Example #1
class BackDetector(object):
        Detects objects in the back of the robot... which is what's pointing
        at the hot goal when the autonomous mode starts
        This code is essentially a translation of the 2014 Vision Sample 
        into OpenCV/Python
    def __init__(self):
        self.preprocessor = ImagePreprocessor()
        # each of these attributes that start with show_ will be 
        # turned into booleans
        self.show_contours = (False, 'Show all found contours')
        self.show_toosmall = (False, 'Show too small contours')
        self.show_horizontal = (True, 'Show horizontal targets')
        self.show_vertical = (True, 'Show vertical targets')
        self.show_aspect = (False, 'Show aspect ratios')
        self.show_rectangularity = (False, 'Show rectangularity')
        self.show_hot = (True, 'Show hot targets')
        self.show_hot_text = (True, 'Show hot text')
    def ratioToScore (self, ratio):
        return float(max(0, min(100.0*(1.0-float(abs(1.0-float(ratio)))), 100.0)))
    def scoreRectangularity(self, contour):
        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)  
        if float(w) * float(h) != 0:
            return 100.0* cv2.contourArea(contour)/(w * h)
            return 0
    def scoreAspectRatio(self, width, height, vertical):
        if vertical:
            idealAspectRatio = 4.0/32.0
            idealAspectRatio = 23.5/4.0
        #determine the long and shortsides of the rectangle
        if float(width) > float(height):
            rectLong = float(width)
            rectShort = float(height)
        elif(height >= width):
            rectLong = float(height)
            rectShort = float(width)
        if width > height:
            aspectRatio = self.ratioToScore(float(rectLong)/float(rectShort)/float(idealAspectRatio))
            aspectRatio = self.ratioToScore(float(rectShort)/float(rectLong)/float(idealAspectRatio))
        return aspectRatio
    def scoreCompare(self, vertical, rectangularity, verticalAspectRatio, horizontalAspectRatio):
        isTarget = True
        #rectangularityLimit = 40
        #aspectRatioLimit = 55
        # on a smaller image, I'm willing to fudge a bit
        rectangularityLimit = 30
        aspectRatioLimit = 40
        isTarget = isTarget and rectangularity > rectangularityLimit
        if vertical == True:
            isTarget = isTarget and verticalAspectRatio > aspectRatioLimit
            isTarget = isTarget and horizontalAspectRatio > aspectRatioLimit
        return isTarget
    def hotOrNot(self, tTapeWidthScore, tVerticalScore, tLeftScore, tRightScore):
        isHot = True
        tape_Width_Limit = 10
        vertical_Score_Limit = 50
        lr_Score_Limit = 50
        isHot = isHot and tTapeWidthScore >= tape_Width_Limit
        isHot = isHot and tVerticalScore >= vertical_Score_Limit
        isHot = isHot and (tLeftScore > lr_Score_Limit or tRightScore > lr_Score_Limit)
        return isHot
    def print_text(self, img, text, x, y, color=(255,255,255)):
        # TODO: could do some fancy layout here.. 
        cv2.putText(img, text, (int(x+5),int(y+5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, color, bottomLeftOrigin=False)
    def minAreaRect(self, contour):
        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
        ((cx, cy), (rw, rh), rotation) = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)  
        # sometimes minAreaRect decides to rotate the rectangle too much.
        # detect that and fix it.       
        if (w > h and rh < rw) or (h > w and rw < rh):
            rh, rw = rw, rh  # swap
            rotation = -90.0 - rotation
        return (x, y, w, h, cx, cy, rw, rh, rotation)
    def process_image(self, img):
        p = []  
        vertical_targets = []
        show_toosmall = self.show_toosmall
        toosmall = []
        isHotLeft = False
        isHotRight = False
        # colors
        FOUND_CONTOURS = (0,255,255)
        TOOSMALL_CONTOURS = (255, 0, 255)
        HORIZ_CONTOURS = (255, 255, 0)
        VERTICAL_CONTOURS = (255, 0, 0)
        #IDENTIFIED_COLOR = (44,0,232)
        HOT_COLOR = (0, 0, 255) 
        img, processed_img = self.preprocessor.process_image(img)
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(processed_img.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS)
        if self.show_contours:
            cv2.drawContours(img, contours, -1, FOUND_CONTOURS, thickness=1)
        for contour in contours:
            #p = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 45, False)
            # filtering smaller contours from pictures
            if cv2.contourArea(contour) >=  40:
            elif cv2.contourArea(contour) < 40:
                if show_toosmall:
            #getting lengths of sides of rectangle around the contours
            x, y, w, h, cx, cy, rw, rh, rotation = self.minAreaRect(contour)
            #score rectangularity
            rectangularity = self.scoreRectangularity(contour)
            # score aspect ratio vertical
            verticalAspectRatio = self.scoreAspectRatio(w, h, vertical=True)
            # score aspect ratio horizontal
            horizontalAspectRatio = self.scoreAspectRatio(w, h, vertical=False)
            # determine if horizontal
            if self.show_rectangularity:
                self.print_text(img, '%.1f' % (rectangularity), cx, cy)
            if self.show_aspect:
                self.print_text(img, '%.1f, %.1f' % (verticalAspectRatio, horizontalAspectRatio), cx, cy)
            if self.scoreCompare(False, rectangularity, verticalAspectRatio, horizontalAspectRatio):
            elif self.scoreCompare(True, rectangularity, verticalAspectRatio, horizontalAspectRatio):
            # store vertical targets in vertical array, horizontal targets in horizontal array
        # Match up the targets to each other
        #final targets array declaration
        if show_toosmall:
            cv2.drawContours(img, toosmall, -1, TOOSMALL_CONTOURS, thickness=1)
        if self.show_horizontal:
            cv2.drawContours(img, horizontal_targets, -1, HORIZ_CONTOURS, thickness=1)
        if self.show_vertical:
            cv2.drawContours(img, vertical_targets, -1, VERTICAL_CONTOURS, thickness=1)
        #tTotalScore = tLeftScore = tRightScore = tTapeWidthScore = tVerticalScore = 0.0
        hotTargets = []
        # for each vertical target
        for vertical_target in vertical_targets:
            x1, y1, w1, h1, cx1, cy1, rw, rh, rotation = self.minAreaRect(vertical_target)

