class DataManager: def __init__(self, db_connection_url): """ :param connection_url: """ self._db_connection_url = db_connection_url self._db = None # Required properties self._run_id = None self._country_code = None self._country_admin_level = None self._disease_name = None self._budget_amount = None self._num_pieces = 5 # Optional properties self._intervention_budgets = {} def create_data(self, run_id, country_code, country_admin_level, disease_name, budget_amount, num_pieces=5, **kwargs): """ :param run_id: Task run GUID, i.e. "5a1e058fb5ffdb317ad9c3a3" :param country_code: Country code, i.e. "TW" :param country_admin_level: Administration level, i.e. "2" :param disease_name: Disease name, i.e. "Dengue" :param budget_amount: Budget amount, i.e. 1000000 :param num_pieces: Number of pieces, i.e. 5 :param kwargs: Optional named arguments, such as: name: "intervention_budgets", type: object :return: """ # TODO: Check if _db is already connected! self._db = None # Required properties if run_id is not None and isinstance(run_id, basestring): self._run_id = run_id else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument value for "run_id"') if country_code is not None and isinstance(country_code, basestring): self._country_code = country_code else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument value for "country_code"') if country_admin_level is not None and isinstance( country_admin_level, types.IntType): self._country_admin_level = country_admin_level else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid argument value for "country_admin_level"') if disease_name is not None and isinstance(disease_name, basestring): self._disease_name = disease_name else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument value for "disease_name"') if budget_amount is not None and isinstance(budget_amount, NumberTypes): self._budget_amount = budget_amount else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument value for "budget_amount"') if num_pieces is not None and isinstance(num_pieces, NumberTypes): self._num_pieces = num_pieces else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument value for "num_pieces"') # Optional properties self._intervention_budgets = kwargs.get('intervention_budgets', {}) # connect to database self._db = IdaDataBase(dsn=self._db_connection_url, verbose=True) # # update database with relevant information about this run self.add_run() # get the data in dataframes data = data_frames.DataDataFrames(self._db, self._run_id) # grab data and configure it to an outgoing payload outgoing_payload = data.create_data_for_optimisation() # close connection self._db.close() return outgoing_payload def _open_db(self): """ Opens the database if the database (self._db) is open, returns False, as this didn't do anything if self._db is not open, opens it and returns True (hopefully reminding the user to close the connection later) :return: True iff the database was closed and is now open """ db_open = False try: self._db.current_schema except: db_open = True self._db = IdaDataBase(dsn=self._db_connection_url, verbose=False) return db_open def add_run(self): """ checks for the existence of the current run_id in the database if it exists, throw a value error if it doesn't exist, adds the current run_id with its relevant data """ db_open = self._open_db() # check for run_id already existing sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT (RUN_ID) FROM %s WHERE RUN_ID = \'%s\'' % ( data_consts.TBL_RUNS, self._run_id) num_existing = self._db.ida_query(sql_count) if num_existing[0] > 0: self.delete_run_by_id(run_id=self._run_id) # add this run_id in to the runs table sql_add = ''' INSERT INTO %s (RUN_ID, BUDGET, GEO_ID, DISEASE_ID, ADMIN_LEVEL, NUM_PIECES) VALUES (\'%s\', %f, \'%s\', \'%s\', %d, %d)''' % \ (data_consts.TBL_RUNS, self._run_id, self._budget_amount, self._country_code, self._disease_name, self._country_admin_level, self._num_pieces) self._db.ida_query(sql_add) # now add any budget details # for budget in self._intervention_budgets: # if we opened the database, then lets close it as well if db_open: self._db.close() def add_results(self, run_id, results_payload): """ TODO: Adds the results of a run to the database :param run_id :param results_payload: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError def delete_run_by_id(self, run_id): """ If the run_id is in the database, delete all references to it and return True If the run_id is not in