def mergeFunc(meSymInfo): Db = copy.deepcopy(meSymInfo) infos = [] j = 0 for i in range(len(Db)): if i < len(Db) - 3 and j == 0: # print("is lim:",(Db[i]["name"]=="l" or Db[i]["name"]=="one") and Db[i+1]["name"]=="i" and Db[i+2]["name"]=="m") # print("is lim:",not judgeIsMiddle(meSymInfo,Db[i],Db[i+1])) # print("is lim:",not judgeIsMiddle(meSymInfo,Db[i+1],Db[i+2])) # print((Db[i]["name"]=="l" or Db[i]["name"]=="one" or Db[i]["name"]=="i_like") and Db[i+1]["name"]=="i" and Db[i+2]["name"]=="m" and not judgeIsMiddle(meSymInfo,Db[i],Db[i+1]) and not judgeIsMiddle(meSymInfo,Db[i+1],Db[i+2])) if (Db[i]["name"] == "l" or Db[i]["name"] == "one" or Db[i]["name"] == "i_like") and Db[i + 1]["name"] == "i" and Db[ i + 2]["name"] == "m" and not judgeIsMiddle2( meSymInfo, Db[i], Db[i + 1]) and not judgeIsMiddle2( meSymInfo, Db[i + 1], Db[i + 2]): print("识别出lim") Db[i]["name"] = "lim" Db[i]["symPixel"] = Db[i]["symPixel"] + Db[ i + 1]["symPixel"] + Db[i + 2]["symPixel"] # print(Db[i]["symPixel"]) Db[i]["minRect"] = img_process.getMinRect([Db[i]["symPixel"] ])[0] # infos.append(Db[i]) j = 3 elif Db[i]["name"] == "c" and Db[i + 1]["name"] == "o" and Db[ i + 2]["name"] == "s" and not judgeIsMiddle2( meSymInfo, Db[i], Db[i + 1]) and not judgeIsMiddle2( meSymInfo, Db[i + 1], Db[i + 2]): print("识别出cos") Db[i]["name"] = "cos" Db[i]["symPixel"] = Db[i]["symPixel"] + Db[ i + 1]["symPixel"] + Db[i + 2]["symPixel"] Db[i]["minRect"] = img_process.getMinRect([Db[i]["symPixel"] ])[0] # infos.append(Db[i]) j = 3 elif Db[i]["name"] == "s" and Db[i + 1]["name"] == "i" and Db[ i + 2]["name"] == "n" and not judgeIsMiddle2( meSymInfo, Db[i], Db[i + 1]) and not judgeIsMiddle2( meSymInfo, Db[i + 1], Db[i + 2]): print("识别出sin") Db[i]["name"] = "sin" Db[i]["symPixel"] = Db[i]["symPixel"] + Db[ i + 1]["symPixel"] + Db[i + 2]["symPixel"] Db[i]["minRect"] = img_process.getMinRect([Db[i]["symPixel"] ])[0] # infos.append(Db[i]) j = 3 if j == 0: infos.append(Db[i]) elif j == 3: infos.append(Db[i]) j -= 1 else: j -= 1 return infos
def mergeiandj(unKnownSymbols,points,binary_img): final_p = np.zeros(len(points)) final_sym = np.zeros(len(unKnownSymbols)) iSyms = [] jSyms = [] for i in range(len(points)): p = points[i] for j in range(len(unKnownSymbols)): if final_sym[j]==1: continue sym = unKnownSymbols[j] xp, yp, wp, hp = img_process.getMinRect([p])[0] xsym, ysym, wsym, hsym = img_process.getMinRect([sym])[0] if xsym<xp and xp-(xsym+wsym)<wsym/2 and yp+hp<ysym and hsym/wsym>=1.2 and (ysym-yp-hp)<hsym/2: sym_image = img_process.getSymbolImg(sym,(xsym, ysym, wsym, hsym), global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) # plt.imshow(sym_image, cmap="Greys", interpolation="None") # sym_image = sym_image.reshape((sym_image.shape[0] * sym_image.shape[1],)) candidata_syms, candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_image]*3) can_sym_res = [] can_p_res = [] for c_i in range(len(candidata_syms)): for c_j