def test_car_age(days, expected):
    assert Car.age(days) == expected
def test_the_same_configuration(list1, list2, expected):
    assert Car.has_same_configuration(list1, list2) == expected
class NewList(list):

# A bunch of lists to test
l1 = [["gas", "electro", "hybrid"], "200 PS", "radio"]
l2 = l1
l3 = l1.copy()
l4 = l1[0]
l5 = [l4, "digital radio"]
l6 = [l1[0], "digital radio"]
l7 = NewList(l1)
l8 = ["unleaded"]

# A bunch of `Car`s
my_car = Car("Toyota Corolla", "black")
other_car1 = my_car
other_car2 = Car("Toyota Corolla", "black")
other_car3 = Car("Toyota Corolla", "red")
other_car4 = Car("Porsche Cayenne", "black")

# Test staticmethod Car.age
    "days, expected",
        (7, "A week old"),  # week
        (365, "A year old"),  # year
        (2, "Neither a week, nor a year old"),  # Other number