Example #1
def GetSpiceLeaAnisotropyTransforms(
    anisotropyDirAzimuth=216. *
    I3Units.deg,  # direction of ice tilt (perp. to flow)
    magnitudeAlongDir=0.04,  # magnitude of ice anisotropy along tilt
    magnitudePerpToDir=-0.08):  # magnitude of ice anisotropy along flow
    Returns the direction-dependent absorption length
    scaling function and a pre- and post-scattering
    direction transformation used in the ice anisotropy
    description of Spice-Lea.

    absLenScaling = I3CLSimScalarFieldAnisotropyAbsLenScaling(

    # The matrix A in Dima's description is the distortion
    # in the frame of (n1,n2,n3), where n1 points in the
    # direction of the anisotropy and n2 points into the
    # direction perpendicular to it.
    k1 = numpy.exp(magnitudeAlongDir
                   )  # coefficient of anisotropy parallel to "tilt" direction
    k2 = numpy.exp(
    )  # coefficient of anisotropy perpendicular to "tilt" direction
    kz = 1. / (k1 * k2)  # a normalizing factor for the z direction
    A = numpy.array([[k1, 0., 0.], [0., k2, 0.], [0., 0., kz]])

    # The orthogonal matrix T transforms a vector into
    # the (n1,n2,n3) coordinate system. (It is a simple
    # rotation around the z-axis.)
    sa = numpy.sin(anisotropyDirAzimuth)
    ca = numpy.cos(anisotropyDirAzimuth)
    T = numpy.array([[ca, sa, 0.], [-sa, ca, 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

    # Now combine the transformations: rotate into the
    # new coordinate system first, apply A and rotate back.
    # This is applied before the photon is rotated into
    # the new direction.
    # (read this from right to left)
    Cpre = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(T.T, A), T)

    preScatterTransform = I3CLSimVectorTransformMatrix(
        renormalize=True)  # after applying Cpost, make it a unit vector again

    # Now combine the transformations: rotate into the
    # new coordinate system first, apply A^-1 and rotate back.
    # This is applied after the photon has been rotated into
    # its new direction.
    # (read this from right to left)
    Cpost = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(T.T, numpy.linalg.inv(A)), T)

    postScatterTransform = I3CLSimVectorTransformMatrix(
        renormalize=True)  # after applying Cpost, make it a unit vector again

    return (absLenScaling, preScatterTransform, postScatterTransform)
Example #2
    def testFromNumpy(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, I3Matrix, 1)

        # 1-D arrays fail
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, I3Matrix, numpy.array([0., 1.]))
        # > 2-D arrays fail
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, I3Matrix, numpy.ones((3, 3, 3)))
        # integer arrays fail
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, I3Matrix, numpy.eye(3, dtype=numpy.int32))
        # as do single-precision arrays
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, I3Matrix, numpy.eye(3,
        # and compound types
            TypeError, I3Matrix,
            numpy.zeros((1, 1),
                        dtype=numpy.dtype([('foo', numpy.float64),
                                           ('bar', numpy.float64)])))

        # strided arrays are not handled
        strider = numpy.eye(3)[::2]
        self.assertNotEqual(strider.__array_interface__['strides'], None)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, I3Matrix, strider)

        # I3Matrix is a copy, not a view
        orig = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
        mat = I3Matrix(orig)
        view = numpy.asarray(mat)

        self.assert_((view == orig).all())
        view += 1
        self.assert_((orig == 0).all())
        self.assert_((view == 1).all())
Example #3
    def testArrayInitialization(self):
		I3Matrix can be initialized with an arbitrary value
        m = I3Matrix(3, 2, numpy.pi)
        a = numpy.asarray(m)
        self.assert_((a == numpy.pi).all())
Example #4
    def testAsArray(self):
		I3Matrix can be viewed through numpy.asarray()
        m = I3Matrix(3, 2)
        a = numpy.asarray(m)
        self.assertEquals(a.shape, (3, 2))
        self.assertEquals(a.dtype, numpy.float64)
Example #5
def get_default_perturbation():
    Get the default ice model variations imported from https://github.com/UTA-REST/multisim
    :returns: a tuple (parametrization, distribution) for use with icecube.snowstorm.Perturber
    import numpy as np
    from icecube.dataclasses import I3Matrix
    from icecube.snowstorm import MultivariateNormal
    from .PlusModeParametrization import PlusModeParametrization

