def _set_marks(container: i3ipc.Con, marks: List[str]):
    container.marks = marks
    if not marks:
    container.command('mark "{}"'.format(marks[0]))
    for mark in marks[1:]:
        _add_mark(container, mark)
Example #2
 def get_workspace(self, tree: i3ipc.Con,
                   group_to_workspaces: GroupToWorkspaces) -> i3ipc.Con:
     active_group_name = self.get_group_name(tree, group_to_workspaces)
     focused_workspace = tree.find_focused().workspace()
     if get_workspace_group(focused_workspace) == active_group_name:
         return focused_workspace
     group_to_workspaces = get_group_to_workspaces(tree.workspaces())
     active_group_workspaces = next(iter(group_to_workspaces.items()))[1]
     # Return the first group which is defined as the active one.
     return active_group_workspaces[0]
def print_scratchpad_containers(tree: i3ipc.Con) -> None:
    scratchpad_workspace_id = tree.scratchpad().id
    for con in get_scratchpad_containers(tree):
        in_scratchpad = (con.workspace().id == scratchpad_workspace_id)
            [, in_scratchpad, con.window_class, con.window_instance])
    print('\n'.join('\t'.join(str(e) for e in row) for row in table))
Example #4
def get_workspace_icons_representation(workspace: i3ipc.Con) -> str:
    icon_to_count = collections.OrderedDict()
    for window in workspace.leaves():
        icon = get_window_icon(window)
        if icon not in icon_to_count:
            icon_to_count[icon] = 0
        icon_to_count[icon] += 1
    icons_texts = []
    for icon, count in icon_to_count.items():
        if count < 3:
            icon_text = ' '.join(icon for i in range(count))
            icon_text = '{}x{}'.format(count, icon)
    return ' '.join(icons_texts)
Example #5
 def get_workspace_icons(self, workspace: i3ipc.Con) -> str:
     icon_to_count = collections.OrderedDict()
     for window in workspace.leaves():
         icon = self.get_window_icon(window)
         if icon not in icon_to_count:
             icon_to_count[icon] = 0
         icon_to_count[icon] += 1
     icons_texts = []
     delim = self.config['delimiter']
     for icon, count in icon_to_count.items():
         if count < self.config['min_duplicates_count']:
             icon_text = delim.join(icon for i in range(count))
             icon_text = '{}x{}'.format(count, icon)
     return delim.join(icons_texts)
Example #6
 def get_workspace_icons(self, workspace: i3ipc.Con) -> str:
     icon_to_count = collections.OrderedDict()
     for window in workspace.leaves():
         icon = self.get_window_icon(window)
         if icon not in icon_to_count:
             icon_to_count[icon] = 0
         icon_to_count[icon] += 1
     if not icon_to_count:
         return ''
     icons_texts = []
     delim = self.config['delimiter']
     for icon, count in icon_to_count.items():
         if count < self.config['min_duplicates_count']:
             icon_text = delim.join(icon for i in range(count))
             icon_text = f'{count}x{icon}'
     prefix = self.config.get('prefix', '')
     suffix = self.config.get('suffix', '')
     return prefix + delim.join(icons_texts) + suffix
def adjust_container(container: i3ipc.Con, ideal_dim: float,
                     direction: str) -> Tuple[str, i3ipc.CommandReply, float]:
    Function to deterministically adjust a single container

        container (i3ipc.Con): i3ipc.Container to adjust
        ideal_dim (float): Target dimension in pixels
        direction (str): Direction in which growing/shrinking should happen

        msg (str): Command sent out to i3
        reply (i3ipc.CommandReply): Reply of resizing command given to i3
        diff (float): Difference metric applied in resizing
    # Retrieve dimensions of provided container
    current_dims = [container.rect.width, container.rect.height]
    # Adjust containers by either resizing rightwards or downwards
    # since i3 tree layout provides containers from left to right
    # and consequently from upwards to downwards
    if direction == "width":
        # If width is to be adjusted, compute difference and adjust
        diff = ideal_dim - current_dims[0]
        if diff >= 0:
            msg = "resize grow right %d px" % diff
            msg = "resize shrink right %d px" % abs(diff)
    elif direction == "height":
        # If height is to be adjusted, compute difference and adjust
        diff = ideal_dim - current_dims[1]
        if diff >= 0:
            msg = "resize grow down %d px" % diff
            msg = "resize shrink down %d px" % abs(diff)
    # Capture the reply of the command to check success
    reply = container.command(msg)
    # Return both reply and the actual message, in case an error occurs
    return msg, reply, diff
Example #8
 def get_workspace(tree: i3ipc.Con, _: GroupToWorkspaces) -> i3ipc.Con:
     return tree.find_focused().workspace()
Example #9
 def get_group_name(tree: i3ipc.Con, _: GroupToWorkspaces) -> str:
     focused_workspace = tree.find_focused().workspace()
     return get_workspace_group(focused_workspace)
 def _is_scratchpad(con: Con) -> bool:
     return con.window and con.parent.type != 'dockarea' and con.workspace(
     ).name == '__i3_scratch'
Example #11
def _add_mark(container: i3ipc.Con, mark: str):
    container.command('mark --add "{}"'.format(mark))