def obamafy(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Obamafys image by assigning a specific colour
    per grayscale value
    img_obamified = image.copy_image(img)
    #loop over every (x,y) pair
    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
            gray_value = int(float(r+b+g)/3)
            if gray_value>182:
                img_obamified.set_rgb(x,y, 252, 227, 166)
            #light blue
            elif 121<gray_value<182:
                img_obamified.set_rgb(x,y, 112, 150, 158)
            elif 60<gray_value<121:
                img_obamified.set_rgb(x,y, 217, 26, 33)
            #dark blue
                img_obamified.set_rgb(x,y, 0, 51, 76)
    return img_obamified
def negative(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Returns a copy of img where the the rgb values
    are the opposite of what they normally are,
    meaning they're negative
    img_negative = image.copy_image(img)
    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)

            #Makes pixels negative
            r_neg = (r-255)
            if r_neg<0:
                r_neg = r_neg*-1
            g_neg = (g-255)
            if g_neg<0:
                g_neg = g_neg*-1
            b_neg = (b-255)
            if b_neg<0:
                b_neg = b_neg*-1

            #sets the new pixels

    return img_negative
def increase_contrast(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Increases the contrast of img
    img_contrast = image.copy_image(img)

    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
            #Sets the new rgb values
            new_r = 0
            new_g = 0
            new_b = 0

            #Checks whether or not to increase contrast, and doesn't allow too big or small values
            if r == 128:
                new_r = r
            elif r>128:
                new_r = r+(2*(r-128))
                if new_r>255:
                    new_r = 255
                new_r = r-(2*(128-r))
                if new_r<0:
                    new_r = 0

            if g == 128:
                new_g = g
            elif g>128:
                new_g = g+(2*(g-128))
                if new_g>255:
                    new_g = 255
                new_g = g-(2*(128-g))
                if new_g<0:
                    new_g = 0

            if b == 128:
                new_b = b
            elif b>128:
                new_b = b+(2*(b-128))
                if new_b>255:
                    new_b = 255
                new_b = b-(2*(128-b))
                if new_b<0:
                    new_b = 0

            #Sets the real new rgb values  

    return img_contrast
Example #4
    def detect(self, image):
        image = copy_image(image)
        bounding_boxes = detect(image, self.model,
        heatmap = np.zeros_like(image[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float)
        heatmap = add_heat(heatmap, bounding_boxes)

        self.heat_history = self.heat_history[-3:]

        heat = np.vstack(self.heat_history)
        heat = apply_threshold(heat, threshold=1)

        labels = label(heat)
        bounding_boxes = labeled_bounding_boxes(image, labels)
        image = draw_bounding_boxes(image, bounding_boxes)
        return image
def grayscale(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Returns a copy of img where the rgb values
    have been averaged and reassigned, making a
    happy grey image
    img_grayer = image.copy_image(img)
    #loop over every (x,y) pair
    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
            avg_pix = int(float(r+b+g)/3)

    return img_grayer
def color_cycle(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Returns a copy of img where the red value has been
    moved to the blue value, the green to the red and
    the blue to the green
    img_cycled = image.copy_image(img)
    #loop over every(x,y) pair
    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
            #sets the new colors
    return img_cycled
def key_out_red(img, img2):
    '''(Image object) + (Image object) -> Image object
    Checks to see what pixels in the img are red, and
    replaces them with pixels from another image
    img_red = image.copy_image(img)
    #loop over every (x,y) pair
    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgbs for each picture at the x and y of the original
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
            r1,g1,b1 = img2.get_rgb(x,y)
            #I found through playing with an online tool that things that are red
            #generally have an r value which is greater than the other two combined
            #So this checks if it's true
            if r>b+g:
    return img_red
def brightness(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Returns a copy of img where the the brightness
    is increased or decreased based on the users command
    br_value = int(raw_input("Please enter a number to adjust the brightness to: "))

    img_brightness = image.copy_image(img)

    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)

