Example #1
def rmsmap(fbin, spectra=True):
    Computes RMS map in time domain and spectra for each channel of Neuropixel probe

    :param fbin: binary file in spike glx format (will look for attached metatdata)
    :type fbin: str or pathlib.Path
    :param spectra: whether to compute the power spectrum (only need for lfp data)
    :type: bool
    :return: a dictionary with amplitudes in channeltime space, channelfrequency space, time
     and frequency scales
    if not isinstance(fbin, spikeglx.Reader):
        sglx = spikeglx.Reader(fbin)
    rms_win_length_samples = 2**np.ceil(np.log2(sglx.fs * RMS_WIN_LENGTH_SECS))
    # the window generator will generates window indices
    wingen = dsp.WindowGenerator(ns=sglx.ns,
    # pre-allocate output dictionary of numpy arrays
    win = {
        'TRMS': np.zeros((wingen.nwin, sglx.nc)),
        'nsamples': np.zeros((wingen.nwin, )),
        'fscale': dsp.fscale(WELCH_WIN_LENGTH_SAMPLES,
                             1 / sglx.fs,
        'tscale': wingen.tscale(fs=sglx.fs)
    win['spectral_density'] = np.zeros((len(win['fscale']), sglx.nc))
    # loop through the whole session
    for first, last in wingen.firstlast:
        D = sglx.read_samples(first_sample=first,
        # remove low frequency noise below 1 Hz
        D = dsp.hp(D, 1 / sglx.fs, [0, 1])
        iw = wingen.iw
        win['TRMS'][iw, :] = dsp.rms(D)
        win['nsamples'][iw] = D.shape[1]
        if spectra:
            # the last window may be smaller than what is needed for welch
            if last - first < WELCH_WIN_LENGTH_SAMPLES:
            # compute a smoothed spectrum using welch method
            _, w = signal.welch(D,
            win['spectral_density'] += w.T
        # print at least every 20 windows
        if (iw % min(20, max(int(np.floor(wingen.nwin / 75)), 1))) == 0:
            print_progress(iw, wingen.nwin)
    return win
Example #2
def _sync_to_alf(raw_ephys_apfile, output_path=None, save=False, parts=''):
    Extracts sync.times, sync.channels and sync.polarities from binary ephys dataset

    :param raw_ephys_apfile: bin file containing ephys data or spike
    :param output_path: output directory
    :param save: bool write to disk only if True
    :param parts: string or list of strings that will be appended to the filename before extension
    # handles input argument: support ibllib.io.spikeglx.Reader, str and pathlib.Path
    if isinstance(raw_ephys_apfile, spikeglx.Reader):
        sr = raw_ephys_apfile
        raw_ephys_apfile = Path(raw_ephys_apfile)
        sr = spikeglx.Reader(raw_ephys_apfile)
    # if no output, need a temp folder to swap for big files
    if not output_path:
        output_path = raw_ephys_apfile.parent
    file_ftcp = Path(output_path).joinpath(

    # loop over chunks of the raw ephys file
    wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns,
                             int(SYNC_BATCH_SIZE_SECS * sr.fs),
    fid_ftcp = open(file_ftcp, 'wb')
    for sl in wg.slice:
        ss = sr.read_sync(sl)
        ind, fronts = dsp.fronts(ss, axis=0)
        # a = sr.read_sync_analog(sl)
        sav = np.c_[(ind[0, :] + sl.start) / sr.fs, ind[1, :],
        # print progress
    # close temp file, read from it and delete
    tim_chan_pol = np.fromfile(str(file_ftcp))
    tim_chan_pol = tim_chan_pol.reshape((int(tim_chan_pol.size / 3), 3))
    sync = {
        'times': tim_chan_pol[:, 0],
        'channels': tim_chan_pol[:, 1],
        'polarities': tim_chan_pol[:, 2]
    if save:
        out_files = alf.io.save_object_npy(output_path,
        return Bunch(sync), out_files
        return Bunch(sync)
Example #3
def welchogram(fs, wav, nswin=NS_WIN, overlap=OVERLAP, nperseg=NS_WELCH):
    Computes a spectrogram on a very large audio file.

