Example #1
def order_limit(symbol, action, qty, lim_price, dis_lim_price):
    order = Order()
    order.action = action
    order.orderType = "LMT"
    order.totalQuantity = qty
    order.lmtPrice = lim_price
    order.discretionaryAmt = dis_lim_price
    return order
Example #2
def nse_order(symbol,action, order_type, qty, lim_price, dis_lim_price):
    order = Order()
    order.action = action
    order.orderType = order_type
    order.totalQuantity = qty
    order.lmtPrice = lim_price
    order.discretionaryAmt = dis_lim_price
    return order
Example #3
 def Discretionary(action: str, quantity: float, price: float,
                   discretionaryAmount: float):
     order = Order()
     order.action = action
     order.orderType = "LMT"
     order.totalQuantity = quantity
     order.lmtPrice = price
     order.discretionaryAmt = discretionaryAmount
     return order
Example #4
    def processOpenOrder(self, fields):

        sMsgId = next(fields)
        version = decode(int, fields)

        order = Order()
        order.orderId = decode(int, fields)

        contract = Contract()

        contract.conId = decode(int, fields) # ver 17 field
        contract.symbol = decode(str, fields) 
        contract.secType = decode(str, fields) 
        contract.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth = decode(str, fields) 
        contract.strike = decode(float, fields)
        contract.right = decode(str, fields) 
        if version >= 32:
            contract.multiplier = decode(str, fields) 
        contract.exchange = decode(str, fields) 
        contract.currency = decode(str, fields) 
        contract.localSymbol = decode(str, fields)  # ver 2 field
        if version >= 32:
            contract.tradingClass = decode(str, fields) 

        # read order fields
        order.action = decode(str, fields)  

        if self.serverVersion >= MIN_SERVER_VER_FRACTIONAL_POSITIONS:
            order.totalQuantity = decode(float, fields)  
            order.totalQuantity = decode(int, fields)

        order.orderType = decode(str, fields) 
        if version < 29:
            order.lmtPrice = decode(float, fields)
            order.lmtPrice = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
        if version < 30:
            order.auxPrice = decode(float, fields)
            order.auxPrice = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
        order.tif = decode(str, fields)
        order.ocaGroup = decode(str, fields)
        order.account = decode(str, fields)
        order.openClose = decode(str, fields)

        order.origin = decode(int, fields)

        order.orderRef = decode(str, fields)
        order.clientId = decode(int, fields) # ver 3 field
        order.permId = decode(int, fields)   # ver 4 field

        order.outsideRth = decode(bool, fields) # ver 18 field
        order.hidden = decode(bool, fields) # ver 4 field
        order.discretionaryAmt = decode(float, fields) # ver 4 field
        order.goodAfterTime = decode(str, fields) # ver 5 field

        order.sharesAllocation = decode(str, fields) # deprecated ver 6 field

        order.faGroup = decode(str, fields) # ver 7 field
        order.faMethod = decode(str, fields) # ver 7 field
        order.faPercentage = decode(str, fields) # ver 7 field
        order.faProfile = decode(str, fields) # ver 7 field

        if self.serverVersion >= MIN_SERVER_VER_MODELS_SUPPORT:
            order.modelCode = decode(str, fields)

        order.goodTillDate = decode(str, fields) # ver 8 field

        order.rule80A = decode(str, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.percentOffset = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.settlingFirm = decode(str, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.shortSaleSlot = decode(int, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.designatedLocation = decode(str, fields) # ver 9 field
        if self.serverVersion == MIN_SERVER_VER_SSHORTX_OLD:
            exemptCode = decode(int, fields)
        elif version >= 23:
            order.exemptCode = decode(int, fields)
        order.auctionStrategy = decode(int, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.startingPrice = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.stockRefPrice = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.delta = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.stockRangeLower = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.stockRangeUpper = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.displaySize = decode(int, fields) # ver 9 field

        #if( version < 18) {
        #		# will never happen
        #		/* order.rthOnly = */ readBoolFromInt()

        order.blockOrder = decode(bool, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.sweepToFill = decode(bool, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.allOrNone = decode(bool, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.minQty = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field
        order.ocaType = decode(int, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.eTradeOnly = decode(bool, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.firmQuoteOnly = decode(bool, fields) # ver 9 field
        order.nbboPriceCap = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 9 field

        order.parentId = decode(int, fields) # ver 10 field
        order.triggerMethod = decode(int, fields) # ver 10 field

        order.volatility = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 11 field
        order.volatilityType = decode(int, fields) # ver 11 field
        order.deltaNeutralOrderType = decode(str, fields) # ver 11 field (had a hack for ver 11)
        order.deltaNeutralAuxPrice = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 12 field

        if version >= 27 and order.deltaNeutralOrderType:
            order.deltaNeutralConId = decode(int, fields)
            order.deltaNeutralSettlingFirm = decode(str, fields)
            order.deltaNeutralClearingAccount = decode(str, fields)
            order.deltaNeutralClearingIntent = decode(str, fields)

        if version >= 31 and order.deltaNeutralOrderType:
            order.deltaNeutralOpenClose = decode(str, fields)
            order.deltaNeutralShortSale = decode(bool, fields)
            order.deltaNeutralShortSaleSlot = decode(int, fields)
            order.deltaNeutralDesignatedLocation = decode(str, fields)

        order.continuousUpdate = decode(bool, fields) # ver 11 field

        # will never happen
        #if( self.serverVersion == 26) {
        #	order.stockRangeLower = readDouble()
        #	order.stockRangeUpper = readDouble()

        order.referencePriceType = decode(int, fields) # ver 11 field

        order.trailStopPrice = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 13 field

        if version >= 30:
            order.trailingPercent = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET)

