def test_imc_context_manager_no_timeout(): try: import ConfigParser except: import configparser as ConfigParser from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle from ..connection import info host = 'imc' config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() hostname = config.get(host, "hostname") username = config.get(host, "username") password = config.get(host, "password") handle = ImcHandle(hostname, username, password) with handle: server_dn = get_server_dn(handle) mo = handle.query_dn(server_dn, timeout=600) usr_lbl = "test-lbl2" mo.usr_lbl = usr_lbl handle.set_mo(mo, timeout=600) mo = handle.query_dn(server_dn) assert_equal(mo.usr_lbl, usr_lbl)
def reboot(cimc_ip, cimc_user, cimc_password): handle = ImcHandle(cimc_ip, cimc_user, cimc_password) handle.login(auto_refresh=False) mo = handle.config_resolve_dn("sys/rack-unit-1") mo.admin_power = ComputeRackUnit.ADMIN_POWER_BMC_RESET_IMMEDIATE try: handle.set_mo(mo) # handle.set_imc_managedobject( # mo, class_id="ComputeRackUnit", # params={ # ComputeRackUnit.ADMIN_POWER: # ComputeRackUnit.CONST_ADMIN_POWER_BMC_RESET_IMMEDIATE, # ComputeRackUnit.DN: "sys/rack-unit-1"}) except Exception as e: print(e)
def update_snmp(): """ Update IMC SNMP and Trap Destination """ handle = ImcHandle(IMC_HOST, IMC_USER, IMC_PASS) handle.login() imc_snmp = handle.query_dn('sys/svc-ext/snmp-svc') imc_snmp.admin_state = 'enabled' = 'public' handle.set_mo(imc_snmp) imc_snmp_trap_dest = handle.query_dn('sys/svc-ext/snmp-svc/snmp-trap-1') imc_snmp_trap_dest.admin_state = 'enabled' imc_snmp_trap_dest.hostname = '' imc_snmp_trap_dest.version = 'v2c' handle.set_mo(imc_snmp_trap_dest) handle.logout()
handle.login() from import StorageVirtualDriveCreatorUsingUnusedPhysicalDrive for raid_params in settings_file['raid_config']: print "Create virtual drive %s with RAID level %s" % ( raid_params['drive_name'], raid_params['raid_level']) mo = StorageVirtualDriveCreatorUsingUnusedPhysicalDrive( parent_mo_or_dn=raid_params['dn'], virtual_drive_name=raid_params['drive_name'], raid_level=raid_params['raid_level'], size=raid_params['size'], drive_group=raid_params['drive_group'], write_policy="Write Through", admin_state="trigger") handle.set_mo(mo) if raid_params['boot_drive'] == 'yes': print "Set virtual drive %s as boot drive" % raid_params[ 'drive_name'] from import StorageVirtualDrive mo = StorageVirtualDrive(parent_mo_or_dn=raid_params['dn'], id="0", admin_action="set-boot-drive") handle.set_mo(mo) handle.logout() pause = raw_input('') # Redfish API operations # ---------------------- # check CIMC fw version and update if not at desired version
from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle # Create a connection handle handle = ImcHandle("", "admin", "password") # Create a connection handle handle.login() # Query for the NTP Server imc_ntp_server_mo = handle.query_dn("sys/svc-ext/ntp-svc") print "NTP config inicial: " print imc_ntp_server_mo # Set NTP Server parameters imc_ntp_server_mo.ntp_enable = "yes" imc_ntp_server_mo.ntp_server1 = "" # Commit the changes to the IMC handle.set_mo(imc_ntp_server_mo) print "NTP config applied" # Verify changes applied imc_ntp_server_mo = handle.query_dn("sys/svc-ext/ntp-svc") print "NTP new config: " print imc_ntp_server_mo # Logout from the server handle.logout()
class CimcServer(LabServer): RAID_0, RAID_1, RAID_10 = '0', '1', '10' def __init__(self, pod, dic): super(CimcServer, self).