def do_trace(then_quit_ida=True): debugHook = TraceHook() debugHook.hook() # Start tracing when entry point is hit ep = ida_ida.inf_get_start_ip() ida_dbg.enable_step_trace(1) ida_dbg.set_step_trace_options(ida_dbg.ST_OVER_DEBUG_SEG | ida_dbg.ST_OVER_LIB_FUNC) print("Running to %x" % ep) ida_dbg.run_to(ep) while ida_dbg.get_process_state() != 0: ida_dbg.wait_for_next_event(1, 0) if not debugHook.epReached: raise Exception("Entry point wasn't reached!") if not debugHook.unhook(): raise Exception("Error uninstalling hooks!") del debugHook if then_quit_ida: # we're done; exit IDA ida_pro.qexit(0)
def __call__(self): target_pid = -1 if idaapi.is_debugger_on(): idaapi.msg("[%s] the debugger is currently running\n" % PLUGNAME) return -1 if not self.times%5: idaapi.msg("[%s] waiting for the process (%ds left)...\n" % \ (PLUGNAME, self.times)) filename = ida_nalt.get_root_filename() pis = ida_idd.procinfo_vec_t() ida_dbg.get_processes(pis) for proc in pis: proc_name =" ")[1] idx = proc_name.rfind("/") if idx != -1: proc_name = proc_name[idx+1:] if filename == proc_name: target_pid = break if target_pid != -1: idaapi.msg("[%s] found. start debug (PID: %d)\n" % (PLUGNAME, target_pid)) ida_dbg.attach_process(target_pid, -1) ida_dbg.wait_for_next_event(ida_dbg.WFNE_SUSP, -1) ida_dbg.continue_process() return -1 self.times -= 1 return -1 if self.times == 0 else self.interval
def prepare_debug_ui(self): if idaapi.is_debugger_on(): idaapi.warning("[%s] the debugger is currently running" % PLUGNAME) return wd = WaitDialog() idaapi.msg("[%s] waiting...\n" % (PLUGNAME)) wd.thread.start() wd.exec_() target_pid = wd.get_target_pid() if target_pid != -1: ida_dbg.attach_process(target_pid,-1) ida_dbg.wait_for_next_event(ida_dbg.WFNE_SUSP, -1) ida_dbg.continue_process() else: idaapi.msg("[%s] exit waiting\n" % (PLUGNAME))
def RESimClient(): #Wait() ida_dbg.wait_for_next_event(idc.WFNE_ANY, -1) print('back from dbg wait') reg_list = idautils.GetRegisterList() kernel_base = 0xc0000000 info = idaapi.get_inf_structure() if info.is_64bit(): print('64-bit') kernel_base = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 else: print('32-bit') idc.refresh_lists() idc.auto_wait() bookmark_view = bookmarkView.bookmarkView() stack_trace = stackTrace.StackTrace() data_watch = dataWatch.DataWatch() branch_not_taken = branchNotTaken.BranchNotTaken() write_watch = writeWatch.WriteWatch() #print('back from init bookmarkView') keymap_done = False #primePump() #nameSysCalls(True) #print('back from nameSysCalls') #print('now create bookmark_view') isim = idaSIM.IdaSIM(stack_trace, bookmark_view, data_watch, branch_not_taken, write_watch, kernel_base, reg_list) idaversion.grab_focus('Stack view') bm_title = "Bookmarks" bookmark_view.Create(isim, bm_title) idaversion.grab_focus(bm_title) bookmark_view.register() bookmark_list = bookmark_view.updateBookmarkView() if bookmark_list is not None: for bm in bookmark_list: if 'nox' in bm: eip_str = getTagValue(bm, 'nox') eip = int(eip_str, 16) idc.MakeCode(eip) idaversion.grab_focus(bm_title) st_title = 'stack trace' stack_trace.Create(isim, st_title) idaversion.grab_focus(st_title) stack_trace.register() idaversion.grab_focus(st_title) dw_title = 'data watch' data_watch.Create(isim, dw_title) idaversion.grab_focus(dw_title) data_watch.register() bnt_title = 'BNT' idaversion.grab_focus(dw_title) branch_not_taken.Create(isim, bnt_title) idaversion.grab_focus(bnt_title) branch_not_taken.register() #branch_not_taken.updateList() idaversion.grab_focus(bnt_title) ww_title = 'write watch' write_watch.Create(isim, ww_title) idaversion.grab_focus(ww_title) write_watch.register() reHooks.register(isim) re_hooks = reHooks.Hooks() re_hooks.hook() dbg_hooks = dbgHooks.DBGHooks(isim) dbg_hooks.hook() #form=idaversion.find_widget("IDA View-EIP") #idaversion.activate_widget(form, True) #print('IDA View-EIP form is %s' % str(form)) # MakeCode(eip) ''' run_to_connect_desc = idaapi.action_desc_t( 'run_to_connect:action', # The action name. This acts like an ID and must be unique 'Run to connect', # The action text. RunToConnectHandler()) # The action handler. idaapi.register_action(run_to_connect_desc) idaapi.attach_action_to_menu( 'Debugger/O Run to/', # The relative path of where to add the action 'run_to_connect:action', # The action ID (see above) idaapi.SETMENU_APP) # We want to append the action after the 'Manual instruction...' ''' if not keymap_done: doKeyMap(isim) print('dbg %r' % idaapi.dbg_is_loaded()) isim.showSimicsMessage() idaversion.refresh_debugger_memory() #checkHelp() isim.recordText() isim.showSimicsMessage() if not isim.just_debug: # first origin is sometimes off, call twice. #goToOrigin() pass idaversion.batch(0) #isim.resynch() print('IDA SDK VERSION: %d' % idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION) print('RESim Ida Client Version 1.2')
def wait_for_next_event(kind, flag): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION <= 699: event = idc.GetDebuggerEvent(kind, flag) else: event = ida_dbg.wait_for_next_event(kind, flag)