def run(self, para=None): xs = [0, 30, 117, 255] ys = [0, 0, 255, 255] data = np.array([30, 57, 93, 105, 110, 117, 108, 87, 52, 39]) l1 = plt.plot(xs, ys, 'r', lw=3) plt.grid() plt.title('y = 2.931 * x - 87.931') plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 256) plt.gca().set_xlim(0, 256) plt.figure() plt.grid() xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ys = np.round(data * 2.931 - 87.931) l1 = plt.plot(xs, ys, '-o') data = np.array([30, 57, 93, 105, 110, 117, 108, 87, 52, 39]) ori = np.zeros((10, 30, 30), dtype=np.uint8) ori.T[:] = np.round(data * 2.931 - 87.931) #area = (area-5) * 8 IPy.show_img([np.hstack(ori)], 'Extend')
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): if not para['slice']: imgs = [ips.img] data = [] msk = ips.get_msk('in') for i in range(len(imgs)): img = imgs[i] if msk is None else imgs[i][msk] maxv = img.max() if maxv == 0: continue ct = np.histogram(img, maxv, [1, maxv + 1])[0] titles = ['slice', 'value', 'count'] dt = [[i] * len(ct), list(range(maxv + 1)), ct] if not para['slice']: titles, dt = titles[1:], dt[1:] if self.para['fre']: fre = ct / float(ct.sum()) titles.append('frequence') dt.append(fre.round(4)) dt = list(zip(*dt)) data.extend(dt) IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=titles), ips.title + '-histogram')
def on_minmax(self, event): ips = IPy.get_ips() if ips is None: return minv, maxv = ips.get_updown() self.range = ips.range = (minv, maxv) hist = ips.histogram() self.histpan.SetValue(hist) self.sli_low.set_para(self.range, 10) self.sli_high.set_para(self.range, 10) self.sli_low.SetValue(minv) self.sli_high.SetValue(maxv) self.histpan.set_lim(0, 255) ips.update = 'pix'
def zoom(self, k, x, y): # print 'scale', k k1 = self.oldscale * 1.0 self.oldscale = k2 = k self.imgbox[0] = int(self.imgbox[0] + (k1-k2)*x+0.5) self.imgbox[1] = int(self.imgbox[1] + (k1-k2)*y+0.5) self.imgbox[2] = int(self.ips.size[1] * k2+0.5) self.imgbox[3] = int(self.ips.size[0] * k2+0.5) lay(, self.imgbox) if self.imgbox[2]<=self.scrsize[0]*0.9 and\ self.imgbox[3]<=self.scrsize[1]*0.9 and IPy.uimode()=='ij': self.SetInitialSize((self.imgbox[2], self.imgbox[3])) if not self.handle is None: self.handle(self.ips, True)
def on_mouseevent(self, me): tool = self.ips.tool if tool == None : tool = ToolsManager.curtool x,y = self.to_data_coor(me.GetX(), me.GetY()) if me.Moving() and not me.LeftIsDown() and not me.RightIsDown() and not me.MiddleIsDown(): xx,yy = int(round(x)), int(round(y)) k, unit = self.ips.unit if xx>=0 and xx<self.ips.img.shape[1] and yy>=0 and yy<self.ips.img.shape[0]: IPy.set_info('Location:%.1f %.1f Value:%s'%(x*k, y*k, self.ips.img[yy,xx])) if tool==None:return sta = [me.AltDown(), me.ControlDown(), me.ShiftDown()] if me.ButtonDown():tool.mouse_down(self.ips, x, y, me.GetButton(), alt=sta[0], ctrl=sta[1], shift=sta[2], canvas=self) if me.ButtonUp():tool.mouse_up(self.ips, x, y, me.GetButton(), alt=sta[0], ctrl=sta[1], shift=sta[2], canvas=self) if me.Moving():tool.mouse_move(self.ips, x, y, None, alt=sta[0], ctrl=sta[1], shift=sta[2], canvas=self) btn = [me.LeftIsDown(), me.MiddleIsDown(), me.RightIsDown(),True].index(True) if me.Dragging():tool.mouse_move(self.ips, x, y, 0 if btn==3 else btn+1, alt=sta[0], ctrl=sta[1], shift=sta[2], canvas=self) wheel = np.sign(me.GetWheelRotation()) if wheel!=0:tool.mouse_wheel(self.ips, x, y, wheel, alt=sta[0], ctrl=sta[1], shift=sta[2], canvas=self) if hasattr(tool, 'cursor'): self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(tool.cursor)) else : self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
def run(self, ips, snap, img, para=None): ips.lut = self.buflut k, unit = ips.unit lev, ds, step = para['thr'], para['ds'], para['step'] scube = np.cumprod(ips.imgs.shape)[-1] * k**3 sfront = (ips.imgs[::ds, ::ds, ::ds] > lev).sum() * ds**3 * k**3 sback = scube - sfront print(scube, sfront, sback) vts, fs, ns, cs = marching_cubes_lewiner(ips.imgs[::ds, ::ds, ::ds], lev, step_size=step) area = mesh_surface_area(vts, fs) * (ds**2 * k**2) rst = [ round(i, 3) for i in [scube, sfront, sback, sfront / scube, area, area / sfront] ] titles = [ 'Cube Volume', 'Volume', 'Blank', 'Volume/Cube', 'Surface', 'Volume/Surface' ] IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame([rst], columns=titles), ips.title + '-Volume Measure')
