def test_process_trials_returns_dataframe(self): "Makes sure dataframe is returned" output = ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe) self.assertIsInstance(output, pd.core.frame.DataFrame)
def test_trials_dataframe_has_name_trials(self): "Makes sure dataframe has the correct name" output = ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe, firsttrial=False) self.assertEqual(, 'trials')
def test_correct_columns(self): "Makes sure dataframe has the correct columns" output = ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe, firsttrial=False) self.assertTrue(all(output.columns == self.columns))
def test_process_trials_starts_with_first_trial(self): "Makes sure dataframe can have events before first trial if firsttrail=False" output = ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe, firsttrial=False) self.assertEqual(output.trial_idx.min(), 0)
def test_process_trials_starts_with_first_trial_default(self): "Makes sure dataframe only has events from first trial if firsttrail=True" output = ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe, firsttrial=True) self.assertEqual(output.trial_idx.min(), 1)
def test_dataframe_appended_to_segment(self): "Makes sure dataframe is appended to dataframe part of segment object" df = ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe, firsttrial=False, returndf=True) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, self.segment.dataframes[0])
def test_dataframes_attribute_added_to_segment(self): "Makes sure dataframes attribute is added to segment object" ProcessTrials(seg=self.segment,, startoftrial=self.startoftrial, epochs=self.epochs, typedf=self.typeframe, firsttrial=False, returndf=False) self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.segment, 'dataframes'))
evtframe=evtframe, name=processed_event_ch_name) print('Done!') # Takes processed events and segments them by trial number. Trial start # is determined by events in the list 'start' from LoadEventParams. This # can be set in the event_params.json. Additionally, the result of the # trial is set by matching the epoch type to the typeframe dataframe # (also from LoadEventParams). Example of epochs are 'correct', 'omission', # etc. # The result of this process is a dataframe with each event and their # timestamp in chronological order, with the trial number and trial outcome # appended to each event/timestamp. PrintNoNewLine('\nProcessing trials...') trials = ProcessTrials(seg=segment, name=processed_event_ch_name, startoftrial=start, epochs=epochs, typedf=typeframe, appendmultiple=False) print('Done!') # With processed trials, we comb through each epoch ('correct', 'omission' # etc.) and find start/end times for each trial. Start time is determined # by the earliest 'start' event in a trial. Stop time is determined by # 1) the earliest 'end' event in a trial, 2) or the 'last' event in a trial # or the 3) 'next' event in the following trial. PrintNoNewLine('\nCalculating epoch times and durations...') GroupTrialsByEpoch(seg=segment, startoftrial=start, endoftrial=end, endeventmissing=how_trial_ends) print('Done!')
def main(file: str) -> None: """Runs flexible imaging analysis based on inputs from a parameter file""" sns.set_style('darkgrid') ############## PART 1 Preprocess data ########################## ##################### Kazu/Mike Section ############################### print(f"LOADING PARAMETERS FROM {file}") params = json.load(open(file, 'r')) mode = params.get("mode") dpaths = params.get("dpaths") baseline_window_unaligned = params.get("baseline_window_unaligned") offsets_list = params.get("offsets_list") offset_events = params.get("offset_events") before_alignment = params.get("before_alignment") signal_channel = params.get("signal_channel") reference_channel = params.get("reference_channel") analysis_blocks = params.get("analysis_blocks") path_to_ttl_event_params = params.get("path_to_ttl_event_params") path_to_social_excel = params.get("path_to_social_excel") ####################### PREPROCESSING DATA ############################### print(('\n\n\n\nRUNNING IN MODE: %s \n\n\n' % mode)) for dpath_ind, dpath in enumerate(dpaths): # Reads data from Tdt folder PrintNoNewLine( '\nCannot find processed pkl object, reading TDT folder instead...' ) block = ReadNeoTdt(path=dpath, return_block=True) seglist = block.segments print('Done!') # Trunactes first/last seconds of recording PrintNoNewLine('Truncating