Example #1
def send_iftd_receiver_choice( xmit_id, receiver_chunk_dir, best_proto, available_protos ):
   Called by receiver (remote) on the sender (local) to inform
   the sender to begin actively sending, with the prefered protocol.
   # this had better be a valid call
   if not TransferCore.sender_valid_xmit_id( xmit_id ):
      iftlog.log(5, "iftapi.send_iftd_receiver_choice: invalid xmit ID " + str(xmit_id))
      return None
   connect_dict = TransferCore.get_connection_attrs( xmit_id )
   user_job_attrs = TransferCore.get_job_attrs( xmit_id )
   user_job_attrs[ iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_CHUNK_DIR ] = receiver_chunk_dir
   user_job = iftfile.iftjob( user_job_attrs )
   if not available_protos:
      available_protos = []
   iftlog.log(1, "send_iftd_receiver_choice: will use " + str(available_protos) + ", where " + str(best_proto) + " is the best" )
   #print "send_iftd_receiver_choice( " + str(xmit_id) + ", " + str(user_job_attrs) + ", " + str(best_proto) + ", " + str(available_protos) + ", " + str(connect_dict) + ")"
   usable_protos = []
   if not best_proto:
      usable_protos = available_protos
      usable_protos = [best_proto] + available_protos
   # just in case
   if "unknown" in usable_protos:
   if len(usable_protos) != 0:
      # start up a transfer processor with the available active protocols
      proto_instances = []
      for proto in usable_protos:
         proto = proto + "_sender"   # if it's available, then there's a receiver available
         if not PROTOCOLS[proto].isactive():
            continue    # only start up active protocols.
         p = None
            p = copy.deepcopy( PROTOCOLS[proto] )
         except Exception, inst:
            iftlog.log(5, "ERROR: could not clone protocol " + proto)
         proto_instances.append( p )
      # start up the active protocols
      connected_protos = start_active_protos( user_job=user_job, connect_dict=connect_dict, protos=proto_instances, timeout=0.01 )
      rc = iftutil.SenderThreadPool.start_new_thread( TransferCore.run_ift_send_active, (xmit_id, user_job, connected_protos, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT ), best_proto == None ) )
      if not rc:
         iftlog.log(5, "send_iftd_receiver_choice: could not start new active sender thread")
         xmit_id = None    # error rc
Example #2
fsize = os.stat( filename ).st_size

file_hash = os.popen("sha1sum " + filename).readlines()[0].split(" ")[0]
print "hash of " + filename + " is " + file_hash

job_attrs = {

file_job = iftfile.iftjob( job_attrs )

connect_attrs = {

rc = sender.setup( connect_attrs )
assert rc == 0, "could not set up! (rc=" + str(rc) + ")"

sender.assign_job( file_job )
rc = sender.on_start( connect_attrs )
assert rc == 0, "could not start up! (rc=" + str(rc) + ")"
connect_attrs = {

   iftfile.JOB_ATTR_NUM_CHUNKS: 1

rc = receiver.setup( connect_attrs )
assert rc == 0, "could not set up! (rc=" + str(rc) + ")"

rc = receiver.on_start( iftfile.iftjob( connect_attrs ), connect_attrs )
assert rc == 0, "could not start up! (rc=" + str(rc) + ")"

receiver.post_msg( iftproto.PROTO_MSG_USER, iftproto.PROTO_STATE_RUNNING )

receiver.run( -1 )

print "sleeping"
os.system("sleep 55")
print "done"

Example #4
def get_iftd_sender_data( xmit_id, job_attrs, available_protos, connect_dict ):
   Called by the receiver (remote) on the sender (local) to get
   the sender's capabilities--specifically, which protocols it
   has senders for, and where the chunks will be located.
   Return the list of protocols usable to both
   sender and receiver.
   global TransferCore
   error_rc = (xmit_id, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) 
   file_name = job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME )
   user_job = iftfile.iftjob( job_attrs )
   # does the file exist?
   if not os.path.exists( file_name ):
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: file " + str(file_name) + " does not exist")
      return error_rc     # don't even bother
   # is the file readable?
   if not (stat.S_IWUSR & os.stat( file_name ).st_mode):
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: file " + str(file_name) + " is not readable")
      return error_rc     # don't bother--can't read
   # is the file accessible?
   from iftdata import SEND_FILES_DIR
   if SEND_FILES_DIR[-1] != '/':
   if not os.path.abspath(file_name).startswith( SEND_FILES_DIR, 0, len(SEND_FILES_DIR)):
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: will not send " + str(file_name) + ", it is not in " + SEND_FILES_DIR )
      return error_rc     # access control violation

   # get our available protocols
   my_protos = proto_names( senders( list_protocols() ) )
   other_protos = []
   if available_protos:
      other_protos = proto_names( available_protos )
   # calculate intersection between both available protos
   my_protos_set = set( my_protos )
   other_protos_set = set( other_protos )
   usable_protos_set = my_protos_set.intersection( other_protos_set )
   file_size = iftfile.get_filesize( file_name )
   iftlog.log(1, "get_iftd_sender_data: file " + str(file_name) + ", size " + str(file_size))
   # start my passive senders
   sender_names = senders( list_protocols() )
   proto_insts = []
   for proto in sender_names:
      if PROTOCOLS.get(proto) != None and not PROTOCOLS.get(proto).isactive():
         p = None
         # start this passive sender
            p = copy.deepcopy( PROTOCOLS.get(proto) )
            iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: could not start passive sender " + proto)

   expected_fsize = user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_SIZE )
   min_fsize = user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_MIN_SIZE )
   max_fsize = user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_MAX_SIZE )
   # do some sanity checking...
   if min_fsize != None and max_fsize != None:
      if file_size < min_fsize or file_size > max_fsize:
         return error_rc      # wrong size expectation
   if expected_fsize != None and expected_fsize != file_size:
      return error_rc      # wrong size expectation

