def chapter_examples_bounding_boxes_iou():
    import numpy as np
    import imgaug as ia
    from imgaug.augmentables.bbs import BoundingBox


    # Define image with two bounding boxes.
    image = ia.quokka(size=(256, 256))
    bb1 = BoundingBox(x1=50, x2=100, y1=25, y2=75)
    bb2 = BoundingBox(x1=75, x2=125, y1=50, y2=100)

    # Compute intersection, union and IoU value
    # Intersection and union are both bounding boxes. They are here
    # decreased/increased in size purely for better visualization.
    bb_inters = bb1.intersection(bb2).extend(all_sides=-1)
    bb_union = bb1.union(bb2).extend(all_sides=2)
    iou = bb1.iou(bb2)

    # Draw bounding boxes, intersection, union and IoU value on image.
    image_bbs = np.copy(image)
    image_bbs = bb1.draw_on_image(image_bbs, size=2, color=[0, 255, 0])
    image_bbs = bb2.draw_on_image(image_bbs, size=2, color=[0, 255, 0])
    image_bbs = bb_inters.draw_on_image(image_bbs, size=2, color=[255, 0, 0])
    image_bbs = bb_union.draw_on_image(image_bbs, size=2, color=[0, 0, 255])
    image_bbs = ia.draw_text(image_bbs,
                             text="IoU=%.2f" % (iou, ),
                             x=bb_union.x2 + 10,
                             y=bb_union.y1 + bb_union.height // 2,
                             color=[255, 255, 255],

    # ------------

         grid([image_bbs], cols=1, rows=1),
Example #2
    BoundingBox(x1=175, x2=225, y1=25, y2=75)

seq = iaa.Affine(translate_px={"x": 120})
image_aug, bbs_aug = seq(image=image, bounding_boxes=bbs)

# Draw the BBs (a) in their original form, (b) after augmentation,
# (c) after augmentation and removing those fully outside the image,
# (d) after augmentation and removing those fully outside the image and
# clipping those partially inside the image so that they are fully inside.
image_before = draw_bbs(image, bbs, 100)
image_after1 = draw_bbs(image_aug, bbs_aug, 100)
image_after2 = draw_bbs(image_aug, bbs_aug.remove_out_of_image(), 100)
image_after3 = draw_bbs(image_aug,
                        bbs_aug.remove_out_of_image().clip_out_of_image(), 100)
[x.compute_out_of_image_fraction(image) for x in bbs_aug]

# compute iou
bb1 = BoundingBox(x1=50, x2=100, y1=25, y2=75)
bb2 = BoundingBox(x1=75, x2=125, y1=50, y2=100)

# Compute intersection, union and IoU value
# Intersection and union are both bounding boxes. They are here
# decreased/increased in size purely for better visualization.
bb_inters = bb1.intersection(bb2).extend(all_sides=-1)
bb_union = bb1.union(bb2).extend(all_sides=2)
iou = bb1.iou(bb2)