Example #1
    def test_I3ModuleGeo(self):
        module = dataclasses.I3ModuleGeo()
        module.pos = dataclasses.I3Position(0, 0, 0)
        module.orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
        module.radius = 99.
        module.module_type = dataclasses.I3ModuleGeo.IceCube
            dataclasses.I3Direction(90 * I3Units.degree, 180 * I3Units.degree),
            "didn't get the direction i was looking for.")
        self.assertEqual(module.radius, 99., "set/get isn't working.")
        self.assertEqual(module.pos, dataclasses.I3Position(0, 0, 0),
                         "set/get isn't working.")
                         dataclasses.I3Orientation(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
                         "set/get isn't working.")
        self.assertEqual(module.module_type, dataclasses.I3ModuleGeo.IceCube,
                         "set/get isn't working.")

        module2 = dataclasses.I3ModuleGeo()
        module2.pos = dataclasses.I3Position(0, 0, 0)
        module2.orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
        module2.radius = 99.
        module2.module_type = dataclasses.I3ModuleGeo.IceCube
        self.assertEqual(module, module2, "testing the equal operator.")
Example #2
    def test_I3OMGeo(self):
        omgeo1 = dataclasses.I3OMGeo()
        omgeo1.omtype = dataclasses.I3OMGeo.OMType.IceCube
        omgeo1.position = dataclasses.I3Position(0,0,0)
        omgeo1.orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(1,0,0,0,1,0)
        omgeo1.area = 42.

        omgeo2 = dataclasses.I3OMGeo()
        omgeo2.omtype = dataclasses.I3OMGeo.OMType.IceCube
        omgeo2.position = dataclasses.I3Position(0,0,0)
        omgeo2.orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(1,0,0,0,1,0)
        omgeo2.area = 42.

        self.assertEqual(omgeo1, omgeo2, "these should be the same.")
Example #3
def generateOMString(stringNumber, startPos, numDoms, spacing, direction):
    orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(
        0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0)  # same orientation as icecube DOMs (dir=down)
    area = 0.5857538 * I3Units.meter2  # same area as KM3NET MDOMs
    geomap = dataclasses.I3OMGeoMap()
    x = startPos.x
    y = startPos.y
    z = startPos.z
    dx = [spacingVal * direction.x for spacingVal in spacing]
    dy = [spacingVal * direction.y for spacingVal in spacing]
    dz = [spacingVal * direction.z for spacingVal in spacing]

    # create OMKeys and I3OMGeo for DOMs on string and add them to the map
    for i in xrange(0, numDoms):
        omkey = OMKey(stringNumber, i, 0)
        omGeometry = dataclasses.I3OMGeo()
        omGeometry.omtype = dataclasses.I3OMGeo.OMType.IceCube
        omGeometry.orientation = orientation
        omGeometry.area = area
        omGeometry.position = dataclasses.I3Position(x + dx[i] * i,
                                                     y + dy[i] * i,
                                                     z + dz[i] * i)
        geomap[omkey] = omGeometry

    return geomap
Example #4
    def DAQ(self, frame):
        # only inject it once
        if self.has_been_injected:
        self.has_been_injected = True

        geometry = dataclasses.I3Geometry()
        calibration = dataclasses.I3Calibration()
        detectorStatus = dataclasses.I3DetectorStatus()

        # fill the geometry map
        omgeomap = geometry.omgeo
        domcalmap = calibration.dom_cal
        domstatusmap = detectorStatus.dom_status

        for i, pos in enumerate(omPositions):
            shiftedPos = pos
            shiftedPos[0] += self.xCoord * I3Units.m
            shiftedPos[1] += self.yCoord * I3Units.m
            shiftedPos[2] += self.zCoord * I3Units.m

            omkey = omKeys[i]

            newomgeo = dataclasses.I3OMGeo()
            newomgeo.omtype = dataclasses.I3OMGeo.OMType.IceCube
            newomgeo.orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(
                dataclasses.I3Direction(0., 0., -1.))
            newomgeo.position = dataclasses.I3Position(shiftedPos[0],
            omgeomap[omkey] = newomgeo

            newdomcal = dataclasses.I3DOMCalibration()
            newdomcal.relative_dom_eff = 1.0
            domcalmap[omkey] = newdomcal

            newdomstatus = dataclasses.I3DOMStatus()
            newdomstatus.pmt_hv = 1345. * I3Units.V  # some arbitrary setting: >0 and not NaN
            domstatusmap[omkey] = newdomstatus

        # make GCD frames and fill them with objects
        Gframe = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Geometry)
        Cframe = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Calibration)
        Dframe = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.DetectorStatus)

        Gframe["I3Geometry"] = geometry
        Cframe["I3Calibration"] = calibration
        Dframe["I3DetectorStatus"] = detectorStatus

        # push the new GCD frames

        # push the original Q-frame
Example #5
    def test_I3Orientation_setOrientation(self):

        # create I3Orientation instance
        orientationInstance = dataclasses.I3Orientation()

        # create 3 vectors
        v1 = [1,0,0]
        v2 = [0,1,0]   # perpendicular to v1
        v3 = [2,0,0]   # not perpendicular to v1

        orientationInstance.set_orientation(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2],v2[0],v2[1],v2[2])     # this is supposed to work

            orientationInstance.set_orientation(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2],v3[0],v3[1],v3[2])     # this is supposed to chrash
            raise ValueError('I3Orientation::SetOrientation(v1,v2) is supposed to throw a RuntimeError if v1 and v2 are not perpendicular, but it does not!')
        except RuntimeError:
# fill the geometry map
omgeomap = geometry.omgeo
domcalmap = calibration.dom_cal
domstatusmap = detectorStatus.dom_status

for i, pos in enumerate(omPositions):
    shiftedPos = pos
    shiftedPos[0] += options.XPOS*I3Units.m
    shiftedPos[1] += options.YPOS*I3Units.m
    shiftedPos[2] += options.ZPOS*I3Units.m

    omkey = omKeys[i]

    newomgeo = dataclasses.I3OMGeo()
    newomgeo.omtype = dataclasses.I3OMGeo.OMType.IceCube
    newomgeo.orientation = dataclasses.I3Orientation(dataclasses.I3Direction(0.,0.,-1.))
    newomgeo.position = dataclasses.I3Position(shiftedPos[0], shiftedPos[1], shiftedPos[2])
    omgeomap[omkey] = newomgeo

    newdomcal = dataclasses.I3DOMCalibration()
    newdomcal.relative_dom_eff = 1.0
    domcalmap[omkey] = newdomcal

    newdomstatus = dataclasses.I3DOMStatus()
    newdomstatus.pmt_hv = 1345.*I3Units.V # some arbitrary setting: >0 and not NaN
    domstatusmap[omkey] = newdomstatus