__init__(pod=pod, dic=dic) self._handle = None self._dump_xml = False self._logout_on_each_command = False def logger(self, message): self.log('CIMC ' + message) @property def handle(self): from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle from urllib2 import URLError if self._handle is None: self._handle = ImcHandle(self.oob_ip, self.oob_username, self.oob_password) try: self._handle.login() except URLError as ex: raise RuntimeError('{}: {} {}'.format(self, ex, self.oob_ip)) return self._handle def cimc_get_raid_battery_status(self): return self._handle.query_classid(class_id='storageRaidBattery') def _cimc_bios_lom(self, status): self.logger('{} all LOM'.format(status)) actual = self._handle.query_classid(class_id='BiosVfLOMPortOptionROM') if actual.Status != status: params = {'Dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/bios/bios-settings/LOMPort-OptionROM', 'VpLOMPortsAllState': status, 'vpLOMPort0State': status, 'vpLOMPort1State': status} self._handle.set_mo('set_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id='BiosVfLOMPortOptionROM', params=params) self.cimc_power_cycle() def cimc_enable_loms_in_bios(self): self._cimc_bios_lom(status='Enable') def cimc_disable_loms_in_bios(self): self._cimc_bios_lom(status='Disable') def cimc_list_all_nics(self): self.log('{} getting CIMC NICs'.format(self.oob_ip)) r1 = self.handle.query_classid(class_id='networkAdapterEthIf') # physical Intel NICs (or others in PCI-E slots) r2 = self.handle.query_classid(class_id='adaptorExtEthIf') # physical Cisco VIC in MLOM return {x.dn: x.mac for x in r1 + r2} def cimc_list_all_nics_and_vnics(self): r1 = self.handle.query_classid(class_id='networkAdapterEthIf') # physical Intel NICs (or others in PCI-E slots) r2 = self.handle.query_classid(class_id='adaptorExtEthIf') # physical Cisco VIC in MLOM r3 = self.handle.query_classid(class_id='adaptorHostEthIf') # virtual Cisco vNIC in MLOM return {x.dn: x.mac for x in r1 + r2 + r3} def cimc_list_pci_nic(self): r = self.handle.query_classid('networkAdapterUnit') return [{'Dn': x.Dn, 'Model': x.Model} for x in r] def cimc_list_vnics(self): ans1 = self.handle.query_classid('adaptorHostEthIf') ans2 = self.handle.query_classid('adaptorEthGenProfile') vnics = {x.Name: {'mac': x.Mac, 'uplink': x.UplinkPort, 'pci-slot': x.UsnicCount, 'dn': x.Dn, 'mtu': x.Mtu, 'name': x.Name, 'pxe-boot': x.PxeBoot} for x in ans1} vlans_dict = {x.Dn.replace('/general', ''): {'vlan': x.Vlan, 'vlan_mode': x.VlanMode} for x in ans2} for vnic in vnics.values(): vlans = vlans_dict[vnic.get('dn')] vnic.update(vlans) return vnics def cimc_enable_sol(self): self.logger('enabling SOL') params = {'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/sol-if', 'adminState': 'enable', 'speed': '115200'} self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id(class_id='solIf', params=params) def create_storage(self, raid=RAID_1, disks_needed=2, clean_vds=False): """ :param clean_vds: Clean all virtual drives before creating any :param raid: Please select from '0','1','10','5','6' :param disks_needed: Number of disks needed :return: """ if raid not in [self.RAID_0, self.RAID_1, self.RAID_10]: raise ValueError('RAID request is not correct. Use one of the {0}. Got: {1}'.format(','.join([self.RAID_0, self.RAID_1, self.RAID_10]), raid)) virtual_drives_list = self.handle.query_classid(class_id='storageVirtualDrive') if virtual_drives_list: if clean_vds: self.logger('Cleaning Virtual Drives to create new one.') for vd in virtual_drives_list: self.handle.remove_mo(vd) else: self.logger('Virtual Drive already exists.') return disks = self.handle.query_classid('storageLocalDisk') # get 2 or more disks to form RAID disks_by_size = {} map(lambda x: disks_by_size.setdefault(x.get_attr('CoercedSize'), []).append(x), disks) available_disks = filter(lambda x: len(disks_by_size[x]) > disks_needed, disks_by_size.keys()) if len(available_disks) == 0: raise Exception('Not enough disks to build RAID {0}. Minimum required are {1}.'