signals and events...') seglist = TruncateSegments(seglist, start=0, end=10, clip_same=True) print('Done!') # Iterates through each segment in seglist. Right now, there is only one segment for segment in seglist: segment_name = # Extracts the sampling rate from the signal channel try: sampling_rate = [ x for x in segment.analogsignals if == signal_channel ][0].sampling_rate except IndexError: raise ValueError( 'Could not find your channels. Make sure you have the right names!' ) # Appends an analog signal object that is delta F/F. The name of the channel is # specified by deltaf_ch_name above. It is calculated using the function # NormalizeSignal in As of right now it: # 1) Lowpass filters signal and reference (default cutoff = 40 Hz, order = 5) # 2) Calculates deltaf/f for signal and reference (default is f - median(f) / median(f)) # 3) Detrends deltaf/f using a savgol filter (default window_lenght = 3001, poly order = 1) # 4) Subtracts reference from signal # NormalizeSignal has a ton of options, you can pass in paramters using # the deltaf_options dictionary above. For example, if you want it to be mean centered # and not run the savgol_filter, set deltaf_options = {'mode': 'mean', 'detrend': False} PrintNoNewLine('\nProcessing signal before event alignment...') before_alignment_channels = [] if len(before_alignment) > 0: for step_number, process in enumerate(before_alignment): if step_number == 0: input_sig_ch = signal_channel input_ref_ch = reference_channel if 'start_from' in list(process['options'].keys()): start_from = process['options']['start_from'] if start_from == 'list': start = offsets_list[dpath_ind] end = start + process['options']['end_from'] else: start = GetImagingDataTTL(dpath) end = start + process['options']['end_from'] indices = GetImagingDataIndices( start, end, sampling_rate.magnitude) process['options']['period'] = indices signal, reference = SingleStepProcessSignalData( data=segment, process_type=process['type'], input_sig_ch=input_sig_ch, input_ref_ch=input_ref_ch, datatype='segment', **process['options']) if process['type'] == 'filter': input_sig_ch = 'filtered_signal' input_ref_ch = 'filtered_reference' elif process['type'] == 'detrend': input_sig_ch = 'detrended_signal' input_ref_ch = 'detrended_reference' elif process['type'] == 'subtract': input_sig_ch = 'subtracted_signal' input_ref_ch = None elif process['type'] == 'measure': input_sig_ch = 'measure_signal' input_ref_ch = 'measure_reference' if input_sig_ch not in before_alignment_channels: before_alignment_channels.append(input_sig_ch) if input_ref_ch not in before_alignment_channels: before_alignment_channels.append(input_ref_ch) # Appends an Event object that has all event timestamps and the proper label # (determined by the evtframe loaded earlier). Uses a tolerance (in seconds) # to determine if events co-occur. For example, if tolerance is 1 second # and ch1 fires an event, ch2 fires an event 0.5 seconds later, and ch3 fires # an event 3 seconds later, the output array will be [1, 1, 0] and will # match the label in evtframe (e.g. 'omission') print('Done!') if mode == 'TTL': # Loading event labeling/combo parameters path_to_event_params = path_to_ttl_event_params[dpath_ind] elif mode == 'manual': # Generates a json for reading excel file events path_to_event_params = 'imaging_analysis/manual_event_params.json' GenerateManualEventParamsJson(path_to_social_excel[dpath_ind], event_col='Bout type', name=path_to_event_params) # This loads our event params json start, end, epochs, evtframe, typeframe = LoadEventParams( dpath=path_to_event_params, mode=mode) # Appends processed event_param.json info to segment object AppendDataframesToSegment(segment, [evtframe, typeframe], ['eventframe', 'resultsframe']) # Processing events PrintNoNewLine('\nProcessing event times and labels...') if mode == 'manual': manualframe = path_to_social_excel[dpath_ind] else: manualframe = None ProcessEvents(seg=segment, tolerance=.1, evtframe=evtframe, name='Events', mode=mode, manualframe=manualframe, event_col='Bout type', start_col='Bout start', end_col='Bout end', offset_events=offset_events[dpath_ind]) print('Done!') # Takes processed events and segments them by trial number. Trial start # is determined by events in the list 'start' from LoadEventParams. This # can be set in the event_params.json. Additionally, the result of the # trial is set by matching the