Example #1
def run_scenario(settings, params, curr_exp, n_exp):
    """Run a single scenario experiment
    settings : Settings
        The simulator settings
    params : dict
        Dictionary of parameters
    curr_exp : int
        sequence number of the experiment
    n_exp : int
        Number of scheduled experiments
    results : 3-tuple
        A (params, results, duration) 3-tuple. The first element is a dictionary
        which stores all the attributes of the experiment. The second element
        is a dictionary which stores the results. The third element is an
        integer expressing the wall-clock duration of the experiment (in
        start_time = time.time()
        proc_name = mp.current_process().name
        logger = logging.getLogger('runner-%s' % proc_name)
        alpha = params['alpha']
        topology_name = params['topology_name']
        network_cache = params['network_cache']
        strategy_name = params['strategy_name']
        n_contents = params['n_contents']
        strategy_params = params['strategy_params']
        cache_policy = params['cache_policy'] if 'cache_policy' in params \
                       and params['cache_policy'] is not None \
                       else settings.CACHE_POLICY
        metrics = settings.DATA_COLLECTORS
        scenario = "%s, %s, alpha: %s, netcache: %s" % (topology_name, strategy_name, str(alpha), str(network_cache))
        logger.info('Experiment %d/%d | Preparing scenario: %s', curr_exp, n_exp, scenario)
        # Check parameters
        if topology_name not in topology_factory_register:
            logger.error('No topology factory implementation for %s was found.' % topology_name)
            return None
        if cache_policy not in cache_policy_register:
            logger.error('No implementation of cache policy %s was found.' % cache_policy)
            return None
        if strategy_name not in strategy_register:
            logger.error('No implementation of strategy %s was found.' % strategy_name)
            return None
        if any(m not in data_collector_register for m in metrics):
            logger.error('There are no implementations for at least one data collector specified')
            return None
        # Get user-defined seed, if any
        seed = settings.SEED if 'SEED' in settings else None
        # Get topology and event generator
        topology = topology_factory_register[topology_name](network_cache, n_contents, seed=seed)   
        events = uniform_req_gen(topology, n_contents, alpha,
        topology.graph['cache_policy'] = cache_policy
        collectors = [(m, {}) for m in metrics]
        strategy = (strategy_name, strategy_params)
        logger.info('Experiment %d/%d | Start simulation', curr_exp, n_exp)
        results = exec_experiment(topology, events, strategy, collectors)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        logger.info('Experiment %d/%d | End simulation | Duration %s.', 
                    curr_exp, n_exp, timestr(duration, True))
        return (params, results, duration)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logger.error('Received keyboard interrupt. Terminating')
    except Exception as e:
        err_type = str(type(e)).split("'")[1].split(".")[1]
        err_message = e.message
        logger.error('Experiment %d/%d | Failed | %s: %s\n%s',
                     curr_exp, n_exp, err_type, err_message,
Example #2
def run_scenario(settings, params, curr_exp, n_exp):
    """Run a single scenario experiment
    settings : Settings
        The simulator settings
    params : dict
        Dictionary of parameters
    curr_exp : int
        sequence number of the experiment
    n_exp : int
        Number of scheduled experiments
    results : 2-tuple
        A 2-tuple of dictionaries. The first dict stores all the attributes of
        the experiment. The second dict stores the results.
        start_time = time.time()
        proc_name = mp.current_process().name
        logger = logging.getLogger('runner-%s' % proc_name)
        alpha = params['alpha']
        topology_name = params['topology_name']
        network_cache = params['network_cache']
        strategy_name = params['strategy_name']
        n_contents = params['n_contents']
        strategy_params = params['strategy_params']
        cache_policy = params['cache_policy'] if 'cache_policy' in params \
                       and params['cache_policy'] is not None \
                       else settings.CACHE_POLICY
        metrics = settings.DATA_COLLECTORS
        ## MT add
        log_dir = settings.LOG_DIR
        scenario_id = 'T=%s-C=%s-A=%s-S=%s-Run=%s' % (topology_name, str(network_cache), str(alpha), strategy_name, str(n_exp))
        scenario = "%s, %s, alpha: %s, netcache: %s" % (topology_name, strategy_name, str(alpha), str(network_cache))
        logger.info('Experiment %d/%d | Preparing scenario: %s', curr_exp, n_exp, scenario)
        # Check parameters
        if topology_name not in topology_factory_register:
            logger.error('No topology factory implementation for %s was found.' % topology_name)
            return None
        if cache_policy not in cache_policy_register:
            logger.error('No implementation of cache policy %s was found.' % cache_policy)
            return None
        if strategy_name not in strategy_register:
            logger.error('No implementation of strategy %s was found.' % strategy_name)
            return None
        if any(m not in data_collector_register for m in metrics):
            logger.error('There are no implementations for at least one data collector specified')
            return None
        # Get topology and event generator
        topology = topology_factory_register[topology_name](network_cache, n_contents)   
        events = uniform_req_gen(topology, n_contents, alpha, 
        topology.graph['cache_policy'] = cache_policy
        collectors = [(m, {}) for m in metrics]
        strategy = (strategy_name, strategy_params)
        logger.info('Experiment %d/%d | Start simulation', curr_exp, n_exp)
        results = exec_experiment(topology, events, strategy, collectors)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        logger.info('Experiment %d/%d | End simulation | Duration %s.', 
                    curr_exp, n_exp, timestr(duration, True))
        return (params, results, curr_exp, duration)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logger.error('Received keyboard interrupt. Terminating')