def generateLabelImages(fp, imgDir, fontScale=1, size=1, rank=0, structure=[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]): [row, col, numFrames, frameList] = misc.getVitals(fp) particleList = fp.attrs['particleList'] zfillVal = fp.attrs['zfillVal'] procFrameList = numpy.array_split(frameList, size) for frame in procFrameList[rank]: labelImg = fp['/segmentation/labelStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal)].value gImg = fp['/dataProcessing/gImgRawStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal)].value bImg = labelImg.astype('bool') bImgBdry = imageProcess.normalize(imageProcess.boundary(bImg)) label, numLabel, dictionary = imageProcess.regionProps( bImg, gImg, structure=structure, centroid=True) bImg = imageProcess.normalize(bImg) for j in range(len(dictionary['id'])): bImgLabelN = label == dictionary['id'][j] ID = numpy.max(bImgLabelN * labelImg) bImg = imageProcess.textOnGrayImage( bImg, str(ID), (int(dictionary['centroid'][j][0]) + 3, int(dictionary['centroid'][j][1]) - 3), fontScale=fontScale, color=127, thickness=1) finalImage = numpy.column_stack((bImg, numpy.maximum(bImgBdry, gImg))) cv2.imwrite(imgDir + '/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal) + '.png', finalImage) return 0
def convertGatanMovie(self): print('Converting gatan movie - %s' % (self.inputDir)) minCount, maxCount = 1e10, -1e10 for inputFile, frame in tqdm( zip(self.inputFileList, list(range(1, self.numFrames + 1)))): f = hs.load(inputFile) gImg = lowLimit, highLimit = numpy.percentile( gImg, float(self.minPercentile)), numpy.percentile( gImg, float(self.maxPercentile)) minCount = min(minCount, lowLimit) maxCount = max(maxCount, highLimit) + '/' + str(frame).zfill(6) + '.npy', gImg) for inputFile, frame in tqdm( zip(self.inputFileList, list(range(1, self.numFrames + 1)))): f = hs.load(inputFile) gImg = lowLimit, highLimit = numpy.percentile( gImg, float(self.minPercentile)), numpy.percentile( gImg, float(self.maxPercentile)) gImg[gImg <= lowLimit] = lowLimit gImg[gImg >= highLimit] = highLimit gImg = imageProcess.normalize( gImg, min=(gImg.min() - minCount) / (maxCount - minCount) * 255, max=(gImg.max() - minCount) / (maxCount - minCount) * 255) cv2.imwrite(self.outputPNGDir + '/' + str(frame).zfill(6) + '.png', gImg)
def saveImageSequence(gImgStack,outputDir,normalize=False): print "Saving volume stack as image sequence" [row,col,numFrames] = gImgStack.shape for frame in tqdm(range(1,numFrames+1)): if (normalize==True): gImg = imageProcess.normalize(gImgStack[:,:,frame-1]) else: gImg = gImgStack[:,:,frame-1] cv2.imwrite(outputDir+'/'+str(frame).zfill(6)+'.png',gImg) return 0
def normalizeDataset(x): ''' Stretch the contrast of each labelled dataset between 0 to 255. Input parameters: x : (2D array) With N rows and 1024 or 4096 columns. Each row corresponds to a flattened image. Returns: x : (2D array) With N rows and 1024 or 4096 columns. Each row corresponds to a flattened image. The intensity values of each image are stretched between 0 to 255. ''' try: [rowDataset,colDataset] = x.shape for i in range(rowDataset): x[i,:] = imageProcess.normalize(x[i,:]) except: [N,row,col,channel] = x.shape for i in range(N): x[i,:,:,:] = imageProcess.normalize(x[i,:,:,:]) return x
def averageFrames(self, path, outputDir, numFramesToAvg, extension, movingAvgFlag=True): print('Averaging image sequence - %s' % (path)) fileIO.mkdir(outputDir) avgFrameList = [] firstFrame, lastFrame = 1, self.numFrames for frame1 in range(int(firstFrame), int(lastFrame + 1)): if (frame1 + numFramesToAvg <= lastFrame + 1): frameList = [] for frame2 in range(frame1, frame1 + numFramesToAvg): frameList.append(frame2) avgFrameList.append(frameList) if (extension == 'png'): for frameList in tqdm(avgFrameList): outputFile = outputDir + '/' + str( frameList[0]).zfill(6) + '.png' for frame in frameList: inputFile = path + '/' + str(frame).zfill(6) + '.png' gImg = cv2.imread(inputFile, 0) if (frame == frameList[0]): avgImg = gImg.copy() avgImg = avgImg.astype('double') else: avgImg = avgImg + gImg avgImg = (avgImg / numFramesToAvg).astype('uint8') avgImg = imageProcess.normalize(avgImg) cv2.imwrite(outputFile, avgImg) elif (extension == 'npy'): for frameList in tqdm(avgFrameList): outputFile = outputDir + '/' + str( frameList[0]).zfill(6) + '.npy' for frame in frameList: inputFile = path + '/' + str(frame).zfill(6) + '.npy' gImg = numpy.load(inputFile) if (frame == frameList[0]): avgImg = gImg.copy() avgImg = avgImg.astype('double') else: avgImg = avgImg + gImg avgImg = avgImg / numFramesToAvg, avgImg)
