Example #1
def get_flow_code_from_address(address):
    """Get a sequence of instructions starting at a given address.
    This function is used to collect basic blocks marked as chunks in IDA
    but not as belonging to the function being examined. IDA can only
    assign a chunk to a function, not to multiple.
    This helps getting around that limitation.

    if idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(address)):
        code = [address]
        return None

    while True:

        # Get the address of the following element
        address = address + idc.ItemSize(address)

        flags = idc.GetFlags(address)

        # If the element is an instruction and "flow" goes into it
        if idc.isCode(flags) and idc.isFlow(flags):

    # Return the code chunk just obtained
    # Note: if we get down here there'll be at least one instruction so we are cool
    # Node: the +1 is so the last instruction can be retrieved through a call to
    #   "Heads(start, end)". As end is a non-inclusive limit we need to move the
    #   pointer ahead so the instruction at that address is retrieved.
    return (min(code), max(code) + 1)
Example #2
def get_flow_code_from_address(address):
    """Get a sequence of instructions starting at a given address.
    This function is used to collect basic blocks marked as chunks in IDA
    but not as belonging to the function being examined. IDA can only
    assign a chunk to a function, not to multiple.
    This helps getting around that limitation.
    if idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(address)):
        code = [address]
        return None
    while True:
        # Get the address of the following element
        address = address+idc.ItemSize(address)
        flags = idc.GetFlags(address)
        # If the element is an instruction and "flow" goes into it
        if idc.isCode(flags) and idc.isFlow(flags):
    # Return the code chunk just obtained
    # Note: if we get down here there'll be at least one instruction so we are cool
    # Node: the +1 is so the last instruction can be retrieved through a call to
    #   "Heads(start, end)". As end is a non-inclusive limit we need to move the 
    #   pointer ahead so the instruction at that address is retrieved.
    return (min(code), max(code)+1)
Example #3
    def is_end_of_flow(self, instruction):
        """Return whether the last instruction processed end the flow."""
        next_addr = instruction.ip+idc.ItemSize(instruction.ip)
        next_addr_flags = idc.GetFlags(next_addr)
        if idc.isCode(next_addr_flags) and idc.isFlow(next_addr_flags):
            return False

        return True
Example #4
    def is_end_of_flow(self, instruction):
        """Return whether the last instruction processed end the flow."""

        next_addr = instruction.ip + idc.ItemSize(instruction.ip)
        next_addr_flags = idc.GetFlags(next_addr)
        if idc.isCode(next_addr_flags) and idc.isFlow(next_addr_flags):
            return False

        return True
Example #5
    def is_conditional_branch(self, instruction):
        """Return whether the instruction is a conditional branch"""

        next_addr = instruction.ip + idc.ItemSize(instruction.ip)
        next_addr_flags = idc.GetFlags(next_addr)
        if (idc.isCode(next_addr_flags) and idc.isFlow(next_addr_flags)
                and (instruction.itype in self.INSTRUCTIONS_BRANCH)):

            return True

        return False
Example #6
    def is_unconditional_branch(self, instruction):
        """Return whether the instruction is an unconditional branch"""

        next_addr = instruction.ip+idc.ItemSize(instruction.ip)
        next_addr_flags = idc.GetFlags(next_addr)
        if ( (instruction.itype in self.INSTRUCTIONS_BRANCH) and
            (not idc.isCode(next_addr_flags)) or
            (not idc.isFlow(next_addr_flags)) ):
            return True

        return False
Example #7
def GetFunEdgesAndBbls(function_ea):
    Get bbls of function.
    @function_ea - function address
    @return - bbls of function
    bbl = []  # bbl info [head, tail, call_num, mem_num]
    SingleBBS = {}  # head -> pred_bbl
    MultiBBS = {}  # head -> [pred_bbls]
    bbls = {}  # head -> bbl
    bbls2 = {}  # tail -> bbl
    edges_s = set()  # set of (tail, head)
    edges_d = {}  # dict struct.  head -> of (head, ..., head)
    edges_count = 0
    edges_s_t = set()  # tmp edges set
    edges_d_t = {}  # tmp edges dict.

    if not IsInstrumentIns(function_ea):
        return bbls, edges_d, edges_count, SingleBBS, MultiBBS

    f_start = function_ea
    f_end = idc.FindFuncEnd(function_ea)

    boundaries = set((f_start, ))  # head of bbl

    for head in idautils.Heads(f_start, f_end):
        # If the element is an instruction
        if head == idaapi.BADADDR:
            raise Exception("Invalid head for parsing")
        if not idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(head)):

        # Get the references made from the current instruction
        # and keep only the ones local to the function.
        refs = idautils.CodeRefsFrom(head, 0)
        refs_filtered = set()
        for ref in refs:
            if ref > f_start and ref < f_end:  # can't use ref>=f_start, avoid recusion
        refs = refs_filtered

        if refs:
            # If the flow continues also to the next (address-wise)
            # instruction, we add a reference to it.
            # For instance, a conditional jump will not branch
            # if the condition is not met, so we save that
            # reference as well.
            next_head = idc.NextHead(head, f_end)
            if next_head != idaapi.BADADDR and idc.isFlow(

            # Update the boundaries found so far.
            for r in refs:  # enum all of next ins
                # If the flow could also come from the address
                # previous to the destination of the branching
                # an edge is created.
                if isFlow(idc.GetFlags(r)):
                    prev_head = idc.PrevHead(r, f_start)
                    if prev_head == 0xffffffffL:
                        #edges_s_t.add((head, r))
                        #raise Exception("invalid reference to previous instruction for", hex(r))
                        edges_s_t.add((prev_head, r))
                edges_s_t.add((head, r))

    #end of for head in idautils.Heads(chunk[0], chunk[1]):

    last_head = 0
    # NOTE: We can handle if jump xrefs to chunk address space.

    # get bbls. head of bbl is first ins addr, tail of bbl is last ins addr.
    for head in idautils.Heads(f_start, f_end):
        mnem = idc.GetMnem(head)
        if head in boundaries:
            if len(bbl) > 0:
                if bbl[0] == head:
                if True:  # IsInstrumentIns(bbl[0]):
                    bbl[1] = last_head
                    bbls[bbl[0]] = bbl
                    bbls2[bbl[1]] = bbl
            bbl = [head, 0, 0, 0]
        #elif self.GetInstructionType(head) == self.BRANCH_INSTRUCTION:
        elif mnem.startswith('j'):
            if len(bbl) > 0 and bbl[0] == head + idc.ItemSize(head):
            if True:  # IsInstrumentIns(bbl[0]):
                bbl[1] = head  # head + idc.ItemSize(head))
                bbls[bbl[0]] = bbl
                bbls2[bbl[1]] = bbl
            bbl = [head + idc.ItemSize(head), 0, 0, 0]
            last_head = head
        if mnem.startswith('call'):
            bbl[2] += 1

        #if 2 == idc.GetOpType(head, 0):      # 2  Memory Reference
        #    bbl[3] += 1
        #if 2 == idc.GetOpType(head, 1):      # 2  Memory Reference
        #    bbl[3] += 1

    # add last basic block
    if len(bbl) and bbl[0] != f_end:  # and IsInstrumentIns(bbl[0]):
        bbl[1] = f_end
        bbls[bbl[0]] = bbl
        bbls2[bbl[1]] = bbl

    # edges set -> dict
    for e in edges_s_t:
        if e[0] in bbls2:
            bbl_head = bbls2[e[0]][0]
            if bbl_head in edges_d_t:
                edges_d_t[bbl_head] = [e[1]]
            print('edge (%x, %x) can not find head bbl.' %
                  (e[0], e[1]))  # a small case. e1 flow e0.