    :param fs: sampling frequency (Hz)
    :param wav: wav signal (vector or memmap)
    :param nswin: n samples of the sliding window
    :param overlap: n samples of the overlap between windows
    :param nperseg: n samples for the computation of the spectrogram
    :return: tscale, fscale, downsampled_spectrogram
    ns = wav.shape[0]
    window_generator = dsp.WindowGenerator(ns=ns, nswin=nswin, overlap=overlap)
    nwin = window_generator.nwin
    fscale = dsp.fscale(nperseg, 1 / fs, one_sided=True)
    W = np.zeros((nwin, len(fscale)))
    tscale = window_generator.tscale(fs=fs)
    detect = []
    for first, last in window_generator.firstlast:
        # load the current window into memory
        w = np.float64(wav[first:last]) * _get_conversion_factor()
        # detection of ready tones
        a = [d + first for d in _detect_ready_tone(w, fs)]
        if len(a):
            detect += a
        # the last window may not allow a pwelch
        if (last - first) < nperseg:
        # compute PSD estimate for the current window
        iw = window_generator.iw
        _, W[iw, :] = signal.welch(w,
        if (iw % 50) == 0:
    # the onset detection may have duplicates with sliding window, average them and remove
    detect = np.sort(np.array(detect)) / fs
    ind = np.where(np.diff(detect) < 0.1)[0]
    detect[ind] = (detect[ind] + detect[ind + 1]) / 2
    detect = np.delete(detect, ind + 1)
    return tscale, fscale, W, detect
Example #4
def _sync_to_alf(raw_ephys_apfile, output_path=None, save=False):
    Extracts sync.times, sync.channels and sync.polarities from binary ephys dataset

    :param raw_ephys_apfile: bin file containing ephys data or spike
    :param out_dir: output directory
    if not output_path:
        file_ftcp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
        file_ftcp = Path(output_path) / 'fronts_times_channel_polarity.bin'
    if isinstance(raw_ephys_apfile, ibllib.io.spikeglx.Reader):
        sr = raw_ephys_apfile
        sr = ibllib.io.spikeglx.Reader(raw_ephys_apfile)
    # loop over chunks of the raw ephys file
    wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns, SYNC_BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES, overlap=1)
    fid_ftcp = open(file_ftcp, 'wb')
    for sl in wg.slice:
        ss = sr.read_sync(sl)
        ind, fronts = dsp.fronts(ss, axis=0)
        sav = np.c_[(ind[0, :] + sl.start) / sr.fs, ind[1, :],
        # print progress
    # close temp file, read from it and delete
    tim_chan_pol = np.fromfile(str(file_ftcp))
    tim_chan_pol = tim_chan_pol.reshape((int(tim_chan_pol.size / 3), 3))
    sync = {
        'times': tim_chan_pol[:, 0],
        'channels': tim_chan_pol[:, 1],
        'polarities': tim_chan_pol[:, 2]
    if save:
        alf.io.save_object_npy(output_path, sync, '_spikeglx_sync')
    return sync
import ibllib.dsp as dsp
import ibllib.io.spikeglx
import ibllib.io.extractors.ephys_fpga


# full path to the raw ephys
raw_ephys_apfile = (
output_path = '/home/olivier/scratch'

# load reader object, and extract sync traces
sr = ibllib.io.spikeglx.Reader(raw_ephys_apfile)
sync = ibllib.io.extractors.ephys_fpga._sync_to_alf(sr,

# if the data is needed as well, loop over the file
# raw data contains raw ephys traces, while raw_sync contains the 16 sync traces
wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES, overlap=1)
for first, last in wg.firstlast:
    rawdata, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)
def event_extraction_and_comparison(sr):

    # it took 8 min to run that for 6 min of data, all 300 ish channels
    # silent channels for Guido's set:
    # [36,75,112,151,188,227,264,303,317,340,379,384]

    # sr,sync=get_ephys_data(sync_test_folder)
    this function first finds the times of square signal fronts in ephys and
    compares them to corresponding ones in the sync signal.
    Iteratively for small data chunks

    _logger.info('starting event_extraction_and_comparison')
    period_duration = 30000  # in observations, 30 kHz
    BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES = period_duration  # in observations, 30 kHz

    # only used to find first pulse
    wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES, overlap=1)

    # if the data is needed as well, loop over the file
    # raw data contains raw ephys traces, while raw_sync contains the 16 sync
    # traces

    rawdata, _ = sr.read_samples(0, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES)
    _, chans = rawdata.shape

    chan_fronts = {}
    sync_fronts = {}

    sync_fronts['fpga up fronts'] = []

    for j in range(chans):
        chan_fronts[j] = {}
        chan_fronts[j]['ephys up fronts'] = []

    for first, last in list(wg.firstlast):

