def testROIpool(sample): sam = sample['image'] bbs = sample['bb'] bz = bbs.size(0) num = bbs.size(1) bbs=bbs.view(-1, 5) ind = torch.arange(bz,requires_grad=False).view(-1,1) ind = ind.repeat(1,num).view(-1,1) bbs[:,0] = ind[:,0] sam,bbs =, simg = ROIPool(sam,bbs,(50,50),1) ther = convertTensor2Img(sam) bbs = bbs.cpu().detach().numpy() img = visualizeRP(ther, bbs) cv2.imshow('raw',img) # simg = simg.cpu().detach().numpy() for ind,labels in enumerate(simg): rois = convertTensor2Img(labels) cv2.imshow('rrn{}'.format(ind), rois) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def testRRN_Pretrain(sample,pre): RRN_net = MyRRN() RRN_net.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre)) sam = sample['image'] bbb = sample['bb'] tm = sample['tm'] gt = sample['gt'] bz = bbb.size(0) num = bbb.size(1) bbb = bbb.view(-1, 5) ind = torch.arange(bz,requires_grad=False).view(-1,1) ind = ind.repeat(1,num).view(-1,1) bbb[:,0] = ind[:,0] labels_output = resizeThermal(tm, bbb) # labels_output = sam,bbb,tm =,, out_RRN = RRN_net(sam,bbb) # out_RRN = out_RRN.cpu().detach().numpy() bbb = bbb.cpu().detach().numpy() ther = convertTensor2Img(tm,norm=False) imgg = visualizeRP(ther, bbb) # print(imgg.dtype) cv2.imshow('aa',imgg) for ind,labels in enumerate(out_RRN[:4]): # print('output') p = convertTensor2Img(labels,norm=False) cv2.imshow('rrn{}'.format(ind), p) for ind,labels in enumerate(labels_output[:4]): p = convertTensor2Img(labels,norm=False) cv2.imshow('bbs{}'.format(ind), p) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def testDataset(sample,drawgt=None): print(sample['img_info']) sam = sample['image'] tm = sample['tm'] bbs = sample['bb'] gt = sample['gt'] print('sam',sam.size()) print('tm',tm.size()) print('bbs',bbs.size()) print('gt',gt.size()) bbs = bbs.cpu() bbs = bbs.view(-1,5) bbs = bbs.detach().numpy() gt = gt.cpu() gt = gt.view(-1,5) gt = gt.detach().numpy() raw = convertTensor2Img(sam) ther = convertTensor2Img(tm,norm=False) # print(ther) if not drawgt: gt = None draw_bbs = visualizeRP(raw, bbs,gt) # img,bboxes = flipBoundingBox(raw, bbs) # draw_flip_bbs = visualizeRP(img, bboxes,gt) print('size of raw',raw.shape) print('size of ther',ther.shape) print('size of bbs',draw_bbs.get().shape) cv2.imshow('raw',raw) cv2.imshow('thermal', ther) cv2.imshow('bbs', draw_bbs) # cv2.imshow('flip_bbs', draw_flip_bbs) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def testResizeThermal(sample): sam = sample['image'] bbb = sample['bb'] tm = sample['tm'] print(sample['img_info']) gt = sample['gt'] bbb = bbb.cpu() bz = bbb.size(0) num = bbb.size(1) bbb = bbb.view(-1,5) gt = gt.cpu() gt = gt.view(-1,5) gt = gt.detach().numpy() ind = torch.arange(bz).view(-1,1) ind = ind.repeat(1,num).view(-1,1) bbb[:,0] = ind[:,0] labels_output = resizeThermal(tm, bbb) print(labels_output.shape) # labels_output = labels_output.type('torch.ByteTensor') exit() ther = convertTensor2Img(tm,norm=False) bbb = bbb.detach().numpy() imgg = visualizeRP(ther, bbb[:9]) cv2.imshow('winname', imgg) for ind,labels in enumerate(labels_output[:9]): p = convertTensor2Img(labels,norm=False) cv2.imshow('bbs{}'.format(ind), p) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): pre = 'mymodel/RRN/model27_lr_1e-6_bz_6_NBS_128_norm_epoch_9.pth' # sample = getSampleDataset(train=False,bz=1) dataiter = getSampleDataset(train=True,bz=1) for sample in dataiter: name = sample['img_info'] img = sample['image'] gt = sample['gt'] gt = gt.cpu() gt = gt.view(-1,5) gt = gt.detach().numpy() img = convertTensor2Img(img) img = visualizeRP(img, bbs=None,gt=gt) cv2.imshow('A',img) cv2.waitKey() # input('Enter to next image') cv2.destroyAllWindows()