx2label[x], rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, param["win"])).astype("int32")))
            for x in valid_lex
        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        res_test = conlleval(
            predictions_test, groundtruth_test, words_test, param["folder"] + "/current.test.txt", param["folder"]
        res_valid = conlleval(
            predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid, words_valid, param["folder"] + "/current.valid.txt", param["folder"]

        if res_valid["f1"] > best_f1:

            if param["savemodel"]:

            best_rnn = copy.deepcopy(rnn)
            best_f1 = res_valid["f1"]

            if param["verbose"]:
                print("NEW BEST: epoch", e, "valid F1", res_valid["f1"], "best test F1", res_test["f1"])

            param["vf1"], param["tf1"] = res_valid["f1"], res_test["f1"]
            param["vp"], param["tp"] = res_valid["p"], res_test["p"]
            param["vr"], param["tr"] = res_valid["r"], res_test["r"]
            param["be"] = e

            os.rename(param["folder"] + "/current.test.txt", param["folder"] + "/best.test.txt")
            os.rename(param["folder"] + "/current.valid.txt", param["folder"] + "/best.valid.txt")
            if param["verbose"]:

        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if param["decay"] and abs(param["be"] - param["ce"]) >= 10:
            param["clr"] *= 0.5
            rnn = best_rnn

        if param["clr"] < 1e-5:

        "BEST RESULT: epoch",
        "valid F1",
        "best test F1",
        "with the model",

    return rnn, idx2word
Example #2
def test_rnnslu_n(**kwargs):
    Wrapper function for training and testing RNNSLU

    :type fold: int
    :param fold: fold index of the ATIS dataset, from 0 to 4.

    :type lr: float
    :param lr: learning rate used (factor for the stochastic gradient.

    :type nepochs: int
    :param nepochs: maximal number of epochs to run the optimizer.

    :type win: int
    :param win: number of words in the context window.

    :type nhidden: int
    :param n_hidden: number of hidden units.

    :type emb_dimension: int
    :param emb_dimension: dimension of word embedding.

    :type verbose: boolean
    :param verbose: to print out epoch summary or not to.

    :type decay: boolean
    :param decay: decay on the learning rate if improvement stop.

    :type savemodel: boolean
    :param savemodel: save the trained model or not.

    :type normal: boolean
    :param normal: normalize word embeddings after each update or not.

    :type folder: string
    :param folder: path to the folder where results will be stored.

    # process input arguments
    param = {
        'fold': 3,
        'lr': 0.0970806646812754,
        'verbose': True,
        'decay': True,
        'win': 7,
        'nhidden': 200,
        'seed': 345,
        'emb_dimension': 50,
        'nepochs': 60,
        'savemodel': False,
        'normal': True,
        'folder': '../result'
    param_diff = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(param.keys())
    if param_diff:
        raise KeyError("invalid arguments:" + str(tuple(param_diff)))

    if param['verbose']:
        for k, v in param.items():
            print("%s: %s" % (k, v))

    # create result folder if not exists

    # load the dataset
    print('... loading the dataset')
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load_data(param['fold'])

    # create mapping from index to label, and index to word
    idx2label = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['labels2idx'].items())
    idx2word = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['words2idx'].items())

    # unpack dataset
    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex, test_ne, test_y = test_set

    vocsize = len(dic['words2idx'])
    nclasses = len(dic['labels2idx'])
    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    groundtruth_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y]
    words_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]
    groundtruth_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y]
    words_test = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

    # instanciate the model

    print('... building the model')
    rnn = RNNSLU_n(nh=param['nhidden'],

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    print('... training')
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    param['clr'] = param['lr']
    for e in range(param['nepochs']):

        # shuffle
        shuffle_rnn([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], param['seed'])

        param['ce'] = e
        tic = timeit.default_timer()

        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(train_lex, train_y)):
            rnn.train(x, y, param['win'], param['clr'])
            print('[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' %
                  (e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences),
                  end=' ')
            print('completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r' %
                  (timeit.default_timer() - tic),

        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        predictions_test = [
                lambda x: idx2label[x],
            for x in test_lex
        predictions_valid = [
                lambda x: idx2label[x],
            for x in valid_lex

