Example #1
def get_message_uids(mbox: IMAP4, label='INBOX'):
    Get all message UIDs to be fetched from server.
    Resume from the `latest UID` if there is one found.
    mbox.select(label, readonly=True)
    # mbox.select('"[Gmail]/All Mail"', readonly=True)

    latest_uid = MsgMeta.get_latest_uid()

    if latest_uid:
        box_status, box_data = mbox.uid('search', None, 'UID',
                                        latest_uid + ':*')
        box_status, box_data = mbox.uid('search', None, 'ALL')

    if box_status != OK_STATUS:

    # This will be a list of bytes
    message_uids = box_data[0].split()

    if latest_uid and latest_uid.encode() in message_uids:

    log.info('Resuming from the latest UID.')
    log.info('Latest UID %s, Message count %s', latest_uid, len(message_uids))

    return message_uids
def change_swa_settings(conn: imaplib.IMAP4, swa_options: dict):
    """Changes swa preference email or create a new one if message with
    preference does not exists.

    :param swa_options:
    :param conn: imaplib.IMAP4
    status, data = conn.select('#Scalix/Oddpost')
    if status != 'OK':
        raise Exception('Could not select folder #Scalix/Oddpost. '
                        'Imap response: {}'.format(data))

    orphan_uids = set()
    if not int(data[0]):
        #  there are no messages in mailbox fetching will fail so we will
        #  skip it
        email = create_preference_message()
        email, orphan_uids = find_swa_preference_email(conn)

    if not email:
        email = create_preference_message()

    # lets apply changes to the preferences
    for key, value in swa_options.items():
        find_option_and_change(email.preferences, key, value)

    # if we have UID for previous email jus tadd it to delete
    if email.uid:

    if orphan_uids:
        uids_del = b','.join([str(uid).encode() for uid in orphan_uids])
        status, data = conn.uid('STORE', uids_del.decode(), '+FLAGS',
        if status != 'OK':
                'Could not delete duplicate preference emails {}'
                '. Error {}.'.format(orphan_uids, data),

    status, data = conn.append('#Scalix/Oddpost', '\\Seen',
    if status != 'OK':
        if email.uid:
            conn.uid('STORE', email.uid, '-FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
        raise Exception('Could not save email. Error message {}'.format(data))

def fetch_new_mail(
        server: imaplib.IMAP4,
        last_uid: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, bytes]]:
    # todo: support UIDVALIDITY

    # issue the search command of the form "SEARCH UID 42:*"
    command = "UID {}:*".format(last_uid) if last_uid else 'ALL'
    result, data = server.uid('search', None, command)
    message_id_string = data[0].strip()
    message_ids = message_id_string.decode().split(
        ' ') if message_id_string else []

    # yield mails
    for message_uid in message_ids:
        # SEARCH command *always* returns at least the most
        # recent message, even if it has already been synced
        uid = int(message_uid)
        if last_uid is None or uid > last_uid:
            result, data = server.uid('fetch', message_uid, '(RFC822)')
            # yield raw mail body
            yield uid, data[0][1]
Example #4
def fetch_all_messages(mbox: IMAP4, message_uids: list):
    Fetch each eligible message in RFC822 format.
    Returns a generator.
    for m_uid in message_uids:
        msg_status, msg_data = mbox.uid('fetch', m_uid, '(RFC822)')

        if msg_status != OK_STATUS:
            log.warning('Message UID %s was not OK', m_uid)
            yield None

        raw_email = msg_data[0][1]
        checksum = hashlib.sha256(raw_email).hexdigest()
        email_msg = email.message_from_bytes(raw_email)

        yield email_msg, checksum, m_uid
Example #5
 def run(self, imap_obj: imaplib.IMAP4):
     typ, data = imap_obj.uid('STORE', self.__uids, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
     self.check_response(typ, data)
     typ, data = imap_obj.expunge()
     self.check_response(typ, data)
     return True