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): ls = [] for x, y, z in ips.roi.body: x, y, z = int(x), int(y), int(z) r, g, b = imgs[z][y, x] ls.append([x, y, z, r, g, b]) data = pd.DataFrame(ls, columns=[*'XYZRGB']) rst = {} if para['sum']: rst['sum'] = data[[*'RGB']].sum() if para['mean']: rst['mean'] = data[[*'RGB']].mean() if para['max']: rst['max'] = data[[*'RGB']].max() if para['min']: rst['min'] = data[[*'RGB']].min() if para['var']: rst['var'] = data[[*'RGB']].var() if para['std']: rst['std'] = data[[*'RGB']].std() if para['skew']: rst['skew'] = data[[*'RGB']].skew() if para['kurt']: rst['kurt'] = data[[*'RGB']].kurt() if para['lst']: IPy.show_table(data, ips.title + '-pts color') IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(rst), ips.title + '-pts color statistic')
def run(self, ips, snap, img, para=None): # 人脸检测 # 获取当前工作路径 path = os.getcwd() face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( path + '\menus\Opencv\Filters\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: ips.mark = GeometryMark({ 'type': 'rectangles', 'color': (255, 0, 0), 'lw': 2, 'fcolor': (0, 0, 0), 'fill': False, 'body': [(x, y, w, h)] }) # 用下面这句会影响到原图像,导致不能再编辑,可以用上面的标记 # cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) IPy.show_table( pd.DataFrame([[x, y, w, h]], index=['矩形'], columns=['x', 'y', 'w', 'h']), '人脸参数')
def on_8bit( self, event ): ips = IPy.get_ips() if ips is None: return self.range = ips.range = (0,255) hist = ips.histogram() self.histpan.set_hist(hist) self.sli_low.SetMax(255) self.sli_low.SetMin(0) self.sli_high.SetMax(255) self.sli_high.SetMin(0) self.sli_low.SetValue(0) self.sli_high.SetValue(255) self.histpan.set_lim(0,255) ips.update = 'pix'
def start(self): #if not WidgetsManager.getref(self.title) is None: return pan = self.pan(IPy.curapp) WidgetsManager.addref(pan) IPy.curapp.auimgr.AddPane( pan, aui.AuiPaneInfo().Caption(self.title).Left().Layer(15).PinButton( True).Float().Resizable().FloatingSize( wx.DefaultSize).Dockable( IPy.uimode() == 'ipy').DestroyOnClose()) IPy.curapp.Layout() IPy.curapp.auimgr.Update() '''
def run(self, para=None): xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] ys = [10, 12, 16, 22, 26, 28, 30, 30, 25, 21, 16, 11] lbs = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] plt.xticks(xs, lbs) plt.plot(xs, ys, '-o') plt.grid() plt.title('Temperature in ChengDu') plt.xlabel('Month') plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)') area = np.zeros((12, 30, 30), dtype=np.uint8) temp = np.array([10, 12, 16, 22, 26, 28, 30, 30, 25, 21, 16, 11]) area.T[:] = temp area = (area - 5) * 8 IPy.show_img([np.hstack(area)], 'Chengdu Temperature')
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): if not para['slice']: imgs = [ips.img] k = ips.unit[0] titles = ['Slice', 'ID'][0 if para['slice'] else 1:] + [ 'Center-X', 'Center-Y', 'N', 'Neighbors' ] buf = imgs[0].astype(np.uint32) data, mark = [], {'type': 'layers', 'body': {}} for i in range(len(imgs)): if para['labled']: buf = imgs[i] else: label(imgs[i], generate_binary_structure(2, 1), output=buf) conarr = connect(buf, 1 if para['con'] == '4-connect' else 2, not self.para['nozero']) conmap = mapidx(conarr) ls = regionprops(buf) dt = [[i] * len(ls), list(range(1, 1 + len(ls)))] if not para['slice']: dt = dt[1:] layer = {'type': 'layer', 'body': []} texts = [(i.centroid[::-1]) + ('id=%d' % i.label, ) for i in ls] lines = [(ls[i - 1].centroid[::-1], ls[j - 1].centroid[::-1]) for i, j in conarr] layer['body'].append({'type': 'texts', 'body': texts}) layer['body'].append({'type': 'lines', 'body': lines}) mark['body'][i] = layer dt.append([round(i.centroid[1] * k, 1) for i in ls]) dt.append([round(i.centroid[0] * k, 1) for i in ls]) neibs = [conmap[i.label] if i.label in conmap else [] for i in ls] dt.extend([[len(i) for i in neibs], neibs]) data.extend(list(zip(*dt))) ips.mark = GeometryMark(mark) IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=titles), ips.title + '-region')
