def redraw(self,eraseBackground=False): """Scale data and draw on window.""" if (not hasattr(self,'ellipse')) or \ (not hasattr(self.ellipse,'hasItem')): return ind = self.spinner.GetValue() if not self.ellipse.hasItem(ind): blank = num.ones( (params.zoom_window_pix, params.zoom_window_pix), num.uint8 )*127 self.window.update_image_and_drawings(,blank,format='MONO8') else: # get box around ellipse valx = self.ellipse[ind].center.x - params.zoom_window_pix/2 valx = max( valx, 0 ) valx = min( valx,[1] - params.zoom_window_pix ) valy = self.ellipse[ind].center.y - params.zoom_window_pix/2 valy = max( valy, 0 ) valy = min( valy,[0] - params.zoom_window_pix ) self.offset = (valx,valy) zoomaxes = [self.offset[0],self.offset[0]+params.zoom_window_pix-1, self.offset[1],self.offset[1]+params.zoom_window_pix-1] linesegs = draw_ellipses([self.ellipse[ind],], colors=[params.colors[ind%len(params.colors)],]) im = imagesk.double2mono8(,donormalize=False) linesegs,im = imagesk.zoom_linesegs_and_image(linesegs,im,zoomaxes) (linesegs,linecolors) = imagesk.separate_linesegs_colors(linesegs) self.window.update_image_and_drawings(,im,format='MONO8', linesegs=linesegs,lineseg_colors=linecolors) self.window.Refresh( eraseBackground=eraseBackground )
def redraw(self,eraseBackground=False): """Scale data and draw on window.""" ind = self.spinner.GetValue() if self.ellipse_size is None: wind_size = DEFAULT_WIND_SIZE else: wind_size = self.ellipse_size if not self.ellipses.hasItem(ind): blank = num.ones( ([0],[1]), num.uint8 )*127 self.window.update_image_and_drawings(,blank,format='MONO8') else: # get box around ellipse valx = self.ellipses[ind].center.x - self.ellipse_size/2 valx = max( valx, 0 ) valx = min( valx,[1] - self.ellipse_size ) valy = self.ellipses[ind].center.y - self.ellipse_size/2 valy = max( valy, 0 ) valy = min( valy,[0] - self.ellipse_size ) self.offset = (valx,valy) zoomaxes = [self.offset[0],self.offset[0]+self.ellipse_size-1, self.offset[1],self.offset[1]+self.ellipse_size-1] linesegs = draw_ellipses([self.ellipses[ind],], colors=[params.colors[ind%len(params.colors)],]) im = imagesk.double2mono8(,donormalize=False) linesegs,im = imagesk.zoom_linesegs_and_image(linesegs,im,zoomaxes) (linesegs,linecolors) = imagesk.separate_linesegs_colors(linesegs) self.window.update_image_and_drawings(,im,format='MONO8', linesegs=linesegs,lineseg_colors=linecolors) self.window.Refresh( eraseBackground=eraseBackground )
def redraw(self, eraseBackground=False): """Scale data and draw on window.""" if self.window.GetRect().GetHeight() < 1: return ind = self.spinner.GetValue() if self.ellipse_size is None: wind_size = DEFAULT_WIND_SIZE else: wind_size = self.ellipse_size if not self.ellipses.hasItem(ind): blank = num.ones( ([0],[1]), num.uint8) * 127 self.window.update_image_and_drawings(, blank, format='MONO8') else: # get box around ellipse valx = self.ellipses[ind].center.x - self.ellipse_size / 2 valx = max(valx, 0) valx = min(valx,[1] - self.ellipse_size) valy = self.ellipses[ind].center.y - self.ellipse_size / 2 valy = max(valy, 0) valy = min(valy,[0] - self.ellipse_size) self.offset = (valx, valy) zoomaxes = [ self.offset[0], self.offset[0] + self.ellipse_size - 1, self.offset[1], self.offset[1] + self.ellipse_size - 1 ] linesegs = draw_ellipses( [self.ellipses[ind]], colors=[params.colors[ind % len(params.colors)]]) # add tail, if checked if self.show_tail: ax = self.ellipse_size * num.cos(self.ellipses[ind].angle) ay = self.ellipse_size * num.sin(self.ellipses[ind].angle) linesegs.append([ self.ellipses[ind].center.x, self.ellipses[ind].center.y, self.ellipses[ind].center.x - ax, self.ellipses[ind].center.y - ay, params.colors[ind % len(params.colors)] ]) im = imagesk.double2mono8(, donormalize=False) linesegs, im = imagesk.zoom_linesegs_and_image( linesegs, im, zoomaxes) (linesegs, linecolors) = imagesk.separate_linesegs_colors(linesegs) linewidths = (params.ellipse_thickness, ) * len(linesegs) self.window.update_image_and_drawings(, im, format='MONO8', linesegs=linesegs, lineseg_colors=linecolors, lineseg_widths=linewidths) self.window.Refresh(eraseBackground=eraseBackground)
