def getFlipArray(maskPAImgPlus): """Given the PA-aligned mask image, return a list of booleans, indicating whether or not we should flip the corresponding index""" #, "Shape Smoothing", "relative_proportion_fds=15 absolute_number_fds=2 keep=[Relative_proportion of FDs] stack");"Set Measurements...", "shape") IJ.setThreshold(maskPAImgPlus, 1, 1000, "No Update") stk = maskPAImgPlus.getStack() tableLeft = ResultsTable() PA.setResultsTable(tableLeft) IJ.makeRectangle(0, 0, maskPAImgPlus.getWidth() / 2 - 5, maskPAImgPlus.getHeight()), "Analyze Particles...", "stack") tableRight = ResultsTable() PA.setResultsTable(tableRight) IJ.makeRectangle(maskPAImgPlus.getWidth() / 2 - 5, 0, maskPAImgPlus.getWidth() / 2 + 5, maskPAImgPlus.getHeight()), "Analyze Particles...", "stack") maskPAImgPlus.hide() IJ.resetThreshold(maskPAImgPlus) leftCirc = [tableLeft.getValue("Circ.", i) for i in range(stk.getSize())] rightCirc = [tableRight.getValue("Circ.", i) for i in range(stk.getSize())] return [leftCirc[i] < rightCirc[i] for i in range(len(leftCirc))]
def run_straighten(roiWindowsize=4): """ Original straightening function based on Nick's macro. Used in final version. Returns coordinate string used to make centerline. """"Set Measurements...", "mean min center redirect=None decimal=3") IJ.runMacro("//setTool(\"freeline\");")"Line Width...", "line=80") numPoints = 512 / roiWindowsize xvals = [] yvals = [] maxvals = [] counter = 0 for i in range(0, 512, roiWindowsize):"Clear Results") IJ.makeRectangle(i, 0, roiWindowsize, 512)"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() xvals.append(i + roiWindowsize / 2) yvals.append(RT.getValue(table, "YM", 0)) maxvals.append((RT.getValue(table, "Max", 0))) if maxvals[counter] == 0 and counter > 0: yvals[counter] = yvals[counter - 1] counter += 1 coords = "" for i in range(numPoints - 1): coords += str(xvals[i]) + ", " + str(yvals[i]) + ", " coords += str(xvals[numPoints - 1]) + ", " + str(yvals[numPoints - 1]) IJ.runMacro("makeLine(" + coords + ")")"Straighten...", "line = 80") return coords
def run_straighten(roiWindowsize = 4): """ Original straightening function based on Nick's macro. Used in final version. Returns coordinate string used to make centerline. """"Set Measurements...", "mean min center redirect=None decimal=3") IJ.runMacro("//setTool(\"freeline\");")"Line Width...", "line=80"); numPoints = 512/roiWindowsize xvals = [] yvals = [] maxvals = [] counter = 0 for i in range(0, 512, roiWindowsize):"Clear Results") IJ.makeRectangle(i, 0, roiWindowsize, 512)"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() xvals.append(i + roiWindowsize/2) yvals.append(RT.getValue(table, "YM", 0)) maxvals.append((RT.getValue(table, "Max", 0))) if maxvals[counter] == 0 and counter > 0: yvals[counter] = yvals[counter - 1] counter += 1 coords = "" for i in range(numPoints - 1): coords += str(xvals[i]) + ", " + str(yvals[i]) +", " coords += str(xvals[numPoints-1]) + ", " + str(yvals[numPoints-1]) IJ.runMacro("makeLine("+coords+")")"Straighten...", "line = 80") return coords
def straighten_roi_rotation(roiWindowsize = 8): """ Root straightening function that rotates ROI to follow root slope. Does not work properly. """"Set Measurements...", "mean standard min center redirect=None decimal=3") IJ.runMacro("//setTool(\"freeline\");")"Line Width...", "line=80"); #numPoints = 512/roiWindowsize xvals = [] yvals = [] maxvals = [] counter = 0 maxIters = 800/roiWindowsize minIters = 10 imp = IJ.getImage().getProcessor() rm = RoiManager() if find_first_pixel(0,imp) == None or find_last_pixel(0,imp)[1] == None: return y = (find_first_pixel(0,imp)[1]+find_last_pixel(0,imp)[1])/2 roi = roiWindow_(imp, center = (roiWindowsize/2,y), width = roiWindowsize, height = 512) xvals.append(roiWindowsize/2) yvals.append(y) maxvals.append(0) roi.findTilt_() i = 0 while i < maxIters and roi.containsRoot_(): roi.advance_(roiWindowsize)"Clear Results")"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() x = RT.getValue(table, "XM", 0) y = RT.getValue(table, "YM", 0) if imp.getPixel(int(x),int(y)) != 0: xvals.append(x) yvals.append(y) maxvals.append((RT.getValue(table, "Max", 0))) #roi.advance_(roiWindowsize) print "here" roi.unrotateRoot_()"Clear Results")"Measure") roi.restoreCenter_(RT.getValue(table, "XM", 0), RT.getValue(table, "YM", 0)) #exit(1) sleep(.5) roi.findTilt_() i += 1 coords = "" for i in range(len(xvals)-1): coords += str(xvals[i]) + ", " + str(yvals[i]) +", " coords += str(xvals[len(xvals)-1]) + ", " + str(yvals[len(xvals)-1]) IJ.runMacro("makeLine("+coords+")")"Straighten...", "line = 80")
def containsRoot_(self):"Clear Results")"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() if RT.getValue(table, "Max", 0) == 0: return False return True
def measure_growth(imgDir, filename = "Fiji_Growth.txt"): """ Collects measurement data in pixels and writes to a file. Uses straightened binary images""" f = open(imgDir + filename, 'w') f.write("Img number\tEnd point (pixels)\n")"Set Measurements...", "area mean min center redirect=None decimal=3") index = "000000000" filename = imgDir + "/binary" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif" while path.exists(filename): imp = IJ.openImage(filename)"Clear Results") for i in xrange(800): #hard coded to target length for now IJ.makeRectangle(i, 0, 1, 80)"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() #print "i:", i, "counter:", table.getCounter() maxi = RT.getValue(table, "Max", i) if maxi == 0: f.write(str(int(index)) + "\t" + str(i) + "\n") break IJ.runMacro("while (nImages>0) {selectImage(nImages);close();}") index = to_9_Digits(str(int(index)+1)) filename = imgDir + "/padded" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif" f.close()
def measure_growth(imgDir, filename="Fiji_Growth.txt"): """ Collects measurement data in pixels and writes to a file. Uses straightened binary images""" f = open(imgDir + filename, 'w') f.write("Img number\tEnd point (pixels)\n")"Set Measurements...", "area mean min center redirect=None decimal=3") index = "000000000" filename = imgDir + "/binary" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif" while path.exists(filename): imp = IJ.openImage(filename)"Clear Results") for i in xrange(800): #hard coded to target length for now IJ.makeRectangle(i, 0, 1, 80)"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() #print "i:", i, "counter:", table.getCounter() maxi = RT.getValue(table, "Max", i) if maxi == 0: f.write(str(int(index)) + "\t" + str(i) + "\n") break IJ.runMacro("while (nImages>0) {selectImage(nImages);close();}") index = to_9_Digits(str(int(index) + 1)) filename = imgDir + "/padded" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif" f.close()
def quantify(quantgfx, labelgfx, table, nFrame, originalTitle): results = ResultsTable() clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx4, gfx5, results) for i in range(results.size()): table.incrementCounter() table.addValue("Frame (Time)", nFrame) table.addValue("Label", i) table.addValue("MEAN_INTENSITY", results.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("SUM_INTENSITY", results.getValue("SUM_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("MINIMUM_INTENSITY", results.getValue("MINIMUM_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("MAXIMUM_INTENSITY", results.getValue("MAXIMUM_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("STANDARD_DEVIATION_INTENSITY", results.getValue("STANDARD_DEVIATION_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("PIXEL_COUNT", results.getValue("PIXEL_COUNT", i)) table.addValue("CENTROID_X", results.getValue("CENTROID_X", i)) table.addValue("CENTROID_Y", results.getValue("CENTROID_Y", i)) table.addValue("CENTROID_Z", results.getValue("CENTROID_Z", i)) table.addValue("File name", originalTitle) return table