def on_8bit(self, event): ips = IPy.get_ips() if ips is None: return rg = (0, 255) ips.chan_range[] = rg if (rg[0] == rg[1]): rg = (rg[0] - 1e-4, rg[1] + 1e-4) slis = 'all' if self.chk_stack.GetValue() else ips.cur hist = ips.histogram(rg, slis,, 512) self.histpan.SetValue(hist) self.sli_low.set_para(rg, 10) self.sli_high.set_para(rg, 10) self.sli_low.SetValue(rg[0]) self.sli_high.SetValue(rg[1]) self.histpan.set_lim(0, 255) ips.update()
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): titles = [ 'PartID', 'Noeds', 'Edges', 'TotalLength', 'Density', 'AveConnect' ] k, unit = ips.unit gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False) if para['parts'] else [] comid, datas = 0, [] for g in gs: sl = 0 for (s, e) in g.edges(): sl += sum([i['weight'] for i in g[s][e].values()]) datas.append([ comid, g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), round(sl * k, 2), round(nx.density(g), 2), round(nx.average_node_connectivity(g), 2) ][1 - para['parts']:]) comid += 1 IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(datas, columns=titles[1 - para['parts']:]), ips.title + '-graph')
def run(self, para=None): xs = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) ys = np.array([1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 8, 9, 8, 10, 9, 10], dtype=np.float32) ds = ndimg.convolve1d(ys, [0, 1, -1]) lbs = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] plt.xticks(xs, lbs) plt.plot(xs, ys, '-o', label='Temperature') plt.plot(xs, ds, '-o', label='Difference') plt.grid() plt.gca().legend() plt.title('Temperature in XX') plt.xlabel('Month') plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)') IPy.show_img([block((ys - ys.min()) * (180 / ys.max() - ys.min()))], 'Temperature') IPy.show_img([block((ds - ds.min()) * (180 / ds.max() - ds.min()))], 'Difference')
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): name = self.para['name'] if ips.get_nslices() == 1 or self.para['stack'] == False: if ips.roi == None: img = ips.img.copy() ipsd = ImagePlus([img], name) else: img = ips.get_subimg().copy() ipsd = ImagePlus([img], name) box = ips.roi.get_box() ipsd.roi = ips.roi.affine(np.eye(2), (-box[0], -box[1])) elif ips.get_nslices() > 1 and self.para['stack']: if ips.roi == None: if ips.is3d: imgs = imgs.copy() else: imgs = [i.copy() for i in imgs] else: sc, sr = ips.get_rect() if ips.is3d: imgs = imgs[:, sc, sr].copy() else: imgs = [i[sc, sr].copy() for i in imgs] ipsd = ImagePlus(imgs, name) if ips.roi != None: ipsd.roi = ips.roi.affine(np.eye(2), (-sr.start, -sc.start)) IPy.show_ips(ipsd)
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): name = para['name'] print('name------------------', name) if ips.get_nslices() == 1 or self.para['stack'] == False: if ips.roi == None: img = ips.img.copy() ipsd = ImagePlus([img], name) ipsd.back = ips.back else: img = ips.get_subimg().copy() ipsd = ImagePlus([img], name) box = ips.roi.get_box() ipsd.roi = ips.roi.affine(np.eye(2), (-box[0], -box[1])) ''' if not ips.backimg is None: sr, sc = ips.get_rect() ipsd.backimg = ips.backimg[sr, sc] ''' elif ips.get_nslices() > 1 and self.para['stack']: imgs = imgs[para['start'] - 1:para['end']] if ips.roi == None: if ips.is3d: imgs = imgs.copy() else: imgs = [i.copy() for i in imgs] #backimg = ips.backimg else: sc, sr = ips.get_rect() if ips.is3d: imgs = imgs[:, sc, sr].copy() else: imgs = [i[sc, sr].copy() for i in imgs] #if not ips.backimg is None: # backimg = None #ips.backimg[sr, sr] ipsd = ImagePlus(imgs, name) if ips.roi != None: ipsd.roi = ips.roi.affine(np.eye(2), (-sr.start, -sc.start)) #if not ips.backimg is None: ipsd.backimg = backimg ipsd.chan_mode = ips.chan_mode IPy.show_ips(ipsd)