in range(len(candidata_syms[c_i])): if candidata_syms[c_i][c_j] not in can_sym_res: can_sym_res.append(candidata_syms[c_i][c_j]) can_p_res.append(candidata_p[c_i][c_j]) print(can_sym_res, can_p_res) if "l" in can_sym_res or "one" in can_sym_res or "t" in can_sym_res: tmpi = copy.deepcopy(p+sym) iSyms.append(tmpi) final_sym[j] = 1 final_p[i] = 1 break if "j" in can_sym_res: tmpj = copy.deepcopy(p + sym) jSyms.append(tmpj) final_sym[j] = 1 final_p[i] = 1 break tmp_unKnownSymbols = [] for i in range(len(unKnownSymbols)): if final_sym[i]==0: tmp_unKnownSymbols.append(unKnownSymbols[i]) tmp_points = [] for i in range(len(points)): if final_p[i]==0: tmp_points.append(points[i]) return tmp_unKnownSymbols,tmp_points,iSyms,jSyms
def getSegmentation(binary_img,ori_image=None): # ungerSmooth(binary_img) # plt.imshow(binary_img, cmap="Greys", interpolation="None") # # maybeImpurity(smooth_binary_img) binary_img = skeletonize(binary_img).astype(np.int32) # skeletonize函数用于将图像轮廓转为宽度为1个像素的图像 plt.imshow(binary_img, cmap="Greys", interpolation="None") unKnownSymbols = getSymbols(binary_img) # # 合并被意外分隔开的字符 unKnownSymbols,mybe_sqrts,mybe_ints = mergeSplitSymbol(unKnownSymbols,binary_img) # # # 合并等于号 unKnownSymbols,equals,equivs = mergeEqual(unKnownSymbols) # # 合并除法符号 unKnownSymbols,divs,lines,points,verLines = mergeDiv(unKnownSymbols) # 合并大于等于和小于等于符号 unKnownSymbols,lines,geps,leqs = mergeLeg_Gep(unKnownSymbols,lines,binary_img) # # 合并i或j unKnownSymbols, points, iSyms, jSyms = mergeiandj(unKnownSymbols, points, binary_img) minRects = img_process.getMinRect(unKnownSymbols+divs+iSyms+jSyms+lines+equals+mybe_sqrts+mybe_ints+points+verLines+geps+leqs) # # print("smooth_binary_img_shape:",binary_img.shape) # # print("symbols_len:",len(symbols)) # # print(symbols[0]) drawSymbolsRect(minRects,ori_image) # for i in range(len(unKnownSymbols)): # symbol_img = img_process.getSymbolImg(unKnownSymbols[i], minRects[i], global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) # symbol_img = symbol_img.reshape((symbol_img.shape[0]*symbol_img.shape[1],)) # syns,ps = symClasser.predict([symbol_img]) # print("candidata:",syns,"p:",ps) # plt.imshow(symbol_img.reshape((global_config.IMG_SIZE,global_config.IMG_SIZE)), cmap="Greys", interpolation="None") # knownSymbols = {"equal":equals,"equiv":equivs,"div":divs,"line":lines,"verLine":verLines,"i":iSyms,"j":jSyms,"sqrt":mybe_sqrts,"int":mybe_ints,"gep":geps,"leq":leqs} knownSymbolsInfo = [] for name,syms in knownSymbols.items(): if len(syms)<1: continue symsRects = img_process.getMinRect(syms) for i in range(len(syms)): symsInfo = {} symsInfo["name"] = [name] symsInfo["probability"] = [1] symsInfo["minRect"] = symsRects[i] symsInfo["symPixel"] = syms[i] knownSymbolsInfo.append(symsInfo) return unKnownSymbols,knownSymbolsInfo,points