if ".ome" in dL: #open the images as virtual stack imp = "Bio-Formats", "open=[" + dL + "] color_mode=Default rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT use_virtual_stack" ) imp = IJ.getImage() #get right name for duplication of the desired frame if n < 10: numstr = "000" + str(n) elif n < 100: numstr = "00" + str(n) elif n > 99: numstr = "0" + str(n) if choice == 1: choose = RT.getValue(metaRT, "Frame selected", n - 1) #duplicate the right frame and give it the right title impDup = "Duplicate...", "title=Image_R" + str(numstr) + " duplicate frames=" + str(choose) + "") imp.close() # add 1 to the counter n = n + 1 #get list imageplus objects of all open images impl = [WM.getImage(id) for id in WM.getIDList()] end = len(impl) imp2 = impl[0] ti = 0 #concatenate all the frames to a time lapse
flipIfNecessary(getFlipArray(maskPA), [img410PA, img470PA, maskPA]) # MORPHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS # These are done on the rotated image mask scales = { "4x4": 2.58, "2x2": 1.29 } morphTable = ResultsTable() PA.setResultsTable(morphTable), "Select None", ""), "Set Scale...", "distance=1 known=" + str(scales[binning]) + " pixel=1 unit=μm"); #TODO scale?, "Set Measurements...", "area centroid center perimeter bounding fit shape feret's median skewness kurtosis scientific redirect=None decimal=7");, "Analyze Particles...", "size=0-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing stack"); morph_headings = morphTable.getColumnHeadings().strip(' ').split('\t') for m_heading in morph_headings[1:]: # because of formatting, the first is empty addValues(dataTable, m_heading, [morphTable.getValue(m_heading, i) for i in range(morphTable.size())]) for imPlus in [img410PA, img470PA, maskPA]: cropStack(imPlus) IJ.saveAsTiff(imPlus, os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, imPlus.getTitle()))"Measurements"), 'measurements.csv'))
def fretCalculations(imp1, nFrame, donorChannel, acceptorChannel, acceptorChannel2, table, gfx1, gfx2, gfx3, gfx4, gfx5, originalTitle): donorImp = extractChannel(imp1, donorChannel, nFrame) acceptorImp = extractChannel(imp1, acceptorChannel, nFrame) acceptorImp2 = extractChannel(imp1, acceptorChannel2, nFrame) #push donor and acceptor channels to gpu and threshold them both to remove saturated pixels gfx4 = clij2.push(donorImp) gfx5 = clij2.push(acceptorImp) gfx6 = clij2.create(gfx5) clij2.threshold(gfx4, gfx2, maxIntensity) clij2.binarySubtract(gfx3, gfx2, gfx6) clij2.threshold(gfx5, gfx2, maxIntensity) clij2.binarySubtract(gfx6, gfx2, gfx3) clij2.threshold(gfx3, gfx6, 0.5) clij2.multiplyImages(gfx6, gfx4, gfx2) clij2.multiplyImages(gfx6, gfx5, gfx4) gfx6 = clij2.push(acceptorImp2) #donor is gfx2, acceptor FRET is gfx4, segment channel (acceptor normal) is gfx6 results = ResultsTable() clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx2, gfx1, results) donorChIntensity = results.getColumn(13) results2 = ResultsTable() clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx4, gfx1, results2) acceptorChIntensity = results2.getColumn(13) results3 = ResultsTable() clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx6, gfx1, results3) #calculate the fret ratios, removing any ROI with intensity of zero FRET = [] for i in xrange(len(acceptorChIntensity)): if (acceptorChIntensity[i] > 0) and (donorChIntensity[i] > 0): #don't write in the zeros to the results FRET.append((1000 * acceptorChIntensity[i] / donorChIntensity[i])) table.incrementCounter() table.addValue("Frame (Time)", nFrame) table.addValue("Label", i) table.addValue("Emission ratio", acceptorChIntensity[i] / donorChIntensity[i]) table.addValue("Mean donor emission", results.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("Mean acceptor emission (FRET)", results2.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("Mean acceptor emission", results3.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue("Sum donor emission", donorChIntensity[i]) table.addValue("Sum acceptor emission (FRET)", acceptorChIntensity[i]) table.addValue("Sum acceptor emission", results3.getValue("SUM_INTENSITY", i)) table.addValue( "Volume", cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight * cal.pixelDepth * results.getValue("PIXEL_COUNT", i)) table.addValue("Pixel count", results.getValue("PIXEL_COUNT", i)) table.addValue("x", cal.pixelWidth * results.getValue("CENTROID_X", i)) table.addValue("y", cal.pixelHeight * results.getValue("CENTROID_Y", i)) table.addValue("z", cal.pixelDepth * results.getValue("CENTROID_Z", i)) table.addValue("File name", originalTitle) else: #must write in the zeros as this array is used to generate the map of emission ratios FRET.append(0)"Results of " + originalTitle) FRET[0] = 0 FRETarray = array("f", FRET) fp = FloatProcessor(len(FRET), 1, FRETarray, None) FRETImp = ImagePlus("FRETImp", fp) gfx4 = clij2.push(FRETImp) clij2.replaceIntensities(gfx1, gfx4, gfx5) maxProj = clij2.create(gfx5.getWidth(), gfx5.getHeight(), 1) clij2.maximumZProjection(gfx5, maxProj) #pull the images FRETimp2 = clij2.pull(gfx5) FRETProjImp = clij2.pull(maxProj) labelImp = clij2.pull(gfx1) clij2.clear() donorImp.close() acceptorImp.close() acceptorImp2.close() return table, FRETimp2, FRETProjImp, labelImp
def process(self,imp): # extract nucleus channel, 8-bit and twice binned imp.setC(self.nucleusChannel) ip = imp.getChannelProcessor().duplicate() ip = ip.convertToByteProcessor() ip = ip.bin(4) nucleus = ImagePlus("nucleus_channel", ip) # threshold image and separate clumped nuclei, "Auto Threshold", "method=Otsu white setthreshold show");, "Make Binary", "thresholded remaining black");, "Watershed", ""); directory = imp.getTitle() directory = directory.replace(" ", "_")\ .replace(",", "_")\ .replace("#", "_series")\ .replace("...", "")\ .replace(".","_") directory = os.path.join(self.exportDir, directory) sliceDirectory = os.path.join(directory, "slices") print directory print sliceDirectory if not os.path.exists(sliceDirectory): os.makedirs(sliceDirectory) # Create a table to store the results table = ResultsTable() # Create a hidden ROI manager, to store a ROI for each blob or cell #roim = RoiManager(True) # remove small particles and border particles pa = ParticleAnalyzer(\ ParticleAnalyzer.ADD_TO_MANAGER | ParticleAnalyzer.EXCLUDE_EDGE_PARTICLES,\ Measurements.CENTER_OF_MASS,\ table,\ self.minArea, self.maxArea,\ 0.0,1.0) if pa.analyze(nucleus): print "All ok, number of particles: ", table.size() else: print "There was a problem in analyzing", imp, nucleus, "rt.csv")) # read the center of mass coordinates cmx = table.getColumn(0) cmy = table.getColumn(1) if self.debug: i=0 for i in range(0, min(self.nCells,table.size())): # ROI around the cell cmx = table.getValue("XM",i) cmy = table.getValue("YM",i) x = 4 * cmx - (self.boxSize - 1) / 2 y = 4 * cmy - (self.boxSize - 1) / 2 if (x < self.edge or y < self.edge or x > imp.getWidth() - self.edge or y > imp.getHeight() - self.edge): continue roi = Roi(x,y,self.boxSize,self.boxSize) imp.setRoi(roi, False) cellStack = ImageStack(self.boxSize, self.boxSize) for z in range(1, imp.getNSlices() + 1): imp.setSlice(z) for c in range(1, imp.getNChannels() + 1): imp.setC(c) # copy ROI to stack imp.copy() impSlice = imp.getClipboard() cellStack.addSlice(impSlice.getProcessor()) if self.slices: sliceTitle = "cell_%s_z%s_c%s" % (str(i).zfill(4), str(z).zfill(3), str(c)) print sliceTitle IJ.saveAsTiff(impSlice, os.path.join(sliceDirectory, sliceTitle)) impSlice.close() title = "cell_" + str(i).zfill(4) cell = ImagePlus(title, cellStack) # save ROI image IJ.saveAsTiff(cell, os.path.join(directory, title)) cell.close() if self.debug: imp.updateAndDraw() wait = Wait("particle done")
