def test_mat(m):
    data, color = file2mat('img01.png')
    mat2display(m*data, color)
from math import sin,cos,pi,atan
from mat import Mat
from matutil import listlist2mat, coldict2mat, mat2coldict
from image_mat_util import file2mat, mat2display

#Task 4.15.1
eliezer = file2mat("eliezer.png")
eliezer_l = eliezer[0]
eliezer_c = eliezer[1]

#Task 4.15.2
def identity():
    return Mat(({'x','y','u'},{'x', 'y', 'u'}), {('x','x'):1, ('y','y'):1, ('u','u'):1})
#print(eliezer_l == identity() * eliezer_l.copy()) #True

#Task 4.15.3
def translation(alpha, beta):
    return Mat(({'x', 'y', 'u'}, {'x', 'y', 'u'}), {('x', 'x'):1, ('x', 'u'): alpha, ('y', 'y'):1, ('y', 'u'):beta, ('u', 'u'): 1})

#Task 4.15.4
def scale(alpha, beta):
    return Mat(({'x','y','u'},{'x','y','u'}), {('x','x'): alpha, ('y','y'): beta, ('u','u'): 1})

#Task 4.15.5
def rotation(theta):
    return Mat(({'x', 'y', 'u'}, {'x', 'y', 'u'}), {('x', 'x'): cos(theta), ('y', 'x'): -sin(theta), ('x', 'y'): cos(theta + 3/2*pi), ('y', 'y'): -sin(theta + 3/2*pi), ('u', 'u'): 1})

#Task 4.15.6
def rotation_about(theta, x, y):
    return translation(x, y) * rotation(theta) * translation(-x, -y)
Example #3
def find_error_matrix(S):
    cols = mat2coldict(S)
    return coldict2mat({key: find_error(col) for key, col in cols.items()})

print("With error matrix:")
            0: list2vec([one, one, one]),
            1: list2vec([0, 0, one])

file = file2mat('./tt.png')
# file = (identity() * file[0], file[1])
# file = (translation(-100, 0) * file[0], file[1])
# file = (scale(1, 2) * file[0], file[1])
# file = (rotation(-0 / 8) * (translation(300, 200) * file[0]), file[1])
# file = (rotation_about(0, 300, 200) * file[0], file[1])
# file = (file[0], scale_colors(1, 10, 1) * file[1])
file = (file[0], grayscale() * file[1])
# mat2display(file[0], file[1])

print("Different Matrix Opertaions Implementation")

A = listlist2mat([[-1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 1]])
v1 = list2vec([1, 2, 0])
print(A * v1)
Example #4
def file2display(filename="cit.png"):    
    pos, color = file2mat(filename)
Example #5
# Apply make_nine_equations to the list of tuples specifying the pixel coordinates of the
# whiteboard corners in the image.  Assign the resulting list of nine vectors to veclist:
veclist = make_nine_equations([(358, 36), (329, 597), (592, 157), (580, 483)])

# Build a Mat whose rows are the Vecs in veclist
# print(rowdict2mat(make_equations(358, 36, 0, 0)))
L = rowdict2mat(veclist)

# print(L)
## 8: () Solve linear system
# Now solve the matrix-vector equation to get a Vec hvec, and turn it into a matrix H.
hvec = solve(L, b)

H = Mat(({'y1', 'y2', 'y3'}, {'x1', 'x2', 'x3'}), hvec.f)

(X_pts, colors) = image_mat_util.file2mat('board.png', ('x1', 'x2', 'x3'))
Y_pts = H * X_pts

## 9: (Task 5.12.7) Y Board Comprehension
def mat_move2board(Y):
        - Y: a Mat each column of which is a {'y1', 'y2', 'y3'}-Vec
          giving the whiteboard coordinates of a point q.
        - a Mat each column of which is the corresponding point in the
          whiteboard plane (the point of intersection with the whiteboard plane 
          of the line through the origin and q).

Example #6
def show_col_transform(CT, img):
    loc, clr = file2mat(img)
    mat2display(loc, CT * clr)
Example #7
def show_transform(T, img):
    loc, clr = file2mat(img)
    mat2display(T * loc, clr)
from mat import Mat
from vec import Vec
from geometry_lab import identity, translation, scale, rotation, grayscale, reflect_about
from matutil import coldict2mat, mat2coldict
from image_mat_util import file2mat, mat2display
import math

pos_mat, color_mat = file2mat('cit.png')

coldict = mat2coldict(pos_mat)
#coldict = {colkey : identity * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
#coldict = {colkey : translation(200,200) * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
#coldict = {colkey : scale(2,4) * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
#coldict = {colkey : rotation(math.pi/30) * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
#coldict = {colkey : reflect_about((0,0),(1,1)) * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
#coldict = {colkey : reflect_about((0,400),(1,400)) * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
#coldict = {colkey : reflect_about((0,400),(400,0)) * colvec for colkey, colvec in coldict.items()}
pos_mat1 = coldict2mat(coldict)

colormat_coldict = {colkey : grayscale()*colvec for colkey, colvec in mat2coldict(color_mat).items()}
color_mat1 = coldict2mat(colormat_coldict)
mat2display(pos_mat1, color_mat1)
input("press enter to exit")

#1,0 cos30, sin30
#0,1 -sin30, cos30
#0,0 0,0