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        res_test = conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, words_test,
                             param['folder'] + '/current.test.txt',
        res_valid = conlleval(predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid,
                              param['folder'] + '/current.valid.txt',

        if res_valid['f1'] > best_f1:

            if param['savemodel']:

            best_rnn = copy.deepcopy(rnn)
            best_f1 = res_valid['f1']

            if param['verbose']:
                print('NEW BEST: epoch', e, 'valid F1', res_valid['f1'],
                      'best test F1', res_test['f1'])

            param['vf1'], param['tf1'] = res_valid['f1'], res_test['f1']
            param['vp'], param['tp'] = res_valid['p'], res_test['p']
            param['vr'], param['tr'] = res_valid['r'], res_test['r']
            param['be'] = e

            os.rename(param['folder'] + '/current.test.txt',
                      param['folder'] + '/best.test.txt')
            os.rename(param['folder'] + '/current.valid.txt',
                      param['folder'] + '/best.valid.txt')
            if param['verbose']:

        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if param['decay'] and abs(param['be'] - param['ce']) >= 10:
            param['clr'] *= 0.5
            rnn = best_rnn

        if param['clr'] < 1e-5:

    print('BEST RESULT: epoch', param['be'], 'valid F1', param['vf1'],
          'best test F1', param['tf1'], 'with the model', param['folder'])

    return rnn, dic
def test_lstm(**kwargs):

    # process input arguments
    param = {
        'fold': 3,
        'lr': 0.1,
        'verbose': True,
        'decay': True,
        'win': 3,
        'nhidden1': 300,
        'nhidden2': 0,
        'seed': 345,
        'emb_dimension': 50,
        'nepochs': 20,
        'savemodel': False,
        'folder': '../result'
    param_diff = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(param.keys())
    if param_diff:
        raise KeyError("invalid arguments:" + str(tuple(param_diff)))

    if param['verbose']:
        for k, v in param.items():
            print("%s: %s" % (k, v))

    # create result folder if not exists

    # load the dataset
    print('... loading the dataset')
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load_data(param['fold'])

    # create mapping from index to label, and index to word
    idx2label = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['labels2idx'].items())
    idx2word = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['words2idx'].items())

    train_lex_temp, train_ne, train_y_temp = train_set
    valid_lex_temp, valid_ne, valid_y_temp = valid_set
    test_lex_temp, test_ne, test_y_temp = test_set

    train_lex = (7) * numpy.ones((len(train_lex_temp), 30))
    for i in range(len(train_lex_temp)):
        for j in range(min(30, len(train_lex_temp[i]))):
            train_lex[i][j] = train_lex_temp[i][j]

    test_lex = (7) * numpy.ones((len(test_lex_temp), 30))
    for i in range(len(test_lex_temp)):
        for j in range(min(30, len(test_lex_temp[i]))):
            test_lex[i][j] = test_lex_temp[i][j]

    valid_lex = (7) * numpy.ones((len(valid_lex_temp), 30))
    for i in range(len(valid_lex_temp)):
        for j in range(min(30, len(valid_lex_temp[i]))):
            valid_lex[i][j] = valid_lex_temp[i][j]

    train_y = 126 * numpy.ones((len(train_y_temp), 30))
    for i in range(len(train_y_temp)):
        for j in range(min(30, len(train_y_temp[i]))):
            train_y[i][j] = train_y_temp[i][j]

    test_y = 126 * numpy.ones((len(test_y_temp), 30))
    for i in range(len(test_y_temp)):
        for j in range(min(30, len(test_y_temp[i]))):
            test_y[i][j] = test_y_temp[i][j]

    valid_y = 126 * numpy.ones((len(valid_y_temp), 30))
    for i in range(len(valid_y_temp)):
        for j in range(min(30, len(valid_y_temp[i]))):
            valid_y[i][j] = valid_y_temp[i][j]

    vocsize = len(dic['words2idx'])
    nclasses = len(dic['labels2idx'])
    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    groundtruth_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y]
    words_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]
    groundtruth_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y]
    words_test = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

    # instanciate the model

    # TODO
    print('... building the model')
    rnn = LSTM(nh=param['nhidden1'],

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    print('... training')
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    param['clr'] = param['lr']
    for e in range(param['nepochs']):

        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], param['seed'])

        param['ce'] = e
        tic = timeit.default_timer()
        #print(rnn.showh2(numpy.asarray(contextwin(test_lex[0], param['win'])).astype('int32')))
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(train_lex, train_y)):
            rnn.train(x, y, param['win'], param['clr'])

            print('[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' %
                  (e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences),
                  end=' ')
            print('completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r' %
                  (timeit.default_timer() - tic),

        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        predictions_test = [
                lambda x: idx2label[x],
            for x in test_lex
        predictions_valid = [
                lambda x: idx2label[x],
            for x in valid_lex