def redraw(self, eraseBackground=False): """Scale data and draw on window.""" ind = self.spinner.GetValue() if self.ellipse_size is None: wind_size = DEFAULT_WIND_SIZE else: wind_size = self.ellipse_size if not self.ellipses.hasItem(ind): blank = num.ones( ([0],[1]), num.uint8) * 127 self.window.update_image_and_drawings(, blank, format='MONO8') else: # get box around ellipse valx = self.ellipses[ind].center.x - self.ellipse_size / 2 valx = max(valx, 0) valx = min(valx,[1] - self.ellipse_size) valy = self.ellipses[ind].center.y - self.ellipse_size / 2 valy = max(valy, 0) valy = min(valy,[0] - self.ellipse_size) self.offset = (valx, valy) zoomaxes = [ self.offset[0], self.offset[0] + self.ellipse_size - 1, self.offset[1], self.offset[1] + self.ellipse_size - 1 ] linesegs = draw_ellipses([ self.ellipses[ind], ], colors=[ params.colors[ind % len(params.colors)], ]) im = imagesk.double2mono8(, donormalize=False) linesegs, im = imagesk.zoom_linesegs_and_image( linesegs, im, zoomaxes) (linesegs, linecolors) = imagesk.separate_linesegs_colors(linesegs) self.window.update_image_and_drawings(, im, format='MONO8', linesegs=linesegs, lineseg_colors=linecolors) self.window.Refresh(eraseBackground=eraseBackground)
def ShowImage(self): im, stamp = int(self.show_frame) ) windowsize = [self.img_panel.GetRect().GetHeight(),self.img_panel.GetRect().GetWidth()] self.GetBgImage() if self.img_chosen == SHOW_UNFILTERED_OBSERVATIONS: obs_unfiltered = self.GetObsUnfiltered() plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_unfiltered) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_FILTERED_OBSERVATIONS: obs_filtered = self.GetObsFiltered() plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_filtered) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_SMALL_OBSERVATIONS: obs_unfiltered = self.GetObsUnfiltered() obs_small = [] for obs in obs_unfiltered: if obs.area < params.params.minshape.area: obs_small.append(obs) plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_small) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_LARGE_OBSERVATIONS: obs_unfiltered = self.GetObsUnfiltered() obs_large = [] for obs in obs_unfiltered: if obs.area > params.params.maxshape.area: obs_large.append(obs) plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_large) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_DELETED_OBSERVATIONS: (obs_unfiltered,diddelete) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('diddelete') obs_deleted = [] for (i,v) in enumerate(diddelete): if v: obs_deleted.append(obs_unfiltered[i]) plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_deleted) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_SPLIT_OBSERVATIONS: (obs_unfiltered,didsplit) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('didsplit') colors = [] obs_split = [] for (i,v) in enumerate(didsplit): if len(v)>1: for j in v: colors.append(params.params.colors[i % len(params.params.colors)]) obs_split.append(obs_unfiltered[j]) plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_split) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_MERGED_OBSERVATIONS: (obs_unfiltered,didmerge) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('didmerge') colors = [] obs_merge = [] for (i,v) in enumerate(didmerge): if len(v)>1: obs_merge.append(obs_unfiltered[i]) plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_merge) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_LOWERED_OBSERVATIONS: (obs_unfiltered,didlowerthresh) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('didlowerthresh') obs_lowered = [] for (i,v) in enumerate(didlowerthresh): if v: obs_lowered.append(obs_unfiltered[i]) plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_lowered) # MAXJUMP elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_MAXJUMP: # either grab or compute observations obs_filtered = self.GetObsFiltered() plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(obs_filtered) # draw circles for i,obs in enumerate(obs_filtered): plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_circle(,,params.params.max_jump, params.params.colors[i%len(params.params.colors)]) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_MOTIONMODEL: (target_prev,target_curr,target_pred) = self.GetTargetMotion() # show the next frame, if there is one nextframe = num.minimum(int(self.show_frame+1),params.params.n_frames-1) im, stamp = # draw previous positions plot_linesegs = ell.draw_ellipses(target_prev) # draw current positions plot_new_stuff = ell.draw_ellipses(target_curr,colors=[[255,255,0]]) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) # draw predicted positions plot_new_stuff = ell.draw_ellipses(target_pred) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) scaleunit = params.params.max_jump / params.params.DRAW_MOTION_SCALE parcolor = [0,255,0] perpcolor = [0,255,0] anglecolor = [0,0,255] for i in target_pred.iterkeys(): # compute direction of motion vx = target_pred[i].center.x - target_curr[i].center.x vy = target_pred[i].center.y - target_curr[i].center.y thetamotion = num.arctan2(vy,vx) # angle theta = target_pred[i].angle # we want to choose to add pi if that makes difference from motion direction smaller dtheta = abs( ((theta - thetamotion + num.pi) % (2.