def _tensor_splits(draw): lengths = draw(st.lists(st.integers(1, 5), min_size=1, max_size=10)) batch_size = draw(st.integers(1, 5)) element_pairs = [ (batch, r) for batch in range(batch_size) for r in range(len(lengths)) ] perm = draw(st.permutations(element_pairs)) perm = perm[:-1] # skip one range ranges = [[(0, 0)] * len(lengths) for _ in range(batch_size)] offset = 0 for pair in perm: ranges[pair[0]][pair[1]] = (offset, lengths[pair[1]]) offset += lengths[pair[1]] data = draw(st.lists( st.floats(min_value=-1.0, max_value=1.0), min_size=offset, max_size=offset )) key = draw(st.permutations(range(offset))) return ( np.array(data).astype(np.float32), np.array(ranges), np.array(lengths), np.array(key).astype(np.int64) )
def test_stack(data, x): perm = data.draw(permutations(x.dims)) print(perm) y = x.transpose(*perm) n = data.draw(name(x)) z = ntorch.stack([x, y], n) assert set(z.dims) == set(x.dims) | set([n])
def python(draw): interesting = draw(st.lists(composite_statement, min_size=1)) boring = draw(st.lists(statement, min_size=0)) padding_lines = [""] * draw(st.integers(0, 100)) return ("\n".join( draw(st.permutations(interesting + boring + padding_lines))).strip() + "\n")
def complete_ranked_ballots(min_cands=3, max_cands=256, min_voters=1, max_voters=1000): n_cands = integers(min_value=min_cands, max_value=max_cands) return n_cands.flatmap(lambda n: lists( permutations(range(n)), min_size=min_voters, max_size=max_voters))
def invalid_rgb(draw: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: v0 = draw( st.one_of(st.integers(max_value=-1), st.integers(min_value=0x100))) v1 = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=0xFF)) v2 = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=0xFF)) [r, g, b] = draw(st.permutations([v0, v1, v2])) return (r, g, b)
def mask_strategy(draw): dimension = draw(hyp_st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=4)) mask_strats = [] shape_strats = [] default_origin_strats = [] for i in range(dimension): shape_strats = shape_strats + [ hyp_st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=64) ] mask_strats = mask_strats + [hyp_st.booleans()] shape = draw(hyp_st.tuples(*shape_strats)) for i in range(dimension): default_origin_strats = default_origin_strats + [ hyp_st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=min(32, shape[i] - 1)) ] default_origin = draw(hyp_st.tuples(*default_origin_strats)) mask = draw( hyp_st.one_of( hyp_st.just(None), hyp_st.tuples(*mask_strats), hyp_st.permutations(([True] * dimension) + ( [False] * draw(hyp_st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)))), )) return dict(shape=shape, default_origin=default_origin, mask=mask)
def circuits(draw, min_qubits, max_qubits, min_length, max_length, allowed_gates=allowed_gates, use_all_allowed_gates=False): length = draw(integers(min_value=min_length, max_value=max_length)) num_qubits = draw(integers(min_value=min_qubits, max_value=max_qubits)) if use_all_allowed_gates: circuit_gates = draw(permutations(allowed_gates)) assert min_length >= len(allowed_gates) max_gate_qubits = max((x.nqubit for x in circuit_gates)) assert min_qubits >= max_gate_qubits circuit_gates = draw( lists(gates(allowed_gates), min_size=length, max_size=length).filter( lambda x: all([y.nqubit <= num_qubits for y in x]))) result = Circuit() for gate in circuit_gates: qubits = draw( lists(integers(min_value=0, max_value=num_qubits - 1), min_size=gate.nqubit, max_size=gate.nqubit, unique=True)) result.add_gate(gate, tuple(qubits)) return result
def hier_object_data(draw, param_list=None, total_bbox=None): """ Pseudo randomly generate data than models annotations of objects. DRAW is provided by the hypothesis library and is used to choose parameters. PARAM_LIST is a list of lists of ObjectStrategyParam namedtuples or a list of lists of tuples of ObjectStrategyParam namedtuples. The default for PARAM_LIST is HIERARCHY_PARAM. TOTAL_BBOX is a bounding box of all objects and defaults to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). See for more explanation. """ if param_list is None: param_list = HIERARCHY_PARAM # for consistency, make always param_list be a list of lists of tuples param_list = [[ tuple([j]) if isinstance(j, ObjectStrategyParam) else j for j in i ] for i in param_list] params = draw(st.one_of([st.just(i) for i in param_list])) if total_bbox is None: total_bbox = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) objects = [] parents_children = defaultdict(list) create_parents_and_children(draw, params, total_bbox, objects, parents_children) find_parents_children(objects, parents_children, params) find_additional_duplicates(objects, parents_children) objects = draw(st.permutations(objects)) # shuffle return objects
