def generate_ridge_data(filename): """Generates a ridge data file from a .nii.gz file Args: filename (str): Filename to evaluate Returns: ndarray: 3-dimensional array of normalized ridge scores """ # extract image data from file background_img = nib.load(filename) background_data = background_img.get_fdata() # generate ridge scores ridge_data = detect_ridges_concurrent(background_data) # save new image base_filename = ridge_data_filename = f"{base_filename}_ridgeScore.nii.gz" iu.save_image(ridge_data, ridge_data_filename, background_img.affine) # normalize and save normalized data normalized_ridge_data = iu.normalize(ridge_data) normalized_ridge_data_filename = os.path.join( f"{base_filename}_ridgeScore_normalized.nii.gz") iu.save_image(normalized_ridge_data, normalized_ridge_data_filename, background_img.affine) # return normalized ridgescores return ridge_data
async def get_cached_tile_buffer(prefix: str, var: str, z: int, x: int, y: int, colorize: str = None): print("calculate tile metadata") tile_meta = mercantile.Tile(x=x, y=y, z=z) print("getting bounds") min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = mercantile.bounds(tile_meta) print("loading data array") da = await load_da(prefix, var) print("indexing tile selection") data_tile = da.sel(longitude=slice(min_lon, max_lon), latitude=slice(max_lat, min_lat)) print("getting min/max") abs_min, abs_max = get_absolute_min_max(prefix, var) print("Slicing and dicing data") normalized_tile = resize( normalize(data_tile, max_val=abs_max, min_val=abs_min)) print("encoding png") return await encode_as_png(normalized_tile, colorize=colorize)
def step(self, action): action = int(action) self._send(CMD_STEP) self._recv_bytes() self._send_action(action) reward, is_done = self._recv_step_json_data() image = self._recv_state_image() image = normalize(image) return image, reward, is_done
def get_clover_dataset(path, size): ''' クローバー画像を ImageDataSet オブジェクトとして取得する :param path: positive/negative フォルダを含む保存先パス :param size: モデルに渡す画像ファイルのサイズ(ピクセル) :return: ImageDataSet オブジェクト ''' pos_images = np.array([ np.asarray(img).ravel() for img in normalize(path + '/positive', size) ]) pos_labels = np.full(shape=pos_images.shape[0], fill_value=1) neg_images = np.array([ np.asarray(img).ravel() for img in normalize(path + '/negative', size) ]) neg_labels = np.full(shape=neg_images.shape[0], fill_value=0) images = np.concatenate((pos_images, neg_images)) labels = np.concatenate((pos_labels, neg_labels)).reshape(-1, 1) return ImageDataSet(images, labels)
def main(): for i in range(0, N): img_name = "../../../input_image/basket/images/%03d.png" % (i) # img_name = "../test_data/small/%03d_small.png" % (i) img = cv2.imread(img_name) gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, img_list.append(utils.normalize(gray_image)) gradient_map = my_gradient_map.gradient_map(img_list) cv2.imwrite('output_diffuse.png', utils.denormalize(gradient_map)) cv2.imshow('image', gradient_map) cv2.waitKey(0)
def generate_batch_variable(image_generator, use_cuda, batch_size): batch = [] for _ in range(batch_size): image = next(image_generator) image = image_utils.normalize(image) batch.append(image) batch = np.stack(batch).astype(np.float32) batch = np.transpose(batch, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # (batch, y, x, channel) -> (batch, channel, y, x) batch = torch.from_numpy(batch) if use_cuda: batch = batch.cuda() batch = torch.autograd.Variable(batch, requires_grad=False) return batch
def train_step(image, extractor, optimizer, weights, targets, num_layers, shift): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # Get current activations outputs = extractor(image) loss = style_content_loss(outputs, weights['style'], weights['content'], weights['frame'], num_layers['style'], num_layers['content'], targets['style'], targets['content'], targets['frame']) # Add denoise loss loss += weights['denoise'] * denoise_loss(image, shift) # Use selected optimizer to descend gradient grad = tape.gradient(loss, image) optimizer.apply_gradients([(grad, image)]) # Return the network's new values for the image and clip between 0 and 1 return images.normalize(image)