# Check if Column even exists (in case it didn't measure anything) if table.getColumnIndex("Area") != -1: # Find the ROI with the largest area for i, area in enumerate(table.getColumn(table.getColumnIndex("Area"))): if area > maxArea: index = i # Writes everything in the output file if index != -1: diameter = 2* math.sqrt( float(table.getValue("Area", index)) / (2* math.pi)) isOrganoid = table.getValue("Area", index) > area_threshold and table.getValue("Area", index) > round_threshold output.write(str(subfolder) + ',' + filename + ',' + str(table.getValue("Feret", index)) + ',' + str(table.getValue("MinFeret", index)) + ',' + str((table.getValue("MinFeret", index)+table.getValue("Feret", index))/2) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Area", index)) + ',' + str(diameter) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Major", index)) + ','+ str(table.getValue("Minor", index)) + ','+ str(table.getValue("Circ.", index)) + ',' +str(table.getValue("Round", index)) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Solidity", index)) + ',' + str(isOrganoid)) else: output.write(str(subfolder) + ',' + filename + ",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA") output.write('\n') imp.changes = False imp.close() roim.reset() roim.close() # End of macro cat = """
class Morph(object): """ Fourni les mesures principales pour l'analyse des cellules bacteriennes: proprietes: 1-MaxFeret 2-MinFeret 3-AngleFeret 4-XFeret 5-YFeret 6-Area 7-Mean 8-StdDev 9-IntDen 10-Kurt 11-Skew 12-Angle 13-Major 14-Minor 15-Solidity 16-AR 17-Round 18-Circ. 19-XM 20-YM 21-X 22-Y 23-FerCoord: tuple contenant x1, y1, x2, y2 du MaxFeret 24-Fprofil: list contenant les valeurs du profil le long de MaxFeret 25-FerAxis: Line ROI 26-MidAxis: Polyline ROI de l'axe median par skeletonize 27-MidProfil: list contenant les valeurs du profil le long de MidAxis 28-nb Foci 29-ListFoci: liste des positions des foci par cellule 30-ListAreaFoci: liste des area des foci 31-ListPeaksFoci: liste des int max des foci 32-ListMeanFoci liste des int mean des foci toute les proprietes mettent a jour l'image cible par: object.propriete=imp Methodes: getFeretSegments(n segments) getMidSegments(n segments, radius, tool 0= ligne perpendiculaire, 1= cercle, 2= ligne tangente) selectInitRoi: active la ROI initiale Statics: distMorph(liste de coordonees a mesurer= (coefficient, valeur initiale, valeur finale)) setteurs: setImage(ImagePlus) setImageMeasures(imagePlus) met a jours les mesures avec imagePlus setImageMidprofil(imagePlus) met a jours le profil avec imagePlus setLineWidth(width) afecte la largeur de ligne pour le profil pour Fprofile et MidProfil defaut = 0 setshowFprof(True) affiche le graphique de profil Fprofil defaut = False setMidParams(longueur mesurer l'angle de l'extremite en pixels defaut=10, coefficient pour prolonger et trouver l'intersection avec le contour defaut=1.3 """ def __Measures(self): self.__boolmeasures=True if (self.__contour is not None) and (self.__contour.getType() not in [9,10]): self.__image.killRoi() self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour) self.__ip=self.__image.getProcessor() self.__rt= ResultsTable() analyser= Analyzer(self.__image, Analyzer.AREA+Analyzer.CENTER_OF_MASS+Analyzer.CENTROID+Analyzer.ELLIPSE+Analyzer.FERET+Analyzer.INTEGRATED_DENSITY+Analyzer.MEAN+Analyzer.KURTOSIS+Analyzer.SKEWNESS+Analyzer.MEDIAN+Analyzer.MIN_MAX+Analyzer.MODE+Analyzer.RECT+Analyzer.SHAPE_DESCRIPTORS+Analyzer.SLICE+Analyzer.STACK_POSITION+Analyzer.STD_DEV, self.__rt) analyser.measure()"myRT") else: self.__rt = ResultsTable() analyser = Analyzer(self.__image, Analyzer.AREA+Analyzer.CENTER_OF_MASS+Analyzer.CENTROID+Analyzer.ELLIPSE+Analyzer.FERET+Analyzer.INTEGRATED_DENSITY+Analyzer.MEAN+Analyzer.KURTOSIS+Analyzer.SKEWNESS+Analyzer.MEDIAN+Analyzer.MIN_MAX+Analyzer.MODE+Analyzer.RECT+Analyzer.SHAPE_DESCRIPTORS+Analyzer.SLICE+Analyzer.STACK_POSITION+Analyzer.STD_DEV, self.__rt) analyser.measure()"myRT") maxValues=self.__rt.getRowAsString(0).split("\t") heads=self.__rt.getColumnHeadings().split("\t") for val in heads: self.__rt.setValue(val, 0, Float.NaN)"myRT") # calculate the 1/2 , 1/4 ... 1/n positions for a liste while 1/n >= 1 returns a dict = 0: (0, [0, 0, pos(1/2)]) 1: (1, [-1, -0.5, -pos(1/4)], [0, 0, pos(1/2)], [1, 0.5, pos(1/2)]) def __Centers(self, line) : L=len(line) l2=L//2 l=L pos={} for i in range(self.log2(L)) : l = l//2 pos[i]=l l=L dicPos={} jtot=1 for i in range(self.log2(L)) : s=[] j=1 while (l2-j*pos[i])>0 or (l2+j*pos[i])<L : s.append((-j,(l2-j*pos[i]))) s.append((j,(l2+j*pos[i]))) j=j+1 s.append((0,l2)) s.sort() if ((len(s)+1)*pos[i]-L)//pos[i] > 0 : del s[0] del s[-1] else : pass if len(s) - 1 != 0 : jtot= (( len(s) - 1 ) / 2.00)+1 else : jtot=1 centers=[[v[0], v[0]/jtot, v[1]] for v in s] dicPos[i]=(i, centers) del(s) return dicPos #calculate angle from the center of the midline to ends def __flexAngle(self) : try : p1 = self.__midLine[0] p3 = self.__midLine[-1] except AttributeError : self.__midline() p1 = self.__midLine[0] p3 = self.__midLine[-1] icenter = self.__midCenters[0][1][0][2] p2 = self.__midLine[icenter] #xpoints = (429,472,466) #ypoints = (114,133,99) xpoints = [int(p1[0]), int(p2[0]), int(p3[0])] ypoints = [int(p1[1]), int(p2[1]), int(p3[1])] #print ypoints #return "" r = PolygonRoi(xpoints, ypoints, 3, Roi.ANGLE) return r.getAngle() def __NbFoci(self): self.__boolFoci=True self.__image.killRoi() self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour) self.__ip=self.__image.getProcessor() rt=ResultsTable.getResultsTable() rt.reset() mf=MaximumFinder() mf.findMaxima(self.__ip, self.__noise, 0, MaximumFinder.LIST, True, False) self.__listMax[:]=[] #feret=self.getFercoord() #xc=feret[0]-((feret[0]-feret[2])/2.0) #yc=feret[1]-((feret[1]-feret[3])/2.0) #print xc, yc xc=self.getXC() yc=self.getYC() #print xc, yc for i in range(rt.getCounter()): x=int(rt.getValue("X", i)) y=int(rt.getValue("Y", i)) size=self.__localwand(x, y, self.__ip, self.__seuilPeaks, self.__peaksMethod, self.__light) coord=[(1, xc, x), (1, yc, y)] d=self.distMorph(coord,"Euclidean distance") d=( d / (self.getMaxF()/2) )*100 self.__listMax.append((x, y, size[0], size[1], size[2], size[3], size[4], d)) rt.reset() def __FeretAxis(self): __boolFL=True if (self.__contour is not None) and (self.__contour.getType() in range(1,11)): self.__image.killRoi() self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour) if self.__contour.getType() in [1,5,9,10]: self.__polygon=self.__contour.getPolygon() else: self.__polygon=self.__contour.getFloatPolygon() points = self.__polygon.npoints self.__polx = self.__polygon.xpoints self.__poly = self.__polygon.ypoints diameter=0.0 for i in range(points): for j in range(i, points): dx=self.__polx[i]-self.__polx[j] dy=self.__poly[i]-self.__poly[j] d=math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) if d>diameter: diameter=d i1=i i2=j tempDictY={ self.