epoch type to the typeframe dataframe # (also from LoadEventParams). Example of epochs are 'correct', 'omission', # etc. # The result of this process is a dataframe with each event and their # timestamp in chronological order, with the trial number and trial outcome # appended to each event/timestamp. PrintNoNewLine('\nProcessing trials...') trials = ProcessTrials(seg=segment, name='Events', startoftrial=start, epochs=epochs, typedf=typeframe, appendmultiple=False) print('Done!') # With processed trials, we comb through each epoch ('correct', 'omission' # etc.) and find start/end times for each trial. Start time is determined # by the earliest 'start' event in a trial. Stop time is determined by # 1) the earliest 'end' event in a trial, 2) or the 'last' event in a trial # or the 3) 'next' event in the following trial. PrintNoNewLine('\nCalculating epoch times and durations...') GroupTrialsByEpoch(seg=segment, startoftrial=start, endoftrial=end, endeventmissing='last') print('Done!') segment.processed = True ################### ALIGN DATA ########################################## # for segment in seglist: for block in analysis_blocks: # Extract analysis block params epoch_name = block['epoch_name'] event = block['event'] prewindow = block['prewindow'] postwindow = block['postwindow'] downsample = block['downsample'] after_alignment = block['after_alignment'] quantification = block['quantification'] baseline_window = block['baseline_window'] response_window = block['response_window'] save_file_as = block['save_file_as'] heatmap_range = block['plot_paramaters']['heatmap_range'] smoothing_window = block['plot_paramaters']['smoothing_window'] lookup = {} ############################################################################# ######################## PROCESS SIGNALS (IF NECESSARY); PLOT; STATS ###### # Load data # Checks to see if we have filtered the data before alignment filter_channel_names = [ x for x in before_alignment_channels if 'filtered' in x ] if len(filter_channel_names) == 0: filter_channel_names = [signal_channel, reference_channel] PrintNoNewLine( 'Centering trials and analyzing for filtered signal...') for channel in filter_channel_names: dict_name = epoch_name + '_' + channel lookup[channel] = dict_name results = AlignEventsAndSignals(seg=segment, epoch_name=epoch_name, analog_ch_name=channel, event_ch_name='Events', event=event, event_type='label', prewindow=prewindow, postwindow=postwindow, window_type='event', clip=False, name=dict_name, to_csv=False, dpath=dpath) print('Done!') filter_signal_name = [ x for x in filter_channel_names if 'signal' in x ][0] filter_reference_name = [ x for x in filter_channel_names if 'reference' in x ][0] signal = segment.analyzed[ lookup[filter_signal_name]]['all_traces'] reference = segment.analyzed[ lookup[filter_reference_name]]['all_traces'] # check to see if we need to filter after alignment for process in [ x for x in after_alignment if x['type'] == 'filter' ]: data = { filter_signal_name: signal, filter_reference_name: reference } signal, reference = SingleStepProcessSignalData( data=data, process_type=process['type'], input_sig_ch=filter_signal_name, input_ref_ch=filter_reference_name, datatype='dataframe', **process['options']) filter_signal_name = 'filtered_signal' filter_reference_name = 'filtered_reference' lookup[ filter_signal_name] = epoch_name + '_' + filter_signal_name lookup[ filter_reference_name] = epoch_name + '_' + filter_reference_name if lookup[filter_signal_name] in list(segment.analyzed.keys()): segment.analyzed[lookup[filter_signal_name]][ 'all_traces'] = signal.copy() segment.analyzed[lookup[filter_reference_name]][ 'all_traces'] = reference.copy() else: segment.analyzed[lookup[filter_signal_name]] = { 'all_traces': signal.copy(), 'all_events': results } segment.analyzed[lookup[filter_reference_name]] = { 'all_traces': reference.copy(), 'all_events': results } # Get plotting read figure = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) figure.subplots_adjust(hspace=1.3) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (0, 0), rowspan=2) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (2, 0), rowspan=2) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (4, 0), rowspan=2) ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (0, 1), rowspan=3) ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (3, 1), rowspan=3) ############################### PLOT