*num.pi)) - num.pi ) if dtheta > (num.pi/2.): theta += num.pi # compute end points of parallel motion x0 = target_pred[i].center.x + scaleunit*num.cos(theta) x1 = target_pred[i].center.x - scaleunit*num.cos(theta) y0 = target_pred[i].center.y + scaleunit*num.sin(theta) y1 = target_pred[i].center.y - scaleunit*num.sin(theta) # add parallel motion annotation line plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_line(x0+1,y0+1,x1+1,y1+1,parcolor) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) # compute end points of perpendicular motion x0 = target_pred[i].center.x + scaleunit*num.cos(num.pi/2.+theta) x1 = target_pred[i].center.x - scaleunit*num.cos(num.pi/2.+theta) y0 = target_pred[i].center.y + scaleunit*num.sin(num.pi/2.+theta) y1 = target_pred[i].center.y - scaleunit*num.sin(num.pi/2.+theta) # add perpendicular motion annotation line plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_line(x0+1,y0+1,x1+1,y1+1,perpcolor) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) # compute end points of angular motion if params.params.ang_dist_wt > 0: dtheta = scaleunit*num.sqrt(1./params.params.ang_dist_wt) if dtheta >= (num.pi/2.): print 'dtheta is more than pi/2' else: theta0 = theta - dtheta theta1 = theta + dtheta # draw arc plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_arc(target_pred[i].center.x, target_pred[i].center.y, scaleunit/2, theta0,theta1, anglecolor) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) im = imagesk.double2mono8(im,donormalize=False) linesegs,im = imagesk.zoom_linesegs_and_image(plot_linesegs,im,self.zoomaxes) (linesegs,linecolors) = imagesk.separate_linesegs_colors(linesegs) self.img_wind.update_image_and_drawings('trackset', im, format='MONO8', linesegs=linesegs, lineseg_colors=linecolors ) self.img_wind.Refresh(eraseBackground=False) self.frame_number_text.SetLabel('Frame %d'%self.show_frame)
def ShowImage(self): if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'ShowImage ' + str(self.show_frame) try: wx.Yield() except: pass # can be recursive sometimes in Windows wx.BeginBusyCursor() im, stamp = windowsize = [ self.img_panel.GetRect().GetHeight(), self.img_panel.GetRect().GetWidth() ] self.GetBgImage() if self.img_chosen == SHOW_UNFILTERED_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_UNFILTERED_OBSERVATIONS' obs_unfiltered = self.GetObsUnfiltered() plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_unfiltered) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_FILTERED_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_FILTERED_OBSERVATIONS' obs_filtered = self.GetObsFiltered() plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_filtered) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_SMALL_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_SMALL_OBSERVATIONS' obs_unfiltered = self.GetObsUnfiltered() obs_small = [] for obs in obs_unfiltered: if obs.area() < params.params.minshape.area: obs_small.append(obs) plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_small) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_LARGE_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_LARGE_OBSERVATIONS' obs_unfiltered = self.GetObsUnfiltered() obs_large = [] for obs in obs_unfiltered: if obs.area() > params.params.maxshape.area: obs_large.append(obs) plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_large) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_DELETED_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_DELETED_OBSERVATIONS' (obs_unfiltered, obs_deleted) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('diddelete') plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_deleted) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_SPLIT_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_SPLIT_OBSERVATIONS' (obs_unfiltered, obs_split) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('didsplit') plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_split) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_MERGED_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_MERGED_OBSERVATIONS' (obs_unfiltered, obs_merge) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('didmerge') plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_merge) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_LOWERED_OBSERVATIONS: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_LOWERED_OBSERVATIONS' (obs_unfiltered, obs_lowered) = self.GetObsUnfiltered('didlowerthresh') plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_lowered) # MAXJUMP elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_MAXJUMP: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_MAXJUMP' # either grab or compute observations obs_filtered = self.GetObsFiltered() plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(obs_filtered) # draw circles for i, obs in enumerate(obs_filtered): plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_circle(,, params.params.max_jump * 2., params.params.colors[i % len(params.params.colors)]) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_circle(,, params.params.min_jump, params.params.colors[i % len(params.params.colors)]) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) elif self.img_chosen == SHOW_MOTIONMODEL: if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print 'SHOW_MOTIONMODEL' (target_prev, target_curr, target_pred) = self.GetTargetMotion() # show the next frame, if there is one nextframe = num.minimum(int(self.show_frame + 1), params.params.n_frames - 1) im, stamp = # draw previous positions plot_linesegs = draw_ellipses(target_prev) # draw current positions plot_new_stuff = draw_ellipses(target_curr) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) # draw predicted positions plot_new_stuff = draw_ellipses(target_pred) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) scaleunit = params.params.max_jump / params.params.DRAW_MOTION_SCALE parcolor = [0, 255, 0] perpcolor = [0, 255, 0] anglecolor = [0, 0, 255] for i in target_pred.iterkeys(): # compute direction of motion vx = target_pred[i].center.x - target_curr[i].center.x vy = target_pred[i].center.y - target_curr[i].center.y thetamotion = num.arctan2(vy, vx) # angle theta = target_pred[i].angle # we want to choose to add pi if that makes difference from motion direction smaller dtheta = abs(((theta - thetamotion + num.pi) % (2. * num.pi)) - num.pi) if dtheta > (num.pi / 2.): theta += num.pi # compute end points of parallel motion x0 = target_pred[i].center.x + scaleunit * num.cos(theta) x1 = target_pred[i].center.x - scaleunit * num.cos(theta) y0 = target_pred[i].center.y + scaleunit * num.sin(theta) y1 = target_pred[i].center.y - scaleunit * num.sin(theta) # add parallel motion annotation line plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_line(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, parcolor) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) # compute end points of perpendicular motion x0 = target_pred[i].center.x + scaleunit * num.cos(num.pi / 2. + theta) x1 = target_pred[i].center.x - scaleunit * num.cos(num.pi / 2. + theta) y0 = target_pred[i].center.y + scaleunit * num.sin(num.pi / 2. + theta) y1 = target_pred[i].center.y - scaleunit * num.sin(num.pi / 2. + theta) # add perpendicular motion annotation line plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_line(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, perpcolor) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) # compute end points of angular motion if params.params.ang_dist_wt > 0: dtheta = scaleunit * num.sqrt( 1. / params.params.ang_dist_wt) if dtheta >= (num.pi / 2.): print 'dtheta is more than pi/2' else: theta0 = theta - dtheta theta1 = theta + dtheta # draw arc plot_new_stuff = imagesk.draw_arc( target_pred[i].center.x, target_pred[i].center.y, scaleunit / 2, theta0, theta1, anglecolor) plot_linesegs.extend(plot_new_stuff) im = imagesk.double2mono8(im, donormalize=False) linesegs, im = imagesk.zoom_linesegs_and_image(plot_linesegs, im, self.zoomaxes) (linesegs, linecolors) = imagesk.separate_linesegs_colors(linesegs) self.img_wind.update_image_and_drawings('trackset', im, format='MONO8', linesegs=linesegs, lineseg_colors=linecolors) self.img_wind.Refresh(eraseBackground=False) self.frame_number_text.SetLabel('Frame %d' % self.show_frame) if == True: self.ShowInfo(None, None) wx.EndBusyCursor() if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: sys.stdout.flush()