.format(raid, disks_needed)) size = available_disks[0] drive_group = ','.join(map(lambda x: x.Id, disks_by_size[size])[:disks_needed]) params = {'raidLevel': raid, 'size': size, 'virtualDriveName': "RAID", 'dn': "sys/rack-unit-1/board/storage-SAS-SLOT-HBA/virtual-drive-create", 'driveGroup': '[{0}]'.format(drive_group), 'adminState': 'trigger', 'writePolicy': 'Write Through'} self.logger('Creating Virtual Drive RAID {0}. Using storage {0}'.format(raid, drive_group)) self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id(class_id="storageVirtualDriveCreatorUsingUnusedPhysicalDrive", params=params) def cimc_delete_all_vnics(self): self.logger('deleting all vNICs') vnic_names = self.cimc_list_vnics().keys() for vnic_name in vnic_names: self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name=vnic_name) def cimc_delete_vnic(self, vnic_name): dn = 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-MLOM/host-eth-{}'.format(vnic_name) if 'eth0' in vnic_name or 'eth1' in vnic_name: # no way to delete eth0 or eth1, so reset them to default self.logger(message='Resetting vNIC ' + vnic_name) ethX = self.handle.query_dn(dn) ethX.mac = 'AUTO' ethX.mtu = 1500 ethX.pxe_boot = False ethX.uplink_port = vnic_name[-1] self.handle.set_mo(ethX) profile = self.handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{}/host-eth-{}/general'.format(pci_slot_id, name)) profile.vlan = None profile.order = 'ANY' self.handle.set_mo(profile) else: self.logger(message='Deleting vNIC ' + dn) vnic = self.handle.query_dn(dn=dn) self.handle.remove_mo(vnic) def cimc_set_ssh_timeout(self, timeout=3600): self.cmd('set_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id='commHttps', params={'Dn': 'sys/svc-ext/https-svc', 'sessionTimeout': str(timeout)}) def cimc_change_boot_order(self, pxe_order=1, hdd_order=2): self.logger('updating boot order: PXE as #{0}, HDD as #{1}'.format(pxe_order, hdd_order)) boot_configs = [{'params': {'Dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/lan-read-only', 'Order': pxe_order, 'Access': 'read-only'}, 'class_id': 'LsbootLan'}, {'params': {'Dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/storage-read-write', 'Order': hdd_order, 'Access': 'read-write'}, 'class_id': 'LsbootStorage'}] for boot_config in boot_configs: boot_device = self.cmd('get_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id=None, params={'Dn': boot_config['params']['Dn']}) if boot_device: self.cmd('set_imc_managedobject', in_mo=boot_device, class_id=None, params=boot_config['params']) else: self.cmd('add_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id=boot_config['class_id'], params=boot_config['params']) def cimc_create_vnic(self, pci_slot_id, uplink_port, order, name, mac, vlan, is_pxe_enabled): from imcsdk.mometa.adaptor.AdaptorHostEthIf import AdaptorHostEthIf self.logger(message='creating vNIC {} on PCI id {} uplink {} mac={} vlan={} pxe: {}'.format(name, pci_slot_id, uplink_port, mac, vlan, is_pxe_enabled)) if name in ['eth0', 'eth1']: # eth0 and eth1 are default, only possible to modify there parameters, no way to rename ot delete ethX = self.handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{}/host-eth-{}'.format(pci_slot_id, name)) ethX.mac = mac ethX.mtu = 1500 ethX.pxe_boot = is_pxe_enabled self.handle.set_mo(ethX) else: vnic = AdaptorHostEthIf(parent_mo_or_dn='sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-' + pci_slot_id, name=name, mac=mac, mtu=1500, pxe_boot=is_pxe_enabled, uplink_port=uplink_port) self.handle.add_mo(vnic) profile = self.handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{}/host-eth-{}/general'.format(pci_slot_id, name)) profile.vlan = vlan profile.order = order self.handle.set_mo(profile) def cimc_get_power_status(self): return self.handle.query_classid('computeRackUnit')[0].get_attr('OperPower') def _cimc_power(self, requested_state): import time self.logger('power {0}'.format(requested_state)) rack = self.handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1') rack.admin_power = requested_state self.handle.set_mo(rack) time.sleep(120) # wait for the server to come up def cimc_power_down(self): current_power_state = self.cimc_get_power_status() if current_power_state == 'on': self._cimc_power('down') else: self.log(' is already OFF') def cimc_power_up(self): current_power_state = self.cimc_get_power_status() if