def gen_rewrite(draw, hypergraph, signature=DEFAULT_SIGNATURE, num_add_nodes=(0, 5), num_add_hyperedges=(0, 20), num_remove=(0, 10), num_merge=(0, 10)): add_nodes = [Node() for i in range(draw(gen_number(num_add_nodes)))] nodes = list(hypergraph.nodes()) hyperedges = list(hypergraph.hyperedges()) add_hyperedges = [] remove = [] merge = [] if nodes or add_nodes: add_hyperedges = draw(gen_list(gen_hyperedge(add_nodes + nodes, signature=signature), num_add_hyperedges)) if nodes or hyperedges: remove = draw(gen_list(hyperedges, num_remove)) if nodes: merge = draw(gen_list(strategies.tuples(strategies.sampled_from(nodes), strategies.sampled_from(nodes)), num_merge)) if draw(strategies.booleans()): add_size = len(add_nodes) + len(add_hyperedges) add = draw(gen_list(add_nodes + add_hyperedges, add_size)) else: add = draw(strategies.permutations(add_nodes + add_hyperedges)) return {'remove': remove, 'add': add, 'merge': merge}
def test_permute(data, t1): permutation = data.draw(permutations(range(len(t1.shape)))) def permute(a): return a.permute(*permutation) grad_check(permute, t1)
def complete_graph_fundamental_cycles(draw): n = draw(integers(3, 12)) G = EdgeLabelledGraph(graphs.CompleteGraph(n)) u = draw(sampled_from(G)) found = {u} tree_edges = set() while len(found) < len(G): v = draw(sampled_from(G.neighbors(u))) if not v in found: found.add(v) e = G.edge_label(u, v) tree_edges.add((u, v, e)) u = v tree_edge_labels = {e for _, _, e in tree_edges} def find_cycle(e): return [ label for _, _, label in G.subgraph( edges=tree_edges | {e}).is_forest(certificate=True, output='edge')[1] ] cycles = [find_cycle(e) for e in G.edges() if e[2] not in tree_edge_labels] cycles = draw(permutations(cycles)) return G, cycles
def test_cat(data, x): perm = data.draw(permutations(x.dims)) y = x.transpose(*perm) for s in set(x.dims) & set(y.dims): c =[x, y], dim=s) c =[x, c], dim=s) c =[c, x, y], dim=s) print(c)
def sub_lists(sequence: Sequence[Domain], *, min_size: int = 0, max_size: Optional[int] = None) -> SearchStrategy[List[Domain]]: if max_size is None: max_size = len(sequence) return strategies.builds( getitem, strategies.permutations(sequence), strategies.builds(slice, strategies.integers(min_size, max_size)))
def enabled_runtime_settings_names(draw): shared = draw(shared_config()) names = configurable_names(shared) if names: mixed = draw(st.permutations(names)) cutoff = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=len(mixed))) return mixed[:cutoff] else: return []
def test_permute(backend, data): "Check permutations for all backends." t1 = data.draw(tensors(backend=shared[backend])) permutation = data.draw(permutations(range(len(t1.shape)))) def permute(a): return a.permute(*permutation) minitorch.grad_check(permute, t1)
def io_pair_strat_comp(draw): n, node_list, output_node_list = draw(sampled_from(NODE_MASTER_LIST)) output_strat = lists(sampled_from(output_node_list), min_size=3, max_size=10) ordering = draw(permutations(node_list)) possible_edges = list(combinations(ordering, 2)) edges_strat = lists(sampled_from(possible_edges), min_size=2, unique=True) dag_strat = builds(DAG, edge_tuples=edges_strat) return draw(tuples(dag_strat, output_strat))
def test_simple_addition_twice(data): for congruence in [True, False]: h1 = Hypergraph(congruence=congruence) h2 = Hypergraph(congruence=congruence) to_add1 = data.draw(PE.gen_simple_addition()) to_add2 = data.draw(PE.gen_simple_addition()) h1.rewrite(add=to_add1) h2.rewrite(add=data.draw(strategies.permutations(to_add1))) h1.check_integrity() h1.rewrite(add=to_add2) h2.rewrite(add=data.draw(strategies.permutations(to_add2))) h1.check_integrity() assert h1.isomorphic(h2)
def multiarcs(draw, triangulation=None): if triangulation is None: triangulation = draw(triangulations()) geometric = [0] * triangulation.zeta permuted_indices = draw(st.permutations(triangulation.indices)) num_arcs = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=len(permuted_indices))) for index in permuted_indices[:num_arcs]: geometric[index] = draw(st.integers(max_value=-1)) return triangulation.lamination(geometric)