AVERAGE EVOKED RESPONSE ###################### PrintNoNewLine( 'Calculating average filtered responses for %s trials...' % epoch_name) signal_mean = signal.mean(axis=1) reference_mean = reference.mean(axis=1) signal_sem = signal.sem(axis=1) reference_sem = reference.sem(axis=1) signal_dc = signal_mean.mean() reference_dc = reference_mean.mean() signal_avg_response = signal_mean - signal_dc reference_avg_response = reference_mean - reference_dc if smoothing_window is not None: signal_avg_response = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=signal_avg_response, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') reference_avg_response = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=reference_avg_response, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') signal_sem = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=signal_sem, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') reference_sem = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=reference_sem, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') curr_ax = ax1 curr_ax.plot(signal_avg_response.index, signal_avg_response.values, color='b', linewidth=2) curr_ax.fill_between(signal_avg_response.index, (signal_avg_response - signal_sem).values, (signal_avg_response + signal_sem).values, color='b', alpha=0.05) # Plotting reference curr_ax.plot(reference_avg_response.index, reference_avg_response.values, color='g', linewidth=2) curr_ax.fill_between( reference_avg_response.index, (reference_avg_response - reference_sem).values, (reference_avg_response + reference_sem).values, color='g', alpha=0.05) # Plot event onset curr_ax.axvline(0, color='black', linestyle='--') curr_ax.set_ylabel('Voltage (V)') curr_ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') curr_ax.legend(['465 nm', '405 nm', event]) curr_ax.set_title( 'Average Lowpass Signal $\pm$ SEM: {} Trials'.format( signal.shape[1])) print('Done!') ################################################################################################################ ############################# Calculate detrended signal ################################# # # Detrending # PrintNoNewLine('Detrending signal...') # fits = np.array([np.polyfit(reference.values[:, i],signal.values[:, i],1) for i in xrange(signal.shape[1])]) # Y_fit_all = np.array([np.polyval(fits[i], reference.values[:,i]) for i in np.arange(reference.values.shape[1])]).T # Y_df_all = signal.values - Y_fit_all # # detrended_signal = pd.DataFrame(Y_df_all, index=signal.index) # Checks to see if we have detrended the data before alignment detrend_channel_names = [ x for x in before_alignment_channels if 'detrended' in x ] if len(detrend_channel_names) == 0: detrend_channel_names = [ filter_signal_name, filter_reference_name ] PrintNoNewLine( 'Centering trials and analyzing for detrended signal...') try: for channel in detrend_channel_names: dict_name = epoch_name + '_' + channel lookup[channel] = dict_name results = AlignEventsAndSignals(seg=segment, epoch_name=epoch_name, analog_ch_name=channel, event_ch_name='Events', event=event, event_type='label', prewindow=prewindow, postwindow=postwindow, window_type='event', clip=False, name=dict_name, to_csv=False, dpath=dpath) print('Done!') except: print('No detrending before alignment...') detrend_signal_name = [ x for x in detrend_channel_names if 'signal' in x ][0] detrend_reference_name = [ x for x in detrend_channel_names if 'reference' in x ][0] detrended_signal = segment.analyzed[ lookup[detrend_signal_name]]['all_traces'] detrended_reference = segment.analyzed[ lookup[detrend_reference_name]]['all_traces'] # check to see if we need to filter after alignment for process in [ x for x in after_alignment if x['type'] == 'detrend' ]: data = { detrend_signal_name: detrended_signal, detrend_reference_name: detrended_reference } detrended_signal, detrended_reference = SingleStepProcessSignalData( data=data, process_type=process['type'], input_sig_ch=detrend_signal_name, input_ref_ch=detrend_reference_name, datatype='dataframe', **process['options']) detrend_signal_name = 'detrended_signal' detrend_reference_name = 'detrended_reference' lookup[ detrend_signal_name] = epoch_name + '_' + detrend_signal_name lookup[ detrend_reference_name] = epoch_name + '_' + detrend_reference_name if lookup[detrend_signal_name] in list( segment.analyzed.keys()): segment.analyzed[lookup[detrend_signal_name]][ 