current_power_state == 'off': self._cimc_power('up') else: self.log(' is already ON') def cimc_reset(self): pass # from ImcSdk.ImcMos import ComputeRackUnit # mo = handle.config_resolve_dn("sys/rack-unit-1") # mo.admin_power = ComputeRackUnit.CONST_ADMIN_POWER_BMC_RESET_IMMEDIATE # set_imc_managedobject(mo, class_id="ComputeRackUnit", params={ComputeRackUnit.ADMIN_POWER: # ComputeRackUnit.CONST_ADMIN_POWER_BMC_RESET_IMMEDIATE, # ComputeRackUnit.DN: "sys/rack-unit-1"}) def cimc_power_cycle(self): current_power_state = self.cimc_get_power_status() self._cimc_power('up' if current_power_state == 'off' else 'cycle-immediate') def cimc_recreate_vnics(self): actual_vnics = self.cimc_list_all_nics_and_vnics() actual_loms = [x for x in self.cimc_list_pci_nic_ports() if 'L' in x['Dn']] for nic_order, nic in enumerate(self.lom_nics_dic.values()): # NIC order starts from 0 names = nic.get_names() macs = nic.get_macs() port_ids = nic.get_port_ids() for name, mac, port_id in zip(names, macs, port_ids): if port_id in ['LOM-1', 'LOM-2']: actual_mac = actual_loms[port_id]['mac'] if mac.upper() != actual_mac.upper(): raise ValueError('{}: "{}" actual mac is "{}" while requested "{}". Edit lab config!'.format(, port_id, actual_mac, mac)) else: if 'eth' not in self.get_nics() and nic.is_ssh(): # if no NIC called eth and it's nic on ssh network, use default eth0, eth1 if name in actual_vnics: self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name=name) name = 'eth' + name[-1] if name in actual_vnics: if mac == actual_vnics[name]['mac'] and str(nic.get_vlan_id()) == str(actual_vnics[name]['vlan']): # this nic is already in CIMC self.logger(message='vNIC {} is already configured'.format(name)) if name in actual_vnics: actual_vnics.pop(name) continue else: self.logger('deleting {} since mac or vlan is not correct: {}'.format(name, actual_vnics[name])) self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name=name) pci_slot_id, uplink_port = port_id.split('/') self.cimc_create_vnic(pci_slot_id=pci_slot_id, uplink_port=uplink_port, order='ANY', name=name, mac=mac, vlan=nic.get_vlan_id(), is_pxe_enabled=nic.is_pxe()) if name in actual_vnics: actual_vnics.pop(name) for vnic_name in actual_vnics.keys(): # delete all actual which are not requested self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name) def cimc_configure(self, is_debug=False): self._dump_xml = is_debug lab_type = self.pod.get_type() self.logger('configuring for {}'.format(lab_type)) self.cimc_set_hostname() self.cimc_power_up() if self.pod.get_type() == self.pod.MERCURY: self.cimc_disable_loms_in_bios() else: is_any_nic_on_lom = any(map(lambda x: x.is_on_lom(), self.get_nics().values())) if is_any_nic_on_lom: self.cimc_enable_loms_in_bios() self.cimc_recreate_vnics() self.cimc_change_boot_order(pxe_order=1, hdd_order=2) # if lab_type == self.lab().LAB_MERCURY: # self.create_storage('1', 2, True) def cimc_get_adaptors(self): r = self.handle.query_classid('AdaptorUnit') return r def cimc_set_mlom_adaptor(self, pci_slot, n_vnics): self.logger(message='allowing MLOM-{} to use up to {} vNICs'.format(pci_slot, n_vnics)) # self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id(class_id='adaptorUnit', params={'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{0}'.format(pci_slot), 'description': str(self)}) self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id(class_id='adaptorGenProfile', params={'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{0}/general'.format(pci_slot), 'fipMode': 'enabled', 'vntagMode': 'enabled', 'numOfVMFexIfs': n_vnics}) def cimc_get_mgmt_nic(self): return self.handle.query_classid('mgmtIf')[0] def cimc_set_hostname(self): current = self.cimc_get_mgmt_nic() new_cimc_hostname = '{}-ru{}-{}'.format(self.pod, self.hardware, if new_cimc_hostname != current.hostname: self.logger(message='setting hostname to {}'.format(new_cimc_hostname)) current.hostname = new_cimc_hostname