def two_strings(draw): """Generate two strings. Sometimes they are anagrams of each other""" if draw(booleans()): # Two random strings. return draw(text()), draw(text()) else: # Second string is permutation of first. s1 = draw(text()) s2 = ''.join(draw(permutations(s1))) return s1, s2
def fill(draw): ds = draw(dims(x, max_size=2)) perm = draw(permutations(range(len(ds)))) def reorder(ls): return [ls[perm[i]] for i in range(len(ls))] shape = reorder([x.shape[d] for d in ds]) np = draw(arrays(dtype, shape, integers(min_value=0, max_value=1))) return ntorch.tensor(np, names=reorder(ds)).byte()
def complete_ranked_ballots(min_cands=3, max_cands=25, min_voters=1, max_voters=100): """ Strategy to generate complete ranked ballot arrays, like those produced by elections.impartial_culture() """ n_cands = integers(min_value=min_cands, max_value=max_cands) return n_cands.flatmap(lambda n: lists( permutations(range(n)), min_size=min_voters, max_size=max_voters))
def reshapes_of(draw, shape, max_ndims=4): """Strategy for valid reshapes of the given shape, rank at most max_ndims.""" factors = draw(hps.permutations( prime_factors(tensorshape_util.num_elements(shape)))) split_points = sorted(draw( hps.lists(hps.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(factors)), min_size=0, max_size=max_ndims - 1))) result = () for start, stop in zip([0] + split_points, split_points + [len(factors)]): result += (int([start:stop])),) return result
class TestParseFilenames: def test_parses_prefix_correctly(self): filenames = [ "xxxxOrg_nye_20210128_123742.csv", "Org_nye_20210128_123742.csv", "garbagebagasdasdads", ] expected_filename = "Org_nye_20210128_123742.csv" actual = los_files.parse_filenames(filenames, "Org_nye", datetime.min) actual_filename, _ = one(actual) assert expected_filename == actual_filename def test_filters_dates_correctly(self): filenames = [ "Org_nye_20200128_123742.csv", "Org_nye_20201028_123742.csv", "Org_nye_20210128_123742.csv", ] expected = [ ("Org_nye_20201028_123742.csv", datetime(2020, 10, 28, 12, 37, 42)), ("Org_nye_20210128_123742.csv", datetime(2021, 1, 28, 12, 37, 42)), ] actual = los_files.parse_filenames(filenames, "Org_nye", datetime(2020, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0)) assert expected == actual @given( st.permutations([ "Org_nye_20210101_000000.csv", "Org_nye_20200101_000000.csv", "Org_nye_20190101_000000.csv", "Org_nye_20180101_000000.csv", ])) def test_sorts_output(self, filenames): expected_dates = [ datetime(2018, 1, 1), datetime(2019, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2021, 1, 1), ] actual = los_files.parse_filenames(filenames, "Org_nye", datetime.min) actual_dates = list(map(itemgetter(1), actual)) assert expected_dates == actual_dates
def choices(seq, size, replace=True): """Randomly choose elements from `seq`, producing a tuple of length `size`.""" if size > len(seq) and not replace: raise ValueError("`size` must not exceed the length of `seq` when `replace` is `False`") if size > len(seq) and not seq: raise ValueError("`size` must be 0, given an empty `seq`") inds = list(range(len(seq))) if replace: strat = st.tuples(*[st.sampled_from(inds)]*size) else: strat = st.permutations(inds) return x: tuple(seq[i] for i in x[:size]))
def tensor_data(draw, numbers=floats(), shape=None): if shape is None: shape = draw(shapes()) size = int( data = draw(lists(numbers, min_size=size, max_size=size)) permute = draw(permutations(range(len(shape)))) permute_shape = tuple([shape[i] for i in permute]) reverse_permute = [a[0] for a in sorted(enumerate(permute), key=lambda a: a[1])] td = minitorch.TensorData(data, permute_shape) ret = td.permute(*reverse_permute) assert ret.shape[0] == shape[0] return ret
def election(draw): """ Hypthesis strategy that returns an arbitrarily chosen election. First chooses an arbitrary number of candidates between 2 and 10 inclusive. Then chooses an arbitrary number of voters greater than 1. Then for each voter chooses an arbitrary ranking of the candidates. Returns a list of lists of the candidates ranked in order by each voter. :rtype: list of list of int """ candidates = list(range(draw(st.integers(2, 10)))) return draw(st.lists(st.permutations(candidates), min_size=1))