'all_traces'] = detrended_signal.copy() segment.analyzed[lookup[detrend_reference_name]][ 'all_traces'] = detrended_reference.copy() else: segment.analyzed[lookup[detrend_signal_name]] = { 'all_traces': detrended_signal.copy(), 'all_events': results } segment.analyzed[lookup[detrend_reference_name]] = { 'all_traces': detrended_reference.copy(), 'all_events': results } # if downsample > 0: # detrended_signal.reset_index(inplace=True) # detrended_reference.reset_index(inplace=True) # sample = (detrended_signal.index.to_series() / downsample).astype(int) # detrended_signal = detrended_signal.groupby(sample).mean() # detrended_reference = detrended_reference.groupby(sample).mean() # detrended_signal = detrended_signal.set_index('index') # detrended_reference = detrended_reference.set_index('index') ################# PLOT DETRENDED SIGNAL ################################### detrended_signal_mean = detrended_signal.mean(axis=1) detrended_signal_sem = detrended_signal.sem(axis=1) if smoothing_window is not None: detrended_signal_mean = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=detrended_signal_mean, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') detrended_signal_sem = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=detrended_signal_sem, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') # Plotting signal # current axis curr_ax = ax2 # # curr_ax = axs[1, 0] #curr_ax = plt.axes() if any([x['type'] == 'measure' for x in before_alignment]): pass else: z_score_window = [ x['options']['period'] for x in after_alignment if x['type'] == 'measure' ][0] zscore_start = detrended_signal[ z_score_window[0]:z_score_window[1]].index[0] zscore_end = detrended_signal[ z_score_window[0]:z_score_window[1]].index[-1] zscore_height = detrended_signal[ z_score_window[0]:z_score_window[1]].mean( axis=1).min() if zscore_height < 0: zscore_height = zscore_height * 1.3 else: zscore_height = zscore_height * 0.7 curr_ax.plot([zscore_start, zscore_end], [zscore_height, zscore_height], color='.1', linewidth=3) curr_ax.plot(detrended_signal_mean.index, detrended_signal_mean.values, color='b', linewidth=2) curr_ax.fill_between( detrended_signal_mean.index, (detrended_signal_mean - detrended_signal_sem).values, (detrended_signal_mean + detrended_signal_sem).values, color='b', alpha=0.05) # Plot event onset if any([x['type'] == 'measure' for x in before_alignment]): pass else: curr_ax.legend(['z-score window']) curr_ax.axvline(0, color='black', linestyle='--') curr_ax.set_ylabel('Voltage (V)') curr_ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') curr_ax.set_title('465 nm Average Detrended Signal $\pm$ SEM') print('Done!') # ########### Calculate z-scores ############################################### measure_channel_names = [ x for x in before_alignment_channels if 'measure' in x ] if len(measure_channel_names) == 0: measure_channel_names = [ detrend_signal_name, detrend_reference_name ] PrintNoNewLine( 'Centering trials and analyzing for z scores...') try: for channel in measure_channel_names: dict_name = epoch_name + '_' + channel lookup[channel] = dict_name results = AlignEventsAndSignals(seg=segment, epoch_name=epoch_name, analog_ch_name=channel, event_ch_name='Events', event=event, event_type='label', prewindow=prewindow, postwindow=postwindow, window_type='event', clip=False, name=dict_name, to_csv=False, dpath=dpath) except: print('No z scores before alignment...') print('Done!') measure_signal_name = [ x for x in measure_channel_names if 'signal' in x ][0] measure_reference_name = [ x for x in measure_channel_names if 'reference' in x ][0] measure_signal = segment.analyzed[ lookup[measure_signal_name]]['all_traces'] measure_reference = segment.analyzed[ lookup[measure_reference_name]]['all_traces'] # check to see if we need to filter after alignment for process in [ x for x in after_alignment if x['type'] == 'measure' ]: data = { measure_signal_name: measure_signal, measure_reference_name: measure_reference } measure_signal, measure_reference = SingleStepProcessSignalData( data=data, process_type=process['type'], input_sig_ch=measure_signal_name, input_ref_ch=measure_reference_name, datatype='dataframe', **process['options']) measure_signal_name = 'measure_signal' measure_reference_name = 'measure_reference' lookup[ measure_signal_name] = epoch_name + '_' + measure_signal_name lookup[ measure_reference_name] = epoch_name + '_' + measure_reference_name if lookup[measure_signal_name] in list( segment.analyzed.keys()): segment.analyzed[lookup[measure_signal_name]][ 'all_traces'] = measure_signal.copy() segment.analyzed[lookup[measure_reference_name]][ 'all_traces'] = measure_reference.copy() else: segment.analyzed[lookup[measure_signal_name]] = { 'all_traces': measure_signal.copy(), 'all_events': results } segment.analyzed[lookup[measure_reference_name]] = { 'all_traces': measure_reference.copy(), 'all_events': results } # if downsample > 0: # measure_signal.reset_index(inplace=True) # measure_reference.reset_index(inplace=True) # sample = (measure_signal.index.to_series() / downsample).astype(int) # measure_signal = measure_signal.groupby(sample).mean() # measure_reference = measure_reference.groupby(sample).mean() # measure_signal = measure_signal.set_index('index') # measure_reference = measure_reference.set_index('index') zscores = measure_signal.copy() ############################ Make rasters ####################################### PrintNoNewLine('Making heatmap for %s trials...' % event) # indice that is closest to event onset # curr_ax = axs[0, 1] curr_ax = ax4 # curr_ax = plt.axes() # Plot nearest point to time zero zero = np.concatenate([ np.where(zscores.index == np.abs(zscores.index).min())[0], np.where(zscores.index == -1 * np.abs(zscores.index).min())[0] ]).min() for_hm = zscores.T.copy() for_hm.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # for_hm.index = for_hm.index + 1 for_hm.columns = np.round(for_hm.columns, 1) try: sns.heatmap(for_hm.iloc[::-1], center=0, robust=True, ax=curr_ax, cmap='bwr', xticklabels=int(for_hm.shape[1] * .15), yticklabels=int(for_hm.shape[0] * .15), vmin=heatmap_range[0], vmax=heatmap_range[1]) except: sns.heatmap(for_hm.iloc[::-1], center=0, robust=True, ax=curr_ax, cmap='bwr', xticklabels=int(for_hm.shape[1] * .15), vmin=heatmap_range[0], vmax=heatmap_range[1]) curr_ax.axvline(zero, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=2) curr_ax.set_ylabel('Trial') curr_ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') if any([x['type'] == 'measure' for x in before_alignment]): period = [ x['options']['period'] for x in before_alignment if x['type'] == 'measure' ][0] sampling_per = segment.analogsignals[0].sampling_period curr_ax.set_title( 'Z-Score Heat Map \n Baseline Window: {} to {} Seconds' .format(round(period[0] * sampling_per), round(period[1] * sampling_per))) else: curr_ax.set_title( 'Z-Score Heat Map \n Baseline Window: {} to {} Seconds' .format(z_score_window[0], z_score_window[1])) print('Done!') ########################## Plot Z-score waveform ########################## PrintNoNewLine('Plotting Z-Score waveforms...') zscores_mean = zscores.mean(axis=1) zscores_sem = zscores.sem(axis=1) if smoothing_window is not None: zscores_mean = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=zscores_mean, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') zscores_sem = SmoothSignalWithPeriod( x=zscores_sem, sampling_rate=float(sampling_rate) / downsample, ms_bin=smoothing_window, window='flat') # Plotting signal # current axis # curr_ax = axs[1, 1] curr_ax = ax3 #curr_ax = plt.axes() # Plot baseline and response legend = [] if baseline_window_unaligned is False: baseline_start = zscores[ baseline_window[0]:baseline_window[1]].index[0] baseline_end = zscores[ baseline_window[0]:baseline_window[1]].index[-1] baseline_height = zscores[ baseline_window[0]:baseline_window[1]].mean( axis=1).min() - 0.5 curr_ax.plot([baseline_start, baseline_end], [baseline_height, baseline_height], color='.6', linewidth=3) legend.append('baseline window') response_start = zscores[ response_window[0]:response_window[1]].index[0] response_end = zscores[ response_window[0]:response_window[1]].index[-1] response_height = zscores[ response_window[0]:response_window[1]].mean( axis=1).max() + .5 curr_ax.plot([response_start, response_end], [response_height, response_height], color='r', linewidth=3) legend.append('response window') curr_ax.plot(zscores_mean.index, zscores_mean.values, color='b', linewidth=2) curr_ax.fill_between(zscores_mean.index, (zscores_mean - zscores_sem).values, (zscores_mean + zscores_sem).values, color='b', alpha=0.05) # Plot event onset curr_ax.axvline(0, color='black', linestyle='--') curr_ax.set_ylabel('Z-Score') curr_ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') curr_ax.legend(legend) curr_ax.set_title('465 