class Compose(object): """Composes several augmenters together. Unlike original pytorch implementation, it accepts a second argument (of mask type). Args: augmenters: list of imgaug.augmenters to compose. """ def __init__(self, augmenters): assert type(augmenters) == list, 'augmenters should be of type `list`' self.augmenters = Sequential(augmenters) def __call__(self, img, masks=None, classes=None, boxes=None): if masks is not None: returns = self.augment(img, masks, classes, boxes) while returns[1].shape[-1] == 0: returns = self.augment(img, masks, classes, boxes) return returns return self.augmenters.augment_image(img) def augment(self, img, masks=None, classes=None, boxes=None): returns = [] aug_det = self.augmenters.to_deterministic() # augment image input_size = img.shape img = aug_det.augment_image(img) returns.append(img) # augment masks new_masks = aug_det.augment_image(masks) null_masks = new_masks.sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) == 0 new_masks = new_masks[:, :, ~null_masks] returns.append(new_masks) # if removed any mask, remove corresponding class if classes is not None: classes = classes[~null_masks] returns.append(classes) if boxes is not None: # augment boxes bboxes = BoundingBoxesOnImage([BoundingBox(*box) for box in boxes], input_size) new_bboxes = aug_det.augment_bounding_boxes([bboxes])[0] new_bboxes = new_bboxes.remove_out_of_image().cut_out_of_image() boxes = [[box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2] for box in new_bboxes.bounding_boxes] boxes = np.array(boxes) returns.append(boxes) return tuple(returns)
def resize(imageDimensions): return Sequential([ CenterPadToAspectRatio(float(imageDimensions[0]) / float(imageDimensions[1]), pad_mode='edge'), Resize(imageDimensions, interpolation=INTER_AREA) ])
def load_images(self, ids: List[int]) -> Tensor: """ Returns: (l, c, w, h) Tensor: Tensor of images. """ images: List[Tensor] = [ imread(self.frame_template.format(i)) for i in ids ] # Using deterministic parameters to apply exactly # the same augmentations to all images in the sequence. if self.augment: augmenter = Sequential([ LinearContrast(Deterministic(Uniform(0.7, 1.3))), Multiply( Deterministic(Uniform(0.7, 1.3)), per_channel=Deterministic(DiscreteUniform(0, 1)), ), Sometimes( Deterministic(DiscreteUniform(0, 1)), GaussianBlur(sigma=Deterministic(Uniform(0, 0.7))), ), ], random_order=True) images = augmenter(images=images) for i in range(len(images)): image = images[i].astype("float32") / 255 images[i] = tensor(image).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze_(0) return cat(images, dim=0)
def save_aug_file(seq:iaa.Sequential, pathstr:str): for dirr in os.listdir(directory): for image in os.listdir(directory + dirr): imgname1 = directory + dirr+"/"+image img = cv2.imread(imgname1) img_aug = seq.augment_image(img) path = dir_res + pathstr+"/"+dirr+"/" pathname = os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(path+image, img_aug)
def _aug_occl(self): from imgaug.augmenters import Sequential,SomeOf,OneOf,Sometimes,WithColorspace,WithChannels, \ Noop,Lambda,AssertLambda,AssertShape,Scale,CropAndPad, \ Pad,Crop,Fliplr,Flipud,Superpixels,ChangeColorspace, PerspectiveTransform, \ Grayscale,GaussianBlur,AverageBlur,MedianBlur,Convolve, \ Sharpen,Emboss,EdgeDetect,DirectedEdgeDetect,Add,AddElementwise, \ AdditiveGaussianNoise,Multiply,MultiplyElementwise,Dropout, \ CoarseDropout,Invert,ContrastNormalization,Affine,PiecewiseAffine, \ ElasticTransformation return Sequential([Sometimes(0.7, CoarseDropout( p=0.4, size_percent=0.01) )])