self.handle.set_mo(current) else: self.logger(message='hostname is already {}'.format(new_cimc_hostname)) @staticmethod def cimc_deduce_wiring_by_lldp(pod): import yaml from lab.wire import Wire cimc_info_file_path = pod.get_artifact_file_path('cimc-{}.yaml'.format(pod)) try: with open(cimc_info_file_path) as f: cimc_info_dic = yaml.load( except IOError: cimc_info_dic = {} for cimc in sorted(pod.cimc_servers_dic.values()): cimc_info_dic[cimc.oob_ip] = cimc.cimc_list_all_nics() # returns dic of {port_id: mac} with open(cimc_info_file_path, mode='w') as f: yaml.dump(cimc_info_dic, f) wires_cfg = [] for node in sorted(pod.cimc_servers_dic.values()): for port1, mac in cimc_info_dic[node.oob_ip].items(): neis = [x.find_neighbour_with_mac(mac=mac, cimc_port_id=port1) for x in pod.switches] neis = filter(lambda n: n is not None, neis) if neis: assert len(neis) == 1, 'More then 1 switch is found connected to {} {}'.format(node, port1) nei = neis[0] wires_cfg.append({'node1':, 'port1': port1, 'mac': mac, 'node2':, 'port2': nei.port.port_id, 'pc-id': nei.port.pc_id}) else: wires_cfg.append({'node1':, 'port1': port1, 'mac': mac, 'node2': None, 'port2': None, 'pc-id': None}) pod.wires.extend(Wire.add_wires(pod=pod, wires_cfg=wires_cfg))
# Query for SNMP settings imc_snmp_mo = handle.query_dn("sys/svc-ext/snmp-svc") print "SNMP config inicial: " print imc_snmp_mo # Set SNMP parameters imc_snmp_mo.admin_state = "enabled" imc_snmp_mo.com2_sec = "full" = "private" imc_snmp_mo.trap_community = "private" imc_snmp_mo.sys_contact = "Mr XPTO" imc_snmp_mo.sys_location = "Datacenter Y" # Commit the changes to the IMC handle.set_mo(imc_snmp_mo) # Verify changes applied imc_snmp_mo = handle.query_dn("sys/svc-ext/snmp-svc") print "SNMP new config: " print imc_snmp_mo # Query for SNMP Trap1 settings imc_snmp_trap1_mo = handle.query_dn("sys/svc-ext/snmp-svc/snmp-trap-1") print "SNMP Trap-1config inicial: " print imc_snmp_trap1_mo # Set SNMP Trap-1 parameters imc_snmp_trap1_mo.admin_state = "enabled"
class CimcServer(LabServer): RAID_0, RAID_1, RAID_10 = '0', '1', '10' def __init__(self, pod, dic): super(CimcServer, self).__init__(pod=pod, dic=dic) self._handle = None self._dump_xml = False self._logout_on_each_command = False def logger(self, message): self.log('CIMC ' + message) @property def handle(self): from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle from urllib2 import URLError if self._handle is None: self._handle = ImcHandle(self.oob_ip, self.oob_username, self.oob_password) try: self._handle.login() except URLError as ex: raise RuntimeError('{}: {} {}'.format(self, ex, self.oob_ip)) return self._handle def cimc_get_raid_battery_status(self): return self._handle.query_classid(class_id='storageRaidBattery') def _cimc_bios_lom(self, status): self.logger('{} all LOM'.format(status)) actual = self._handle.query_classid(class_id='BiosVfLOMPortOptionROM') if actual.Status != status: params = { 'Dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/bios/bios-settings/LOMPort-OptionROM', 'VpLOMPortsAllState': status, 'vpLOMPort0State': status, 'vpLOMPort1State': status } self._handle.set_mo('set_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id='BiosVfLOMPortOptionROM', params=params) self.cimc_power_cycle() def cimc_enable_loms_in_bios(self): self._cimc_bios_lom(status='Enable') def cimc_disable_loms_in_bios(self): self._cimc_bios_lom(status='Disable') def cimc_list_all_nics(self): self.log('{} getting CIMC NICs'.format(self.oob_ip)) r1 = self.handle.query_classid( class_id='networkAdapterEthIf' ) # physical Intel NICs (or others in PCI-E slots) r2 = self.handle.query_classid( class_id='adaptorExtEthIf') # physical Cisco VIC in MLOM return {x.dn: x.mac for x in r1 + r2} def cimc_list_all_nics_and_vnics(self): r1 = self.handle.query_classid( class_id='networkAdapterEthIf' ) # physical Intel NICs (or others in PCI-E slots) r2 = self.handle.query_classid( class_id='adaptorExtEthIf') # physical