   # set up
   rc, file_hash, chunk_hashes, chunk_data = prepare_sender( file_name, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) )
   if rc != 0:
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: could not prepare to send")
      return error_rc

   user_job.supply_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_SIZE, file_size )
   user_job.supply_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH, file_hash )
   user_job.supply_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_TYPE, iftstats.filetype( file_name ) )

   passive_protos = start_passive_protos( connect_dict, user_job, proto_insts, 1.0 )
   # start passive protocol handling thread
   TransferCore.begin_ift_send( xmit_id, user_job, chunk_data, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT ), connect_dict )
   TransferCore.run_ift_send_passive( xmit_id, user_job, passive_protos, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT ))
   proto_mask = [0] * len(sender_names)
   for i in xrange(0, len(sender_names)):
      p = sender_names[i]
      if PROTOCOLS[p].isactive():
         proto_mask[i] = True
         proto_mask[i] = False
   return (xmit_id, iftfile.get_chunks_dir( file_name, file_hash, True), file_size, file_hash, iftstats.filetype(file_name), sender_names, proto_mask, chunk_hashes)
Example #5
def begin_ift( job_attrs, connect_dict=None, sender=False, receiver=False, iftd_remote_port=USER_PORT+1, iftd_xmlrpc_path="/RPC2", user_timeout=60 ):
   Initiate an intelligent file transmission, using the local and remote iftd instances' previous knowledge
   of which protocols work best for which files.
   @arg job_attrs
      This is a dictionary describing everything known about the file, the host with the file (the source host),
      and the host to receive the file (the dest host)
   @arg connect_dict
      This is a dictionary that maps protocol names to dictionaries containing their connection arguments.
      Protocol names must end in _sender or _receiver! 
   @arg sender
      True if the file to transmit is on localhost (in which JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME is a path on localhost's disk to the file)
   @arg receiver
      True if the file to transmit is on the remote host (in which JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME is a path on the remote host's disk to the file)
   @arg iftd_remote_port
      Port number that the remote IFTD listens on for inter-IFTD communication.
   @arg iftd_xmlrpc_path
      Directory under which the remote IFTD listens for XMLRPC calls.
   @arg user_timeout
      Timeout in seconds before the transfer must complete to be a success.
      0 on success
      -1 on bad data
      < -1 on internal error (see iftdata.py for error constants)
      11 (TRANSMIT_STATE_FAIULRE) on transmission failure
   iftlog.log(5, ">>> begin_ift entered <<<")
   global PROTOCOLS
   job = iftfile.iftjob( job_attrs )
   # sanity check
   if sender and receiver:
      return -1      # cannot do
   if not (sender or receiver):
      return -1      # cannot do
   # get the available protocols
   available_protocols = job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_PROTOS )
   if available_protocols == None or len(available_protocols) == 0:
      available_protocols = list_protocols()
      absent = []
      # make sure that they are all defined
      for proto in available_protocols:
         if proto not in PROTOCOLS.keys():
            absent.append( proto )
      for proto in absent:
         iftlog.log(3, "begin_ift: unrecognized protocol " + proto + ", ignoring..." )
         available_protocols.remove( proto )
   # stuff the relevant data into connect_dict if needed
   if connect_dict == None:
      connect_dict = {}
   for proto in list_protocols():
      cd = connect_dict.get(proto)
      if cd == None:
         connect_dict[proto] = {}
         cd = connect_dict[proto]
   # am I the sender or receiver?
   # Have the sender contact the remote iftd instance for protocol information.
   if sender:
      rc = iftsend( job, available_protocols, connect_dict, iftd_remote_port, iftd_xmlrpc_path, user_timeout )
      iftlog.log(5, ">>> begin_ift rc=" + str(rc) + " <<<")
      return rc
      rc = iftreceive( job, available_protocols, connect_dict, iftd_remote_port, iftd_xmlrpc_path, user_timeout )
      iftlog.log(5, ">>> begin_ift rc=" + str(rc) + " <<<")
      return rc
Example #6
filename = "/tmp/test_iftfile"

file_d = open( filename, "w" )

for i in range(0, 500):


file_attrs = {

ift_job = iftfile.iftjob( file_attrs )

ift_file = iftfile.iftfile( filename )
rc = ift_file.fopen( file_attrs, iftfile.MODE_READ )

assert rc != None, "Could not open file!"
assert ift_file.last_error() == 0, "Could not open file!"

for i in range(0, 500):
	chunk, chunk_id = ift_file.read_chunk()
	assert chunk_id == i, "Chunk ID incorrect (" + str(chunk_id) + ")"
	assert chunk == "abcdefg\n", "Could not read chunk " + str(i) + ", got " + chunk


assert ift_file.last_error() == 0, "Could not close file!"