the database, return false (as it does not exist) :param run_id: the ID to be deleted if it exists :return: True if the ID used to exist, False if it didn't """ db_open = self._open_db() # check for run_id already existing sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT (RUN_ID) FROM %s WHERE RUN_ID = \'%s\'' % ( data_consts.TBL_RUNS, run_id) num_existing = self._db.ida_query(sql_count) if num_existing[0] == 0: if db_open: self._db.close() return False # The run ID may appear in four tables - results_interventions, results, patch_budgets, and runs: # for table_name in [TBL_RESULTS_INTERVENTIONS, TBL_RESULTS, TBL_PATCH_BUDGETS, TBL_RUNS]: for table_name in [ data_consts.TBL_RESULTS_INTERVENTIONS, data_consts.TBL_PATCH_BUDGETS, data_consts.TBL_RUNS ]: sql_tail = 'FROM %s WHERE RUN_ID = \'%s\'' % (table_name, run_id) print('SELECT COUNT %s' % sql_tail) count = self._db.ida_query('SELECT COUNT %s' % sql_tail) if count[0] > 0: self._db.ida_query('DELETE %s' % sql_tail) # if we opened the database, then lets close it as well if db_open: self._db.close() return True
dict = {'country': names, 'drives_right': dr, 'cars_per_cap': cpc} cars = pd.DataFrame(dict) # Definition of row_labels row_labels = ['US', 'AUS', 'JAP', 'IN', 'RU', 'MOR', 'EG'] # Specify row labels of cars cars.index = row_labels # Print cars again print(cars) #Enter the values for you database connection dsn_database = "BLUDB" # e.g. "BLUDB" dsn_hostname = "" # e.g.: "" dsn_port = "50000" # e.g. "50000" dsn_uid = " reeferuser" # e.g. "dash104434" dsn_pwd = "Reefer!17user" # e.g. "7dBZ3jWt9xN6$o0JiX!m" # creating the connection string connection_string = 'jdbc:db2://' + dsn_hostname + ':' + dsn_port + '/' + dsn_database + ':user='******';password='******'connection aquired') df = idadb.show_tables(show_all=True) df.head(5) idadb.close()
class InitAndPrepare: def __init__(self): self.idadb = IdaDataBase(dsn="DASHDB", uid="dash5264", pwd="GSEvq__6f9wZ", verbose=True) def print_table(self): print(self.idadb.show_tables()) def close_connection(self): self.idadb.close() def init_dataframe(self, tablename): df = IdaDataFrame(self.idadb, tablename) return df def prepare_data_airlines(self): df = self.init_dataframe('AIRLINES').as_dataframe() return df def prepare_data_airports(self): df = self.init_dataframe('AIRLINES').as_dataframe() return df def prepare_data_flights(self): df = self.init_dataframe('FLIGHTS') # Wczytanie tabeli FLIGHTS do struktury dataframe, wraz z przefiltrowaniem po miesiącu # i interesujących nas kolumnach df = df[df['MONTH'] == 1] df = df[[ 'AIRLINE', 'ORIGIN_AIRPORT', 'DESTINATION_AIRPORT', 'SCHEDULED_DEPARTURE', 'DEPARTURE_TIME', 'DEPARTURE_DELAY', 'SCHEDULED_ARRIVAL', 'ARRIVAL_TIME', 'ARRIVAL_DELAY', 'SCHEDULED_TIME', 'ELAPSED_TIME', 'YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY' ]].as_dataframe() # Konsolidacja kolumn YEAR, MONTH, DAY do DATE df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df[['YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY']]) variables_to_remove = ['YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY'] df.drop(variables_to_remove, axis=1, inplace=True) # Operacje konwersji kolumn do odpowiednich formatow czasowych df['SCHEDULED_DEPARTURE'] = dtf.merge_dfcol_to_flight_time( df, 'SCHEDULED_DEPARTURE') df['DEPARTURE_TIME'] = df['DEPARTURE_TIME'].apply(dtf.convert_to_time) df['SCHEDULED_ARRIVAL'] = df['SCHEDULED_ARRIVAL'].apply( dtf.convert_to_time) df['ARRIVAL_TIME'] = df['ARRIVAL_TIME'].apply(dtf.convert_to_time) print(df.loc[:5, [ 'SCHEDULED_DEPARTURE', 'SCHEDULED_ARRIVAL', 'DEPARTURE_TIME', 'ARRIVAL_TIME', 'DEPARTURE_DELAY', 'ARRIVAL_DELAY' ]]) # Statystyka kompletności danych missing_data_df = df.isnull().sum(axis=0).reset_index() missing_data_df.columns = ['Kolumna', 'Brakujace wartosci'] missing_data_df['Kompletnosc danych (%)'] = ( df.shape[0] - missing_data_df['Brakujace wartosci']) / df.shape[0] * 100 print( missing_data_df.sort_values('Kompletnosc danych (%)').reset_index( drop=True)) # Usunięcie wierszy danych z niekompletnymi informacjami df.dropna(inplace=True) return df def print_flights_table_statistics(self, dataframe): print("ilość wierszy: {}, ilość kolumn: {}".format(*dataframe.shape)) print(dataframe.sort(columns=['MONTH', 'DAY']).head(10)) # Funkcja zwracająca statystyki (slownik) obiektu group by def get_statistics(self, group): return { 'minimum': group.min(), 'maximum': group.max(), 'ilosc_wierszy': group.count(), 'srednia': group.mean() }