Example #1
def iasedisk(r=3, DIM="2D", METRIC="EUCLIDEAN", FLAT="FLAT", h=0):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasecross import iasecross
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iasebox import iasebox
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iagray import iagray

    METRIC = upper(METRIC)
    FLAT   = upper(FLAT)
    assert DIM=='2D','Supports only 2D structuring elements'
    if FLAT=='FLAT': y = iabinary([1])
    else:            y = int32([h])
    if r==0: return y
    if METRIC == 'CITY-BLOCK':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasecross(1)
            b = int32([[-2147483647, 0,-2147483647],
                       [          0, 1,          0],
                       [-2147483647, 0,-2147483647]])
        return iasedil(y,iasesum(b,r))
    elif METRIC == 'CHESSBOARD':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasebox(1)
            b = int32([[1,1,1],
        return iasedil(y,iasesum(b,r))
    elif METRIC == 'OCTAGON':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b1,b2 = iasebox(1),iasecross(1)
            b1 = int32([[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])
            b2 = int32([[-2147483647, 0,-2147483647],
                        [          0, 1,          0],
                        [-2147483647, 0,-2147483647]])
        if r==1: return b1
        else:    return iasedil( iasedil(y,iasesum(b1,r/2)) ,iasesum(b2,(r+1)/2))
    elif METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN':
        v = arange(-r,r+1)
        x = resize(v, (len(v), len(v)))
        y = transpose(x)
        Be = iabinary(sqrt(x*x + y*y) <= (r+0.5))
        if FLAT=='FLAT':
            return Be
        be = h + int32( sqrt( maximum((r+0.5)*(r+0.5) - (x*x) - (y*y),0)))
        be = iaintersec( iagray(Be,'int32'),be)
        return be
        assert 0,'Non valid metric'

    return B
Example #2
def iasedisk(r=3, DIM="2D", METRIC="EUCLIDEAN", FLAT="FLAT", h=0):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasecross import iasecross
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iasebox import iasebox
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iagray import iagray

    METRIC = METRIC.upper()
    FLAT = FLAT.upper()
    assert DIM == '2D', 'Supports only 2D structuring elements'
    if FLAT == 'FLAT': y = iabinary([1])
    else: y = int32([h])
    if r == 0: return y
    if METRIC == 'CITY-BLOCK':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasecross(1)
            b = int32([[-2147483647, 0, -2147483647], [0, 1, 0],
                       [-2147483647, 0, -2147483647]])
        return iasedil(y, iasesum(b, r))
    elif METRIC == 'CHESSBOARD':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasebox(1)
            b = int32([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
        return iasedil(y, iasesum(b, r))
    elif METRIC == 'OCTAGON':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b1, b2 = iasebox(1), iasecross(1)
            b1 = int32([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
            b2 = int32([[-2147483647, 0, -2147483647], [0, 1, 0],
                        [-2147483647, 0, -2147483647]])
        if r == 1: return b1
            return iasedil(iasedil(y, iasesum(b1, r / 2)),
                           iasesum(b2, (r + 1) / 2))
    elif METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN':
        v = arange(-r, r + 1)
        x = resize(v, (len(v), len(v)))
        y = transpose(x)
        Be = iabinary(sqrt(x * x + y * y) <= (r + 0.5))
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            return Be
        be = h + int32(
            sqrt(maximum((r + 0.5) * (r + 0.5) - (x * x) - (y * y), 0)))
        be = iaintersec(iagray(Be, 'int32'), be)
        return be
        assert 0, 'Non valid metric'

    return B
Example #3
def iadist(f, Bc=iasecross(), METRIC=None):
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaero import iaero
    from iasebox import iasebox

    if METRIC is not None:
        METRIC = upper(METRIC)
    f = iagray(f, "uint16")
    y = iaintersec(f, 0)
    if (METRIC == "EUCLIDEAN") or (METRIC == "EUC2"):
        f = int32(f)
        b = int32(zeros((3, 3)))
        i = 1
        while any(f != y):
            a4, a2 = -4 * i + 2, -2 * i + 1
            b = int32([[a4, a2, a4], [a2, 0, a2], [a4, a2, a4]])
            y = f
            i = i + 1
            f = iaero(f, b)
        if METRIC == "EUCLIDEAN":
            y = uint16(sqrt(f) + 0.5)
        if iaisequal(Bc, iasecross()):
            b = int32([[-2147483647, -1, -2147483647], [-1, 0, -1], [-2147483647, -1, -2147483647]])
        elif iaisequal(Bc, iasebox()):
            b = int32([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [-1, -1, -1]])
            b = Bc
        while any(f != y):
            y = f
            f = iaero(f, b)
    return y
Example #4
def iadist(f, Bc=iasecross(), METRIC=None):
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaero import iaero
    from iasebox import iasebox

    if METRIC is not None: METRIC = METRIC.upper()
    f = iagray(f, 'uint16')
    y = iaintersec(f, 0)
    if (METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN') or (METRIC == 'EUC2'):
        f = int32(f)
        b = int32(zeros((3, 3)))
        i = 1
        while any(f != y):
            a4, a2 = -4 * i + 2, -2 * i + 1
            b = int32([[a4, a2, a4], [a2, 0, a2], [a4, a2, a4]])
            y = f
            i = i + 1
            f = iaero(f, b)
        if METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN':
            y = uint16(sqrt(f) + 0.5)
        if iaisequal(Bc, iasecross()):
            b = int32([[-2147483647, -1, -2147483647], [-1, 0, -1],
                       [-2147483647, -1, -2147483647]])
        elif iaisequal(Bc, iasebox()):
            b = int32([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [-1, -1, -1]])
            b = Bc
        while any(f != y):
            y = f
            f = iaero(f, b)
    return y