def importPlateAction(*args, **kwargs):
    print "Welcome to importPlateAction. Live hot plate importing action. \nLadies and gentlemen here are your **kwargs:"
    if not kwargs:
        print "Problem! the dancing kwargs are missing"
        return False

    latest = kwargs['publishes'][-1]

    inputPath=None; outputPath=None; start=10; end=20
    inputValues=None; sampleFile=None

    #use hard coded defaults as a fallback

    #search for project defaults
    project = conn.getProject( mavisEntity['project'] )
    if project and project.has_key('fields'):
        if project['fields'].has_key('defaults'):
            print "found defaults"
            print project['fields']['defaults']['plates']
            if project['fields']['defaults'] and project['fields']['defaults'].has_key('plates'):
                print "setWorkingValues"

    print kwargs['publishes'][-1]['path']

        outputPath  = kwargs['publishes'][-1]['path']
        start       = kwargs['publishArgs']['sfrm']
        end         = kwargs['publishArgs']['efrm']
        srcPath     = kwargs['publishArgs']['source']

        # inputValues = kwargs['fields']['originalMetadata']

        fileList = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(srcPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcPath, x))])
        print fileList
        sampleFile = os.path.join(srcPath, fileList[ int(len(fileList)/2)-1 ] )
        print "sampleFile %s " %sampleFile

        if not inputValues:
            #we have nothing for information on the incoming plate
            #'input': {u'colorspace': u'Cineon', u'inX': 1920, u'inY': 1080, u'inPixelAspect': 2.3999999999999999, u'inFilter': 0, u'inCDL': 0}
            #is the  data['sfrm'] the same as the plate ?
            if not end or end == "null":

            inputValues = imageHeaderInfo.imageHeader(sampleFile)

            updateDict = {} # <- kwargs['name']
            #update the mavis plate entity with metadata values
            #save this metadata out to mavis?
            #conn.put(kwargs['path'], {'data':updateDict})

    except Exception, e:
        print "ERROR: mavis entity has no input and working keys"
        print e
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout)
def importPlateAction(*args, **kwargs):
    print "Welcome to importPlateAction. Live hot plate importing action. \nLadies and gentlemen here are your **kwargs:"
    if not kwargs:
        print "Problem! the dancing kwargs are missing"
        return False
    for kay,val in kwargs.iteritems():
        if not kay in ['publishes','activity', 'entityType']:
            print kay, val

    latest = kwargs['publishes'][-1]
    print latest
    inputPath=None; outputPath=None; start=10; end=20
    inputValues=None; sampleFile=None
        #inputPath            = kwargs['source']
        outputPath          = kwargs['publishes'][-1]['path']
        #use values from args rather than ones in database !!!*** investigate this *****
        start                    = kwargs['publishArgs']['sfrm']
        end                     = kwargs['publishArgs']['efrm']
        srcPath               =kwargs['publishArgs']['source']

        inputValues             = kwargs['data']['originalMetadata']
        if not inputValues:
            #we have nothing for information on the incoming plate
            #'input': {u'colorspace': u'Cineon', u'inX': 1920, u'inY': 1080, u'inPixelAspect': 2.3999999999999999, u'inFilter': 0, u'inCDL': 0}
            #is the  data['sfrm'] the same as the plate ?
            fileList =sorted([x for x in os.listdir(srcPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcPath, x))])
            if not end or end == "null":
            sampleFile = os.path.join(srcPath, fileList[ int(len(fileList)/2)-1 ] )
            print "sampleFile %s " %sampleFile
            inputValues = imageHeaderInfo.imageHeader(sampleFile)
            print "header values"
            print inputValues
            updateDict = kwargs['data']
            #update the mavis plate entity with metadata values
            #conn.put(kwargs['path'], {'data':updateDict})
        #project defaults hard coded for now
        workingValues        = PROJECT_DEFAULTS
    except Exception, e:
        print "ERROR: mavis entity has no input and working keys"
        print e
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout)