Example #1
    def _Handle(self, channel: types.Channel, unused_user: str, symbols: str):
        symbols = symbols or 'GOOG,GOOGL'
        symbols = self._core.stocks.ParseSymbols(symbols)
        quotes = self._core.stocks.Quotes(symbols)
        if not quotes:
            if symbols[0].upper() == self._core.nick.upper():
                return (
                    'You can\'t buy a sentient AI for some vague promise of future '
                    'value, peon.')
                return (
                    'You can\'t trade money for %s openly, try the black market.'
                    % symbols[0])

        responses = []
        if len(quotes) > 5:
                'Only displaying 5 quotes, I\'m a(n) %s not a financial advisor'
                % self._core.nick)
        histories = self._core.stocks.History(symbols)
        for symbol, quote in list(quotes.items())[:5]:
            history = histories.get(symbol)
            change_str = '%0.2f (%0.2f%%)' % (quote.change, quote.percent)
            if quote.change > 0:
                change_str = util_lib.Colorize(u'⬆ %s' % change_str, 'green')
            elif quote.change < 0:
                change_str = util_lib.Colorize(u'⬇ %s' % change_str, 'red')
            if history:
                change_str += ' %s' % util_lib.Sparkline(history)
            responses.append('One share of %s is currently worth %0.2f [%s]' %
                             (symbol, quote.price, change_str))
        return responses
Example #2
    def _Handle(self, channel: channel_pb2.Channel, user: user_pb2.User,
                target_user: user_pb2.User) -> hype_types.CommandResponse:
        now = arrow.utcnow()
        recent_transactions = self._core.bank.GetTransactions(target_user)
        if not recent_transactions:
            return '%s doesn\'t believe in the HypeCoin economy.' % target_user.display_name

        responses = [
            'Recent HypeCoin Transactions for %s' % target_user.display_name
        for tx in recent_transactions[:5]:
            amount = util_lib.FormatHypecoins(tx.amount)
            if tx.amount < 0:
                amount = util_lib.Colorize(f'{amount}', 'red')
                direction = 'to'
            elif tx.amount > 0:
                amount = util_lib.Colorize(f'+{amount}', 'green')
                direction = 'from'
                amount = amount
                direction = 'with'

            ago = util_lib.TimeDeltaToHumanDuration(
                now - arrow.get(tx.create_time.ToSeconds()))
                f'{amount} {direction} {tx.counterparty.display_name} '
                f'{ago} ago [{tx.details}]')
        return responses
Example #3
 def _InfoField(self,
     value_str = '{:,}'.format(value)
     percent = delta / (value - delta)
     if percent > 0:
         color = 'green' if up_is_good else 'red'
         value_str += util_lib.Colorize('⬆{:,} ({:.1%})'.format(
             delta, percent),
     elif percent < 0:
         color = 'red' if up_is_good else 'green'
         value_str += util_lib.Colorize('⬇{:,} ({:.1%})'.format(
             delta, percent),
     if population:
         percent = float(value) / population
         if percent >= 0.0005:
             value_str += ' [{:.1%} of the population]'.format(percent)
     return message_pb2.Card.Field(title=title, text=value_str)
Example #4
  def _Handle(self, channel, user, account, tx_user):
    tx_user = tx_user or user
    if tx_user == 'me':
      tx_user = user
    tx_user = _GetUserAccount(tx_user, account)
    now = arrow.utcnow()
    recent_transactions = self._core.bank.GetTransactions(tx_user)
    if not recent_transactions:
      return '%s doesn\'t believe in the HypeCoin economy.' % tx_user

    responses = ['Recent HypeCoin Transactions for %s' % tx_user]
    for tx in recent_transactions[:5]:
      if tx_user == tx.get('source'):
        base_tx_description = ' {} to {} %s ago [%s]'.format(
            util_lib.Colorize('-%s', 'red'), tx.get('destination', 'unknown'))
        base_tx_description = ' {} from {} %s ago [%s]'.format(
            util_lib.Colorize('+%s', 'green'), tx.get('source', 'unknown'))

      time_delta = now - arrow.get(tx.get('ts', now.timestamp))
      time_str = util_lib.TimeDeltaToHumanDuration(
          time_delta) if time_delta else '??'

