Example #1
    def renamed(self, ea, new_name, local_name):
        if LOG_IDP_EVENTS:
            self.debug_event("Renamed at 0x%08x with' %s'" % (ea, new_name))
        if idaapi.is_member_id(ea):
            # this is a member id : hook already present (struc_member_renamed)
        elif idaapi.get_struc(ea) is not None:
            # this is a struc id : hook already present (struc_renamed)
        elif idaapi.get_enum_idx(ea) != idc.BADADDR:
            # this is an enum id : hook already present (enum_renamed) BUT NOT CALLED
            # (IDA BUG)
        elif idaapi.get_enum_idx(
                idaapi.get_enum_member_enum(ea)) != idc.BADADDR:
            # this is an enum member id
            enum_id = idaapi.get_enum_member_enum(ea)
            hooks.idb.enum_member_renamed(enum_id, ea)

            # when we rename stackframe member, ea is member id
            # this case is supported by struc_member_renamed event
                old_name = hooks.current_rename_infos[ea]
                del hooks.current_rename_infos[ea]
            except KeyError:
                old_name = None
            hooks.ida.rename(ea, new_name, old_name=old_name)

        return hooks.idp.ev_rename(ea, new_name)
Example #2
def list(**type):
    '''List all of the enumerations within the database that match the keyword specified by `type`.'''
    res = [item for item in iterate(**type)]

    maxindex = max(builtins.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res) if res else [1])
    maxname = max(
        builtins.map(utils.fcompose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res
                     ) if res else [0])
    maxsize = max(builtins.map(size, res) if res else [0])
    cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex or 1) / math.log(10))
        cmask = max(
                    utils.fcondition(utils.fpartial(operator.eq, 0))
                    (utils.fconstant(1), utils.fidentity), math.
                    log, functools.partial(operator.mul, 1.0 /
                                           math.log(8)), math.ceil), res
            ) if res else [database.config.bits() / 4.0])
        cmask = 0

    for item in res:
        name = idaapi.get_enum_name(item)
            u"[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} & {:<{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
                idaapi.get_enum_idx(item), int(cindex), utils.string.of(name),
                maxname, mask(item), int(cmask),
                u" // {:s}".format(comment(item)) if comment(item) else ''))
Example #3
def by(**type):
    """Search through all the enumerations within the database and return the first result.

    like = glob match
    regex = regular expression
    index = particular index
    identifier or id = internal id number
    searchstring = ', '.join("{:s}={!r}".format(k, v)
                             for k, v in type.iteritems())

    res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type))
    if len(res) > 1:
        map(logging.info, ("[{:d}] {:s} & {:#x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
            idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), idaapi.get_enum_name(n), mask(n),
            " // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else '')
                           for i, n in enumerate(res)))
            "{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results, returning the first one."
            .format(__name__, searchstring, len(res)))

    res = next(iter(res), None)
    if res is None:
        raise LookupError(
            "{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format(
                __name__, searchstring))
    return res
Example #4
def list(**type):
    '''List all of the enumerations within the database that match the keyword specified by `type`.'''
    res = [item for item in iterate(**type)]

    maxindex = max(builtins.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res) if res else [1])
    maxname = max(
        builtins.map(utils.fcompose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res
                     ) if res else [0])
    maxsize = max(builtins.map(size, res) if res else [0])
    cindex = math.floor(1 + math.log(maxindex or 1) / math.log(10))
        cmask = max(len("{:x}".format(mask(item)))
                    for item in res) if res else database.config.bits() / 4.0
    except Exception:
        cmask = 0

    for item in res:
        name = idaapi.get_enum_name(item)
            u"{:<{:d}s} {:>{:d}s} & {:<#{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
                2 + math.trunc(cindex), utils.string.of(name), maxname,
                mask(item), 2 + math.trunc(cmask),
                u" // {:s}".format(comment(item)) if comment(item) else ''))
Example #5
def list(**type):
    """List all the enumerations within the database.