def _vertices_and_sites(draw: Callable[[st.SearchStrategy[T]], T] ) -> Tuple[List[Point], Set[Requirement]]: multipoint: Multipoint = draw(multipoints) slice_ = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(multipoint.points) - 1)) vertices_subset = [multipoint.points[0], *draw(st.permutations(multipoint.points[1:]))[:slice_]] requirements_ = draw(st.lists(st.fractions(min_value=MIN_REQUIREMENT), min_size=slice_ + 1, max_size=slice_ + 1)) sites = {Requirement(requirement, point=vertex) for vertex, requirement in zip(vertices_subset, requirements_)} return multipoint.points, sites
def _bad_tensor_splits(draw): lengths = draw(st.lists(st.integers(4, 6), min_size=4, max_size=4)) batch_size = 4 element_pairs = [ (batch, r) for batch in range(batch_size) for r in range(len(lengths)) ] perm = draw(st.permutations(element_pairs)) ranges = [[(0, 0)] * len(lengths) for _ in range(batch_size)] offset = 0 # Inject some bad samples depending on the batch. # Batch 2: length is set to 0. This way, 25% of the samples are empty. # Batch 0-1: length is set to half the original length. This way, 50% of the # samples are of mismatched length. for pair in perm: if pair[0] == 2: length = 0 elif pair[0] <= 1: length = lengths[pair[1]] // 2 else: length = lengths[pair[1]] ranges[pair[0]][pair[1]] = (offset, length) offset += length data = draw( st.lists( st.floats(min_value=-1.0, max_value=1.0), min_size=offset, max_size=offset ) ) key = draw(st.permutations(range(offset))) return ( np.array(data).astype(np.float32), np.array(ranges), np.array(lengths), np.array(key).astype(np.int64), )
def _to_sizes(size: int, min_element_size: int, limit: int) -> Strategy[List[int]]: max_sizes = [min_element_size] * size indices = cycle(range(size)) for _ in range(limit - size * min_element_size): max_sizes[next(indices)] += 1 sizes_ranges = [ range(min_element_size, max_element_size + 1) for max_element_size in max_sizes ] return (strategies.permutations([ strategies.sampled_from(sizes_range) for sizes_range in sizes_ranges ]).flatmap(pack(strategies.tuples)).map(list))
def io_pair_strat_trivial_comp(draw): n, node_list, output_node_list = draw(sampled_from(NODE_LIST_TRIVIAL)) output_strat = lists(sampled_from(output_node_list), min_size=MIN_OUTPUT_LEN_TRIVIAL, max_size=MAX_OUTPUT_LEN) if n < 2: return (DAG([]), draw(output_strat)) ordering = draw(permutations(node_list)) possible_edges = list(combinations(ordering, 2)) edges_strat = lists(sampled_from(possible_edges), min_size=MIN_DAG_EDGES_TRIVIAL, unique=True) dag_strat = builds(DAG, edge_tuples=edges_strat) return draw(tuples(dag_strat, output_strat))
def closed_object_set(draw): ids = { 'unit': int_keys(draw), 'organization': uuid_keys(draw), 'department': uuid_keys(draw), 'ontologyword': int_keys(draw), 'ontologytree': int_keys(draw) } resources = {} for key, identifiers in ids.items(): resources[key] = list(map(make_resource[key](draw, ids), ids[key])) resources['ontologyword_details'] = [] for unit in resources['unit']: for oid in draw(permutations(ids['ontologyword'])): resources['ontologyword_details'].append(make_ontologyword_details(draw, unit['id'], oid)) return resources
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument from hypothesis.strategies import permutations from tests.common.debug import minimal from tests.common.utils import fails_with def test_can_find_non_trivial_permutation(): x = minimal(permutations(list(range(5))), lambda x: x[0] != 0) assert x == [1, 0, 2, 3, 4] @given(permutations(list(u"abcd"))) def test_permutation_values_are_permutations(perm): assert len(perm) == 4 assert set(perm) == set(u"abcd") @given(permutations([])) def test_empty_permutations_are_empty(xs): assert xs == [] @fails_with(InvalidArgument) def test_cannot_permute_non_sequence_types(): permutations(set()).example()
def _structure_and_messages(structure): messages = ActionStructure.to_eliot(structure, MemoryLogger()) return st.permutations(messages).map( lambda permuted: (structure, permuted))
def test_cannot_permute_non_sequence_types(): permutations(set()).example()
top_level_deps = [ ('NoRedInk/top-1', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/top-2', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/top-3', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ] spec_deps = [ ('NoRedInk/top-1', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/top-2', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/spec-1', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/spec-2', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ] @given(top_level_keys=st.permutations(package_skeleton.keys()), top_level_deps=st.permutations(top_level_deps), spec_keys=st.permutations(package_skeleton.keys()), spec_deps=st.permutations(spec_deps)) def test_spec_order_is_preserved( tmpdir, top_level_keys, top_level_deps, spec_keys, spec_deps): top_level_file = tmpdir.join('elm-package.json') spec_file = tmpdir.join('spec-elm-package.json') top_level = _make_package(top_level_keys, top_level_deps) top_level_file.write(json.dumps(top_level))
