Example #1
    def search_retns(self):

        if not self.debug: print("found %d modules" % len(self.modules))
        for m in self.modules:

            # Iterate over segments in the module
            # BUG: Iterating over all loaded segments is more stable than looking up by address
            if not self.debug: print("found %d segments" % idaapi.get_segm_qty())
            for n in xrange(idaapi.get_segm_qty()):
                seg = idaapi.getnseg(n)

                # Locate executable segments in a selected modules
                # NOTE: Each module may have multiple executable segments
                if seg and seg.startEA >= m.addr and seg.endEA <= (m.addr + m.size):
                    # If the debugger is attached then we can check if the segment is executable, else
                    # just check if it is code or not.
                    if idaapi.dbg_can_query() and idaapi.get_process_state() < 0:
                        if seg.perm & idaapi.SEGPERM_EXEC == 0:
                    elif seg.type & idaapi.SEG_CODE == 0:

                    # Search for ROP gadgets
                    if self.searchRop:

                        #Search all instances of BLR
                        ea = seg.startEA
                        while True:
                            ea = idaapi.find_binary(ea + 1, seg.endEA, "4E 80 00 20", 16, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
                            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: break

                            self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                        # Search all instances of BTCTR
                        ea = seg.startEA
                        while True:
                            ea = idaapi.find_binary(ea + 1, seg.endEA, "4E 80 04 20", 16, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
                            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: break

                            self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                        # Search all instances of BTCTRL
                        ea = seg.startEA
                        while True:
                            ea = idaapi.find_binary(ea + 1, seg.endEA, "4E 80 04 21", 16, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
                            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: break

                            self.retns.append((ea, m.file))
Example #2
    def run(self, arg=0):
            if "ELF" not in idaapi.get_file_type_name():
                raise Exception("Executable must be ELF fomat")

            if not idaapi.is_debugger_on() or not idaapi.dbg_can_query():
                raise Exception("The debugger must be active and suspended before using this plugin")

            f = HeapPluginForm()

        except Exception as e:
            idaapi.warning("[%s] %s" % (PLUGNAME, e.message))
Example #3
def main():
    if not idaapi.dbg_can_query():
        print "The debugger must be active and suspended before using this script!"

    # Save current thread id
    tid = GetCurrentThreadId()

    # Iterate through all function instructions and take only call instructions
    result = {}
    for tid in idautils.Threads():
        result[tid] = GetExceptionChain(tid)

    # Restore previously selected thread

    # Build the graph
    g = SEHGraph("SEH graph", result)
Example #4
def main():
    if not idaapi.dbg_can_query():
        print "The debugger must be active and suspended before using this script!"

    # Save current thread id
    tid = get_current_thread()

    # Iterate through all function instructions and take only call instructions
    result = {}
    for tid in idautils.Threads():
        result[tid] = GetExceptionChain(tid)

    # Restore previously selected thread

    # Build the graph
    g = SEHGraph("SEH graph", result)
Example #5
        if bit_strings:
            for s in bit_strings:
                print "  %s" % s

def test_manual_regions():
    L = idaapi.get_manual_regions()
    if not L:
        print "no manual regions!"

def test_readwrite():
    ea = cpu.Eip
    buf = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(ea, 5)
    print "read: ", [hex(ord(x)) for x in buf]
    idaapi.dbg_write_memory(ea, buf)


if idaapi.dbg_can_query():
    print "%x: fs" % (idaapi.dbg_get_thread_sreg_base(idc.GetCurrentThreadId(),

    print "run and suspend the debugger first"
Example #6
    L = idaapi.dbg_get_registers()
    # name flags class dtyp bit_strings bit_strings_default_mask
    for (name, flags, cls, dtype, bit_strings, bit_strings_default_mask) in L:
        print "name=<%s> flags=%x class=%x dtype=%x bit_strings_mask=%x" % (name, flags, cls, dtype, bit_strings_default_mask)
        if bit_strings:
            for s in bit_strings:
                print "  %s" % s

def test_manual_regions():
    L = idaapi.get_manual_regions()
    if not L:
        print "no manual regions!"

def test_readwrite():
    ea  = cpu.Eip
    buf = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(ea, 5)
    print "read: ", [hex(ord(x)) for x in buf]
    idaapi.dbg_write_memory(ea, buf)


if idaapi.dbg_can_query():
    print "%x: fs" % (idaapi.dbg_get_thread_sreg_base(idc.GetCurrentThreadId(), cpu.fs))

    print "run and suspend the debugger first"
Example #7
    def search_retns(self):

        if not self.debug: print("found %d modules" % len(self.modules))
        for m in self.modules:

            # Iterate over segments in the module
            # BUG: Iterating over all loaded segments is more stable than looking up by address
            if not self.debug: print("found %d segments" % idaapi.get_segm_qty())
            for n in xrange(idaapi.get_segm_qty()):
                seg = idaapi.getnseg(n)

