Example #1
    def TrailBracketOrder(self, parentOrderId, childOrderId, action, quantity,
                          limitPrice, trailAmount):

        # This will be our main or "parent" order
        parent = Order()
        parent.orderId = parentOrderId
        parent.action = action
        parent.orderType = "LMT"
        parent.totalQuantity = 1000  #quantity
        parent.lmtPrice = limitPrice
        parent.transmit = False

        stopLoss = Order()
        stopLoss.orderId = childOrderId
        logging.info("Action is " + action)
        if action == "Buy":
            stopLoss.action = "Sell"
            stopLoss.trailStopPrice = limitPrice - (limitPrice * .02)
        if action == "Sell":
            stopLoss.action = "Buy"
            stopLoss.trailStopPrice = limitPrice + (limitPrice * .02)
        stopLoss.orderType = "TRAIL"
        stopLoss.auxPrice = limitPrice  #trailAmount
        stopLoss.totalQuantity = 1000  #quantity
        stopLoss.parentId = parentOrderId
        stopLoss.transmit = True

        bracketOrder = [parent, stopLoss]
        return bracketOrder
Example #2
    def validate_order_trigger(order: Order, price: BarData) -> None:
        Verify if adjustable order triggered modification. If so
        modify order in place.
        # order doesn't have a trigger price (default value)
        if order.triggerPrice == 1.7976931348623157e+308:
            log.debug('validate_order_trigger returned')

        if ((order.action.upper() == 'BUY' and order.triggerPrice >= price.low)
                or (order.action.upper() == 'SELL'
                    and order.triggerPrice <= price.high)):
            order.orderType = order.adjustedOrderType
            order.auxPrice = order.adjustedStopPrice
            # prevent future trigger verification
            order.triggerPrice = 1.7976931348623157e+308
            log.debug(f'Order adjusted: {order}')