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): k = ips.unit[0] titles = ['ID'] if para['center']: titles.extend(['Center-X', 'Center-Y', 'Center-Z']) if para['vol']: titles.append('Volume') if para['extent']: titles.extend( ['Min-Z', 'Min-Y', 'Min-X', 'Max-Z', 'Max-Y', 'Max-X']) if para['ed']: titles.extend(['Diameter']) if para['fa']: titles.extend(['FilledArea']) buf = imgs.astype(np.uint32) strc = generate_binary_structure( 3, 1 if para['con'] == '4-connect' else 2) label(imgs, strc, output=buf) ls = regionprops(buf) dt = [range(len(ls))] centroids = [i.centroid for i in ls] if para['center']: dt.append([round(i.centroid[1] * k, 1) for i in ls]) dt.append([round(i.centroid[0] * k, 1) for i in ls]) dt.append([round(i.centroid[2] * k, 1) for i in ls]) if para['vol']: dt.append([i.area * k**3 for i in ls]) if para['extent']: for j in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5): dt.append([i.bbox[j] * k for i in ls]) if para['ed']: dt.append([round(i.equivalent_diameter * k, 1) for i in ls]) if para['fa']: dt.append([i.filled_area * k**3 for i in ls]) IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*dt)), columns=titles), ips.title + '-region')
def start(self, para=None, callafter=None): wb = pyxl.load_workbook(self.cont) info, key = xlreport.parse(wb) if para is not None: return self.runasyn(wb, info, para, callafter) dialog = GridDialog(IPy.curapp, self.title, info, key) rst = dialog.ShowModal() para = dialog.GetValue() dialog.Destroy() if rst != 5100: return filt = '|'.join(['%s files (*.%s)|*.%s' % ('XLSX', 'xlsx', 'xlsx')]) if not IPy.getpath('Save..', filt, 'save', para): return win = WidgetsManager.getref('Macros Recorder') if win != None: win.write('{}>{}'.format(self.title, para)) self.runasyn(wb, info, key, para, callafter)
def load(self): dirdialog = wx.DirDialog(IPy.get_window(), message=wx.DirSelectorPromptStr, defaultPath="", style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, name=wx.DirDialogNameStr) if dirdialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.pathAPI = dirdialog.GetPath() self.pathAPI = self.pathAPI + os.path.sep else: return False if platform.system() == 'Windows': self.python = 'python' else: self.python = 'python3' subprocess.check_output( [self.python, self.pathAPI + '']) data = json.load(open('data.json')) frameworks = data['frameworks'] subprocess.check_output( [self.python, self.pathAPI + '', '-f', 'Keras']) data = json.load(open('data.json')) models = data['models'] Para = {'f': 'Keras', 'm': 'VGG16'} View = [('lab', 'Select the framework and the model'), (list, frameworks, str, 'Framework', 'f', ''), (list, models, str, 'Model', 'm', '')] md = MyDialog(None, 'DeepClas4BioPy', self.pathAPI, self.python, View, Para) md.initView() if md.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.framework = md.para['f'] self.model = md.para['m'] md.Destroy() return True else: md.Destroy() return False
def on_gray(self, event): ips = IPy.get_ips() if ips is None: return if not isinstance(ips.chan, int): ips.chan = 0 chanrg = ips.chan_range[ips.chan] rg = ips.get_updown('all', ips.chan, 512) if (rg[0] == rg[1]): rg = (rg[0] - 1e-4, rg[1] + 1e-4) slis = 'all' if self.chk_stack.GetValue() else ips.cur hist = ips.histogram(rg, slis, ips.chan, 512) self.histpan.SetValue(hist) self.sli_low.set_para(rg, 10) self.sli_high.set_para(rg, 10) self.sli_low.SetValue(chanrg[0]) self.sli_high.SetValue(chanrg[1]) = ips.chan lim1 = (chanrg[0] - rg[0]) / (rg[1] - rg[0]) lim2 = (chanrg[1] - rg[0]) / (rg[1] - rg[0]) self.histpan.set_lim(lim1 * 255, lim2 * 255) ips.update()
def run(self, para = None): path = para['path'] date = para['time'] check = para['check'] line = para['line'] point = para['type'] == '点图' text = [para['t%d'%i] for i in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)] text = [i for i in text if len(i)>1] try: rst = draw(path, date, text, point, line, check) if check: IPy.show_table(rst, '新增地名列表') else: IPy.show_img([rst], '草地贪夜蛾分布示意图') except: IPy.alert('请检查数据格式!')