def test_non_sequence_types_are_deprecated(data, xs): p = data.draw(permutations(xs)) assert xs == set(p)
top_level_deps = [ ('NoRedInk/top-1', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/top-2', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/top-3', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ] spec_deps = [ ('NoRedInk/top-1', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/top-2', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/spec-1', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ('NoRedInk/spec-2', '1.0.0 <= v <= 1.0.0'), ] @given(top_level_deps=st.permutations(top_level_deps), spec_deps=st.permutations(spec_deps)) def test_spec_order_is_preserved( tmpdir, top_level_deps, spec_deps): top_level_file = tmpdir.join('elm-native-package.json') spec_file = tmpdir.join('spec-elm-native-package.json') top_level = OrderedDict(top_level_deps) top_level_file.write(json.dumps(top_level)) spec = OrderedDict(spec_deps) spec_file.write(json.dumps(spec)) native_deps_sync.sync_versions(
def make_unit(uid): # Required fields result = { 'id': uid, 'accessibility_viewpoints': accessibility_viewpoints(draw), 'dept_id': str(draw(sampled_from(resource_ids['department']))), 'org_id': str(draw(sampled_from(resource_ids['organization']))), 'ontologytree_ids': draw(permutations(resource_ids['ontologytree'])), 'provider_type': draw(sampled_from(PROVIDER_TYPES)), 'organizer_type': draw(sampled_from(ORGANIZER_TYPES)), 'manual_coordinates': draw(booleans()), # TODO: cannot test is_public=False until there is a mechanism # for getting non-public units from the API. 'is_public': True, # TODO: map to another field } result.update(translated_field(draw, 'name', allow_missing=False)) def add_optional_field(name, strategy): val = draw(one_of(none(), strategy)) if val is not None: event('unit.{}: optional field given value'.format(name)) result[name] = val else: event('unit.{}: optional field missing'.format(name)) def add_optional_text_field(name): add_optional_field(name, text(max_size=50)) add_optional_field('address_city', sampled_from(MUNICIPALITIES)) add_optional_field('address_zip', text(max_size=10)) add_optional_field('organizer_business_id', text(max_size=10)) add_optional_field('organizer_name', text(max_size=10)) for field in ['accessibility_email', 'accessibility_www', 'email', 'fax', 'phone', 'picture_entrance_url', 'picture_url', 'streetview_entrance_url']: add_optional_text_field(field) add_optional_field('data_source_url', text(max_size=30)) result.update(translated_field(draw, 'address_postal_full', allow_missing=True)) result.update(translated_field(draw, 'call_charge_info', allow_missing=True)) result.update(translated_field(draw, 'desc', allow_missing=True)) result.update(translated_field(draw, 'picture_caption', allow_missing=True)) # Extra searchwords add_extra_searchwords(draw, result) add_optional_field('sources', lists(make_source(), min_size=1, max_size=2)) has_coordinates = draw(booleans()) if has_coordinates: result['longitude'] = draw(floats(min_value=24, max_value=26)) result['latitude'] = draw(floats(min_value=58, max_value=62)) return result
def election(draw, max_candidates=10): candidates = list(range(draw(st.integers(2, max_candidates)))) return draw( st.lists(st.permutations(candidates), min_size=1) )
def test_can_find_non_trivial_permutation(): x = find( permutations(list(range(5))), lambda x: x[0] != 0 ) assert x == [1, 0, 2, 3, 4]
# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at # # END HEADER from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import from hypothesis import find, given from hypothesis.strategies import permutations def test_can_find_non_trivial_permutation(): x = find( permutations(list(range(5))), lambda x: x[0] != 0 ) assert x == [1, 0, 2, 3, 4] @given(permutations(list(u'abcd'))) def test_permutation_values_are_permutations(perm): assert len(perm) == 4 assert set(perm) == set(u'abcd') @given(permutations([])) def test_empty_permutations_are_empty(xs): assert xs == []