def generateLabelImagesText(fp, imgDir, fontScale=1, size=1, rank=0, scale=1): [row, col, numFrames, frameList] = misc.getVitals(fp) particleList = fp.attrs['particleList'] zfillVal = fp.attrs['zfillVal'] procFrameList = numpy.array_split(frameList, size) trackingData = numpy.loadtxt(fp.attrs['outputDir'] + '/tracking.dat') for frame in tqdm(procFrameList[rank]): gImg = fp['/dataProcessing/gImgRawStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal)].value gImgNormScaled = imageProcess.normalize(cv2.resize( gImg, (int(col * scale), int(row * scale)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC), min=0, max=230) bImg = gImgNormScaled.copy() bImg[:] = 0 tracking = trackingData[trackingData[:, 0] == frame] for f, particle, r, c, rad, area, label in tracking: if (label != 0): rr, cc = circle_perimeter(int(r * scale), int(c * scale), int(rad * scale)) if ((rr < 0).any() == True or (cc < 0).any() == True): pass elif ((rr > row * scale - 1).any() == True or (cc > col * scale - 1).any() == True): pass else: gImgNormScaled[rr, cc] = 255 rr, cc = circle(int(r * scale), int(c * scale), int(rad * scale)) bImg[rr, cc] = 255 for f, particle, r, c, rad, area, label in tracking: if (label != 0): bImg = imageProcess.textOnGrayImage( bImg, str(int(label)), (int(r * scale), int(c * scale)), fontScale=fontScale, color=127, thickness=1) finalImage = numpy.column_stack((gImgNormScaled, bImg)) cv2.imwrite(imgDir + '/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal) + '.png', finalImage) return 0
[row, col, numFrames, frameList] = misc.getVitals(fp) procFrameList = numpy.array_split(frameList, size) for frame in tqdm(procFrameList[rank]): gImgProc = fp['/dataProcessing/gImgRawStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal)].value if (blurFlag == True): gImgProc = median(gImgProc, disk(5)) gImgProc = median(gImgProc, disk(4)) if (invertFlag == True): gImgProc = imageProcess.invertImage(gImgProc) if (bgSubFlag == True): gImgProc = imageProcess.subtractBackground(gImgProc, sigma=bgSubSigmaTHT, radius=radiusTHT) gImgProc = imageProcess.normalize(gImgProc) cv2.imwrite( outputDir + '/dataProcessing/processedStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal) + '.png', gImgProc) comm.Barrier() if (rank == 0): print "Writing processed image to h5 dataset" for frame in tqdm(frameList): gImgProc = cv2.imread( outputDir + '/dataProcessing/processedStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal) + '.png', 0) fileIO.writeH5Dataset( fp, '/dataProcessing/processedStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal), gImgProc)
cropSize = int( round( max( 2.0 * 0.75 * (colTopRight - colTopLeft) / (numPillarsInRow - 1), 2.0 * 0.75 * (rowBottomLeft - rowTopLeft) / (numPillarsInCol - 1)))) if ('.dm3' in inputFile): outputFile = inputFile.replace('.dm3', '.png') elif ('.dm4' in inputFile): outputFile = inputFile.replace('.dm4', '.png') print('Processing %s' % (inputFile)) tag = inputFile.split('/')[-2] gImg = imageProcess.readDM4(inputFile) [row, col] = gImg.shape gImgNorm = imageProcess.normalize(gImg, min=30, max=230) topRowPillarCentre = numpy.column_stack((\ numpy.linspace(rowTopLeft,rowTopRight,numPillarsInRow),\ numpy.linspace(colTopLeft,colTopRight,numPillarsInRow))) bottomRowPillarCenter = numpy.column_stack((\ numpy.linspace(rowBottomLeft,rowBottomRight,numPillarsInRow),\ numpy.linspace(colBottomLeft,colBottomRight,numPillarsInRow))) ###### ITERATING THROUGH EACH NANOPILLAR IN THE INPUT IMAGE pillarID = 0 for coordTop, coordBottom in zip(topRowPillarCentre, bottomRowPillarCenter): pillarColumnCoord = numpy.column_stack( (numpy.linspace(coordTop[0], coordBottom[0], numPillarsInCol), numpy.linspace(coordTop[1], coordBottom[1], numPillarsInCol)))