        _, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)

        diffs = np.diff(rawsync.T[0])
        sync_up_fronts = np.where(diffs == 1)[0] + first

        if len(sync_up_fronts) != 0:

    k = 0

    # assure there is exactly one pulse per cut segment

    for pulse in range(500):  # there are 500 square pulses

        if pulse == 0:

            first = int(sync_up_fronts[0] - period_duration / 4)
            last = int(first + period_duration)


            first = int(sync_up_fronts[0] - period_duration / 4 + period_duration)
            last = int(first + period_duration)

        if k % 100 == 0:
            print('segment %s of %s' % (k, 500))

        k += 1

        rawdata, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)

        # get fronts for sync signal
        diffs = np.diff(rawsync.T[0])
        sync_up_fronts = np.where(diffs == 1)[0] + first
        sync_fronts['fpga up fronts'].append(sync_up_fronts)

        # get fronts for only one valid ephys channel
        obs, chans = rawdata.shape

        i = 0  # assume channel 0 is valid (to be generalized maybe)

        Mean = np.median(rawdata.T[i])
        Std = np.std(rawdata.T[i])

        ups = np.invert(rawdata.T[i] > Mean + 6 * Std)
        up_fronts = []

        # Activity front at least 10 samples long (empirical)

        up_fronts.append(first_occ_index(ups, 3) + first)

        chan_fronts[i]['ephys up fronts'].append(up_fronts)

    return chan_fronts, sync_fronts
Example #7
def event_extraction_and_comparison(sr):

    # it took 8 min to run that for 6 min of data, all 300 ish channels
    # silent channels for Guido's set:
    # [36,75,112,151,188,227,264,303,317,340,379,384]

    # sr,sync=get_ephys_data(sync_test_folder)
    this function first finds the times of square signal fronts in ephys and
    compares them to corresponding ones in the sync signal.
    Iteratively for small data chunks

    _logger.info('starting event_extraction_and_comparison')
    period_duration = 30000  # in observations, 30 kHz
    BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES = period_duration  # in observations, 30 kHz

    # only used to find first pulse
    wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES, overlap=1)

    # if the data is needed as well, loop over the file
    # raw data contains raw ephys traces, while raw_sync contains the 16 sync
    # traces

    rawdata, _ = sr.read_samples(0, BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES)
    _, chans = rawdata.shape

    chan_fronts = {}
    sync_fronts = {}

    sync_fronts['fpga up fronts'] = []
    sync_fronts['fpga down fronts'] = []

    for j in range(chans):
        chan_fronts[j] = {}
        chan_fronts[j]['ephys up fronts'] = []
        chan_fronts[j]['ephys down fronts'] = []

    # find time of first pulse (take first channel with square signal)
    for i in range(chans):


            # assuming a signal in the first minute
            for first, last in list(wg.firstlast)[:120]:

                rawdata, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)

                diffs = np.diff(rawsync.T[0])
                sync_up_fronts = np.where(diffs == 1)[0] + first

                if len(sync_up_fronts) != 0:

            assert len(sync_up_fronts) != 0
            Channel = i

        except BaseException:
            print('channel %s shows no pulse signal, checking next' % i)
            assert i < 10, \
                "something wrong, \
                the first 10 channels don't show a square signal"


    start_of_chopping = sync_up_fronts[0] - period_duration / 4

    k = 0

    # assure there is exactly one pulse per cut segment

    for pulse in range(500):  # there are 500 square pulses
        first = int(start_of_chopping + period_duration * pulse)
        last = int(first + period_duration)

        if k % 100 == 0:
            print('segment %s of %s' % (k, 500))

        k += 1

        rawdata, rawsync = sr.read_samples(first, last)

        # get fronts for sync signal
        diffs = np.diff(rawsync.T[0])  # can that thing be a global variable?
        sync_up_fronts = np.where(diffs == 1)[0] + first
        sync_down_fronts = np.where(diffs == -1)[0] + first
        sync_fronts['fpga up fronts'].append(sync_up_fronts)
        sync_fronts['fpga down fronts'].append(sync_down_fronts)

        # get fronts for only one valid ephys channel
        obs, chans = rawdata.shape

        i = Channel

        Mean = np.median(rawdata.T[i])
        Std = np.std(rawdata.T[i])

        ups = np.invert(rawdata.T[i] > Mean + 6 * Std)
        downs = np.invert(rawdata.T[i] < Mean - 6 * Std)

        up_fronts = []
        down_fronts = []
        # Activity front at least 10 samples long (empirical)

        up_fronts.append(first_occ_index(ups, 20) + first)
        down_fronts.append(first_occ_index(downs, 20) + first)

        chan_fronts[i]['ephys up fronts'].append(up_fronts)
        chan_fronts[i]['ephys down fronts'].append(down_fronts)

    return chan_fronts, sync_fronts  # all differences