__poly[i1]:(self.__polx[i1],self.__poly[i1],self.__polx[i2],self.__poly[i2]), self.__poly[i2]:(self.__polx[i2],self.__poly[i2],self.__polx[i1],self.__poly[i1]) } minY=min((self.__poly[i1],self.__poly[i2])) maxY=max((self.__poly[i1],self.__poly[i2])) lineTuple=tempDictY[maxY] self.__x1=lineTuple[0] self.__y1=lineTuple[1] self.__x2=lineTuple[2] self.__y2=lineTuple[3] self.__line= Line(self.__x1,self.__y1,self.__x2,self.__y2) elif (self.__contour is not None) and (self.__contour.getType()==0): self.__x2=self.__contour.getBounds().x self.__y2=self.__contour.getBounds().y self.__x1=self.__contour.getBounds().x+self.__contour.getBounds().width self.__y1=self.__contour.getBounds().y+self.__contour.getBounds().height self.__line= Line(self.__x1,self.__y1,self.__x2,self.__y2) else: self.__x1="NaN" self.__y1="NaN" self.__x2="NaN" self.__y2="NaN" self.__fprofArray="NaN" def __FeretProfile(self): """ genere le profile le long du diametre de Feret """ self.__line.setWidth(self.__lw) self.__image.setRoi(self.__line, True) self.__fprof= ProfilePlot(self.__image) self.__fprofArray=self.__fprof.getProfile() if self.__showFpro: self.__fprof.createWindow() self.__image.killRoi() self.__line.setWidth(0) self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour) return self.__fprofArray def __midline(self): debug=False #print "line 251", self.__boolML if self.__boolML : ordpoints=self.__midLine[:] npoints=len(ordpoints) xpoints=[point[0] for point in ordpoints] ypoints=[point[1] for point in ordpoints] polyOrd=PolygonRoi(xpoints, ypoints, npoints, PolygonRoi.POLYLINE) return polyOrd #if self.getMaxF()<15 : return None #self.__FeretAxis() #return self.__line self.__boolML=True self.__image.killRoi() self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour) boundRect=self.__contour.getBounds() boundRoi=Roi(boundRect) xori=boundRect.x yori=boundRect.y wori=boundRect.width hori=boundRect.height ip2 = ByteProcessor(self.__image.getWidth(), self.__image.getHeight()) ip2.setColor(255) ip2.setRoi(self.__contour) ip2.fill(self.__contour) skmp=ImagePlus("ip2", ip2) skmp.setRoi(xori-1,yori-1,wori+1,hori+1) ip3=ip2.crop() skmp3=ImagePlus("ip3", ip3) skmp3.killRoi() #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : IJ.showMessage("imp3 l287") #-------------------------------------------------------------, "Skeletonize (2D/3D)", ""), "Skeletonize", "") #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : IJ.showMessage("imp3 l294") #-------------------------------------------------------------, "BinaryConnectivity ", "white") ip3.setThreshold(3,4, ImageProcessor.BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT), "Convert to Mask", "") #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : IJ.showMessage("imp3 l302") #-------------------------------------------------------------, "Skeletonize", "") #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : skmp3.updateAndDraw() IJ.showMessage("imp3 l308") #------------------------------------------------------------- rawPoints=[] w=ip3.getWidth() h=ip3.getHeight() rawPoints=[(x+xori,y+yori,self.__sommeVals(x,y,ip3)) for x in range(w) for y in range(h) if ip3.getPixel(x,y)==255] tempbouts=[val for val in rawPoints if val[2]==2] if len(tempbouts)!=2 : return None # test #if len(tempbouts)!=2 : # #, "BinaryConnectivity ", "white") # ip3.setThreshold(3,3, ImageProcessor.BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT) #, "Convert to Mask", "") # #------------------------------------------------------------- # if debug==debug : # skmp3.updateAndDraw() # # IJ.showMessage("if test l 328") ##------------------------------------------------------------- # rawPoints=[(x+xori,y+yori,self.__sommeVals(x,y,ip3)) for x in range(w) for y in range(h) if ip3.getPixel(x,y)==255] # tempbouts=[val for val in rawPoints if val[2]==2] ip3.setRoi(boundRect) if rawPoints==[]: return None npoints=len(rawPoints) xpoints=[point[0] for point in rawPoints] ypoints=[point[1] for point in rawPoints] valpoints=[point[2] for point in rawPoints] bouts={} if tempbouts==[]: return None if tempbouts[0][1]>tempbouts[1][1]: bouts["A"]=tempbouts[0] bouts["B"]=tempbouts[1] else: bouts["A"]=tempbouts[1] bouts["B"]=tempbouts[0] rawPoints.remove(bouts["A"]) rawPoints.remove(bouts["B"]) rawPoints.append(bouts["B"]) tempList=[val for val in rawPoints] p=bouts["A"] Dist={} ordPoints=[] for j in range(len(rawPoints)): Dist.clear() for i in range(len(tempList)): dx=p[0]-tempList[i][0] dy=p[1]-tempList[i][1] d=math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) Dist[d]=tempList[i] distList=Dist.keys() mind=min(distList) nextpoint=Dist[mind] ordPoints.append(nextpoint) tempList.remove(nextpoint) p=nextpoint ordPoints.insert(0, bouts["A"]) npoints=len(ordPoints) if npoints < 4 : return None xpoints=[point[0] for point in ordPoints] ypoints=[point[1] for point in ordPoints] polyOrd1=PolygonRoi(xpoints, ypoints, npoints, PolygonRoi.POLYLINE) f=min(self.__midParams[0], len(xpoints)//2) angleA1=polyOrd1.getAngle(xpoints[0],ypoints[0], xpoints[1],ypoints[1]) angleA2=polyOrd1.getAngle(xpoints[1],ypoints[1], xpoints[2],ypoints[3]) angleA = (angleA1+angleA2)/2.00 angleA=polyOrd1.getAngle(xpoints[0],ypoints[0], xpoints[f],ypoints[f]) angleA=angleA*(math.pi/180) angleB1=polyOrd1.getAngle(xpoints[-2],ypoints[-2], xpoints[-1],ypoints[-1]) angleB2=polyOrd1.getAngle(xpoints[-3],ypoints[-3], xpoints[-2],ypoints[-2]) angleB = (angleB1+angleB2)/2.00 angleB=polyOrd1.getAngle(xpoints[-f],ypoints[-f], xpoints[-1],ypoints[-1]) angleB=angleB*(math.pi/180) coef=self.__midParams[1] xa = xpoints[0]-coef*f*math.cos(angleA) ya = ypoints[0]+coef*f*math.sin(angleA) xb = xpoints[-1]+coef*f*math.cos(angleB) yb = ypoints[-1]-coef*f*math.sin(angleB) lineA=Line(xpoints[0],ypoints[0], xa, ya) lineB=Line(xpoints[-1],ypoints[-1], xb, yb) lineA.setWidth(0) lineB.setWidth(0) lineA.setStrokeWidth(0) lineB.setStrokeWidth(0) ip2.setColor(0) ip2.fill() ip2.setColor(255) ip2.setRoi(lineA) lineA.drawPixels(ip2) ip2.setRoi(lineB) lineB.drawPixels(ip2) ip2.setRoi(self.__contour) ip2.setColor(0) ip2.fillOutside(self.__contour) ip2=ip2.crop() imb=ImagePlus("new-ip2", ip2) #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : IJ.showMessage("imb l416") #------------------------------------------------------------- w2=ip2.getWidth() h2=ip2.getHeight() ip4 = ByteProcessor(w2+2, h2+2) im4=ImagePlus("im4", ip4) for i in range(w2): for j in range(h2): ip4.set(i+1,j+1,max([ip2.getPixel(i,j),ip3.getPixel(i,j)])) #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : IJ.showMessage("im4 l430") #------------------------------------------------------------- im4.killRoi(), "Skeletonize (2D/3D)", ""), "Skeletonize", "") #------------------------------------------------------------- if debug : IJ.showMessage("imb l300") #-------------------------------------------------------------, "Skeletonize", "") ip4=im4.getProcessor() rawPoints2=[] w4=ip4.getWidth() h4=ip4.getHeight() rawPoints2=[(x+xori-2,y+yori-2,self.__sommeVals(x,y,ip4)) for x in range(w4) for y in range(h4) if ip4.getPixel(x,y)==255] self.__MidBouts=[val for val in rawPoints2 if val[2]==2] # test if len(self.__MidBouts)!=2 :, "BinaryConnectivity ", "white") ip4.setThreshold(3,3, ImageProcessor.BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT), "Convert to Mask", "") rawPoints2=[(x+xori-2,y+yori-2,self.__sommeVals(x,y,ip4)) for x in range(w4) for y in range(h4) if ip4.getPixel(x,y)==255] self.