Example #1
def get_fmt_correlation(image1, image2, high_pass=0.15):
    image1 = get_centered(image1)
    image2 = get_centered(image2)

    fmt1 = get_fmt(image1, high_pass)
    fmt2 = get_fmt(image2, high_pass)

    correlation = correlate2d(np.abs(fmt1), np.abs(fmt2))  #magnitude

    argmax = np.unravel_index(correlation.argmax(), correlation.shape)
    peak = correlation[argmax]
    relrow = argmax[0] - correlation.shape[0] / 2.
    relcol = argmax[1] - correlation.shape[1] / 2.
    return peak, (relrow, relcol)
Example #2
def get_mask(shape, window, center=None):
    Draw a mask of the given shape and window.
    If center is not given it will be the shape center.

    array = np.zeros(shape)
    window2d = radial_extrusion(window)

    array_center = shape[0] / 2., shape[1] / 2.
    c_row, c_col = array_center
    radious = window.shape[0] / 2.
    top, bottom = (c_row - radious), (c_row + radious)
    left, right = (c_col - radious), (c_col + radious)

        array[top:bottom, left:right] = window2d
    except ValueError:
        print center
        print array[top:bottom, left:right].shape, window2d.shape
        print "array[%d:%d, %d:%d] = [](%s)" % (top, bottom, left, right,

    if center:
        array = get_centered(array, center, reverse=True)

    return array
Example #3
def get_mask(shape, window, center=None):
    Draw a mask of the given shape and window.
    If center is not given it will be the shape center.

    array = np.zeros(shape)
    window2d = radial_extrusion(window)

    array_center = shape[0] / 2., shape[1] / 2.
    c_row, c_col = array_center
    radious = window.shape[0] / 2.
    top, bottom = (c_row - radious), (c_row + radious)
    left, right = (c_col - radious), (c_col + radious)

        array[top:bottom, left:right] = window2d
    except ValueError:
        print center
        print array[top:bottom, left:right].shape, window2d.shape
        print "array[%d:%d, %d:%d] = [](%s)" % (top, bottom, left, right, 

    if center:
        array = get_centered(array, center, reverse=True)

    return array
Example #4
def get_auto_mask(spectrum,
    Try to filter spurious data out.
    shape = spectrum.shape
    rows, cols = shape
    center = (rows / 2., cols / 2.)
    intensity = get_intensity(spectrum)

    circles = get_circles(intensity, 3, 50)
    circles = sorted([(circle[1], circle[0], circle[2]) for circle in circles
                      if get_distance(center, circle[0]) > 10])[-2:]
    circles = sorted([(circle[1], circle[0], circle[2]) for circle in circles])
    virtual_order, real_order = circles
    zero_order = (center, 0, 0)
    peak_center, peak_height, peak_radious = real_order

    peak_radious = min([(abs(shape[0] / 3.5 - peak[2]), peak[2])
                        for peak in circles])[1]

    windowmaker = lambda x: np.kaiser(x, softness)
    window = get_holed_window(windowmaker, peak_radious * radious_scale)
    mask = get_mask(shape, window, peak_center)

    zerowindow = get_holed_window(windowmaker, peak_radious * zero_scale)
    zeromask = 1 - get_mask(shape, zerowindow, zero_order[0])
    mask *= zeromask

    masked_intensity = mask * intensity

    cutoff = masked_intensity > (masked_intensity.max() -
                                 masked_intensity.ptp() * cuttop)
    mask[cutoff] = 0
    masked = mask * spectrum

    if centered:
        masked = get_centered(masked, peak_center)
        mask = get_centered(mask, peak_center)
        centered = get_centered(intensity, peak_center)

    return mask, masked, centered
Example #5
def get_auto_mask(spectrum, softness=0, radious_scale=.8, zero_scale=1.3,
        cuttop=0, centered=True):
    Try to filter spurious data out.
    shape = spectrum.shape
    rows, cols = shape
    center = (rows / 2., cols / 2.)
    intensity = get_intensity(spectrum)

    circles = get_circles(intensity, 3, 50)
    circles = sorted([(circle[1], circle[0], circle[2])
        for circle in circles
            if get_distance(center, circle[0]) > 10])[-2:]
    circles = sorted([(circle[1], circle[0], circle[2])
        for circle in circles])
    virtual_order, real_order = circles
    zero_order = (center, 0, 0)
    peak_center, peak_height, peak_radious = real_order

    peak_radious = min([(abs(shape[0] / 3.5 - peak[2]), peak[2])
        for peak in circles])[1]

    windowmaker = lambda x: np.kaiser(x, softness)
    window = get_holed_window(windowmaker, peak_radious * radious_scale)
    mask = get_mask(shape, window, peak_center)

    zerowindow = get_holed_window(windowmaker, peak_radious * zero_scale)
    zeromask = 1 - get_mask(shape, zerowindow, zero_order[0])
    mask *= zeromask

    masked_intensity = mask * intensity

    cutoff = masked_intensity > (masked_intensity.max()
        - masked_intensity.ptp() * cuttop)
    mask[cutoff] = 0
    masked = mask * spectrum

    if centered:
        masked = get_centered(masked, peak_center)
        mask = get_centered(mask, peak_center)
        centered = get_centered(intensity, peak_center)

    return mask, masked, centered
Example #6
def get_wide_segment(array, startpoint, endpoint):
    Returns an array with the values inside of the 2x1 rectangle so that
    the centers of the shorter sides are at the start and end point. 
    row0, col0 = startpoint
    row1, col1 = endpoint
    drow = row1 - row0
    dcol = col1 - col0
    hyp = (drow**2 + dcol**2)**.5

    center = (row0 + row1) / 2., (col0 + col1) / 2.
    centered = get_centered(array, center)
    rotated = rotate(centered, np.arctan2(drow, dcol) * 360 / tau, mode='wrap')
    rrows, rcols = rotated.shape
    rrowc = rrows / 2.
    rcolc = rcols / 2.
    col0 = rcolc - hyp / 2.
    col1 = rcolc + hyp / 2.
    croped = rotated[rrowc - hyp / 2:rrowc + hyp / 2, col0:col1]
    sumed = croped.sum(0)
    return sumed
Example #7
def get_wide_segment(array, startpoint, endpoint):
    Returns an array with the values inside of the 2x1 rectangle so that
    the centers of the shorter sides are at the start and end point. 
    row0, col0 = startpoint
    row1, col1 = endpoint
    drow = row1 - row0
    dcol = col1 - col0
    hyp = (drow ** 2 + dcol ** 2) ** .5

    center = (row0 + row1) / 2., (col0 + col1) / 2.
    centered = get_centered(array, center)
    rotated = rotate(centered, np.arctan2(drow, dcol) * 360 / tau, mode='wrap')
    rrows, rcols = rotated.shape
    rrowc = rrows / 2.
    rcolc = rcols / 2.
    col0 = rcolc - hyp / 2.
    col1 = rcolc + hyp / 2.
    croped = rotated[rrowc - hyp / 2: rrowc + hyp / 2, col0:col1]
    sumed = croped.sum(0)
    return sumed