def resize_image_and_bounding_boxes(combined_image, bounding_boxes): combined_image = np_array(combined_image) bounding_boxes = BoundingBoxesOnImage([ BoundingBox(*coordinates, label=identifier) for identifier, coordinates in bounding_boxes.items() ], shape=combined_image.shape) combined_image, bounding_boxes = Sequential([iaaResize( (416, 416))])(image=combined_image, bounding_boxes=bounding_boxes) combined_image = Image.fromarray(combined_image) bounding_boxes = { b.label: (b.x1_int, b.y1_int, b.x2_int, b.y2_int) for b in bounding_boxes } return combined_image, bounding_boxes
def __refresh_sample_layout(self): if len(self.tmp_samples) > 0: self.aug_sample_imgs = list() clear_layout(self.__sample_layout) item = self.__action_tree.currentItem() if item is None: aug_imgs = self.tmp_samples else: try: seq = Sequential(children=[item.to_aug()]) aug_imgs = seq(images=self.tmp_samples) except Exception as e: print(e) aug_imgs = self.tmp_samples for img_idx, img in enumerate(aug_imgs): img = Image.fromarray(img) img = img.toqpixmap() img = QPixmap(img) self.aug_sample_imgs.append(img) sample_img = SampleImage(img, side_thresh=230) sample_img.clicked.connect(self.__sample_clicked(img_idx)) self.__sample_layout.addWidget(sample_img)
'swish': nn.swish, 'FixedDropout': FixedDropout }) listImages = [] # Captura la imagen en cada cámara for i in range(1): listImages.append(VideoCapture(i).read()[1]) VideoCapture(i).release() for image in listImages: # Comprobar que la imagen contiene humo if sum( sum( threshold((model.predict(array([ Sequential([ CenterPadToAspectRatio( 1., pad_mode='constant', pad_cval=0), Resize((512, 512), interpolation=3) ]).augment_image(cvtColor(image, 4)) / 255. ]).astype('float'), batch_size=1)[0][..., 0] * 255.).astype('uint8'), 127, 255, 0)[1].astype('uint8'))) > 4096: # Send signal if argv[1] == 'true': # Guarda la imagen imwrite( '/root/Smoke/Images/smoke/' +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.png', image) else: if argv[1] == 'true': # Guarda la imagen
pipe = Sequential( [ #Fliplr(0.5), #Flipud(0.5), #EdgeDetect(1.0), #Sharpen( alpha = (0.5, 1.0)), #AdditiveGaussianNoise( loc=0, scale = (0.0, 0.001 * 255) ), ContrastNormalization((0.9, 1.1)), Multiply((0.9, 1.1)), #AverageBlur((1, 5)), #Alpha( # 0.65, # first = Affine( translate_px = { "y": (-6, 6) } ), # per_channel = False #) #ChangeColorspace(from_colorspace="BGR", to_colorspace="HSV"), #WithChannels(0, Add( (-5, 5) ) ), #WithChannels(1, Add( (-5, 5) ) ), #WithChannels(2, Add( (-45, 45) ) ), #ChangeColorspace(from_colorspace="HSV", to_colorspace="BGR"), Affine(shear=(-2, 2)), Affine(rotate=(-2, 2)), #AddToHueAndSaturation((-100, 100), per_channel=0.5, from_colorspace = 'BGR'), #Invert(1.0, per_channel=1.0) #Sometimes(0.5, Affine(rotate = 180)) ], random_order=True)
return tuple([ shape(inputs)[i] if sh is None else sh for i, sh in enumerate(self.noise_shape) ]) # Carga del modelo model = load_model('/root/Smoke/Models/model.h5', compile=False, custom_objects={ 'swish': nn.swish, 'FixedDropout': FixedDropout }) # Creación de la imagen con humo redimensionada imageSmokeAug = Sequential([ CenterPadToAspectRatio(1., pad_mode='constant', pad_cval=0), Resize((512, 512), interpolation=3) ]).augment_image(cvtColor(imread('/root/Smoke/Test/smoke.png'), 4)) imageSmoke = array([imageSmokeAug / 255.]).astype('float') # Comprueba el tiempo que tarda en predecir la imagen con humo (Siempre tardará más en la primera predicción) before = # Predice la imagen con humo predictionSmoke = model.predict(imageSmoke, batch_size=1) after = print('Prediction time smoke image: ' + str((after - before).total_seconds())) # Creación de la imagen sin humo redimensionada imageNeutralAug = Sequential([ CenterPadToAspectRatio(1., pad_mode='constant', pad_cval=0), Resize((512, 512), interpolation=3) ]).augment_image(cvtColor(imread('/root/Smoke/Test/neutral.png'), 4)) imageNeutral = array([imageNeutralAug / 255.]).astype('float') # Comprueba el tiempo que tarda en predecir la imagen sin humo