__MidBouts=[val for val in rawPoints2 if val[2]==2] ordpoints=[] p0=self.__MidBouts[0] rawPoints2.remove(p0) c=0 while p0!=self.__MidBouts[1]: if c<len(rawPoints2): point=rawPoints2[c] else: break if abs(point[0]-p0[0])<2 and abs(point[1]-p0[1])<2: p0=point ordpoints.append(point) rawPoints2.remove(point) c=0 else: c=c+1 ordpoints.insert(0, self.__MidBouts[0]) self.__midLine=ordpoints[:] self.__midCenters = self.__Centers(self.__midLine) npoints=len(ordpoints) xpoints=[point[0] for point in ordpoints] ypoints=[point[1] for point in ordpoints] polyOrd=PolygonRoi(xpoints, ypoints, npoints, PolygonRoi.POLYLINE) #print self.__midLine #print self.__MidBouts #print xpoints #print ypoints return polyOrd def __sommeVals(self, x, y, ip): return (ip.getPixel(x,y)+ip.getPixel(x-1,y-1)+ip.getPixel(x,y-1)+ip.getPixel(x+1,y-1)+ip.getPixel(x-1,y)+ip.getPixel(x+1,y)+ip.getPixel(x-1,y+1)+ip.getPixel(x,y+1)+ip.getPixel(x+1,y+1))/255 def __localwand(self, x, y, ip, seuil, method, light): self.__image.killRoi() ip.snapshot() if method == "mean" : peak=ip.getPixel(x,y) tol = (peak - self.getMean())*seuil w = Wand(ip) w.autoOutline(x, y, tol, Wand.EIGHT_CONNECTED) #print "method=", method, tol, peak elif method == "background" : radius = self.getMinF()/4 bs = BackgroundSubtracter() #rollingBallBackground(ImageProcessor ip, double radius, boolean createBackground, boolean lightBackground, boolean useParaboloid, boolean doPresmooth, boolean correctCorners) bs.rollingBallBackground(ip, radius, False, light, False, True, False) peak=ip.getPixel(x,y) tol = peak*seuil w = Wand(ip) w.autoOutline(x, y, tol, Wand.EIGHT_CONNECTED) ip.reset() #print "method=", method, tol, radius, peak else : peak=ip.getPixel(x,y) tol = peak*seuil w = Wand(ip) w.autoOutline(x, y, tol, Wand.EIGHT_CONNECTED) #print "method=", method, tol peak=ip.getPixel(x,y) temproi=PolygonRoi(w.xpoints, w.ypoints, w.npoints, PolygonRoi.POLYGON) self.__image.setRoi(temproi) #time.sleep(1) #peakip=self.__image.getProcessor() #stats=peakip.getStatistics() temprt = ResultsTable() analyser = Analyzer(self.__image, Analyzer.AREA+Analyzer.INTEGRATED_DENSITY+Analyzer.FERET, temprt) analyser.measure()"temprt") rtValues=temprt.getRowAsString(0).split("\t") area=float(rtValues[1]) intDen=float(rtValues[4]) feret=float(rtValues[2]) mean=intDen/area #time.sleep(2) temprt.reset() self.__image.killRoi() return [peak, area, mean, intDen, feret] def __MidProfil(self): if not self.__boolML : self.__midline() ip=self.__image.getProcessor() line=Line(self.__midLine[0][0],self.__midLine[0][1],self.__midLine[-1][0],self.__midLine[-1][1]) line.setWidth(self.__lw) self.__MprofArray=[] self.__MprofArray[:]=[] for i in range(0,len(self.__midLine)-1): templine=Line(self.__midLine[i][0],self.__midLine[i][1],self.__midLine[i+1][0],self.__midLine[i+1][1]) templine.setWidth(self.__lw) self.__image.setRoi(templine) #time.sleep(0.5) temprof= ProfilePlot(self.__image) temparray=temprof.getProfile() self.__MprofArray+=temparray templine.setWidth(0) #if self.__showMidpro: self.__fprof.createWindow() return def getFeretSegments(self, n): self.__boolFS=True if(not self.__boolFL): self.__FeretAxis() radius=self.getMinF() lsegment=self.__line.getLength()/((n-1)*2) xo=self.__x1 yo=self.__y1 xf=self.__x2 yf=self.__y2 angle1=self.getAngF()*(math.pi/180) angle2=self.getAngF()*(math.pi/180)+(math.pi/2) avancex=(lsegment*2)*math.cos(angle1) avancey=(lsegment*2)*math.sin(angle1) delta90x=(radius)*math.cos(angle2) delta90y=(radius)*math.sin(angle2) self.__line.setWidth(int(lsegment*2)) #self.__image.setRoi(self.__line) tempcontour=self.__contour.clone() shapeContour=ShapeRoi(tempcontour) segsRoi=[] for i in range(n): tempLine=Line(xo-delta90x, yo+delta90y, xo+delta90x, yo-delta90y) tempLine.setWidth(int(lsegment*2)) poly=tempLine.getPolygon() roipol=PolygonRoi(poly, Roi.POLYGON) shapePoly= ShapeRoi(roipol) interShape=shapePoly.and(shapeContour) segsRoi.append(interShape.shapeToRoi()) xo=xo+avancex yo=yo-avancey #self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour, True) #time.sleep(0) self.__line.setWidth(0) #self.__image.setRoi(tempcontour) #self.__image.updateAndDraw() return segsRoi # return Roi array def getMidSegments(self, n=10, r=5, tool=0): self.__boolMS=True if(not self.__boolML): self.__midline() lsegment=int(len(self.__midLine)/n) if lsegment<2:lsegment=2 ls2=int(len(self.__midLine)/(2*n)) if ls2<1: ls2=1 ip=self.__image.getProcessor() #print(len(self.__midLine), lsegment, ls2) xo=self.__MidBouts[0][0] yo=self.__MidBouts[0][1] xf=self.__MidBouts[1][0] yf=self.__MidBouts[1][1] line1=Line(xo,yo,xf,yf) line1.setWidth(0) angles=[line1.getAngle(self.__midLine[i][0], self.__midLine[i][1], self.__midLine[i+lsegment][0], self.__midLine[i+lsegment][1]) for i in range(0,len(self.__midLine)-lsegment,lsegment)] points=[self.__midLine[i] for i in range(0,len(self.__midLine),lsegment)] lastangle=line1.getAngle(self.__midLine[-ls2][0],self.__midLine[-ls2][1],self.__midLine[-1][0],self.__midLine[-1][1]) angles.append(lastangle) tempcontour=self.__contour.clone() shapeContour=ShapeRoi(tempcontour) angles=[angle*(math.pi/180)+(math.pi/2) for angle in angles] line1.setWidth((ls2+1)*2) segsRoi=[] linesRois=[] cRois=[] for i in range(len(angles)): x=points[i][0] y=points[i][1] cRois.append(PointRoi(x,y)) if tool==0: # ligne perpendiculaire d'epaiseur (ls2+1)*2 line1.setWidth((ls2+1)*2) x1=x+r*math.cos(angles[i]) y1=y-r*math.sin(angles[i]) x2=x-r*math.cos(angles[i]) y2=y+r*math.sin(angles[i]) #print(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) tempLine=Line(x1,y1,x2,y2) linesRois.append(tempLine) tempLine.setWidth((ls2+1)*2) #self.__image.setRoi(tempLine, True) #time.sleep(0.3) poly=tempLine.getPolygon() roipol=PolygonRoi(poly, Roi.POLYGON) shapePoly= ShapeRoi(roipol) elif tool==1: #r1=r*0.7 x1=x+r y1=y-r x2=x-r y2=y+r ellipse=EllipseRoi(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1) linesRois.append(ellipse) #print(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) #self.__image.setRoi(ellipse, True) shapePoly= ShapeRoi(ellipse) #time.sleep(0.3) else: x1=x y1=y line1.setWidth(r) if (i+1)<len(points): x2=points[i+1][0] y2=points[i+1][1] else: #x1=x+lsegment*math.cos(angles[i]-(math.pi/2)) #y1=y-lsegment*math.sin(angles[i]-(math.pi/2)) x2=x+lsegment*math.cos(angles[i]-(math.pi/2)) y2=y-lsegment*math.sin(angles[i]-(math.pi/2)) #x2=xf #y2=yf tempLine=Line(x1,y1,x2,y2) linesRois.append(tempLine) tempLine.setWidth(r) #self.__image.setRoi(tempLine, True) #time.sleep(0.5) poly=tempLine.getPolygon() roipol=PolygonRoi(poly, Roi.POLYGON) shapePoly= ShapeRoi(roipol) interShape=shapePoly.and(shapeContour) interRoi=interShape.shapeToRoi() segsRoi.append(interShape.shapeToRoi()) line1.setWidth(0) return (segsRoi, linesRois, cRois) def selectInitRoi(self): self.__image.killRoi() self.__image.setRoi(self.__contour) time.sleep(0) @staticmethod def distMorph(coord,distmethod="Euclidean distance"): if distmethod == "Euclidean distance" : s=[val[0]*(val[2]-val[1])*(val[2]-val[1]) for val in coord] #print s #print sum(s) return math.sqrt(sum(s)) if distmethod == "Logarithm distance" : s=[val[0]*abs(math.log(val[2]/val[1])) for val in coord] return sum(s) @staticmethod def log2(n) : return math.log(n)/math.log(2) def Out(self): print("out") #------ end methodes--------------- #------ constructeur ------------- def __init__(self, imp, roi): self.__lw=0 self.__showFpro=False self.__Feret=[] self.__image=imp self.