Cisco VIC in MLOM r3 = self.handle.query_classid( class_id='adaptorHostEthIf') # virtual Cisco vNIC in MLOM return {x.dn: x.mac for x in r1 + r2 + r3} def cimc_list_pci_nic(self): r = self.handle.query_classid('networkAdapterUnit') return [{'Dn': x.Dn, 'Model': x.Model} for x in r] def cimc_list_vnics(self): ans1 = self.handle.query_classid('adaptorHostEthIf') ans2 = self.handle.query_classid('adaptorEthGenProfile') vnics = { x.Name: { 'mac': x.Mac, 'uplink': x.UplinkPort, 'pci-slot': x.UsnicCount, 'dn': x.Dn, 'mtu': x.Mtu, 'name': x.Name, 'pxe-boot': x.PxeBoot } for x in ans1 } vlans_dict = { x.Dn.replace('/general', ''): { 'vlan': x.Vlan, 'vlan_mode': x.VlanMode } for x in ans2 } for vnic in vnics.values(): vlans = vlans_dict[vnic.get('dn')] vnic.update(vlans) return vnics def cimc_enable_sol(self): self.logger('enabling SOL') params = { 'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/sol-if', 'adminState': 'enable', 'speed': '115200' } self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id(class_id='solIf', params=params) def create_storage(self, raid=RAID_1, disks_needed=2, clean_vds=False): """ :param clean_vds: Clean all virtual drives before creating any :param raid: Please select from '0','1','10','5','6' :param disks_needed: Number of disks needed :return: """ if raid not in [self.RAID_0, self.RAID_1, self.RAID_10]: raise ValueError( 'RAID request is not correct. Use one of the {0}. Got: {1}'. format(','.join([self.RAID_0, self.RAID_1, self.RAID_10]), raid)) virtual_drives_list = self.handle.query_classid( class_id='storageVirtualDrive') if virtual_drives_list: if clean_vds: self.logger('Cleaning Virtual Drives to create new one.') for vd in virtual_drives_list: self.handle.remove_mo(vd) else: self.logger('Virtual Drive already exists.') return disks = self.handle.query_classid('storageLocalDisk') # get 2 or more disks to form RAID disks_by_size = {} map( lambda x: disks_by_size.setdefault(x.get_attr('CoercedSize'), []). append(x), disks) available_disks = filter( lambda x: len(disks_by_size[x]) > disks_needed, disks_by_size.keys()) if len(available_disks) == 0: raise Exception( 'Not enough disks to build RAID {0}. Minimum required are {1}.' .format(raid, disks_needed)) size = available_disks[0] drive_group = ','.join( map(lambda x: x.Id, disks_by_size[size])[:disks_needed]) params = { 'raidLevel': raid, 'size': size, 'virtualDriveName': "RAID", 'dn': "sys/rack-unit-1/board/storage-SAS-SLOT-HBA/virtual-drive-create", 'driveGroup': '[{0}]'.format(drive_group), 'adminState': 'trigger', 'writePolicy': 'Write Through' } self.logger( 'Creating Virtual Drive RAID {0}. Using storage {0}'.format( raid, drive_group)) self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id( class_id="storageVirtualDriveCreatorUsingUnusedPhysicalDrive", params=params) def cimc_delete_all_vnics(self): self.logger('deleting all vNICs') vnic_names = self.cimc_list_vnics().keys() for vnic_name in vnic_names: self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name=vnic_name) def cimc_delete_vnic(self, vnic_name): dn = 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-MLOM/host-eth-{}'.format(vnic_name) if 'eth0' in vnic_name or 'eth1' in vnic_name: # no way to delete eth0 or eth1, so reset them to default self.logger(message='Resetting vNIC ' + vnic_name) ethX = self.handle.query_dn(dn) ethX.mac = 'AUTO' ethX.mtu = 1500 ethX.pxe_boot = False ethX.uplink_port = vnic_name[-1] self.handle.set_mo(ethX) profile = self.handle.query_dn( 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{}/host-eth-{}/general'.format( pci_slot_id, name)) profile.vlan = None profile.order = 'ANY' self.handle.set_mo(profile) else: self.logger(message='Deleting vNIC ' + dn) vnic = self.handle.query_dn(dn=dn) self.handle.remove_mo(vnic) def cimc_set_ssh_timeout(self, timeout=3600): self.cmd('set_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id='commHttps', params={ 