        order.basisPoints = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 14 field
        order.basisPointsType = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 14 field
        contract.comboLegsDescrip = decode(str, fields) # ver 14 field

        if version >= 29:
            contract.comboLegsCount = decode(int, fields)

            if contract.comboLegsCount > 0:
                contract.comboLegs = []
                for idxLeg in range(contract.comboLegsCount):
                    comboLeg = ComboLeg()
                    comboLeg.conId = decode(int, fields)
                    comboLeg.ratio = decode(int, fields)
                    comboLeg.action = decode(str, fields)
                    comboLeg.exchange = decode(str, fields)
                    comboLeg.openClose = decode(int, fields)
                    comboLeg.shortSaleSlot = decode(int, fields)
                    comboLeg.designatedLocation = decode(str, fields)
                    comboLeg.exemptCode = decode(int, fields)

            order.orderComboLegsCount = decode(int, fields)
            if order.orderComboLegsCount > 0:
                order.orderComboLegs = []
                for idxOrdLeg in range(order.orderComboLegsCount):
                    orderComboLeg = OrderComboLeg()
                    orderComboLeg.price = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET)

        if version >= 26:
            order.smartComboRoutingParamsCount = decode(int, fields)
            if order.smartComboRoutingParamsCount > 0:
                order.smartComboRoutingParams = []
                for idxPrm in range(order.smartComboRoutingParamsCount):
                    tagValue = TagValue()
                    tagValue.tag = decode(str, fields)
                    tagValue.value = decode(str, fields)

        if version >= 20:
            order.scaleInitLevelSize = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scaleSubsLevelSize = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            # ver 15 fields
            order.notSuppScaleNumComponents = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scaleInitLevelSize = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # scaleComponectSize

        order.scalePriceIncrement = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 15 field

        if version >= 28 and order.scalePriceIncrement != UNSET_DOUBLE \
                and order.scalePriceIncrement > 0.0:
            order.scalePriceAdjustValue = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scalePriceAdjustInterval = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scaleProfitOffset = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scaleAutoReset = decode(bool, fields)
            order.scaleInitPosition = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scaleInitFillQty = decode(int, fields, SHOW_UNSET)
            order.scaleRandomPercent = decode(bool, fields)

        if version >= 24:
            order.hedgeType = decode(str, fields)
            if order.hedgeType:
                order.hedgeParam = decode(str, fields)

        if version >= 25:
            order.optOutSmartRouting = decode(bool, fields)

        order.clearingAccount = decode(str, fields) # ver 19 field
        order.clearingIntent = decode(str, fields) # ver 19 field

        if version >= 22:
            order.notHeld = decode(bool, fields)

        if version >= 20:
            contract.underCompPresent = decode(bool, fields)
            if contract.underCompPresent:
                contract.underComp = UnderComp()
                contract.underComp.conId = decode(int, fields)
                contract.underComp.delta = decode(float, fields)
                contract.underComp.price = decode(float, fields)

        if version >= 21:
            order.algoStrategy = decode(str, fields)
            if order.algoStrategy:
                order.algoParamsCount = decode(int, fields)
                if order.algoParamsCount > 0:
                    order.algoParams = []
                    for idxAlgoPrm in range(order.algoParamsCount):
                        tagValue = TagValue()
                        tagValue.tag = decode(str, fields)
                        tagValue.value = decode(str, fields)

        if version >= 33:
            order.solicited = decode(bool, fields)

        orderState = OrderState()

        order.whatIf = decode(bool, fields) # ver 16 field

        orderState.status = decode(str, fields) # ver 16 field
        orderState.initMargin = decode(str, fields) # ver 16 field
        orderState.maintMargin = decode(str, fields) # ver 16 field
        orderState.equityWithLoan = decode(str, fields) # ver 16 field
        orderState.commission = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 16 field
        orderState.minCommission = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 16 field
        orderState.maxCommission = decode(float, fields, SHOW_UNSET) # ver 16 field
        orderState.commissionCurrency = decode(str, fields) # ver 16 field
        orderState.warningText = decode(str, fields) # ver 16 field

        if version >= 34:
            order.randomizeSize = decode(bool, fields)
            order.randomizePrice = decode(bool, fields)

        if self.serverVersion >= MIN_SERVER_VER_PEGGED_TO_BENCHMARK:
            if order.orderType == "PEG BENCH":
                order.referenceContractId = decode(int, fields)
                order.isPeggedChangeAmountDecrease = decode(bool, fields)
                order.peggedChangeAmount = decode(float, fields)
                order.referenceChangeAmount = decode(float, fields)
                order.referenceExchangeId = decode(str, fields)

            order.conditionsSize = decode(int, fields)
            if order.conditionsSize > 0:
                order.conditions = []
                for idxCond in range(order.conditionsSize):
                    order.conditionType = decode(int, fields)
                    condition = order_condition.Create(order.conditionType)

                order.conditionsIgnoreRth = decode(bool, fields)
                order.conditionsCancelOrder = decode(bool, fields)

            order.adjustedOrderType = decode(str, fields)
            order.triggerPrice = decode(float, fields)
            order.trailStopPrice = decode(float, fields)
            order.lmtPriceOffset = decode(float, fields)
            order.adjustedStopPrice = decode(float, fields)
            order.adjustedStopLimitPrice = decode(float, fields)
            order.adjustedTrailingAmount = decode(float, fields)
            order.adjustableTrailingUnit = decode(int, fields)

        if self.serverVersion >= MIN_SERVER_VER_SOFT_DOLLAR_TIER:
            name = decode(str, fields)
            value = decode(str, fields)
            displayName = decode(str, fields)
            order.softDollarTier = SoftDollarTier(name, value, displayName)

        self.wrapper.openOrder(order.orderId, contract, order, orderState)