def recogSymbols(unknownSymbols, knownSymbolsInfo, binary_img): global glo_binary_img glo_binary_img = binary_img allSymbolsInfo = knownSymbolsInfo unknownSymbolsMinRects = img_process.getMinRect(unknownSymbols) for i in range(len(unknownSymbols)): sym_image = img_process.getSymbolImg( unknownSymbols[i], unknownSymbolsMinRects[i], global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) * 0.99 # print(sym_image.tolist()) # plt.imshow(sym_image, cmap="Greys", interpolation="None") # sym_image = sym_image.reshape( (sym_image.shape[0] * sym_image.shape[1], )) can_sym_res = [] can_p_res = [] candidata_syms, candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_image] * 3) for c_i in range(len(candidata_syms)): for c_j in range(len(candidata_syms[c_i])): if candidata_syms[c_i][c_j] not in can_sym_res: can_sym_res.append(candidata_syms[c_i][c_j]) can_p_res.append(candidata_p[c_i][c_j]) if len(can_sym_res) < 1: print("ERROR: 有未识别出的字符") symsInfo = {} symsInfo["name"] = can_sym_res symsInfo["probability"] = can_p_res symsInfo["minRect"] = unknownSymbolsMinRects[i] symsInfo["symPixel"] = unknownSymbols[i] allSymbolsInfo.append(symsInfo) # 排好序 allSymbolsInfo = sortSymbolsInfo(allSymbolsInfo) return allSymbolsInfo
def mergeDiv(symbols): minRects = img_process.getMinRect(symbols) if len(minRects)<=0: return symbols,[],[],[],[] lines = [] lineMinRects = [] points = [] pointMinRects = [] normalSyms = [] verLines = [] for i in range(len(symbols)): if recogLine(symbols[i],minRects[i]): lines.append(symbols[i]) lineMinRects.append(minRects[i]) elif recogPoint(symbols[i],minRects[i]): points.append(symbols[i]) pointMinRects.append(minRects[i]) elif recogVerLine(symbols[i],minRects[i]): verLines.append(symbols[i]) else: normalSyms.append(symbols[i]) print("mybeLineLen:",len(lines)) print("mybePoint_len:", len(points)) print("normalSyms_len:",len(normalSyms)) if len(lines)<1 or len(points)<=1: return normalSyms,[],lines,points,verLines # 合并除号 pointFinal = np.zeros(len(points)) lineFinal = np.zeros(len(lines)) for i in range(len(lines)): for j in range(len(points)-1): lx,ly,lw,lh = lineMinRects[i] px,py,pw,ph = pointMinRects[j] if pointFinal[j]==0 and px>lx and px+pw<lx+lw and pw/lw<0.35 and (ly+lh<py or py+ph<ly) and np.abs(px-lx-lw/2)<5 and lw/pw<20: for k in range(j+1,len(points)): p2x,p2y,p2w,p2h = pointMinRects[k] if pointFinal[k]==0 and p2x > lx and p2x + p2w < lx + lw and p2w / lw < 0.35 and (ly+lh<p2y or p2y+p2h<ly) and np.abs(p2x-lx-lw/2)<5 and lw/p2w<20: lines[i] = np.append(np.array(lines[i]),np.array(points[j]),axis=0).tolist() lines[i] = np.append(np.array(lines[i]),np.array(points[k]),axis=0).tolist() lineFinal[i] = 1 pointFinal[j]=1 pointFinal[k]=1 divs = [] re_lines = [] re_points = [] for i in range(len(lines)): if lineFinal[i]==0: re_lines.append(lines[i]) else: divs.append(lines[i]) for i in range(len(points)): if pointFinal[i]==0: re_points.append(points[i]) return normalSyms,divs,re_lines,re_points,verLines