            #Generates new rgb values and doesn't let them exceed 255 or go below 0
            new_r = r + br_value
            if new_r>255:
                new_r = 255
            elif new_r<0:
                new_r = 0
                new_r = new_r

            new_g = g + br_value
            if new_g>255:
                new_g = 255
            elif new_g<0:
                new_g = 0
                new_g = new_g
            new_b = b + br_value
            if new_b>255:
                new_b = 255
            elif new_b<0:
                new_b = 0
                new_b = new_b
    return img_brightness    
def posterize(img):
    '''(Image object) -> Image object
    Posterizes the img by reducing the
    amount of colors
    img_posterize = image.copy_image(img)

    for x in range(img.width()):
        for y in range(img.height()):
            #gets the rgb and sets it to r, g and b
            r,g,b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
            new_r = r
            new_g = g
            new_b = b

            #Sets the new variables
            if r%32 == 0:
                new_r = r
            elif new_r%32 != 0:
                new_r = r-(r%32)

            if g%32 == 0:
                new_g = g
            elif new_g%32 != 0:
                new_g = g-(g%32)

            if b%32 == 0:
                new_b = b
            elif new_b%32 != 0:
                new_b = b-(b%32)


            #Sets each pixel

    return img_posterize
Example #10
import image

img = image.load_from_file('obama.png')
obamafy = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):     # obamafies the image 
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        if (r + g + b)/3 < 60:
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 0, 51, 76)
        elif (r + g + b)/3 < 121:
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 217,26,33)
        elif (r + g + b)/3 <= 182:
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 112, 150, 158)
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 252, 227, 166)
image.save_to_file(obamafy, 'obamafy.png')
image.display_images(img, obamafy)
Example #11
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
negative = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):      # converts image to negative
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        negative.set_rgb(x, y, abs(r - 255), abs(g - 255), abs(b - 255))
image.save_to_file(negative, 'negative.png')
image.display_images(img, negative)
Example #12
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
posterize = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):      # posterizes the image
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        posterize.set_rgb(x, y, (r/32)*32, (g/32)*32, (b/32)*32)
image.save_to_file(posterize, 'posterize.png')
image.display_images(img, posterize)
Example #13
import image

# asks user for input
brightness_change = int(raw_input("Enter how much you want to change the brightness: "))

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
brightness = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):      # changes brightness by a factor determined by the user
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        brightness.set_rgb(x, y, max(min(r + brightness_change, 255), 0), max(min(g + brightness_change, 255), 0), max(min(b + brightness_change, 255), 0))

image.save_to_file(brightness, 'brightness.png')
image.display_images(img, brightness)
Example #14
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
color_cycle = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):    # converts image through color cycling 
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        color_cycle.set_rgb(x, y, b, r, g)

image.save_to_file(color_cycle, 'color cycle.png')
image.display_images(img, color_cycle)
Example #15
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
grayscale = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):       # converts image to grayscale
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        grayscale.set_rgb(x, y, (r + g + b)/3, (r + g + b)/3, (r + g + b)/3)

image.save_to_file(grayscale, 'grayscale.png')
image.display_images(img, grayscale)
Example #16
import image

# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
red_only_img = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

# loop over every (x,y) pair
for x in range(w):
    for y in range(h):
        # filter out green and blue
        red_only_img.set_green(x, y, 0)
        red_only_img.set_blue(x, y, 0)

# save the new image to a file
image.save_to_file(red_only_img, 'red_crayons.png')

# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
img_copy = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()
Example #17
# Feedback: What was the hardest part of this assignment?
#   obamafy
# Feedback: Any suggestions for improving the assignment?	
#   great assignment
# ----------------------------------------------------------

import image

brightness_change = int(raw_input("Enter how much you want to change the brightness: ")) # establishes user input early on for a later image conversion

# -------------------------------
# 1.  Grayscale problem
# -------------------------------

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
grayscale = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        grayscale.set_rgb(x, y, (r + g + b)/3, (r + g + b)/3, (r + g + b)/3)   # sets the grayscale value to the average of the red, green and blue values for each pixel

image.save_to_file(grayscale, 'grayscale.png')


# -------------------------------