'Dn': 'sys/svc-ext/https-svc', 'sessionTimeout': str(timeout) }) def cimc_change_boot_order(self, pxe_order=1, hdd_order=2): self.logger('updating boot order: PXE as #{0}, HDD as #{1}'.format( pxe_order, hdd_order)) boot_configs = [{ 'params': { 'Dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/lan-read-only', 'Order': pxe_order, 'Access': 'read-only' }, 'class_id': 'LsbootLan' }, { 'params': { 'Dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/storage-read-write', 'Order': hdd_order, 'Access': 'read-write' }, 'class_id': 'LsbootStorage' }] for boot_config in boot_configs: boot_device = self.cmd('get_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id=None, params={'Dn': boot_config['params']['Dn']}) if boot_device: self.cmd('set_imc_managedobject', in_mo=boot_device, class_id=None, params=boot_config['params']) else: self.cmd('add_imc_managedobject', in_mo=None, class_id=boot_config['class_id'], params=boot_config['params']) def cimc_create_vnic(self, pci_slot_id, uplink_port, order, name, mac, vlan, is_pxe_enabled): from imcsdk.mometa.adaptor.AdaptorHostEthIf import AdaptorHostEthIf self.logger( message= 'creating vNIC {} on PCI id {} uplink {} mac={} vlan={} pxe: {}'. format(name, pci_slot_id, uplink_port, mac, vlan, is_pxe_enabled)) if name in [ 'eth0', 'eth1' ]: # eth0 and eth1 are default, only possible to modify there parameters, no way to rename ot delete ethX = self.handle.query_dn( 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{}/host-eth-{}'.format( pci_slot_id, name)) ethX.mac = mac ethX.mtu = 1500 ethX.pxe_boot = is_pxe_enabled self.handle.set_mo(ethX) else: vnic = AdaptorHostEthIf( parent_mo_or_dn='sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-' + pci_slot_id, name=name, mac=mac, mtu=1500, pxe_boot=is_pxe_enabled, uplink_port=uplink_port) self.handle.add_mo(vnic) profile = self.handle.query_dn( 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{}/host-eth-{}/general'.format( pci_slot_id, name)) profile.vlan = vlan profile.order = order self.handle.set_mo(profile) def cimc_get_power_status(self): return self.handle.query_classid('computeRackUnit')[0].get_attr( 'OperPower') def _cimc_power(self, requested_state): import time self.logger('power {0}'.format(requested_state)) rack = self.handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1') rack.admin_power = requested_state self.handle.set_mo(rack) time.sleep(120) # wait for the server to come up def cimc_power_down(self): current_power_state = self.cimc_get_power_status() if current_power_state == 'on': self._cimc_power('down') else: self.log(' is already OFF') def cimc_power_up(self): current_power_state = self.cimc_get_power_status() if current_power_state == 'off': self._cimc_power('up') else: self.log(' is already ON') def cimc_reset(self): pass # from ImcSdk.ImcMos import ComputeRackUnit # mo = handle.config_resolve_dn("sys/rack-unit-1") # mo.admin_power = ComputeRackUnit.CONST_ADMIN_POWER_BMC_RESET_IMMEDIATE # set_imc_managedobject(mo, class_id="ComputeRackUnit", params={ComputeRackUnit.ADMIN_POWER: # ComputeRackUnit.CONST_ADMIN_POWER_BMC_RESET_IMMEDIATE, # ComputeRackUnit.DN: "sys/rack-unit-1"}) def cimc_power_cycle(self): current_power_state = self.cimc_get_power_status() self._cimc_power('up' if current_power_state == 'off' else 'cycle-immediate') def cimc_recreate_vnics(self): actual_vnics = self.cimc_list_all_nics_and_vnics() actual_loms = [ x for x in self.cimc_list_pci_nic_ports() if 'L' in x['Dn'] ] for nic_order, nic in enumerate( self.lom_nics_dic.values()): # NIC order starts from 0 names = nic.get_names() macs = nic.get_macs() port_ids = nic.get_port_ids() for name, mac, port_id in zip(names, macs, port_ids): if port_id in ['LOM-1', 'LOM-2']: actual_mac = actual_loms[port_id]['mac'] if mac.upper() != actual_mac.upper(): raise ValueError( '{}: "{}" actual mac is "{}" while requested "{}". Edit lab