# Validation dataset # 2017 valset dataset_val = CocoDataset() dataset_val.load_coco(args.dataset, "val2007") dataset_val.prepare() # Image Augmentation # Right/Left flip 50% of the time, IOU50=0.029(VALIDATION SET) # augmentation = imgaug.augmenters.Fliplr(0.5) # Flip and rotate augmentation = Sequential([ Fliplr(0.5), GaussianBlur((0, 1.5)), CoarseDropout((0.03, 0.15), size_percent=(0.02, 0.05)), Affine(scale=(0.3, 2), rotate=(-20, 20)), Multiply((0.5, 1.5)), AddToHueAndSaturation((-20, 20)) ]) #augmentation = Sequential([Flipud(0.2), Fliplr(0.5), Affine(scale=(0.2, 2), rotate=(-60,60)), GaussianBlur((0, 2)), AddToHueAndSaturation((-30,30)), GammaContrast((0.5, 1.5)), AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.05 * 255), per_channel=0.5)]) #augmentation = Sequential([Fliplr(0.5), Affine(scale=(0.3, 3), rotate=(-60,60)), GaussianBlur((0, 3)), AddToHueAndSaturation((-30,30)), GammaContrast((0.5, 1.5)), AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.05 * 255), per_channel=0.5) ]) ''' iaa.Sequential([ # apply the following augmenters to most images iaa.Fliplr(0.5), # horizontally flip 50% of all images iaa.Flipud(0.1), # vertically flip 20% of all images # crop images by -5% to 10% of their height/width sometimes(iaa.Affine( scale={"x": (0.8, 1.2), "y": (0.8, 1.2)}, # scale images to 80-120% of their size, individually per axis
def _flip_lr(): pipe = Sequential([Fliplr(1.0)]) return pipe
def _negative(): pipe = Sequential([Invert(1.0, per_channel=1.0)]) return pipe
def _rotate(n): pipe = Sequential([Affine(rotate=n)]) return pipe
If doing quantized training with toco compatibility there are a few constraints, namely: 1. Minimum Tensorflow version has to be 1.13 2. The current supported non-linearity elements are relu and relu6 3. The convolution op instantiation has to have the non-linearity element set via the 'activation' argument 4. The batch normalization op instantiation has to have the 'fused' argument set to false ''' AUG_PIPE = Sequential([ Sometimes(0.33, Affine(rotate=(-5, 5))), Sometimes(0.33, Affine(scale={ "x": (0.85, 1.15), "y": (0.85, 1.15) })), Sometimes(0.33, Affine(shear=(-8, 8))), Sometimes(0.33, Multiply((0.9, 1.1))), Sometimes(0.33, AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.1 * 255))), Sometimes(0.33, ContrastNormalization((0.9, 1.1))) ], random_order=True) AUG_PIPE = None # this is how you skip doing any augmentations, otherwise just have AUG_PIPE contain a imgaug Sequential instance def model_function(images, train_flag): ''' The 'name' argument for each of the op building functions can be whatever you want except 'input', 'prediction', 'loss', 'accuracy' which are reserved for convenience. The names are the ones that will show up in tensorboard when viewing the op graph structure and can also be used to reference the input or output tensors of these ops.
def __init__(self, augmenters): assert type(augmenters) == list, 'augmenters should be of type `list`' self.augmenters = Sequential(augmenters)
def _flip_ud(): pipe = Sequential([Flipud(1.0)]) return pipe
''' use pca to end up with a 2d plot which illustrades the clusters for each class of object that has to be detected pca will be applied on the contents of the box for each object ''' counter = 0 aug_pipe = Sequential([ #ChangeColorspace(from_colorspace="BGR", to_colorspace="HSV"), #WithChannels(0, Add((-360, 360))), #ChangeColorspace(from_colorspace="HSV", to_colorspace="BGR"), #ContrastNormalization((0.9, 1.1)) AdditiveGaussianNoise( loc=0, scale = (0.0, 0.001 * 255) ) ]) #aug_pipe = ContrastNormalization((0.9, 1.1)) #aug_pipe = Sequential([ AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.05*255)), Affine(shear = (-5, 5))]) aug_pipe = AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.001*255)) def interval_overlap(interval_a, interval_b): x1, x2 = interval_a x3, x4 = interval_b