            # for each horizontal target            
            for horizontal_target in horizontal_targets:
                # measure equivalent rectangle sides
                x2, y2, w2, h2, cx2, cy2, rw, rh, rotation = self.minAreaRect(horizontal_target)
                #a, b, w2, h2 = cv2.boundingRect(horizontal_target)
                # determine if horizontal target is in expected location
                # -> to the right
                rightScore = self.ratioToScore(1.2*(float(cx2) - float(x1) - float(w1))/float(w2))

                # -> to the left
                leftScore = self.ratioToScore(1.2*(float(x1) - float(cx2))/ float(w2))                   

                # determine if the tape width is the same
                tapeWidthScore = self.ratioToScore(float(w1)/float(h2))
                # determine if vertical location of horizontal target is correct
                verticalScore = self.ratioToScore(1.0-(float(y2) - cy2)/(4.0*h2))
                total = max(leftScore,rightScore)
                total = total + tapeWidthScore + verticalScore

                # if the targets match up enough, store it in an array of potential matches
                #if (total >= tTotalScore):
                #    tHorizontalIndex = horizontal_target
                #    tVerticalIndex = vertical_target
                #    tTotalScore = total
                #    tLeftScore = leftScore
                #    tRightScore = rightScore
                #    tTapeWidthScore = tapeWidthScore
                #    tVerticalScore = verticalScore
                #    continue
                # for the potential matched targets
                #possibleHTarget = self.hotOrNot(tTapeWidthScore, tVerticalScore, tLeftScore, tRightScore)
                #print(tTapeWidthScore, tVerticalScore, tLeftScore, tRightScore)
                # actually, the best target doesn't matter. just determine whether
                # it's hot to the left or hot to the right. That's all we *really* care about
                if self.hotOrNot(tapeWidthScore, verticalScore, leftScore, rightScore):
                    if rightScore > leftScore:
                        isHotLeft = True
                        if self.show_hot_text:
                            self.print_text(img, "R", cx2, cy1, HOT_COLOR)
                        if self.show_hot_text:
                            self.print_text(img, "L", cx1, cy2, HOT_COLOR)
                        isHotRight = True
                    # TODO: left/right?
            # determine if the target is hot or not
            #if len(horizontal_targets) == 0:
            #    possibleHTarget = False
            #if len(vertical_targets) > 0:
            #    if possibleHTarget == True:
            #        print ("hot target Located")
            #        isHot = True
            #    elif possibleHTarget == False:
            #        print ("hot target not Located")
            #        isHot = True
            # determine the best target
        if self.show_hot:
            cv2.drawContours(img, hotTargets, -1, HOT_COLOR, thickness=1)
        # print out the data or something. 
        #if (len(horizontal_targets) != 0):
        #    if tHorizontalIndex is not None:
        #        cv2.drawContours(img, [tHorizontalIndex,], -1, IDENTIFIED_COLOR, thickness=1) 
        #    if tVerticalIndex is not None:
        #        cv2.drawContours(img, [tVerticalIndex,], -1, IDENTIFIED_COLOR, thickness=1)     
        # TODO: return data for targeting and stuff
        return img, (isHotRight, isHotLeft)
Example #2
class BackDetector(object):
        Detects objects in the back of the robot... which is what's pointing
        at the hot goal when the autonomous mode starts
        This code is essentially a translation of the 2014 Vision Sample 
        into OpenCV/Python
    def __init__(self):
        self.preprocessor = ImagePreprocessor()