    # revise edges. head bbl and tail bbl of edges must be instrumented.
    for e0 in edges_d_t:
        if not IsInstrumentIns(e0):  # e0 don't instrumented, skip.

        for e1 in edges_d_t[e0]:
            if IsInstrumentIns(e1):  # e0 e1 both instrumented, add edge.
                if e0 in edges_d:
                    edges_d[e0] = [e1]
                edges_count += 1
                # e1 don't instrumented, recursively looks for instrumented child bbls
                bbls_t = LookForInsChildBbls(e1, edges_d_t, [])
                for b in bbls_t:  # add edge
                    if e0 in edges_d:
                        edges_d[e0] = [b]
                    edges_count += 1

    # revise bbls. bbl must be instrumented.
    for b in bbls.keys():
        if not IsInstrumentIns(b):
            # if bbls[b][1] in bbls2:     # avoid multi del
            # bbls2.pop(bbls[b][1])

    #i = 0
    #for b in bbls:
    #    i += 1
    #    print('%04d %x, %x' % (i, b, bbls[b][1]))

    #i = 0
    #for e0 in edges_d:
    #    for e1 in edges_d[e0]:
    #        i += 1
    #        print('%04d %x, %x' % (i, e0, e1))

    for e0 in edges_d:
        if e0 not in bbls:
            print('error:%x have no head' % (e0))  # error
        for e1 in edges_d[e0]:
            if e1 in MultiBBS:
                MultiBBS[e1].append(bbls[e0])  # add Pred
            elif e1 in SingleBBS:
                MultiBBS[e1] = [SingleBBS[e1], bbls[e0]]  # add Pred
                SingleBBS.pop(e1)  # remove from SingleBBS
                SingleBBS[e1] = bbls[e0]  # add Pred

    # del bbls which don't instrumented

    return bbls, edges_d, edges_count, SingleBBS, MultiBBS
Example #8
def GetFunBbls(function_ea):
    Get bbls of function.
    @function_ea - function address
    @return - bbls of function
    f_start = function_ea
    f_end = idc.FindFuncEnd(function_ea)

    boundaries = set((f_start, ))

    for head in idautils.Heads(f_start, f_end):
        # If the element is an instruction
        if head == idaapi.BADADDR:
            raise Exception("Invalid head for parsing")
        if idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(head)):

            # Get the references made from the current instruction
            # and keep only the ones local to the function.
            refs = idautils.CodeRefsFrom(head, 0)
            refs_filtered = set()
            for ref in refs:
                if ref >= f_start and ref < f_end:
            refs = refs_filtered

            if refs:
                # If the flow continues also to the next (address-wise)
                # instruction, we add a reference to it.
                # For instance, a conditional jump will not branch
                # if the condition is not met, so we save that
                # reference as well.
                next_head = idc.NextHead(head, f_end)
                if next_head != idaapi.BADADDR and idc.isFlow(

                # Update the boundaries found so far.

    #end of for head in idautils.Heads(chunk[0], chunk[1]):

    bbls = []
    bbl = []  # a list of heads
    # NOTE: We can handle if jump xrefs to chunk address space.

    for head in idautils.Heads(f_start, f_end):
        if head in boundaries:
            #print('%d') % head
            if len(bbl) > 0:
                if bbl[0] == head:
                bbl = []
        #elif self.GetInstructionType(head) == self.BRANCH_INSTRUCTION:
        elif idc.GetMnem(head).startswith('j'):
            if len(bbl) > 0 and bbl[0] == head + idc.ItemSize(head):
            bbl.append(head + idc.ItemSize(head))
            bbl = []
            bbl.append(head + idc.ItemSize(head))
    # add last basic block
    if len(bbl) and bbl[0] != f_end:

    return bbls
Example #9
def control_flows_to_address(address):
  pf = idc.GetFlags(address)
  return idc.isFlow(pf)
Example #10
File: code.py Project: hakril/midap
 def is_flow(self):
     """True if instruction 'Exec flow from prev instruction'
     FF_FLOW  = idaapi.FF_FLOW  # Exec flow from prev instruction?
     return idc.isFlow(self.flags)