Example #1
    def __getitem__(self, _):
        image, annot, _ = load_train_image_and_annot(self.dataset_dir,
        tile_pad = (self.in_w - self.out_w) // 2

        # ensures each pixel is sampled with equal chance
        im_pad_w = self.out_w + tile_pad
        padded_w = image.shape[1] + (im_pad_w * 2)
        padded_h = image.shape[0] + (im_pad_w * 2)
        padded_im = im_utils.pad(image, im_pad_w)

        # This speeds up the padding.
        annot = annot[:, :, :2]
        padded_annot = im_utils.pad(annot, im_pad_w)
        right_lim = padded_w - self.in_w
        bottom_lim = padded_h - self.in_w

        # TODO:
        # Images with less annoations will still give the same number of
        # tiles in the training procedure as images with more annotation.
        # Further empirical investigation into effects of
        # instance selection required are required.
        while True:
            x_in = math.floor(random.random() * right_lim)
            y_in = math.floor(random.random() * bottom_lim)
            annot_tile = padded_annot[y_in:y_in + self.in_w,
                                      x_in:x_in + self.in_w]
            if np.sum(annot_tile) > 0:

        im_tile = padded_im[y_in:y_in + self.in_w, x_in:x_in + self.in_w]

        assert annot_tile.shape == (self.in_w, self.in_w,
                                    2), (f" shape is {annot_tile.shape}")

        assert im_tile.shape == (self.in_w, self.in_w,
                                 3), (f" shape is {im_tile.shape}")

        im_tile = img_as_float32(im_tile)
        im_tile = im_utils.normalize_tile(im_tile)
        im_tile, annot_tile = self.augmentor.transform(im_tile, annot_tile)
        im_tile = im_utils.normalize_tile(im_tile)

        foreground = np.array(annot_tile)[:, :, 0]
        background = np.array(annot_tile)[:, :, 1]

        # Annotion is cropped post augmentation to ensure
        # elastic grid doesn't remove the edges.
        foreground = foreground[tile_pad:-tile_pad, tile_pad:-tile_pad]
        background = background[tile_pad:-tile_pad, tile_pad:-tile_pad]
        # mask specified pixels of annotation which are defined
        mask = foreground + background
        mask = mask.astype(np.float32)
        mask = torch.from_numpy(mask)
        foreground = foreground.astype(np.int64)
        foreground = torch.from_numpy(foreground)
        im_tile = im_tile.astype(np.float32)
        im_tile = np.moveaxis(im_tile, -1, 0)
        im_tile = torch.from_numpy(im_tile)
        return im_tile, foreground, mask
Example #2
def transform_annotation(image, def_map, padding=60):
    image = np.array(image)
    image = im_utils.pad(image, padding, mode='reflect')
    if len(image.shape) > 2:
        image = image.reshape(image.shape[:2])
    shape = image.shape
    out = map_coordinates(image[:, :], def_map, order=1).reshape(shape)
    out = out[padding:-padding, padding:-padding]
    out = np.round(out).astype(np.int64)
    return out
Example #3
def transform_image(image, def_map, padding=60, channels=3):
    """ conditional transform, depending on presence of
        values in each channel """
    indices = def_map
    image = np.array(image)
    image = im_utils.pad(image, padding, mode='reflect')
    # We presume there are 3 channels. Checking shape is slow.
    for i in range(channels):
        if np.sum(image[:, :, i]):
            image[:, :, i] = map_coordinates(image[:, :, i], indices, order=1)
    image = image[padding:-padding, padding:-padding]
    return image
Example #4
def transform_photo(image, def_map, padding=60):
    indices = def_map
    image = np.array(image)
    image = im_utils.pad(image, padding, mode='reflect')
    out_r = map_coordinates(image[:, :, 0], indices, order=1)
    out_g = map_coordinates(image[:, :, 1], indices, order=1)
    out_b = map_coordinates(image[:, :, 2], indices, order=1)
    image[:, :, 0] = out_r
    image[:, :, 1] = out_g
    image[:, :, 2] = out_b
    image = image[padding:-padding, padding:-padding]
    return image