    Search type can be identified by providing a named argument.
    like = glob match
    regex = regular expression
    index = particular index
    identifier = particular id number
    pred = function predicate
    res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type))

    maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res))
    maxname = max(
        __builtin__.map(utils.compose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res))
    maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(size, res))
    cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex or 1) / math.log(10))
    cmask = max(
            utils.compose(mask, math.log,
                          functools.partial(operator.mul, 1.0 / math.log(16)),
                          math.ceil), res) or [database.config.bits() / 4.0])

    for n in res:
        print("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} & {:#<{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
            idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), int(cindex), idaapi.get_enum_name(n),
            maxname, mask(n), int(cmask), len(__builtin__.list(members(n))),
            " // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else ''))
Example #6
    def rename(self, ea, new_name):
        This function only records information about the element *before* it is renamed
        if idaapi.is_member_id(ea):
            name = idaapi.get_member_fullname(ea)
        elif idaapi.get_struc(ea) is not None:
            name = idaapi.get_struc_name(ea)
        elif idaapi.get_enum_idx(ea) != idc.BADADDR:
            name = idaapi.get_enum_name(ea)
        elif idaapi.get_enum_idx(idaapi.get_enum_member_enum(ea)) != idc.BADADDR:
            # this is an enum member id
            enum_id = idaapi.get_enum_member_enum(ea)
            name = idaapi.get_enum_name(enum_id) + "." + idaapi.get_enum_member_name(ea)
            name = idc.Name(ea)

        hooks.current_rename_infos[ea] = name

        return 0
Example #7
def by(**type):
    '''Return the identifier for the first enumeration matching the keyword specified by `type`.'''
    searchstring = utils.string.kwargs(type)

    res = builtins.list(iterate(**type))
    if len(res) > 1:
        map(logging.info, (u"[{:d}] {:s} & {:#x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), idaapi.get_enum_name(n), mask(n), len(builtins.list(members(n))), u" // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else '') for i,n in enumerate(res)))
        logging.warn(u"{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results. Returning the first enumeration {:#x}.".format(__name__, searchstring, len(res), res[0]))

    res = next(iter(res), None)
    if res is None:
        raise E.SearchResultsError(u"{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format(__name__, searchstring))
    return res
Example #8
def by(**type):
    '''Return the identifier for the first enumeration matching the keyword specified by `type`.'''
    searchstring = utils.string.kwargs(type)

    res = builtins.list(iterate(**type))
    if len(res) > 1:
        map(logging.info, (u"[{:d}] {:s} & {:#x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), idaapi.get_enum_name(n), mask(n), len(builtins.list(members(n))), u" // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else '') for i,n in enumerate(res)))
        logging.warn(u"{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results. Returning the first enumeration {:#x}.".format(__name__, searchstring, len(res), res[0]))

    res = next(iter(res), None)
    if res is None:
        raise E.SearchResultsError(u"{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format(__name__, searchstring))
    return res
Example #9
def list(**type):
    '''List all of the enumerations within the database that match the keyword specified by `type`.'''
    res = builtins.list(iterate(**type))

    maxindex = max(builtins.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res) or [1])
    maxname = max(builtins.map(utils.fcompose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res) or [0])
    maxsize = max(builtins.map(size, res) or [0])
    cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex or 1)/math.log(10))
    try: cmask = max(builtins.map(utils.fcompose(mask, utils.fcondition(utils.fpartial(operator.eq, 0))(utils.fconstant(1), utils.fidentity), math.log, functools.partial(operator.mul, 1.0/math.log(8)), math.ceil), res) or [database.config.bits()/4.0])
    except: cmask = 0

    for n in res:
        name = idaapi.get_enum_name(n)
        six.print_(u"[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} & {:<{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), int(cindex), utils.string.of(name), maxname, mask(n), int(cmask), len(builtins.list(members(n))), u" // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else ''))
Example #10
def by(**type):
    '''Return the identifier for the first enumeration matching the keyword specified by `type`.'''
    searchstring = utils.string.kwargs(type)

    listable = [item for item in iterate(**type)]
    if len(listable) > 1:
        messages = (u"[{:d}] {:s} & {:#x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
            idaapi.get_enum_idx(item), idaapi.get_enum_name(item), mask(item),
            u" // {:s}".format(comment(item)) if comment(item) else '')
                    for i, item in enumerate(listable))
        [logging.info(msg) for msg in messages]
            u"{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results. Returning the first enumeration {:#x}."
            .format(__name__, searchstring, len(listable), listable[0]))

    iterable = (item for item in listable)
    res = next(iterable, None)
    if res is None:
        raise E.SearchResultsError(
            u"{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format(
                __name__, searchstring))
    return res
Example #11
 def gather_enum_info(ea, n):
     id = idaapi.get_enum_id(ea, n)[0]
     serial = idaapi.get_enum_idx(id)
     return id, serial