    amp_sigmas = np.asarray([0.00500100, 0.03900780, 0.04500900, 0.17903581, 0.07101420, 0.30306061, 0.14502901, 0.09501900, 0.16103221, 0.13302661, 0.15703141, 0.13302661])
    phase_sigmas = np.asarray([0.00000001, 0.01664937, 0.02708014, 0.43171273, 0.02351273, 2.33565571, 0.16767628, 0.05414841, 0.31355088, 0.04227052, 0.27955606, 4.02237848])
    modes_to_shift = np.arange(12)
    variance = np.concatenate((amp_sigmas,phase_sigmas))**2

    return PlusModeParametrization(modes_to_shift), MultivariateNormal(I3Matrix(np.diag(variance)), [0.]*variance.size)
Example #6
    def testRoundTrip(self):
		I3Matrix serializes and deserializes properly.
        fname = 'i3matrix_test.i3'
        orig = numpy.pi * numpy.ones((3, 3))
        frame = icetray.I3Frame()
        frame['foo'] = I3Matrix(orig)
        f = dataio.I3File(fname, 'w')

        frame = dataio.I3File(fname).pop_frame()
        view = numpy.asarray(frame['foo'])
        self.assertEquals(view.shape, orig.shape)
        self.assert_((view == orig).all())

Example #7
def GetIceTiltZShift(
        tiltDirAzimuth=225. * I3Units.deg,
        detectorCenterDepth=1948.07 * I3Units.m):

    distance_from_origin_in_tilt_dir = numpy.loadtxt(
        tiltDirectory + "/tilt.par", unpack=True)[1] * I3Units.m

    tilt_dat = numpy.loadtxt(tiltDirectory + "/tilt.dat", unpack=True)
    zcoords = (detectorCenterDepth - tilt_dat[0])[::-1]

    zshift = []
    for i in range(len(distance_from_origin_in_tilt_dir)):
        zshift.append(tilt_dat[i + 1][::-1])
    zshift = numpy.array(zshift)

    return I3CLSimScalarFieldIceTiltZShift(
def custom_uncorrelated_variation(modes_to_shift, amp_sigmas, phase_sigmas,
    """Create a custom uncorrelated fourier component perturbation

    Get custom ice model variations based on:

    modes_to_shift : list of int
        A list of (zero-based) mode numbers to shift.
    amp_sigmas : list of float
        The sigmas for the amplitude shifts.
    phase_sigmas : list of float
        The sigmas for the phase shifts.
        Arbitrary keyword arguments.

    tuple (parametrization, distribution)
        Returns a tuple of a parameterization and a distribution which can be
        used with the  icecube.snowstorm.Perturber.
    modes_to_shift = np.asarray(modes_to_shift)
    amp_sigmas = np.asarray(amp_sigmas)
    phase_sigmas = np.asarray(phase_sigmas)

    assert phase_sigmas.size == modes_to_shift.size
    assert phase_sigmas.size == amp_sigmas.size

    variance = np.concatenate((amp_sigmas, phase_sigmas))**2

    parametrization = PlusModeParametrization(modes_to_shift)
    distribution = MultivariateNormal(I3Matrix(np.diag(variance)),
                                      [0.] * variance.size)

    return parametrization, distribution
Example #9
 def factory():
     # NB: m leaves scope when the function returns
     m = I3Matrix(3, 2)
     a = numpy.asarray(m)
     return (a, id(m))