      tx_description = base_tx_description % (
          util_lib.FormatHypecoins(tx['amount']), time_str,
          tx.get('details', 'Unknown'))
    return responses
Example #5
 def _FormatChangeStr(self, change, percent):
     if not change and not percent:
         return ''
     change_str = ' %0.2f (%0.2f%%)' % (change, percent)
     if change > 0:
         change_str = util_lib.Colorize('⬆%s' % change_str, 'green')
     elif change < 0:
         change_str = util_lib.Colorize('⬇%s' % change_str, 'red')
     return change_str
Example #6
  def GetSchedule(self, subcommand, include_playoffs, num_games=5):
    """Get the schedule for the specified region or team."""
    qualifier = 'All'
    display_qualifier = 'All'
    with self._lock:
      if subcommand in self.teams:
        qualifier = self.teams[subcommand].team_id
        display_qualifier = self.teams[subcommand].name
      if subcommand in self.leagues:
        qualifier = self.leagues[subcommand].league_id
        display_qualifier = self.leagues[subcommand].name

    now = arrow.utcnow()

    schedule = []
    livestream_links = self.GetLivestreamLinks()
    for match in self.schedule:
      if self._MatchIsInteresting(match, qualifier, now, include_playoffs):
        # If the game is in the future, add a livestream link if one exists. If
        # the game is considered live, add either an existing livestream link or
        # the fallback link.
        if match.time > now:
          if match.time == arrow.Arrow.max:
            # This means rito hasn't scheduled this match yet
            date_time = 'TBD'
            local_time = match.time.to(self._timezone)
            date_time = local_time.strftime('%a %m/%d %I:%M%p %Z')
          if match.match_id in livestream_links:
            date_time += ' - %s' % livestream_links[match.match_id]
          date_time = 'LIVE'
          if match.match_id in livestream_links:
            date_time += ' - %s' % livestream_links[match.match_id]
        num_games_str = ''
        if match.games:
          num_games_str = 'Bo%s - ' % len(match.games)
        blue_team = self.MatchTeamName(match.blue)
        blue_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(blue_team), 'blue')
        red_team = self.MatchTeamName(match.red)
        red_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(red_team), 'red')
        schedule.append('{} v {}: {}{}'.format(blue_team, red_team,
                                               num_games_str, date_time))
        if len(schedule) >= num_games:

    if not schedule:
      schedule = [messages.SCHEDULE_NO_GAMES_STRING]
      qualifier = 'No'
      display_qualifier = 'No'
    return schedule[:num_games], display_qualifier
Example #7
    def GetSchedule(self, subcommand, include_playoffs, num_games=5):
        """Get the schedule for the specified region or team."""
        qualifier = 'All'
        if subcommand in [t['acronym'] for t in self.teams.values()]:
            qualifier = subcommand
        qualifier = self._AliasToRegion(subcommand) or qualifier

        now = arrow.utcnow()
        query_params = {'num_games': num_games, 'include_completed': False}
        schedule_data = self._proxy.FetchJson(
            ESPORTS_API_BASE_URL + 'schedule/%s' % qualifier, query_params)

        schedule = []
        livestream_links = self.GetLivestreamLinks()
        for match in schedule_data.get('matches', []):
            # Parse the match time into an Arrow object. Yay for serialization.
            match['time'] = arrow.get(match['time'])
            if self._MatchIsInteresting(match, qualifier, now,
                # If the game is in the future, add a livestream link if one exists. If
                # the game is considered live, add either an existing livestream link or
                # the fallback link.
                if match['time'] > now:
                    if match['time'] == arrow.Arrow.max:
                        # This means rito hasn't scheduled this match yet
                        date_time = 'TBD'
                        local_time = match['time'].to(self._timezone)
                        date_time = local_time.strftime('%a %m/%d %I:%M%p %Z')
                    if match['id'] in livestream_links:
                        date_time += ' - %s' % livestream_links[match['id']]
                    date_time = 'LIVE - ' + (livestream_links.get(
                        match['id']) or messages.FALLBACK_LIVESTREAM_LINK)
                num_games_str = ''
                if match['num_games']:
                    num_games_str = 'Bo%s - ' % match['num_games']
                blue_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(match['blue']),
                red_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(match['red']),
                schedule.append('{} v {}: {}{}'.format(blue_team, red_team,
                if len(schedule) >= num_games:

        if not schedule:
            schedule = [messages.SCHEDULE_NO_GAMES_STRING]
            qualifier = 'No'
        return schedule[:num_games], qualifier
Example #8
  def GetResults(self, subcommand, num_games=5):
    """Get the results of past games for the specified region or team."""
    qualifier = 'All'
    display_qualifier = 'All'
    is_team = False
    with self._lock:
      if subcommand in self.teams:
        qualifier = self.teams[subcommand].team_id
        display_qualifier = self.teams[subcommand].name
        is_team = True
      if subcommand in self.leagues:
        qualifier = self.leagues[subcommand].league_id
        display_qualifier = self.leagues[subcommand].name
        is_team = False

    results = []
    # Shallow copy so we don't actually reverse the schedule
    tmp_schedule = self.schedule[:]
    for match in tmp_schedule:
      if self._ResultIsInteresting(match, qualifier):
        blue_team = self.MatchTeamName(match.blue)
        blue_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(blue_team), 'blue')
        red_team = self.MatchTeamName(match.red)
        red_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(red_team), 'red')
        is_tie = match.winner == 'TIE'
        if is_team:
          winner_msg = 'Tie' if is_tie else (
              'Won!' if match.winner == qualifier else 'Lost')
          winner_msg = '{} {}'.format(
              match.winner if is_tie else util_lib.Colorize(
                  'red' if match.red == match.winner else 'blue'),
              ':^)' if is_tie else 'wins!')
        results.append('{} v {}: {}'.format(blue_team, red_team, winner_msg))
        if len(results) >= num_games:

    return results[:num_games], display_qualifier
Example #9
    def GetResults(self, subcommand, num_games=5):
        """Get the results of past games for the specified region or team."""
        qualifier = 'All'
        is_team = False
        if subcommand in [t['acronym'] for t in self.teams.values()]:
            qualifier = subcommand
            is_team = True
        region_qualifier = self._AliasToRegion(subcommand)
        if region_qualifier:
            qualifier = region_qualifier
            is_team = False

        results = []
        # Shallow copy so we don't actually reverse the schedule
        tmp_schedule = self.schedule[:]
        for match in tmp_schedule:
            if self._ResultIsInteresting(match, qualifier):
                blue_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(match['blue']),
                red_team = util_lib.Colorize('{:3}'.format(match['red']),
                is_tie = match['winner'] == 'TIE'
                if is_team:
                    winner_msg = 'Won!' if match[
                        'winner'] == qualifier else 'Lost'
                    winner_msg = '{} {}'.format(
                        match['winner'] if is_tie else util_lib.Colorize(
                            '{:3}'.format(match['winner']), 'red'
                            if match['red'] == match['winner'] else 'blue'),
                        ':^)' if is_tie else 'wins!')
                results.append('{} v {}: {}'.format(blue_team, red_team,
                if len(results) >= num_games:

        return results[:num_games], qualifier
Example #10
def FormatBean(bean_data: coffee_pb2.Bean,
               uppercase: bool = False,
               count: int = 1) -> Text:
    """Given a bean, returns a pretty string for output."""
    rarity = bean_data.rarity
    rarity_str = rarity
    if uppercase:
        rarity_str = rarity.title()
    if rarity in _RARITY_COLORS:
        rarity_str = util_lib.Colorize(rarity_str,
    count_str = ''
    if count > 1:
        count_str = '%d ' % count
    return '%s%s %s beans from %s' % (count_str, rarity_str, bean_data.variety,
Example #11
    def _FormatTemp(self, temp_f, unit):
        color = ''
        if temp_f <= 10:
            color = 'cyan'
        elif temp_f <= 32:
            color = 'blue'
        elif temp_f >= 100:
            color = 'red'
        elif temp_f >= 80:
            color = 'orange'

        if unit == 'C':
            raw_str = '%.1f°C' % ((temp_f - 32) * 5 / 9)
        elif unit == 'K':
            raw_str = '%.1fK' % ((temp_f - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15)
            raw_str = '%.0f°F' % temp_f
        return util_lib.Colorize(raw_str, color, irc=False)