def generate_fake_image(image, generator_net, use_cuda): image = image_utils.normalize(image) image = image[np.newaxis, :, :, :] image = np.transpose( image, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # (batch, y, x, channel) -> (batch, channel, y, x) image = torch.from_numpy(image) if use_cuda: image = image.cuda() image = torch.autograd.Variable(image, requires_grad=False) fake = generator_net(image) fake = fake[0, :, :, :] if use_cuda: fake = fake.cpu() fake = fake = np.transpose(fake, (1, 2, 0)) # (channel, y, x) -> (y, x, channel) fake = image_utils.unnormalize(fake[:, :, :]) return fake
def predict(input_path, output_path, model, model_dir, chip_size, channels, grids, batch_size, params): input_dataset = gdal.Open(input_path) image = image_utils.load_file(input_path)[:, : , :channels] image_predicted = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), params['batch_size'] = batch_size if model not in models.keys(): raise ValueError('Model ' + model + ' is not supported') model_fn=models[model] estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=model_fn, params=params, model_dir=model_dir) for step in image_utils.get_grids(grids, chip_size): batch = [] for (x, y, window, original_dimensions) in image_utils.sliding_window(image, step["steps"], step["chip_size"], (chip_size, chip_size)): if window.shape[0] != chip_size or window.shape[1] != chip_size: print(window.shape, chip_size) continue window_normalized = image_utils.normalize(window) batch.append({ "window": window_normalized, "x": x, "y": y, "dimensions": original_dimensions }) if len(batch) >= batch_size: windows = [] positions = [] dimensions = [] for b in batch: windows.append(b.get("window")) positions.append((b.get("x"), b.get("y"))) dimensions.append(b.get("dimensions")) windows = np.array(windows) predict_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={"data": np.array(windows, dtype=np.float32)}, shuffle=False ) pred = estimator.predict(input_fn=predict_input_fn) for window, position, dimension, predict in zip(windows, positions, dimensions, pred): predict[predict > 0.5] = 1 predict[predict <= 0.5] = 0 predict = image_utils.resize(predict, (dimension[0], dimension[1]), preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True).astype(np.int8) predict = predict.reshape((predict.shape[0], predict.shape[1])) predicted = image_utils.get_window(image_predicted, position[0], position[1], predict.shape[1], predict.shape[0]) if predict.shape != predicted.shape: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() try: image_utils.set_window(image_predicted, np.add(predict, predicted), position[0], position[1]) except Exception as e: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() batch = [] driver = input_dataset.GetDriver() output_dataset = driver.Create(output_path, image.shape[1], image.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) output_dataset.SetGeoTransform(input_dataset.GetGeoTransform()) output_dataset.SetProjection(input_dataset.GetProjection()) output_band = output_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) output_band.WriteArray(image_predicted.reshape((image_predicted.shape[0], image_predicted.shape[1])), 0, 0) output_band.FlushCache()
def reset(self): self._send(CMD_RESET) image = self._recv_state_image() image = normalize(image) return image
image_df = pd.read_csv(images_df_path) id = max(image_df['id'].tolist()) else: image_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'image']) id = 0 filename, extension = os.path.basename(image_path).split('.') filename = filename.replace('_', '-') for (x, y, window) in sliding_window(image, image_size): chip = np.array(window[:, :, :image_channels]) chip = np.flipud(chip) chip = apply_contrast(chip) chip = normalize(chip) chip = chip * 255 left = extent[0] + (x * spatial_resolution_x) right = left + (image_size * spatial_resolution_x) top = extent[3] - (y * spatial_resolution_y) bottom = top - (image_size * spatial_resolution_y) chip_extent = [left, right, bottom, top] wkt = "POLYGON (({left} {bottom}," \ "{left} {top}," \ "{right} {top}," \ "{right} {bottom}," \ "{left} {bottom}))" \ .format(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom)