def setup_postgres_user(userpwd, adminpwd):
  # set the postgres user password
  prompts = []
  prompts += expect('Enter new UNIX password:'******'Retype new UNIX password:'******'passwd postgres')
  # set the postgres db user password
  sudo("sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c \"ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '%s';\"" % adminpwd)
  # generate an ssh-key
  sudo("ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N \"\" -f ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa", user="******")
def setup_postgres_user_connectivity():
  if == env.db_master:
    srcIp = env.db_master
    destIp = env.db_slave
    srcIp = env.db_slave
    destIp = env.db_master

  prompts = []
  prompts += expect("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?", "yes")
  prompts += expect("postgres@%s's password:"******"ssh-copy-id -i ~postgres/.ssh/ postgres@%s" % destIp, user="******")  
def setup_postgres_user(userpwd, adminpwd):
    # set the postgres user password
    prompts = []
    prompts += expect('Enter new UNIX password:'******'Retype new UNIX password:'******'passwd postgres')
    # set the postgres db user password
        "sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c \"ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '%s';\""
        % adminpwd)
    # generate an ssh-key
    sudo("ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N \"\" -f ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa",
def setup_postgres_user_connectivity():
    if == env.db_master:
        srcIp = env.db_master
        destIp = env.db_slave
        srcIp = env.db_slave
        destIp = env.db_master

    prompts = []
    prompts += expect("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?",
    prompts += expect("postgres@%s's password:"******"ssh-copy-id -i ~postgres/.ssh/ postgres@%s" %
Example #5
def _setup_postgres():
  # start at boot
  filename = "/tmp/foo_%s" % _a_bit_of_random()
  sudo("cat /etc/rc.conf | grep -v postgresql > %s" % filename)
  sudo("echo 'postgresql_enable=\"YES\"' >> %s" % filename)
  sudo("mv %s /etc/rc.conf" % filename)
  # init the db
  sudo("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb")
  #start the db
  sudo("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql start")
  # create the user
  prompts = []
  prompts += expect("Enter password for new role:", DB_PASSWORD)
  prompts += expect("Enter it again:", DB_PASSWORD)
  with expecting(prompts):
    expectsudo("createuser -d -S -R -P %s" % DB_ADMIN, user="******")