Example #1
def save_on_s3(filename, remotename='', content_type='', bucket='', folder=''):
    Save contents from file named `filename` to `remotename` on S3.
    b = bucket or get_s3_bucket()
    folder = get_s3_folder(folder)

    with open(path_for(filename)) as fp:
        filename = remotename or filename
        k = b.new_key(folder+filename)
        headers = {
            'Cache-Control': 'max-age=31536000',  # 60*60*24*365
            'Content-Type': get_file_type(fp),
        k.set_contents_from_file(fp, policy='public-read', headers=headers)
    return filename
Example #2
def save(fp, profile, title=None):
    Attaches the image to the profile and uploads it to S3.
    id_ = newid()
    title = title or secure_filename(fp.filename)
    content_type = get_file_type(fp)
    name, extn = os.path.splitext(fp.filename)
    extn = guess_extension(content_type, extn)
    img_name = "%s%s" % (id_, extn)
    local_path = path_for(img_name)

    with open(local_path, 'w') as img:

    stored_file = save_img_in_db(name=id_, title=title, local_path=local_path,
                    profile=profile, mimetype=content_type, orig_extn=extn)
    job = queueit('save_on_s3', img_name, content_type=content_type, taskid=img_name)
    return title, job, stored_file
Example #3
def resize_and_save(img, size, is_thumbnail=False):
    Get the original image from local disk cache, download it from S3 if it misses.
    Resize the image and save resized image on S3 and size details in db.
    src_path = download_frm_s3(img.name + img.extn)

    if 'thumb_extn' in ALLOWED_MIMETYPES[img.mimetype]:
        format = ALLOWED_MIMETYPES[img.mimetype]['thumb_extn']
        format = img.extn
    format = format.lstrip('.')
    resized_filename = get_resized_filename(img, size)
    if not resize_img(src_path, path_for(resized_filename), size, img.mimetype, format, is_thumbnail=is_thumbnail):
        img.no_previews = True
        return False

    save_on_s3(resized_filename, content_type=img.mimetype)
    return save_tn_in_db(img, resized_filename, size)