__cal=imp.getCalibration() self.__contour=roi.clone() self.__boolmeasures=False self.__boolFP=False self.__boolFL=False self.__boolML=False self.__boolMP=False self.__boolFS=False self.__boolMS=False self.__boolFoci=False self.__midParams=[10, 1.3] self.__listMax=[] self.__noise=150 self.__seuilPeaks=0.75 self.__peaksMethod="mean" self.__light=False self.__distot=0.00 self.__flexangle=0.00 #print "dropbox MorphoBactProject" #---------- end constructor--------- #---------- getteurs---------------- def getMaxF(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Feret", 0) def getMinF(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("MinFeret", 0) def getXF(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("FeretX", 0) def getYF(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("FeretY", 0) def getAngF(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("FeretAngle", 0) def getArea(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Area", 0) def getMean(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Mean", 0) def getKurt(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Kurt", 0) def getSkew(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Skew", 0) def getIntDen(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("IntDen", 0) def getStdDev(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("StdDev", 0) def getAngle(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Angle", 0) def getMajor(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Major", 0) def getMinor(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Minor", 0) def getSolidity(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Solidity", 0) def getAR(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("AR", 0) def getRound(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Round", 0) def getCirc(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Circ.", 0) def getXM(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("XM",0) def getYM(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("YM",0) def getXC(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("X",0) def getYC(self): if(not self.__boolmeasures): self.__Measures() return self.__rt.getValue("Y",0) def getNfoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() return len(self.__listMax) def getListFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() xy=[] for val in self.__listMax: xy.append((val[0], val[1])) return xy def getListPeaksFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() peaks=[] for val in self.__listMax: peaks.append(val[2]) return peaks def getListAreaFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() areas=[] for val in self.__listMax: areas.append(val[3]) return areas def getListMeanFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() means=[] for val in self.__listMax: means.append(val[4]) return means def getListIntDenFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() ints=[] for val in self.__listMax: ints.append(val[5]) return ints def getListFeretFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() ferets=[] for val in self.__listMax: ferets.append(val[6]) return ferets def getListDistsFoci(self): if(not self.__boolFoci):self.__NbFoci() dists=[] for val in self.__listMax: dists.append(val[7]) return dists def getFercoord(self): """ FerCoord: tuple contenant x1, y1, x2, y2 du MaxFeret """ if (not self.__boolFL): self.__FeretAxis() return (self.__x1,self.__y1,self.__x2,self.__y2) def getFprofil(self): """ Fprofil: list contenant les valeurs du profil le long de MaxFeret """ if (not self.__boolFL): self.__FeretAxis() self.__FeretProfile() return self.__fprofArray def getFerAxis(self): """ FerAxis: Line ROI """ if(not self.__boolFL): self.__FeretAxis() return self.__line def getMidAxis(self): """ MidAxis: Polyline ROI de l'axe median par skeletonize """ if(not self.__boolML): return self.__midline() def getMidSegs(self, n, r, tool): """ Rois des segments 0 = rois , 1 = points, 2 = lines ou ellipses """ if(not self.__boolMS): return self.getMidSegments(n, r, tool) def getMidProfil(self): """ MidProfil: list contenant les valeurs du profil le long de MidAxis """ self.__MidProfil() return self.__MprofArray def getMidPoints(self) : """ MidPoints : list of two extreme points of mid Axis """ if(not self.__boolML): self.__midline() return self.__MidBouts def getCenters(self) : if(not self.__boolML): self.__midline() return self.__midCenters def getFlexAngle(self) : return self.__flexAngle() #------ setteurs -------- def setImage(self, imp): self.__image=imp def setImageMeasures(self, imp): self.__image=imp self.__Measures() def setImageFprofil(self, imp): self.__image=imp self.__FeretProfile() def setImageMidprofil(self, imp): self.__image=imp self.__MidProfil() def setLineWidth(self, lw): self.__lw=lw def setshowFpro(self, fpshow): self.__showFpro=fpshow def setMidParams(self, lseg, coeff): self.__midParams[:]=[] self.__midParams.append(lseg) self.__midParams.append(coeff) def setNoise(self, noise): self.__noise=noise def setSeuilPeaks(self, seuil): self.__seuilPeaks=seuil def setpeaksMethod(self, method): self.__peaksMethod=method def setlight(self, light): self.__light=light #------- properties ----------------------- MaxFeret=property(getMaxF, setImageMeasures, doc="caliper max Feret=") MinFeret=property(getMinF, setImageMeasures, doc="caliper min Feret=") AngleFeret=property(getAngF, setImageMeasures, doc="angle Feret=") XFeret=property(getXF, setImageMeasures, doc="X Feret=") YFeret=property(getYF, setImageMeasures, doc="Y Feret=") Area=property(getArea, setImageMeasures, doc="Area=") Mean=property(getMean, setImageMeasures, doc="Mean=") Kurt=property(getKurt, setImageMeasures, doc="Kurtosis=") Skew=property(getSkew, setImageMeasures, doc="Skewness=") IntDen=property(getIntDen, setImageMeasures, doc="Integrated Intensity=") StdDev=property(getStdDev, setImageMeasures, doc="Standard Deviation=") Angle=property(getAngle, setImageMeasures, doc="Angle=") Major=property(getMajor, setImageMeasures, doc="Major ellipse axis=") Minor=property(getMinor, setImageMeasures, doc="Minor ellipse axis=") Solidity=property(getSolidity, setImageMeasures, doc="Solidity area/convexHull=") AR=property(getAR, setImageMeasures, doc="Major axis/Minor axis=") Round=property(getRound, setImageMeasures, doc="Area/(pi*Major*Major)=1/AR=") Circ=property(getCirc, setImageMeasures, doc="(4*pi*Area)/(perimeter*perimeter)=") XM=property(getXM, setImageMeasures, doc="X center of Mass=") YM=property(getYM, setImageMeasures, doc="Y center of Mass=") XC=property(getXC, setImageMeasures, doc="X of centroid=") YC=property(getYC, setImageMeasures, doc="Y of centroid=") NFoci=property(getNfoci, setImageMeasures, doc="nb foci in the roi=") ListFoci=property(getListFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci coordinates=") ListPeaksFoci=property(getListPeaksFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci peaks=") ListAreaFoci=property(getListAreaFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci areas=") ListMeanFoci=property(getListMeanFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci means=") ListIntDenFoci=property(getListIntDenFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci IntDen=") ListFeretFoci=property(getListFeretFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci Ferets=") ListDistsFoci=property(getListDistsFoci, setImageMeasures, doc="list of foci distances=") FerCoord=property(getFercoord, doc="x1, y1, x2, y2 of Feret diameter =") Fprofil=property(getFprofil, setImageFprofil, doc="Profil along Feret diameter") # return array values FerAxis=property(getFerAxis, doc="ROI along Feret diameter") # return Roi MidAxis=property(getMidAxis, doc="ROI along the median axis") # return Roi MidProfil=property(getMidProfil, setImageMidprofil, doc="profile values of mid axis") # return array values MidPoints=property(getMidPoints, doc= "extreme points of mid line") Centers=property(getCenters, doc= "list of positions (tuples) of 1/2 of the midaxis, 1/4, 1/8 ...") # return a list of tuples FlexAngle=property(getFlexAngle, doc="angle of the center of midline to ends")