nm Average Z-Score Signal $\pm$ SEM') print('Done!') ##################### Quantification ################################# PrintNoNewLine( 'Performing statistical testing on baseline vs response periods...' ) if quantification is not None: if baseline_window_unaligned: baseline_window = process['options']['period'] baseline_window_values = [ x.magnitude for x in segment.analogsignals if == 'measure_signal' ][0] else: baseline_window_values = zscores # Generating summary statistics if quantification == 'AUC': base = np.trapz(baseline_window_values[ baseline_window[0]:baseline_window[1]], axis=0) resp = np.trapz( zscores[response_window[0]:response_window[1]], axis=0) ylabel = 'AUC' elif quantification == 'mean': base = np.mean(baseline_window_values[ baseline_window[0]:baseline_window[1]], axis=0) resp = np.mean( zscores[response_window[0]:response_window[1]], axis=0) ylabel = 'Z-Score' elif quantification == 'median': base = np.median(baseline_window_values[ baseline_window[0]:baseline_window[1]], axis=0) resp = np.median( zscores[response_window[0]:response_window[1]], axis=0) ylabel = 'Z-Score' if isinstance(base, pd.core.series.Series): base = base.values if isinstance(resp, pd.core.series.Series): resp = resp.values base_sem = np.mean(base) / np.sqrt(base.shape[0]) resp_sem = np.mean(resp) / np.sqrt(resp.shape[0]) # Testing for normality (D'Agostino's K-Squared Test) (N>8) if base.shape[0] > 8: normal_alpha = 0.05 base_normal = stats.normaltest(base) resp_normal = stats.normaltest(resp) else: normal_alpha = 0.05 base_normal = [1, 1] resp_normal = [1, 1] difference_alpha = 0.05 if baseline_window_unaligned is True: test = 'One Sample T-Test' stats_results = stats.ttest_1samp(resp, base[0]) elif (base_normal[1] >= normal_alpha) or (resp_normal[1] >= normal_alpha): test = 'Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test' stats_results = stats.wilcoxon(base, resp) else: test = 'Paired Sample T-Test' stats_results = stats.ttest_rel(base, resp) if stats_results[1] <= difference_alpha: sig = '**' else: sig = 'ns' #curr_ax = plt.axes() curr_ax = ax5 ind = np.arange(2) labels = ['baseline', 'response'] bar_kwargs = { 'width': 0.7, 'color': ['.6', 'r'], 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 5 } err_kwargs = { 'zorder': 0, 'fmt': 'none', 'linewidth': 2, 'ecolor': 'k' }, [base.mean(), resp.mean()], tick_label=labels, **bar_kwargs) curr_ax.errorbar(ind, [base.mean(), resp.mean()], yerr=[base_sem, resp_sem], capsize=5, **err_kwargs) x1, x2 = 0, 1 y = np.max([base.mean(), resp.mean() ]) + np.max([base_sem, resp_sem]) * 1.3 h = y * 1.5 col = 'k' curr_ax.plot([x1, x1, x2, x2], [y, y + h, y + h, y], lw=1.5, c=col) curr_ax.text((x1 + x2) * .5, y + h, sig, ha='center', va='bottom', color=col) curr_ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) curr_ax.set_title( 'Baseline vs. Response Changes in Z-Score Signal \n {} of {}s' .format(test, quantification)) print('Done!') ################# Save Stuff ################################## PrintNoNewLine('Saving everything...') save_path = os.path.join(dpath, segment_name, save_file_as) figure.savefig(save_path + '.png', format='png') # figure.savefig(save_path + '.pdf', format='pdf') plt.close() print('Done!') # Trial z-scores # Fix columns zscores.columns = np.arange(1, zscores.shape[1] + 1) = 'trial' # Fix rows = 'time' if downsample > 0: zscores = Downsample(zscores, downsample, index_col='time') zscores.to_csv(save_path + '_zscores_aligned.csv') if quantification is not None: # Trial point estimates point_estimates = pd.DataFrame( { 'baseline': base, 'response': resp }, index=np.arange(1, resp.shape[0] + 1)).ffill().bfill() = 'trial' point_estimates.to_csv(save_path + '_point_estimates.csv') # Save meta data metadata = { 'baseline_window': baseline_window, 'response_window': response_window, 'quantification': quantification, 'original_sampling_rate': float(sampling_rate), 'downsampled_sampling_rate': float(sampling_rate) / downsample } with open(save_path + '_metadata.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(metadata, fp) # Save smoothed data smoothed_zscore = pd.concat([zscores_mean, zscores_sem], axis=1) smoothed_zscore.columns = ['mean', 'sem'] if downsample > 0: smoothed_zscore = Downsample(smoothed_zscore, downsample, index_col='time') smoothed_zscore.to_csv(save_path + '_smoothed_zscores.csv') print(('Finished processing datapath: %s' % dpath))