                # Locate executable segments in a selected modules
                # NOTE: Each module may have multiple executable segments
                if seg and seg.startEA >= m.addr and seg.endEA <= (m.addr + m.size):
                    # If the debugger is attached then we can check if the segment is executable, else
                    # just check if it is code or not.
                    if idaapi.dbg_can_query() and idaapi.get_process_state() < 0:
                        if seg.perm & idaapi.SEGPERM_EXEC == 0:
                    elif seg.type & idaapi.SEG_CODE == 0:

                    # Search for ROP gadgets
                    if self.searchRop:

                        # Search all instances of RETN
                        ea = seg.startEA
                        while True:
                            ea = idaapi.find_binary(ea + 1, seg.endEA, "C3", 16, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
                            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: break
                            self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                        # Search all instances of RETN imm16
                        ea = seg.startEA
                        while True:
                            ea = idaapi.find_binary(ea + 1, seg.endEA, "C2", 16, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
                            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: break

                            # Read imm16 value and filter large values
                            retn_imm16 = read_module_memory(ea + 1, 0x2)
                            retn_imm16 = unpack("<H", retn_imm16)[0]

                            if retn_imm16 <= self.maxRetnImm:
                                self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                    # Search for JOP gadgets
                    if self.searchJop:

                        # Search all instances of JMP reg (FF /4) and CALL reg (FF /2)
                        ea = seg.startEA
                        while True:
                            ea = idaapi.find_binary(ea + 1, seg.endEA, "FF", 16, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
                            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: break

                            # Read possible ModR/M, SIB, and IMM8/IMM32 bytes
                            jop = read_module_memory(ea + 1, 0x6)
                            if jop == None or len(jop) == 0:

                            # JMP/CALL reg
                            if jop[0] in ["\xe0", "\xe1", "\xe2", "\xe3", "\xe4", "\xe5", "\xe6", "\xe7",
                                          "\xd0", "\xd1", "\xd2", "\xd3", "\xd4", "\xd5", "\xd6", "\xd7"]:
                                self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                            # JMP/CALL [reg] no SIB
                            # NOTE: Do not include pure [disp] instruction.

                            # JMP/CALL [reg] no *SP,*BP
                            elif jop[0] in ["\x20", "\x21", "\x22", "\x23", "\x26", "\x27",
                                            "\x10", "\x11", "\x12", "\x13", "\x16", "\x17"]:
                                self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                            # JMP/CALL [reg + imm8] no *SP
                            elif jop[0] in ["\x60", "\x61", "\x62", "\x63", "\x65", "\x66", "\x67",
                                            "\x50", "\x51", "\x52", "\x53", "\x55", "\x56", "\x57"]:
                                jop_imm8 = jop[1]
                                jop_imm8 = unpack("b", jop_imm8)[0]  # signed

                                if jop_imm8 <= self.maxJopImm:
                                    self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                            # JMP/CALL [reg + imm32] no *SP
                            elif jop[0] in ["\xa0", "\xa1", "\xa2", "\xa3", "\xa5", "\xa6", "\xa7",
                                            "\x90", "\x91", "\x92", "\x93", "\x95", "\x96", "\x97"]:
                                jop_imm32 = jop[1:5]
                                jop_imm32 = unpack("<i", jop_imm32)[0]  # signed

                                if jop_imm32 <= self.maxJopImm:
                                    self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                            # JMP/CALL [reg] with SIB
                            # NOTE: Do no include pure [disp] instructions in SIB ([*] - none)
                            elif (jop[0] in ["\x24", "\x64", "\xa4"] and not jop[1] in ["\x25", "\x65", "\xad",
                                                                                        "\xe5"]) or \
                                    (jop[0] in ["\x14", "\x54", "\x94"] and not jop[1] in ["\x25", "\x65", "\xad",

                                # Check for displacement
                                if jop[0] in ["\x64", "\x54"]:
                                    jop_imm8 = jop[2]
                                    jop_imm8 = unpack("b", jop_imm8)[0]  # signed

                                    if jop_imm8 <= self.maxJopImm:
                                        self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                                elif jop[0] in ["\xa4", "\x94"]:
                                    jop_imm32 = jop[2:6]
                                    jop_imm32 = unpack("<i", jop_imm32)[0]  # signed

                                    if jop_imm32 <= self.maxJopImm:
                                        self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

                                    self.retns.append((ea, m.file))

        print "[idasploiter] Found %d returns" % len(self.retns)
Example #8
def is_ida_debugger_present():
    Check if IDA debugger is loaded and can be used
    @return: True if IDA debugger has been set correctly, Otherwise returns Fals
    return idaapi.dbg_can_query()
Example #9
 def is_active(self):
     return idaapi.is_debugger_on() and idaapi.dbg_can_query()
Example #10
def readMemory(address, size):
    if idaapi.dbg_can_query():
        val = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(address, size)

        return val
    return None
Example #11
def is_ida_debugger_present():
    Check if IDA debugger is loaded and can be used
    @return: True if IDA debugger has been set correctly, Otherwise returns Fals
    return idaapi.dbg_can_query()