class previewLabelerAndListeners(ActionListener, AdjustmentListener): '''Class which unique function is to handle the button clics''' def __init__(self, imp1, slider1, slider2, gd): self.height = imp1.getHeight() self.width = imp1.getWidth() self.depth = imp1.getStackSize() self.stats = StackStatistics(imp1) self.src = clij2.push(imp1) = imp1.getCalibration() self.size = int(self.stats.max) self.labelValues = [1] * int(self.size + 1) self.labelValues[0] = 0 self.nucleiLabels = range(self.size + 1) self.results = ResultsTable() self.renderPreview(1)"results") self.labelDict = { 0: [0], 1: sorted(self.nucleiLabels[1:]), 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: [], 10: [] } self.identifiers = [] self.xs = [] self.ys = [] self.zs = [] self.bbz = [] self.bbze = [] for i in range(int(self.size + 1)): try: self.xs.append(int(self.results.getValue("CENTROID_X", i))) self.ys.append(int(self.results.getValue("CENTROID_Y", i))) self.zs.append(int(self.results.getValue("CENTROID_Z", i))) self.bbz.append(self.results.getValue("BOUNDING_BOX_Z", i) + 1) self.bbze.append( self.results.getValue("BOUNDING_BOX_END_Z", i) + 1) self.identifiers.append(self.results.getValue("IDENTIFIER", i)) except: print i self.identifiers.append(self.results.getValue("IDENTIFIER", i)) self.xs.append(int(width / 2)) self.ys.append(int(height / 2)) self.zs.append(int(depth / 2)) self.bbz.append(1) self.bbze.append(1) self.nucLoc = map(lambda i: self.ys[i] * width + self.xs[i], range(len(self.xs))) """labelPreviewImp - label image preview; maxZPreviewImp - maxZ label preview; maxYPreviewImp - maxY label preview""" self.slider1 = slider1 self.slider2 = slider2 = gd self.current = self.labelPreviewImp.getCurrentSlice() def renderPreview(self, runStats): try: self.labelPreviewImp.close() self.maxZPreviewImp.close() self.maxYPreviewImp.close() except: print "imps already closed" fp = ShortProcessor(len(self.labelValues), 1, self.labelValues, None) labelerImp = ImagePlus("labeler", fp) src2 = clij2.push(labelerImp) dst = clij2.create(self.src) labelerImp.close() clij2.replaceIntensities(self.src, src2, dst) self.labelPreviewImp = clij2.pull(dst) previewDisplaySettings(self.labelPreviewImp, "label preview", 100, try: self.labelPreviewImp.setSlice(self.current) except: pass if runStats: clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels( dst, self.src, self.results) dst2 = clij2.create(width, height, 1) clij2.maximumZProjection(dst, dst2) self.maxZPreviewImp = clij2.pull(dst2) previewDisplaySettings(self.maxZPreviewImp, "maxZ label preview", 50, dst3 = clij2.create(width, depth, 1) clij2.maximumYProjection(dst, dst3) self.maxYPreviewImp = clij2.pull(dst3) previewDisplaySettings(self.maxYPreviewImp, "maxY label preview", 50, dst3.close() dst.close() dst2.close() src2.close() labelWindow = self.labelPreviewImp.getWindow() x = labelWindow.getLocation().x y = labelWindow.getLocation().y maxZPreviewWindow = self.maxZPreviewImp.getWindow() maxZPreviewWindow.setLocation(x, y + height + 50) maxYPreviewWindow = self.maxYPreviewImp.getWindow() maxYPreviewWindow.setLocation(x + width / 2, y + height + 50) print labelWindow def actionPerformed(self, event): """event: actionlistener does stuff on buttonpress""" Source = event.getSource() # returns the Button object self.current = self.labelPreviewImp.getCurrentSlice() if Source.label == "Set top": = self.labelPreviewImp.getCurrentSlice() self.bottom = self.slider2.getValue() self.slider1.setValue(int( if (self.bottom < self.bottom = self.slider2.setValue(int( return if Source.label == "Set bottom": = self.slider1.getValue() self.bottom = self.labelPreviewImp.getCurrentSlice() self.slider2.setValue(int(self.bottom)) if self.bottom < self.slider1.setValue(int(self.bottom)) = self.bottom print "B" return if Source.label == "Whole stack": = 1 self.bottom = depth self.slider1.setValue(int( self.slider2.setValue(int(self.bottom)) return if Source.label == "Just slice": print "current slice" = self.labelPreviewImp.getCurrentSlice() self.bottom = self.labelPreviewImp.getCurrentSlice() self.slider2.setValue(int( self.slider1.setValue(int(self.bottom)) return if Source.label[:5] == "label": [int(s) for s in Source.label.split() if s.isdigit()] s = int(s) print "s " + str(s) #try: roi1 = self.labelPreviewImp.getRoi() selectedPixels = roi1.getContainedPoints() roiPixelLoc = map(lambda i: i.y * width + i.x, selectedPixels) pixels2 = filter(lambda i: self.nucLoc[i] in roiPixelLoc, xrange(len(self.nucLoc))) #on first run set and self.bottom to top and bottom of the stack try: print except: = 1 try: print self.bottom except: self.bottom = self.labelPreviewImp.getNSlices() choice = if choice.getSelectedItem() == "Slice": top = self.current bottom = self.current else: top = bottom = self.bottom pixels2 = filter( lambda i: max(self.bbze[i], bottom) - min(top, self.bbz[i]) <= (self.bbze[i] - self.bbz[i]) + (bottom - top), pixels2) self.nucleiLabels = map(lambda i: i, pixels2) #print(map(lambda i:self.zs[i], pixels2)) #print len(pixels2) self.labelDict[s] = self.nucleiLabels + self.labelDict[s] self.labelDict[s] = sorted(list(set(self.labelDict[s]))) for key in self.labelDict: if key != s: self.labelDict[key] = filter( lambda x: x not in self.labelDict[s], self.labelDict[key]) #print labelDict for key in self.labelDict: for value in self.labelDict[int(key)]: self.labelValues[value] = int(key) self.labelValues[0] = 0 self.labelDict[0] = [0] for key in self.labelDict.keys()[1:]: self.labelDict[key] = filter(lambda x: x != 0, self.labelDict[key]) self.renderPreview(0) #except: # print "No roi" return # Do an action depending on the button clicked def adjustmentValueChanged(self, event): """ event: an AdjustmentEvent with data on the state of the scroll bar. """ #return if the user is still dragging if event.getValueIsAdjusting(): return Source = event.getSource() try: self.slider1 = except: print "huh?" try: self.slider2 = except: print "huh?2" = self.slider1.getValue() self.bottom = self.slider2.getValue() #make top and bottom sliders autocorrect for each other if Source == self.slider1: if > self.bottom: self.slider2.setValue(int( self.bottom = print "A" if Source == self.slider2: if self.bottom < self.slider1.setValue(int(self.bottom)) = self.bottom print "B"
