Example #1
def mapSceneLighting(scn, object=None, res=(1024, 1024), border=1):
    Create a lightmap for a scene with one or multiple lights.
    This happens by adding the lightmaps produced by each light,
    plus the scene ambience.

    if object is None:
        object = G.app.selectedHuman

    objrot = G.app.modelCamera.getRotation()

    def calcLightPos(light):
        return tuple(
                matrix.rotx(-objrot[0]) * matrix.roty(-objrot[1]) *
                matrix.rotz(-objrot[2]), light.position))

    def getLightmap(light):
        lmap = mapLighting(calcLightPos(light), object.mesh, res, border)
        return image_operations.Image(data=lmap.data * light.color.values)

    progress = Progress(1 + len(scn.lights))

    # Ambience
    lmap = image_operations.colorAsImage(
        (scn.environment.ambience * object.material.diffuseColor).values, None,
    if (object.material.shaderConfig['ambientOcclusion']
            and not object.material.aoMapTexture is None):
        aomap = image_operations.Image(data=object.material.aoMapTexture)
        aomap = image_operations.resized(aomap, *lmap.size)
        lmap = image_operations.multiply(
            image_operations.mix(aomap, image_operations.getWhite(lmap),

    # Lights
    if (scn.lights):
        amb = lmap
        lmap = getLightmap(scn.lights[0]).data
        for light in scn.lights[1:]:
            lmap = image_operations.mixData(lmap,
                                            getLightmap(light).data, 1, 1)
        lmap = image_operations.Image(data=lmap)
        if len(scn.lights) > 1:
            lmap = image_operations.normalize(lmap)

        # Ambience calculation function: lmap = lmap + (1 - lmap) * amb
        lmap = image_operations.mix(
            lmap, image_operations.multiply(image_operations.invert(lmap),
                                            amb), 1, 1)

    return lmap
Example #2
def mapSceneLighting(scn, object = None, res = (1024, 1024), border = 1):
    Create a lightmap for a scene with one or multiple lights.
    This happens by adding the lightmaps produced by each light,
    plus the scene ambience.

    if object is None:
        object = G.app.selectedHuman

    objrot = G.app.modelCamera.getRotation()
    def calcLightPos(light):
        return tuple(
                matrix.rotx(-objrot[0]) *
                matrix.roty(-objrot[1]) *

    def getLightmap(light):
        lmap = mapLighting(calcLightPos(light), object.mesh, res, border)
        return image_operations.Image(data = lmap.data * light.color.values)

    progress = Progress(1 + len(scn.lights))

    # Ambience
    lmap = image_operations.colorAsImage(
        (scn.environment.ambience * object.material.diffuseColor).values, None, *res)
    if (object.material.shaderConfig['ambientOcclusion']
        and not object.material.aoMapTexture is None):
        aomap = image_operations.Image(data = object.material.aoMapTexture)
        aomap = image_operations.resized(aomap, *lmap.size)
        lmap = image_operations.multiply(lmap, image_operations.mix(
            aomap, image_operations.getWhite(lmap), object.material.aoMapIntensity))

    # Lights
    if scn.lights:
        amb = lmap
        lmap = getLightmap(scn.lights[0]).data
        for light in scn.lights[1:]:
            lmap = image_operations.mixData(lmap, getLightmap(light).data, 1, 1)
        lmap = image_operations.Image(data = lmap)
        if len(scn.lights) > 1:
            lmap = image_operations.normalize(lmap)

        # Ambience calculation function: lmap = lmap + (1 - lmap) * amb
        lmap = image_operations.mix(
            lmap, image_operations.multiply(
                image_operations.invert(lmap), amb), 1, 1)

    return lmap
Example #3
def my_render(settings=None):
    if settings is None:
        settings = {'AA': True, 'lightmapSSS': False, 'scene': G.app.scene, 'dimensions': (230, 230)}

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        human = G.app.selectedHuman
        material_backup = material.Material(human.material)

        diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture)
        lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale)
        lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13)
        lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13)
        lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap])

        if not diffuse.isEmpty:
            lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR)
            lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse)
            lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture"

        human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap
        human.shadeless = True

    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)
        alphaImg = None
        width, height = settings['dimensions']
        if settings['AA']:
            width *= 2
            height *= 2

            img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height)
            alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height)
            img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0))

        if settings['AA']:
            img = img.resized(width/2, height/2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR)
            img.data[:, :, :] = img.data[:, :, (2, 1, 0, 3)]