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        res_test = conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, words_test,
                             param['folder'] + '/current.test.txt',
        res_valid = conlleval(predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid,
                              param['folder'] + '/current.valid.txt',

        if res_valid['f1'] > best_f1:

            if param['savemodel']:

            best_rnn = copy.deepcopy(rnn)
            best_f1 = res_valid['f1']

            if param['verbose']:
                print('NEW BEST: epoch', e, 'valid F1', res_valid['f1'],
                      'best test F1', res_test['f1'])

            param['vf1'], param['tf1'] = res_valid['f1'], res_test['f1']
            param['vp'], param['tp'] = res_valid['p'], res_test['p']
            param['vr'], param['tr'] = res_valid['r'], res_test['r']
            param['be'] = e

            os.rename(param['folder'] + '/current.test.txt',
                      param['folder'] + '/best.test.txt')
            os.rename(param['folder'] + '/current.valid.txt',
                      param['folder'] + '/best.valid.txt')
            if param['verbose']:

        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if param['decay'] and abs(param['be'] - param['ce']) >= 10:
            param['clr'] *= 0.5
            rnn = best_rnn

        if param['clr'] < 1e-5:

    print('BEST RESULT: epoch', param['be'], 'valid F1', param['vf1'],
          'best test F1', param['tf1'], 'with the model', param['folder'])
def test_rnnslu2(kwargs):
    Wrapper function for training and testing RNNSLU

    :type fold: int
    :param fold: fold index of the ATIS dataset, from 0 to 4.

    :type lr: float
    :param lr: learning rate used (factor for the stochastic gradient.

    :type nepochs: int
    :param nepochs: maximal number of epochs to run the optimizer.

    :type win: int
    :param win: number of words in the context window.

    :type nhidden1: int
    :param n_hidden: number of hidden units in the first hidden layer.

    :type nhidden2: int
    :param n_hidden: number of hidden units in the second hidden layer.

    :type emb_dimension: int
    :param emb_dimension: dimension of word embedding.

    :type verbose: boolean
    :param verbose: to print out epoch summary or not to.

    :type decay: boolean
    :param decay: decay on the learning rate if improvement stop.

    :type savemodel: boolean
    :param savemodel: save the trained model or not.

    :type folder: string
    :param folder: path to the folder where results will be stored.

    # process input arguments
    param = {
        'fold': 3,
        'lr': 0.0970806646812754,
        'verbose': True,
        'decay': True,
        'win': 7,
        'nhidden1': 200,
        'nhidden2': 200,
        'seed': 345,
        'emb_dimension': 50,
        'nepochs': 60,
        'savemodel': False,
        'normal': True,
    param_diff = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(param.keys())
    if param_diff:
        raise KeyError("invalid arguments:" + str(tuple(param_diff)))

    if param['verbose']:
        for k,v in param.items():
            print("%s: %s" % (k,v))

    # create result folder if not exists

    # load the dataset
    print('... loading the dataset')
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load_data(param['fold'])

    # create mapping from index to label, and index to word
    idx2label = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['labels2idx'].items())
    idx2word = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['words2idx'].items())

    # unpack dataset
    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex, test_ne, test_y = test_set

    vocsize = len(dic['words2idx'])
    nclasses = len(dic['labels2idx'])
    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    groundtruth_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y]
    words_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]
    groundtruth_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y]
    words_test = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

    # instanciate the model

    # TODO
    print('... building the model')
    rnn = RNNSLU2(nh=param['nhidden1'],

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    print('... training')
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    param['clr'] = param['lr']
    for e in range(param['nepochs']):

        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], param['seed'])

        param['ce'] = e
        tic = timeit.default_timer()

        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(train_lex, train_y)):
            rnn.train(x, y, param['win'], param['clr'])
            print('[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' % (
                e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences), end=' ')
            print('completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r' % (timeit.default_timer() - tic), end='')

        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        predictions_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x],
                            contextwin(x, param['win'])).astype('int32')))
                            for x in test_lex]
        predictions_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x],
                             contextwin(x, param['win'])).astype('int32')))
                             for x in valid_lex]

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        res_test = conlleval(predictions_test,
                             param['folder'] + '/current.test.txt',
        res_valid = conlleval(predictions_valid,
                              param['folder'] + '/current.valid.txt',

        if res_valid['f1'] > best_f1:

            if param['savemodel']:

            best_rnn = copy.deepcopy(rnn)
            best_f1 = res_valid['f1']

            if param['verbose']:
                print('NEW BEST: epoch', e,
                      'valid F1', res_valid['f1'],
                      'best test F1', res_test['f1'])

            param['vf1'], param['tf1'] = res_valid['f1'], res_test['f1']
            param['vp'], param['tp'] = res_valid['p'], res_test['p']
            param['vr'], param['tr'] = res_valid['r'], res_test['r']
            param['be'] = e

            os.rename(param['folder'] + '/current.test.txt',
                      param['folder'] + '/best.test.txt')
            os.rename(param['folder'] + '/current.valid.txt',
                      param['folder'] + '/best.valid.txt')
            if param['verbose']:

        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if param['decay'] and abs(param['be']-param['ce']) >= 10:
            param['clr'] *= 0.5
            rnn = best_rnn

        if param['clr'] < 1e-5:

    print('BEST RESULT: epoch', param['be'],
           'valid F1', param['vf1'],
           'best test F1', param['tf1'],
           'with the model', param['folder'])
Example #5
def k_means(X=None, init_c=None, n_iters=50):

        X: 2D data points, shape [2, N].
        init_c: initial centroids, shape [2, 2]. Each column is a centroid.
        c: shape [2, 2]. Each column is a centroid.

    if X is None:
        X, init_c = hw4_utils.load_data()

    # Note that K = init_c.shape[1] = 2

    # Iterate k-Means updates
    for i in range(0, n_iters):

        # Save variables mu_1, mu_2 to update the cluster centers later
        # and compare with the previous two cluster centers to check for
        # convergence
        mu_1 = torch.zeros(init_c.shape[0])
        mu_2 = torch.zeros(init_c.shape[0])

        # Find responsibilities for each data point and find the set of points in each cluster
        x1, x2 = [], []
        for j in range(0, X.shape[1]):
            mindist, argmin = -1, -1
            for k in range(0, init_c.shape[1]):
                curdist = torch.dist(init_c[:, k], X[:, j]).item()
                if (mindist < 0 or curdist < mindist):
                    mindist = curdist
                    argmin = k
            for k in range(0, init_c.shape[1]):
                if (k == argmin):
                    if (k == 0):
                        x1.append(X[:, j])
                        x2.append(X[:, j])

        # Get x-coordinates of points in 1st cluster
        x11 = [x1[i][0] for i in range(0, len(x1))]
        # Get y-coordinates of points in 1st cluster
        x12 = [x1[i][1] for i in range(0, len(x1))]
        # Get x-coordinates of points in 2nd cluster
        x21 = [x2[i][0] for i in range(0, len(x2))]
        # Get y-coordinates of points in 2nd cluster
        x22 = [x2[i][1] for i in range(0, len(x2))]
        # Change x1 and x2 into matrices of points that contain exactly the points in the 1st cluster
        # and the points in the 2nd cluster, respectively
        x1 = torch.FloatTensor([x11, x12])
        x2 = torch.FloatTensor([x21, x22])

        # Plot clusterings
        c1 = torch.FloatTensor([[init_c[0][0]], [init_c[1][0]]])
        c2 = torch.FloatTensor([[init_c[0][1]], [init_c[1][1]]])
        hw4_utils.vis_cluster(c1, x1, c2, x2, i)

        # Find new kth cluster center for all k
        sum_vector = torch.zeros(X.shape[0])
        for j in range(0, x1.shape[1]):
            sum_vector += x1[:, j]
        mu_1 = (1 / (x1.shape[1])) * (sum_vector)

        sum_vector = torch.zeros(X.shape[0])
        for j in range(0, x2.shape[1]):
            sum_vector += x2[:, j]
        mu_2 = (1 / (x2.shape[1])) * (sum_vector)

        # Check if algorithm converged, and if it did, then output necessary information and halt the algorithm
        if ((torch.eq(mu_1, init_c[:, 0]).all().item())
                and (torch.eq(mu_2, init_c[:, 1]).all().item())):
            print(f"Number of updates needed for convergence was {i}")
            output = 0
            for j in range(0, x1.shape[1]):
                output += torch.dist(init_c[:, 0], x1[:, j]).item()
            for j in range(0, x2.shape[1]):
                output += torch.dist(init_c[:, 1], x2[:, j]).item()

                f"Algorithm converged to cost function value of {(1/2)*(output)}"
            print(f"Cluster centroids ended up being {mu_1} and {mu_2}")
            return init_c

        # Else if not converged yet, then update cluster centers
        init_c[:, 0] = mu_1
        init_c[:, 1] = mu_2

        # Check if algorithm did not converge after n_iters iterations (hence there was too much numerical imprecision)
        if (i == (n_iters) - 1):
            print("Due to numerical imprecision, algorithm did not converge")
            return init_c