####################################################################### if (rank == 0): print "Performing segmentation for all the frames" fp = h5py.File(outputFile, 'r') [row, col, numFrames, frameList] = misc.getVitals(fp) procFrameList = numpy.array_split(frameList, size) areaRange = numpy.array([60, 500], dtype='float64') circularityRange = numpy.array([0.85, 1], dtype='float64') sigma = 1 for frame in procFrameList[rank]: gImgRaw = fp['/dataProcessing/gImgRawStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal)].value gImgNorm = imageProcess.normalize(gImgRaw, min=0, max=230) gImgProc = fp['/dataProcessing/processedStack/' + str(frame).zfill(zfillVal)].value bImgKapur = gImgProc >= myCythonFunc.threshold_kapur(gImgProc.flatten()) gImgInv = 255 - gImgRaw gImgBlur = ndimage.gaussian_filter(gImgInv, sigma=sigma) bImgAdaptive = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gImgBlur, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 15, 0).astype('bool') bImg = numpy.logical_and(bImgKapur, bImgAdaptive) bImg = imageProcess.fillHoles(bImg) bImg = myCythonFunc.removeBoundaryParticles(bImg.astype('uint8')) bImg = myCythonFunc.areaThreshold(bImg.astype('uint8'),
############################################################ ############################################################ # MAKE COLLAGE FOR THE COLLAPSED AND NOT COLLAPSED PILLARS ############################################################ numRowCollage,numColCollage = 3,20 counter_0,counter_1 = 0,0 img_0 = numpy.zeros([imgSize*numRowCollage,imgSize*numColCollage],dtype='uint8') img_1 = numpy.zeros([imgSize*numRowCollage,imgSize*numColCollage],dtype='uint8') for i in range(row): if (y[i]==0 and counter_0<numRowCollage*numColCollage): row_0,col_0 = int(int(counter_0/numColCollage)*imgSize),int((counter_0%numColCollage)*imgSize) counter_0+=1 img = numpy.reshape(x[i,:],(64,64)) img = imageProcess.normalize(img) img_0[row_0:row_0+imgSize,col_0:col_0+imgSize] = img elif (y[i]==1 and counter_1<numRowCollage*numColCollage): row_1,col_1 = int(int(counter_1/numColCollage)*imgSize),int((counter_1%numColCollage)*imgSize) counter_1+=1 img = numpy.reshape(x[i,:],(64,64)) img = imageProcess.normalize(img) img_1[row_1:row_1+imgSize,col_1:col_1+imgSize] = img if (counter_0>=numRowCollage*numColCollage and counter_1>=numRowCollage*numColCollage): break cv2.imwrite('collage_collapsed.png',img_1) cv2.imwrite('collage_not_collapsed.png',img_0) ############################################################ ############################################################
numpy.sum(yTrainInd, axis=0), numpy.sum(yTestInd, axis=0)) ############################################################ ############################################################ # IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD TO SEGMENT AND CLASSIFY NANOPILLARS ############################################################ outFile = open('imageProcessingLabel.dat', 'w') outFile.write('Actual label\tPredicted label\n') # RUN ON TRAINING DATA counter1, counter2 = 0, 0 totalCount, incorrectCount = 0, 0 for frame, x, y in tqdm(zip(range(yTrain.size), xTrain, yTrain)): totalCount += 1 gImg = numpy.reshape(x, (row, col)) gImgNorm = imageProcess.normalize(gImg) gImg = imageProcess.invert(gImgNorm) # THRESHOLD METHOD 1 (OTSU) bImg = gImg >= imageProcess.otsuThreshold(gImg) # THRESHOLD METHOD 2 (KAPUR) # bImg = gImg >= imageProcess.threshold_kapur(gImg) # THRESHOLD METHOD 2 (MEAN) # bImg = gImg >= numpy.mean(gImg) bImg = imageProcess.binary_opening(bImg, iterations=4) labelImg, numLabel, dictionary = imageProcess.regionProps(bImg) distanceFromCentre = 1e10