def mergeEqual(symbols): minRects = img_process.getMinRect(symbols) if len(symbols)<=1: return symbols,[],[] mybeLineSym = [] mybeLineRec = [] notLineSym = [] for i in range(len(symbols)): symbol = symbols[i] minRect = minRects[i] if recogLine(symbol,minRect): mybeLineSym.append(symbols[i]) mybeLineRec.append(minRects[i]) else: notLineSym.append(symbols[i]) print("mybeLineLen:",len(mybeLineSym)) if len(mybeLineSym)<=1: return symbols,[],[] final = np.zeros(len(mybeLineSym)) for i in range(len(mybeLineSym)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(mybeLineSym)): x1,y1,w1,h1 = mybeLineRec[i] x2,y2,w2,h2 = mybeLineRec[j] if final[i]<2 and final[j]<2 and np.abs(x1-x2)<=2 and np.abs(w1-w2)<=2: mybeLineSym[i] = np.append(np.array(mybeLineSym[i]),np.array(mybeLineSym[j]),axis=0).tolist() mybeLineRec[i] = img_process.getMinRect([mybeLineSym[i]])[0] if final[i]==1: final[i] = 2 elif final[i]==0: final[i] = 1 final[j] = 3 equals = [] #等于符号 equivs = [] #恒等于符号 for i in range(len(mybeLineSym)): if final[i]==0: notLineSym.append(mybeLineSym[i]) elif final[i]==1: equals.append(mybeLineSym[i]) elif final[i]==2: equivs.append(mybeLineSym[i]) return notLineSym,equals,equivs
def mergeLeg_Gep(unKnownSymbols,lines,binary_img): final_l = np.zeros(len(lines)) final_sym = np.zeros(len(unKnownSymbols)) lines_minrects = img_process.getMinRect(lines) syms_minrects = img_process.getMinRect(unKnownSymbols) leqs = [] geps = [] for i in range(len(lines)): lx,ly,lw,lh = lines_minrects[i] for j in range(len(unKnownSymbols)): sx,sy,sw,sh = syms_minrects[j] if np.abs(lx-sx)<np.min((lx,sx))/3 and np.abs(lw-sw)<np.min((lw,sw))/3 and 0<ly-sy-sh<sh: sym_image = img_process.getSymbolImg(unKnownSymbols[j], (sx,sy,sw,sh), global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) sym_image = sym_image.reshape((sym_image.shape[0] * sym_image.shape[1],)) candidata_syms, candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_image]*3) can_sym_res = [item for sublist in candidata_syms for item in sublist] # candidata_p = lambda multiple_list: [item for sublist in candidata_p for item in sublist] print("合并大于等于\小于等于:",can_sym_res) if "greater" in can_sym_res: geps.append(copy.deepcopy(lines[i] + unKnownSymbols[j])) final_l[i]=1 final_sym[j]=1 break if "less" in can_sym_res: leqs.append(copy.deepcopy(lines[i] + unKnownSymbols[j])) final_l[i] = 1 final_sym[j] = 1 break res_lines = [] for i in range(len(lines)): if final_l[i]==0: res_lines.append(lines[i]) res_unKnownSymbols = [] for i in range(len(unKnownSymbols)): if final_sym[i]==0: res_unKnownSymbols.append(unKnownSymbols[i]) return res_unKnownSymbols,res_lines,geps,leqs