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        human.material = material_backup

    return img
Example #4
def Render(settings):
    progress = Progress.begin()

    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data")
        import material
        human = G.app.selectedHuman
        materialBackup = material.Material(human.material)

        progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps")
        diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture)
        lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'],
        progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering")
        lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13)
        progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering")
        lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13)
        lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap])
        if not diffuse.isEmpty:
            progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures")
            lmap = imgop.resized(lmap,
            progress(0.8, 0.9)
            lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse)
        lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture"

        progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer")
        human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap
        human.shadeless = True
        progress(0.95, 0.98, None)
        progress(0, 0.99, None)

    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer
        log.message("Fallback render: grab screen")
        img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)
        alphaImg = None
        # Render to framebuffer object
        renderprog = Progress()
        renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering")
        width, height = settings['dimensions']
        log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height)
        if settings['AA']:
            width = width * 2
            height = height * 2
        img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height)
        alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height)
        img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0))

        if settings['AA']:
            renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing")
            # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering
            img = img.resized(width / 2,
                              height / 2,
            # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary
            img.data[:, :, :] = img.data[:, :, (2, 1, 0, 3)]

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data")
        human.material = materialBackup

    progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')

    mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')
    gui3d.app.statusPersist('Rendering complete')
Example #5
def Render(settings):
    progress = Progress.begin()

    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data")
        import material
        human = G.app.selectedHuman
        materialBackup = material.Material(human.material)

        progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps")
        diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture)
        lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'],
        progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering")
        lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13)
        progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering")
        lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13)
        lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap])
        if not diffuse.isEmpty:
            progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures")
            lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height)
            progress(0.8, 0.9)
            lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse)
        lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture"

        progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer")
        human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap
        human.mesh.shadeless = True
        progress(0.95, 0.98, None)
        progress(0, 0.99, None)

    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer
        log.message("Fallback render: grab screen")
        img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)
        alphaImg = None
        # Render to framebuffer object
        renderprog = Progress()
        renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering")
        width, height = settings['dimensions']
        log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height)
        if settings['AA']:
            width = width * 2
            height = height * 2
        img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height)
        alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height)
        img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0))

        if settings['AA']:
            renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing")
            # Resize to 50% using Qt image class
            qtImg = img.toQImage()
            del img
            # Bilinear filtered resize for anti-aliasing
            scaledImg = qtImg.scaled(
                width / 2,
                height / 2,
            del qtImg
            img = scaledImg
            #img = image.Image(scaledImg)    # Convert back to MH image
            #del scaledImg

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data")
        human.material = materialBackup

    progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')

    mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')
    gui3d.app.statusPersist('Rendering complete.')
Example #6
def Render(settings):
    progress = Progress.begin()
    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data")
        import material
        human = G.app.selectedHuman
        materialBackup = material.Material(human.material)

        progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps")
        diffuse = imgop.Image(data = human.material.diffuseTexture)
        lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(
            settings['scene'], border = human.material.sssRScale)
        progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering")
        lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13)
        progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering")
        lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13)
        lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap])
        if not diffuse.isEmpty:
            progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures")
            lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR)
            progress(0.8, 0.9)
            lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse)
        lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture"

        progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer")
        human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap
        human.configureShading(diffuse = True)
        human.shadeless = True
        progress(0.95, 0.98, None)
        progress(0, 0.99, None)
    if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer():
        # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer
        log.message("Fallback render: grab screen")
        img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight)
        alphaImg = None
        # Render to framebuffer object
        renderprog = Progress()
        renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering")
        width, height = settings['dimensions']
        log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height)
        if settings['AA']:
            width = width * 2
            height = height * 2
        img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height)
        alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height)
        img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0))

        if settings['AA']:
            renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing")
            # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering
            img = img.resized(width/2, height/2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR)
            # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary
            img.data[:,:,:] = img.data[:,:,(2,1,0,3)]

    if settings['lightmapSSS']:
        progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data")
        human.material = materialBackup

    progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')

    mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')
    gui3d.app.statusPersist('Rendering complete')