        # each of these attributes that start with show_ will be
        # turned into booleans
        self.show_contours = (False, 'Show all found contours')
        self.show_toosmall = (False, 'Show too small contours')
        self.show_horizontal = (True, 'Show horizontal targets')
        self.show_vertical = (True, 'Show vertical targets')

        self.show_aspect = (False, 'Show aspect ratios')
        self.show_rectangularity = (False, 'Show rectangularity')

        self.show_hot = (True, 'Show hot targets')
        self.show_hot_text = (True, 'Show hot text')

    def ratioToScore(self, ratio):
        return float(
            max(0, min(100.0 * (1.0 - float(abs(1.0 - float(ratio)))), 100.0)))

    def scoreRectangularity(self, contour):
        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
        if float(w) * float(h) != 0:
            return 100.0 * cv2.contourArea(contour) / (w * h)
            return 0

    def scoreAspectRatio(self, width, height, vertical):

        if vertical:
            idealAspectRatio = 4.0 / 32.0
            idealAspectRatio = 23.5 / 4.0

        #determine the long and shortsides of the rectangle

        if float(width) > float(height):
            rectLong = float(width)
            rectShort = float(height)
        elif (height >= width):
            rectLong = float(height)
            rectShort = float(width)

        if width > height:
            aspectRatio = self.ratioToScore(
                float(rectLong) / float(rectShort) / float(idealAspectRatio))
            aspectRatio = self.ratioToScore(
                float(rectShort) / float(rectLong) / float(idealAspectRatio))

        return aspectRatio

    def scoreCompare(self, vertical, rectangularity, verticalAspectRatio,
        isTarget = True

        #rectangularityLimit = 40
        #aspectRatioLimit = 55

        # on a smaller image, I'm willing to fudge a bit
        rectangularityLimit = 30
        aspectRatioLimit = 40

        isTarget = isTarget and rectangularity > rectangularityLimit
        if vertical == True:
            isTarget = isTarget and verticalAspectRatio > aspectRatioLimit
            isTarget = isTarget and horizontalAspectRatio > aspectRatioLimit

        return isTarget

    def hotOrNot(self, tTapeWidthScore, tVerticalScore, tLeftScore,
        isHot = True

        tape_Width_Limit = 10
        vertical_Score_Limit = 50
        lr_Score_Limit = 50

        isHot = isHot and tTapeWidthScore >= tape_Width_Limit
        isHot = isHot and tVerticalScore >= vertical_Score_Limit
        isHot = isHot and (tLeftScore > lr_Score_Limit
                           or tRightScore > lr_Score_Limit)

        return isHot

    def print_text(self, img, text, x, y, color=(255, 255, 255)):
        # TODO: could do some fancy layout here..
                    text, (int(x + 5), int(y + 5)),

    def minAreaRect(self, contour):

        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
        ((cx, cy), (rw, rh), rotation) = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)

        # sometimes minAreaRect decides to rotate the rectangle too much.
        # detect that and fix it.
        if (w > h and rh < rw) or (h > w and rw < rh):
            rh, rw = rw, rh  # swap
            rotation = -90.0 - rotation

        return (x, y, w, h, cx, cy, rw, rh, rotation)

    def process_image(self, img):

        p = []
        vertical_targets = []
        horizontal_targets = []

        show_toosmall = self.show_toosmall
        toosmall = []

        isHotLeft = False
        isHotRight = False

        # colors
        FOUND_CONTOURS = (0, 255, 255)
        TOOSMALL_CONTOURS = (255, 0, 255)
        HORIZ_CONTOURS = (255, 255, 0)
        VERTICAL_CONTOURS = (255, 0, 0)

        #IDENTIFIED_COLOR = (44,0,232)
        HOT_COLOR = (0, 0, 255)

        img, processed_img = self.preprocessor.process_image(img)

        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(processed_img.copy(),

        if self.show_contours:
            cv2.drawContours(img, contours, -1, FOUND_CONTOURS, thickness=1)

        for contour in contours:
            #p = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 45, False)

            # filtering smaller contours from pictures
            if cv2.contourArea(contour) >= 40:

            elif cv2.contourArea(contour) < 40:
                if show_toosmall:

            #getting lengths of sides of rectangle around the contours
            x, y, w, h, cx, cy, rw, rh, rotation = self.minAreaRect(contour)

            #score rectangularity
            rectangularity = self.scoreRectangularity(contour)

            # score aspect ratio vertical
            verticalAspectRatio = self.scoreAspectRatio(w, h, vertical=True)
            # score aspect ratio horizontal
            horizontalAspectRatio = self.scoreAspectRatio(w, h, vertical=False)
            # determine if horizontal

            if self.show_rectangularity:
                self.print_text(img, '%.1f' % (rectangularity), cx, cy)

            if self.show_aspect:
                    img, '%.1f, %.1f' %
                    (verticalAspectRatio, horizontalAspectRatio), cx, cy)

            if self.scoreCompare(False, rectangularity, verticalAspectRatio,
            elif self.scoreCompare(True, rectangularity, verticalAspectRatio,
            # store vertical targets in vertical array, horizontal targets in horizontal array
        # Match up the targets to each other
        #final targets array declaration

        if show_toosmall:
            cv2.drawContours(img, toosmall, -1, TOOSMALL_CONTOURS, thickness=1)

        if self.show_horizontal:

        if self.show_vertical:

        #tTotalScore = tLeftScore = tRightScore = tTapeWidthScore = tVerticalScore = 0.0
        hotTargets = []

        # for each vertical target
        for vertical_target in vertical_targets:
            x1, y1, w1, h1, cx1, cy1, rw, rh, rotation = self.minAreaRect(

            # for each horizontal target
            for horizontal_target in horizontal_targets:
                # measure equivalent rectangle sides

                x2, y2, w2, h2, cx2, cy2, rw, rh, rotation = self.minAreaRect(

                #a, b, w2, h2 = cv2.boundingRect(horizontal_target)

                # determine if horizontal target is in expected location
                # -> to the right
                rightScore = self.ratioToScore(
                    1.2 * (float(cx2) - float(x1) - float(w1)) / float(w2))

                # -> to the left
                leftScore = self.ratioToScore(1.2 * (float(x1) - float(cx2)) /

                # determine if the tape width is the same
                tapeWidthScore = self.ratioToScore(float(w1) / float(h2))

                # determine if vertical location of horizontal target is correct
                verticalScore = self.ratioToScore(1.0 - (float(y2) - cy2) /
                                                  (4.0 * h2))
                total = max(leftScore, rightScore)
                total = total + tapeWidthScore + verticalScore

                # if the targets match up enough, store it in an array of potential matches
                #if (total >= tTotalScore):
                #    tHorizontalIndex = horizontal_target
                #    tVerticalIndex = vertical_target
                #    tTotalScore = total
                #    tLeftScore = leftScore
                #    tRightScore = rightScore
                #    tTapeWidthScore = tapeWidthScore

                #    tVerticalScore = verticalScore

                #    continue

                # for the potential matched targets
                #possibleHTarget = self.hotOrNot(tTapeWidthScore, tVerticalScore, tLeftScore, tRightScore)
                #print(tTapeWidthScore, tVerticalScore, tLeftScore, tRightScore)

                # actually, the best target doesn't matter. just determine whether
                # it's hot to the left or hot to the right. That's all we *really* care about

                if self.hotOrNot(tapeWidthScore, verticalScore, leftScore,
                    if rightScore > leftScore:
                        isHotLeft = True

                        if self.show_hot_text:
                            self.print_text(img, "R", cx2, cy1, HOT_COLOR)


                        if self.show_hot_text:
                            self.print_text(img, "L", cx1, cy2, HOT_COLOR)

                        isHotRight = True

                    # TODO: left/right?

            # determine if the target is hot or not
            #if len(horizontal_targets) == 0:
            #    possibleHTarget = False

            #if len(vertical_targets) > 0:
            #    if possibleHTarget == True:
            #        print ("hot target Located")
            #        isHot = True

            #    elif possibleHTarget == False:
            #        print ("hot target not Located")
            #        isHot = True

            # determine the best target

        if self.show_hot:
            cv2.drawContours(img, hotTargets, -1, HOT_COLOR, thickness=1)

        # print out the data or something.
        #if (len(horizontal_targets) != 0):
        #    if tHorizontalIndex is not None:
        #        cv2.drawContours(img, [tHorizontalIndex,], -1, IDENTIFIED_COLOR, thickness=1)
        #    if tVerticalIndex is not None:
        #        cv2.drawContours(img, [tVerticalIndex,], -1, IDENTIFIED_COLOR, thickness=1)

        # TODO: return data for targeting and stuff
        return img, (isHotRight, isHotLeft)