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): if para['method'] == 'Simple Ratio': rst, value, ratio = simple_ratio(imgs, ips.img, not para['new'], self.progress) body = pd.DataFrame({'Mean value': value, 'Ratio': ratio}) IPy.show_table(body, '%s-simple ratio' % ips.title) if para['method'] == 'Exponential Fit': rst, popt, intensity, fitrst = exponential_fit( imgs, not para['new'], self.progress) plot_after(popt, intensity, fitrst) body = {'Intensity': intensity, 'Fit': fitrst} IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(body), '%s-exp fit' % ips.title) if para['method'] == 'Histogram Match': rst = histogram_match(imgs, ips.img, not para['new'], self.progress) if para['new']: IPy.show_img(rst, '%s-corrected' % ips.title)
def on_p(self, event, k): ips = IPy.get_ips() if ips is None: return rg = ips.get_updown('all',, 512) if (rg[0] == rg[1]): rg = (rg[0] - 1e-4, rg[1] + 1e-4) slis = 'all' if self.chk_stack.GetValue() else ips.cur hist = ips.histogram(rg, slis,, 512) msk = np.abs(np.cumsum(hist) / hist.sum() - 0.5) < k / 2 idx = np.where(msk)[0] vs = np.array([idx.min(), idx.max()]) vs = vs * (rg[1] - rg[0]) / 255 + rg[0] ips.chan_range[] = tuple(vs) self.histpan.SetValue(hist) self.sli_low.set_para(rg, 10) self.sli_high.set_para(rg, 10) print(rg, vs) self.sli_low.SetValue(vs[0]) self.sli_high.SetValue(vs[1]) lim1 = (vs[0] - rg[0]) / (rg[1] - rg[0]) lim2 = (vs[1] - rg[0]) / (rg[1] - rg[0]) self.histpan.set_lim(lim1 * 255, lim2 * 255) ips.update()
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None, preview=False): if len(ips.imgs) == 1: ips.img[:] = ips.snap key = {'chans': None, 'grade': para['grade'], 'w': para['w']} key['items'] = [i for i in ['ori', 'blr', 'sob', 'eig'] if para[i]] slir, slic = ips.get_rect() labs = [i[slir, slic] for i in imgs] ori = ImageManager.get(para['img']).imgs if len(imgs) == 1: ori = [ImageManager.get(para['img']).img] oris = [i[slir, slic] for i in ori] IPy.set_info('extract features...') feat, lab, key = feature.get_feature(oris, labs, key, callback=self.progress) IPy.set_info('training data...') self.progress(None, 1) model = self.classify(para), lab) IPy.set_info('predict data...') if preview: return feature.get_predict(oris, model, key, labs, callback=self.progress) if len(imgs) == 1: ips.swap() outs = feature.get_predict(oris, model, key, callback=self.progress) nips = ImagePlus(outs, ips.title + 'rst') nips.range, nips.lut = ips.range, ips.lut nips.back, nips.chan_mode = ips.back, 0.4 IPy.show_ips(nips) global model_para model_para = model, key
def profile(self, body, img): (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = body[0] dx, dy = x2-x1, y2-y1 n = max(abs(dx), abs(dy)) + 1 xs = np.linspace(x1, x2, n).round().astype(np.int16) ys = np.linspace(y1, y2, n).round().astype(np.int16) msk = (xs>=0) * (xs<img.shape[1]) msk*= (ys>=0) * (ys<img.shape[0]) ix = np.arange(len(xs)) frame = IPy.plot('Profile', 'Profile - Line', 'pixels coordinate', 'value of pixcels') frame.clear() if len(img.shape) == 3: vs = np.zeros((3,len(xs)), dtype=np.int16) vs[:,msk] = img[ys[msk], xs[msk]].T frame.add_data(ix, vs[0], (255,0,0), 1) frame.add_data(ix, vs[1], (0,255,0), 1) frame.add_data(ix, vs[2], (0,0,255), 1) else: vs = np.zeros(len(xs), dtype=np.int16) vs[msk] = img[ys[msk], xs[msk]] frame.add_data(ix, vs, (0,0,0), 1) frame.draw()