def translateMe(me): meStr = "" idx = 0 for sym in me: filedsType = global_config.INFTYCDB_3_SHAPES_INFO[ sym["name"]]["filedType"] if filedsType == "none": meStr += sym["latex"] + " " elif sym["name"] == "line": if len(sym["above"]) > 0 and len(sym["bottom"]) > 0: meStr += "\\frac{ " + translateMe( sym["above"]) + "}{ " + translateMe(sym["bottom"]) + "} " else: meStr += sym["latex"] + " " elif sym["name"] == "sqrt": meStr += "\\sqrt{ " + translateMe(sym["content"]) + "} " if len(sym["super"]) > 0: meStr += "^" + translateMe(sym["super"]) + " " elif sym["name"] == "int": meStr += "\\int_{ " + translateMe( sym["rightBottom"]) + "}^{ " + translateMe(sym["super"]) + "} " elif sym["name"] == "lim": meStr += "\\lim_{ " + translateMe(sym["bottom"]) + "} " elif sym["name"] == "Sigma": meStr += "\\sum_{ " + translateMe( sym["bottom"]) + "}^{ " + translateMe(sym["above"]) + "} " elif sym["name"] == "LeftBrace": meStr += "\\left\{\\begin{array}{ll}" for brace_i in range(len(sym["right"])): meStr += "{ " + translateMe( sym["right"][brace_i]["left_formu"]) + ",} " if brace_i == len(sym["right"]) - 1: meStr += "&{ " + translateMe( sym["right"][brace_i]["right_cond"]) + "} " else: meStr += "&{ " + translateMe( sym["right"][brace_i]["right_cond"]) + "}\\\ " meStr += "\\end{array}\\right" else: tmp = True if sym["name"] in global_config.NUMBER: pointMinRects = img_process.getMinRect(points) print("len(pointMinRects):", len(pointMinRects)) for i in range(len(points)): px, py, pw, ph = pointMinRects[i] ox1, oy1, ow1, oh1 = sym["minRect"] # if sym["name"]=="two": # print('sym["name"]:',sym["name"],"0<px-ox1-ow1<ow1",0<px-ox1-ow1<ow1,"idx<len(me)-1:",idx<len(me)-1,'me[idx+1]["name"]:',me[idx+1]["name"]) if 0 < px - ox1 - ow1 < ow1 and py + ph - oy1 - oh1 < 5 and py > oy1 and idx < len( me) - 1 and (me[idx + 1]["name"] in global_config.NUMBER): # print('sym["name"]:',sym["name"]) ox2, oy2, ow2, oh2 = me[idx + 1]["minRect"] if 0 < ox2 - px - pw < ow2 and py + ph - oy2 - oh2 < 5 and py > oy2: meStr += sym["latex"] + " . " tmp = False if tmp: meStr += sym["latex"] + " " filedsType_info = global_config.FILEDTYPE_INFO[filedsType] for filed in filedsType_info: if len(sym[filed]) > 0: if filed == "super": meStr += "^ " + translateMe(sym["super"]) if filed == "sub": meStr += "_{ " + translateMe(sym["sub"]) + "} " # 索引值加一 idx += 1 return meStr
def mergeSplitSymbol(par_symbols,binary_img): symbols = par_symbols minRects = img_process.getMinRect(symbols) if len(minRects)<=1: return symbols final = np.zeros(len(symbols)) isSqrt = [-1]*len(symbols) isInt = [-1]*len(symbols) for i in range(len(minRects)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(minRects)): xi,yi,wi,hi = minRects[i] xj,yj,wj,hj = minRects[j] # 当符号有包含关系时,使用训练好的模型预测较大的符号是否为根号 if final[j]==0 and final[i]==0 and xi<=xj and yi<=yj and xi+wi>=xj+wj and yi+hi>=yj+hj and isSqrt[i]!=1 and isInt[i]!=1: if isSqrt[i]==-1 and isInt[i]==-1: cand_res = [] sym_image = img_process.getSymbolImg(symbols[i], minRects[i], global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) # plt.imshow(sym_image, cmap="Greys", interpolation="None") # sym_image = sym_image.reshape((sym_image.shape[0] * sym_image.shape[1],)) for _ in range(6): candidata_syms,candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_image]) cand_res+=candidata_syms[0] print("cand_res:", cand_res) # 因为分类器认为pi和sqrt很像,且有包含关系的字符不可能为pi if "sqrt" or "pi" in cand_res: isSqrt[i] = 1 break elif "int" in cand_res: isInt[i] = 1 break isSqrt[i] = 0 isInt[i] = 0 final[j] = 1 symbols[i] = symbols[i] + symbols[j] elif final[j]==0 and final[i]==0 and xi>xj and yi>yj and xi+wi<xj+wj and yi+hi<yj+hj and isSqrt[j]!=1 and isInt[j]!=1: if isSqrt[j]==-1 and isInt[j]==-1: cand_res = [] sym_image = img_process.getSymbolImg(symbols[j], minRects[j], global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) sym_image = sym_image.reshape((sym_image.shape[0] * sym_image.shape[1],)) for _ in range(6): candidata_syms,candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_image]) cand_res+=candidata_syms[0] print("cand_res:", cand_res) if "sqrt" or "pi" in cand_res: isSqrt[j] = 1 print("candidata_syms[0]:",candidata_syms[0]) continue elif "int" in cand_res: isInt[j] = 1 print("candidata_syms[0]:", candidata_syms[0]) continue isSqrt[j] = 0 isInt[j] = 0 final[i] = 1 symbols[j] = symbols[i] + symbols[j] break # 重叠情况时,根据两个分割符号的大小以及重叠大小进行合并 elif final[j]==0 and final[i]==0 and not (xi+wi<xj or xj+wj<xi or yi+hi<yj or yj+hj<yi) and isSqrt[i]!=1 and isInt[i]!=1 and isSqrt[j]!=1 and isInt[j]!=1: print("wj/hj:",wj/hj) if wi>wj and hi>hj and wj/hj<=2 and wj/hj>=0.5: if isSqrt[i]==-1 and isInt[i]==-1: cand_res = [] sym_imagei = img_process.getSymbolImg(symbols[i], minRects[i], global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) sym_imagei = sym_imagei.reshape((sym_imagei.shape[0] * sym_imagei.shape[1],)) for _ in range(6): candidata_syms, candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_imagei]) cand_res+=candidata_syms[0] if "sqrt" in cand_res: isSqrt[i] = 1 break elif "int" in cand_res: isInt[i] = 1 break isSqrt[i] = 0 isInt[i] = 0 symbols[i] = symbols[i] + symbols[j] final[j] = 1 elif wi<wj and hi<hj and wi/hi<=2 and wi/hi>=0.5: if isSqrt[j]==-1 and isInt[j]==-1: cand_res = [] sym_jmagej = img_process.getSymbolImg(symbols[j], minRects[j], global_config.IMG_SIZE, binary_img) sym_jmagej = sym_jmagej.reshape((sym_jmagej.shape[0] * sym_jmagej.shape[1],)) for _ in range(6): candidata_syms, candidata_p = symClasser.predict([sym_jmagej]) cand_res += candidata_syms[0] if "sqrt" in cand_res: isSqrt[j] = 1 continue elif "int" in cand_res: isInt[j] = 1 continue isSqrt[j] = 0 isInt[j] = 0 symbols[j] = symbols[i] + symbols[j] final[i] = 1 break elif final[j]==0 and final[i]==0: if yi>yj and 0<yi-yj-hj<np.min((hi,hj,10)) and (not (xi+wi+1<xj or xj+wj+1<xi)): symbols[i] = symbols[i] + symbols[j] final[j] = 1 elif yi<yj and 0<yj-yi-hi<np.min((hi,hj,10)) and (not (xi+wi+1<xj or xj+wj+1<xi)): symbols[i] = symbols[i] + symbols[j] final[j] = 1 res = [] mybe_sqrts = [] mybe_ints = [] for i in range(len(symbols)): if final[i]==0: if isSqrt[i]==1: mybe_sqrts.append(symbols[i]) elif isInt[i]==1: mybe_ints.append(symbols[i]) else: res.append(symbols[i]) return res,mybe_sqrts,mybe_ints