def import_and_straighten(imgDir): """ Core function. Opens images in given directory in series and calls a straightening function. Thresholds using weka if stddev of pixel intensities is too high (bright field), otherwise uses histogram based segmentation. """ targetWidth = 800 #adjustable make_directory(imgDir) index = "000000000" filename = imgDir + "/img_" + index + "__000.tif" if path.exists(filename): weka = Weka_segmentor(IJ.openImage(filename)) while path.exists(filename):"Set Measurements...", "mean standard min center redirect=None decimal=3")"Clear Results") imp = IJ.openImage(filename)"Rotate 90 Degrees Left")"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() stddev = RT.getValue(table, "StdDev", 0) if stddev < 20: segmented = weka.getThreshold(imp)"8-bit")"Invert") imp.close() imp = segmented else:, "Auto Threshold", "method=Li white") #threshold imp = preProcess_(imp) #straighten_roi_rotation() coords = run_straighten() newImp = IJ.getImage() """ fs = FileSaver(newImp) fs.saveAsTiff(imgDir + "/straightened" + "/img_" + index + "__000-straight.tif") """"Image Padder", "pad_right="+str(targetWidth - newImp.getWidth())) paddedImp = IJ.getImage() fs = FileSaver(paddedImp) fs.saveAsTiff(imgDir + "/binary" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif") IJ.runMacro("while (nImages>0) {selectImage(nImages);close();}") #use same centerline for original greyscale image imp = IJ.openImage(filename)"Rotate 90 Degrees Left")"8-bit") IJ.runMacro("makeLine("+coords+")")"Straighten...", "line = 80") newImp = IJ.getImage()"Image Padder", "pad_right="+str(targetWidth - newImp.getWidth())) paddedImp = IJ.getImage()"8-bit") fs = FileSaver(paddedImp) fs.saveAsTiff(imgDir + "/greyscale" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif") IJ.runMacro("while (nImages>0) {selectImage(nImages);close();}") index = to_9_Digits(str(int(index)+1)) filename = filename = imgDir + "/img_" + index + "__000.tif"
consol.addValue("foci_count", 0) rowcount = 1 # loop over all cells, add cell number to the "cell" column for count in range(cell): consol.setValue("cell", count, count) # loop over all foci for count in range(rt.size()): # get in which cell that foci is and increase the # counter on the summary results table currcell = int(rt.getValue("cell", count)) consol.setValue( "foci_count", currcell, int(consol.getValue("foci_count", currcell)) + 1) for count in range(1, cell): foci = consol.getValue("foci_count", count) if foci <= 3: cellsperfoci[foci] = cellsperfoci[foci] + 1 else: cellsperfoci["more"] = cellsperfoci["more"] + 1 print(cellsperfoci) # close the results window IJ.selectWindow("Results")"Close") # this segment only runs if a mCherry channel is present if (linechannel > 0): # generate image with mCherry channel ImagePlus("stack", linefoci_stack).show()
# Find the ROI with the largest area for i, area in enumerate( table.getColumn(table.getColumnIndex("Area"))): if area > maxArea: index = i if thresholdMode: # Writes everything in the output file if index != -1: diameter = 2 * math.sqrt( float(table.getValue("Area", index)) / (2 * math.pi)) isOrganoid = table.getValue( "Area", index) > area_threshold and table.getValue( "Area", index) > round_threshold output.write( str(subfolder) + ',' + filename + ',' + str(table.getValue("Feret", index)) + ',' + str(table.getValue("MinFeret", index)) + ',' + str((table.getValue("MinFeret", index) + table.getValue("Feret", index)) / 2) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Area", index)) + ',' + str(diameter) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Major", index)) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Minor", index)) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Circ.", index)) + ',' + str(table.getValue("Round", index)) + ',' +
for value in test.labelDict[key]: listOfNames[value] = names[key] if imageOrTable == "Results table": rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable(resultsName) else: measureImp = WM.getImage(imageName) src2 = clij2.push(measureImp) rt = ResultsTable() clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(src2, test.src, rt) src2.close() resultsName = "Results table" collumnNumber = rt.getLastColumn() + 1 for i in range(len(listOfNames)): try: j = rt.getValue("Identifier", i) except: try: j = rt.getValue("Label", i) except: j = i rt.setValue("Label name", i, listOfNames[int(j)]) rt.setValue("Label value", i, test.labelValues[int(j)]) + " with labels") clij2.clear() labelColorBarImp.close()
def import_and_straighten(imgDir): """ Core function. Opens images in given directory in series and calls a straightening function. Thresholds using weka if stddev of pixel intensities is too high (bright field), otherwise uses histogram based segmentation. """ targetWidth = 800 #adjustable make_directory(imgDir) index = "000000000" filename = imgDir + "/img_" + index + "__000.tif" if path.exists(filename): weka = Weka_segmentor(IJ.openImage(filename)) while path.exists(filename):"Set Measurements...", "mean standard min center redirect=None decimal=3")"Clear Results") imp = IJ.openImage(filename)"Rotate 90 Degrees Left")"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() stddev = RT.getValue(table, "StdDev", 0) if stddev < 20: segmented = weka.getThreshold(imp)"8-bit")"Invert") imp.close() imp = segmented else:, "Auto Threshold", "method=Li white") #threshold imp = preProcess_(imp) #straighten_roi_rotation() coords = run_straighten() newImp = IJ.getImage() """ fs = FileSaver(newImp) fs.saveAsTiff(imgDir + "/straightened" + "/img_" + index + "__000-straight.tif") """"Image Padder", "pad_right=" + str(targetWidth - newImp.getWidth())) paddedImp = IJ.getImage() fs = FileSaver(paddedImp) fs.saveAsTiff(imgDir + "/binary" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif") IJ.runMacro("while (nImages>0) {selectImage(nImages);close();}") #use same centerline for original greyscale image imp = IJ.openImage(filename)"Rotate 90 Degrees Left")"8-bit") IJ.runMacro("makeLine(" + coords + ")")"Straighten...", "line = 80") newImp = IJ.getImage()"Image Padder", "pad_right=" + str(targetWidth - newImp.getWidth())) paddedImp = IJ.getImage()"8-bit") fs = FileSaver(paddedImp) fs.saveAsTiff(imgDir + "/greyscale" + "/img_" + index + "__000-padded.tif") IJ.runMacro("while (nImages>0) {selectImage(nImages);close();}") index = to_9_Digits(str(int(index) + 1)) filename = filename = imgDir + "/img_" + index + "__000.tif"
def straighten_roi_rotation(roiWindowsize=8): """ Root straightening function that rotates ROI to follow root slope. Does not work properly. """"Set Measurements...", "mean standard min center redirect=None decimal=3") IJ.runMacro("//setTool(\"freeline\");")"Line Width...", "line=80") #numPoints = 512/roiWindowsize xvals = [] yvals = [] maxvals = [] counter = 0 maxIters = 800 / roiWindowsize minIters = 10 imp = IJ.getImage().getProcessor() rm = RoiManager() if find_first_pixel(0, imp) == None or find_last_pixel(0, imp)[1] == None: return y = (find_first_pixel(0, imp)[1] + find_last_pixel(0, imp)[1]) / 2 roi = roiWindow_(imp, center=(roiWindowsize / 2, y), width=roiWindowsize, height=512) xvals.append(roiWindowsize / 2) yvals.append(y) maxvals.append(0) roi.findTilt_() i = 0 while i < maxIters and roi.containsRoot_(): roi.advance_(roiWindowsize)"Clear Results")"Measure") table = RT.getResultsTable() x = RT.getValue(table, "XM", 0) y = RT.getValue(table, "YM", 0) if imp.getPixel(int(x), int(y)) != 0: xvals.append(x) yvals.append(y) maxvals.append((RT.getValue(table, "Max", 0))) #roi.advance_(roiWindowsize) print "here" roi.unrotateRoot_()"Clear Results")"Measure") roi.restoreCenter_(RT.getValue(table, "XM", 0), RT.getValue(table, "YM", 0)) #exit(1) sleep(.5) roi.findTilt_() i += 1 coords = "" for i in range(len(xvals) - 1): coords += str(xvals[i]) + ", " + str(yvals[i]) + ", " coords += str(xvals[len(xvals) - 1]) + ", " + str(yvals[len(xvals) - 1]) IJ.runMacro("makeLine(" + coords + ")")"Straighten...", "line = 80")