def on_run(self, event): if != event.GetIndex(): return IPy.alert('please double click to activate an item') code = event.GetKeyCode() title = self.buf[event.GetIndex()][0] txt = self.buf[event.GetIndex()][1] if code == wx.WXK_DELETE: txt = '' elif code == wx.WXK_CONTROL: txt =, 'Ctrl') elif code == wx.WXK_ALT: txt =, 'Alt') elif code == wx.WXK_SHIFT: txt =, 'Shift') elif code in range(340, 352): fs = ['F' + str(i) for i in range(1, 13)] txt =, fs[code - 340]) elif code < 100: txt =, chr(event.GetKeyCode())) if len(txt) > 0 and txt[-1] == '-': txt = txt[:-1] self.buf[event.GetIndex()][1] = txt self.lst_plgs.RefreshItem(event.GetIndex()) if txt == '': ShotcutManager.rm(title) ShotcutManager.set(title, txt)
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): titles = ['Max', 'Min', 'Mean', 'Variance', 'Standard'] key = { 'Max': 'max', 'Min': 'min', 'Mean': 'mean', 'Variance': 'var', 'Standard': 'std' } titles = [i for i in titles if para[key[i]]] if self.para['stack']: data = [] for n in range(ips.get_nslices()): data.append(self.count(imgs[n], para)) IPy.set_progress(round((n + 1) * 100.0 / len(imgs))) IPy.set_progress(0) else: data = [self.count(ips.get_img(), para)] IPy.table(ips.title + '-statistic', data, titles)
def run(self, para=None): xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ys = np.array([30, 57, 93, 105, 110, 117, 108, 87, 52, 39]) l1 = plt.plot(xs, ys, '-o', label='orignal') l2 = plt.plot(xs, ys + 100, '-o', label='add') l3 = plt.plot(xs, ys * 2, '-o', label='multiply') plt.grid() plt.title('Math Operator') plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 255) plt.gca().legend() ori = np.zeros((10, 30, 30), dtype=np.uint8) add = np.zeros((10, 30, 30), dtype=np.uint8) mul = np.zeros((10, 30, 30), dtype=np.uint8) ori.T[:], add.T[:], mul.T[:] = ys, ys + 100, ys * 2 #area = (area-5) * 8 IPy.show_img([np.hstack(ori)], 'Orignal Line') IPy.show_img([np.hstack(add)], 'Add 100') IPy.show_img([np.hstack(mul)], 'Multiply 2')
def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None): ips1 = ImageManager.get(para['img1']) ips2 = ImageManager.get(para['img2']) ips1.snapshot() sl1, sl2 = ips1.get_nslices(), ips2.get_nslices() cn1, cn2 = ips1.get_nchannels(), ips2.get_nchannels() if ips1.dtype != ips2.dtype: IPy.alert('Two stack must be equal dtype!') return elif sl1 > 1 and sl2 > 1 and sl1 != sl2: IPy.alert('Two stack must have equal slices!') return elif cn1 > 1 and cn2 > 1 and cn1 != cn2: IPy.alert('Two stack must have equal channels!') return w, h = ips1.size, ips2.size w, h = min(w[0], h[0]), min(w[1], h[1]) if sl1 == 1: bliter.blit(ips1.get_subimg(), ips2.get_subimg(), mode=para['op']) elif sl1 > 1 and sl2 == 1: for i in range(sl1): self.progress(i, sl1) ss1, se1 = ips1.get_rect() bliter.blit(ips1.imgs[i][ss1, se1], ips2.get_subimg(), mode=para['op']) elif sl1 > 1 and sl2 > 1: for i in range(sl1): self.progress(i, sl1) ss1, se1 = ips1.get_rect() ss2, se2 = ips2.get_rect() bliter.blit(ips1.imgs[i][ss1, se1], ips2.imgs[i][ss2, se2], mode=para['op']) ips1.update = 'pix'