def test_smash_words_together():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml', lang='es')
    line = "Tú el alfarero, yo el barro soy."
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line, 9, mst, lang='es')
    assert "Tú~el al -- fa -- re -- ro, yo~el ba -- rro soy." in result
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line, 8, mst, lang='es')
    assert [] == result
def test_alternates():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml')
    line = "offering offering"
    assert "off -- ering off -- ering" in textToFlex.syllabizeLine(
        line, 4, mst)
    off5 = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line, 5, mst)
    assert "of -- fer -- ing off -- ering" in off5
    assert "off -- ering of -- fer -- ing" in off5
def test_multiTokenize_plural_bug():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml')
    off = list(mst.multiTokenize('offerings'))
    assert ['off', 'erings'] in off
    assert ['of', 'fer', 'ings'] in off
    off = list(mst.multiTokenize('offerings'))
    assert ['off', 'erings'] in off
    assert ['of', 'fer', 'ings'] in off
def test_reformat_singular():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml')
    line = "All? all."
    syllabized = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line, 2, mst)
    assert [line] == syllabized

    line2 = "all, All!"
    syllabized2 = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line2, 2, mst)
    assert [line2] == syllabized2
def test_reformat_function():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml')
    assert ["All?"] == mst.reformat(["all"], "All?")
    assert ["ALL?"] == mst.reformat(["all"], "ALL?")
    assert ["Cal", "v\u2019ry\u2019s"] == mst.reformat(["cal", "v'ry's"],
    assert ["Cal", "v'ry\u2019s"] == mst.reformat(["cal", "v'ry's"],
    ordered = "\u2018'\u2019"
    assert [ordered] == mst.reformat(["'''"], ordered)
    assert ["'Tis"] == mst.reformat(["'tis"], "'Tis")
def test_spanishTokenize():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml', lang='es')
    # Two strong vowels (see TODO for double-l)
    assert len(["to", "a", "lla"]) == len(mst._spanishTokenize("toalla"))
    # Weak + Strong vowel
    assert ["i", "gua", "na"] == mst._spanishTokenize("iguana")
    # Two weak vowels
    assert ["rei", "na"] == mst._spanishTokenize("reina")
    # Accented vowel
    assert ["tí", "o"] == mst._spanishTokenize("tío")
    # Ending consonant
    assert ["com", "pre", "sar"] == mst._spanishTokenize("compresar")
def test_cjk_syllabize():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml', lang='zh')
    c = '聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,慈悲全能主宰,'
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(c, 12, mst, lang='zh')
    assert '聖 -- 哉, 聖 -- 哉, 聖 -- 哉, 慈 -- 悲 -- 全 -- 能 -- 主 -- 宰,' \
        in result
    j = "よろずのくにびと、 "
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(j, 8, mst, lang='ja')
    assert "よ -- ろ -- ず -- の -- く -- に -- び -- と、" in result
    k = "너희는 먼저- 추의 나라위"
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(k, 10, mst, lang='ko')
    assert "너 -- 희 -- 는 먼 -- 저- 추 -- 의 나 -- 라 -- 위" in result
Example #8
def guessMeter(paragraph, lang, mst=None):
    meter = ''
    if mst is None:
        mst = ttf.MultiSylT(lang=lang)
    for line in paragraph.split("\n"):
        count = 0
        words = [x.strip() for x in line.split(' ') if x.strip() != '']
        for word in words:
            if word.strip(wordSyl.puncs) != '':
                # Assuming the first word from the multiTokenizer is the best!
                count += len(mst.multiTokenize(word)[0])
        meter = meter + str(count) + "."
    return meter.strip('.')
Example #9
def main(argv):
    """ For a paragraph of text, will guess the syllables in each line,
    separated by a period, like "".
    lines = ""
    mst = ttf.MultiSylT(lang=argv[1])
    for line in fileinput.input(argv[2:]):
        if line.strip() != '':
            lines = lines + line
        elif lines.strip():
            print(guessMeter(lines.strip(), argv[1], mst))
            lines = ''
    if lines.strip():
        print(guessMeter(lines.strip(), argv[1], mst))
def test_deformat_function():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml')
    assert "all" == mst.deformat('All?')
    assert "calv'ry's" == mst.deformat("Calv\u2019ry\u2019s")
    assert "'tis" == mst.deformat("\u2018tis")
def test_smash_words_ignore_character():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml', lang='es')
    line = "te adorará todo hombre"
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line, 7, mst, lang='es')
    assert "te~a -- do -- ra -- rá to -- do~hom -- bre" in result
def test_spanish_syllabize():
    mst = textToFlex.MultiSylT('tests/dict.yaml', lang='es')
    line = "Santificado sea tu nombre"
    result = textToFlex.syllabizeLine(line, 10, mst)
    assert 'es' == mst.lang
    assert "San -- ti -- fi -- ca -- do se -- a tu nom -- bre" in result