config!' .format(, port_id, actual_mac, mac)) else: if 'eth' not in self.get_nics() and nic.is_ssh( ): # if no NIC called eth and it's nic on ssh network, use default eth0, eth1 if name in actual_vnics: self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name=name) name = 'eth' + name[-1] if name in actual_vnics: if mac == actual_vnics[name]['mac'] and str( nic.get_vlan_id()) == str( actual_vnics[name] ['vlan']): # this nic is already in CIMC self.logger( message='vNIC {} is already configured'.format( name)) if name in actual_vnics: actual_vnics.pop(name) continue else: self.logger( 'deleting {} since mac or vlan is not correct: {}' .format(name, actual_vnics[name])) self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name=name) pci_slot_id, uplink_port = port_id.split('/') self.cimc_create_vnic(pci_slot_id=pci_slot_id, uplink_port=uplink_port, order='ANY', name=name, mac=mac, vlan=nic.get_vlan_id(), is_pxe_enabled=nic.is_pxe()) if name in actual_vnics: actual_vnics.pop(name) for vnic_name in actual_vnics.keys( ): # delete all actual which are not requested self.cimc_delete_vnic(vnic_name) def cimc_configure(self, is_debug=False): self._dump_xml = is_debug lab_type = self.pod.get_type() self.logger('configuring for {}'.format(lab_type)) self.cimc_set_hostname() self.cimc_power_up() if self.pod.get_type() == self.pod.MERCURY: self.cimc_disable_loms_in_bios() else: is_any_nic_on_lom = any( map(lambda x: x.is_on_lom(), self.get_nics().values())) if is_any_nic_on_lom: self.cimc_enable_loms_in_bios() self.cimc_recreate_vnics() self.cimc_change_boot_order(pxe_order=1, hdd_order=2) # if lab_type == self.lab().LAB_MERCURY: # self.create_storage('1', 2, True) def cimc_get_adaptors(self): r = self.handle.query_classid('AdaptorUnit') return r def cimc_set_mlom_adaptor(self, pci_slot, n_vnics): self.logger(message='allowing MLOM-{} to use up to {} vNICs'.format( pci_slot, n_vnics)) # self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id(class_id='adaptorUnit', params={'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{0}'.format(pci_slot), 'description': str(self)}) self.cimc_set_mo_by_class_id( class_id='adaptorGenProfile', params={ 'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-{0}/general'.format(pci_slot), 'fipMode': 'enabled', 'vntagMode': 'enabled', 'numOfVMFexIfs': n_vnics }) def cimc_get_mgmt_nic(self): return self.handle.query_classid('mgmtIf')[0] def cimc_set_hostname(self): current = self.cimc_get_mgmt_nic() new_cimc_hostname = '{}-ru{}-{}'.format(self.pod, self.hardware, if new_cimc_hostname != current.hostname: self.logger( message='setting hostname to {}'.format(new_cimc_hostname)) current.hostname = new_cimc_hostname self.handle.set_mo(current) else: self.logger( message='hostname is already {}'.format(new_cimc_hostname)) @staticmethod def cimc_deduce_wiring_by_lldp(pod): import yaml from lab.wire import Wire cimc_info_file_path = pod.get_artifact_file_path( 'cimc-{}.yaml'.format(pod)) try: with open(cimc_info_file_path) as f: cimc_info_dic = yaml.load( except IOError: cimc_info_dic = {} for cimc in sorted(pod.cimc_servers_dic.values()): cimc_info_dic[cimc.oob_ip] = cimc.cimc_list_all_nics( ) # returns dic of {port_id: mac} with open(cimc_info_file_path, mode='w') as f: yaml.dump(cimc_info_dic, f) wires_cfg = [] for node in sorted(pod.cimc_servers_dic.values()): for port1, mac in cimc_info_dic[node.oob_ip].items(): neis = [ x.find_neighbour_with_mac(mac=mac, cimc_port_id=port1) for x in pod.switches ] neis = filter(lambda n: n is not None, neis) if neis: assert len( neis ) == 1, 'More then 1 switch is found connected to {} {}'.format( node, port1) nei = neis[0] wires_cfg.append({ 'node1':, 'port1': port1, 'mac': mac, 'node2':, 'port2': nei.port.port_id, 'pc-id': nei.port.pc_id }) else: wires_cfg.append({ 'node1':, 'port1': port1, 'mac': mac, 'node2': None, 'port2': None, 'pc-id': None }) pod.wires.extend(Wire.add_wires(pod=pod, wires_cfg=wires_cfg))