class WhoIsHook(immp.Hook): """ Hook to provide generic lookup of user profiles across one or more identity providers. """ schema = immp.Schema({ "identities": [str], immp.Optional("public", False): bool }) _identities = immp.ConfigProperty([IdentityProvider]) @command("who", parser=CommandParser.none) async def who(self, msg, name): """ Recall a known identity and all of its links. """ if self.config["public"]: providers = self._identities else: tasks = (provider.identity_from_user(msg.user) for provider in self._identities) providers = [ identity.provider for identity in await gather(*tasks) if identity ] if providers: if name[0].mention: user = name[0].mention tasks = (provider.identity_from_user(user) for provider in providers) else: tasks = (provider.identity_from_name(str(name)) for provider in providers) identities = list(filter(None, await gather(*tasks))) links = { link for identity in identities for link in identity.links } if links: text = name.clone() for segment in text: segment.bold = True text.append(immp.Segment(" may appear as:")) for user in sorted(links, key=lambda user: user.plug.network_name): text.append(immp.Segment("\n")) text.append( immp.Segment("({}) ".format(user.plug.network_name))) if text.append( immp.Segment(user.real_name or user.username, elif user.real_name and user.username: text.append( immp.Segment("{} [{}]".format( user.real_name, user.username))) else: text.append( immp.Segment(user.real_name or user.username)) else: text = "{} Name not in use".format(CROSS) else: text = "{} Not identified".format(CROSS) await
class LocalIdentityHook(immp.Hook, AccessPredicate, IdentityProvider): """ Hook for managing physical users with multiple logical links across different plugs. This effectively provides self-service identities, as opposed to being provided externally. """ schema = immp.Schema({ immp.Optional("instance"): immp.Nullable(int), "plugs": [str], immp.Optional("multiple", True): bool }) _plugs = immp.ConfigProperty([immp.Plug]) def __init__(self, name, config, host): super().__init__(name, config, host) self.db = None async def start(self): if not self.config["instance"]: # Find a non-conflicting number and assign it. codes = { hook.config["instance"] for hook in if isinstance(hook, self.__class__) } code = 1 while code in codes: code += 1 log.debug("Assigning instance code %d to hook %r", code, self.config["instance"] = code self.db =[DatabaseHook].db self.db.create_tables([IdentityGroup, IdentityLink, IdentityRole], safe=True) def get(self, name): """ Retrieve the identity group using the given name. Args: name (str): Existing name to query. Returns: .IdentityGroup: Linked identity, or ``None`` if not linked. """ try: return IdentityGroup.select_links().where( == name).get() except IdentityGroup.DoesNotExist: return None def find(self, user): """ Retrieve the identity that contains the given user, if one exists. Args: user (.User): Existing user to query. Returns: .IdentityGroup: Linked identity, or ``None`` if not linked. """ if not user or user.plug not in self._plugs: return None try: return (IdentityGroup.select_links().where( IdentityGroup.instance == self.config["instance"], == user.plug.network_id, IdentityLink.user == except IdentityGroup.DoesNotExist: return None async def channel_access(self, channel, user): return bool( IdentityLink.get(network=user.plug.network_id, async def identity_from_name(self, name): group = self.get(name) return await group.to_identity(, self) if group else None async def identity_from_user(self, user): group = self.find(user) return await group.to_identity(, self) if group else None def _test(self, channel, user): return channel.plug in self._plugs @command("id-add", scope=CommandScope.private, test=_test) async def add(self, msg, name, pwd): """ Create a new identity, or link to an existing one from a second user. """ if not msg.user or msg.user.plug not in self._plugs: return if self.find(msg.user): text = "{} Already identified".format(CROSS) else: pwd = IdentityGroup.hash(pwd) exists = False try: group = IdentityGroup.get(instance=self.config["instance"], name=name) exists = True except IdentityGroup.DoesNotExist: group = IdentityGroup.create(instance=self.config["instance"], name=name, pwd=pwd) if exists and not group.pwd == pwd: text = "{} Password incorrect".format(CROSS) elif not self.config["multiple"] and any( == msg.user.plug.network_id for link in group.links): text = "{} Already identified on {}".format( CROSS, msg.user.plug.network_name) else: IdentityLink.create(group=group, network=msg.user.plug.network_id, text = "{} {}".format(TICK, "Added" if exists else "Claimed") await @command("id-rename", scope=CommandScope.private, test=_test) async def rename(self, msg, name): """ Rename the current identity. """ if not msg.user: return group = self.find(msg.user) if not group: text = "{} Not identified".format(CROSS) elif == name: text = "{} No change".format(TICK) elif IdentityGroup.instance == self.config["instance"], == name).exists(): text = "{} Name already in use".format(CROSS) else: = name text = "{} Claimed".format(TICK) await @command("id-password", scope=CommandScope.private, test=_test) async def password(self, msg, pwd): """ Update the password for the current identity. """ if not msg.user: return group = self.find(msg.user) if not group: text = "{} Not identified".format(CROSS) else: group.pwd = IdentityGroup.hash(pwd) text = "{} Changed".format(TICK) await @command("id-reset", scope=CommandScope.private, test=_test) async def reset(self, msg): """ Delete the current identity and all linked users. """ if not msg.user: return group = self.find(msg.user) if not group: text = "{} Not identified".format(CROSS) else: group.delete_instance() text = "{} Reset".format(TICK) await @command("id-role", scope=CommandScope.private, role=CommandRole.admin, test=_test) async def role(self, msg, name, role=None): """ List roles assigned to an identity, or add/remove a given role. """ try: group = IdentityGroup.get(instance=self.config["instance"], name=name) except IdentityGroup.DoesNotExist: text = "{} Name not registered".format(CROSS) else: if role: count = IdentityRole.delete().where( == group, IdentityRole.role == role).execute() if count: text = "{} Removed".format(TICK) else: IdentityRole.create(group=group, role=role) text = "{} Added".format(TICK) else: roles = == group) if roles: labels = [role.role for role in roles] text = "Roles for {}: {}".format(name, ", ".join(labels)) else: text = "No roles for {}.".format(name) await
class ChannelAccessHook(immp.Hook, AccessPredicate): """ Hook for controlling membership of, and joins to, secure channels. """ schema = immp.Schema({immp.Optional("hooks", dict): {str: immp.Nullable([str])}, immp.Optional("exclude", dict): {str: [str]}, immp.Optional("joins", True): bool, immp.Optional("startup", False): bool, immp.Optional("passive", False): bool, immp.Optional("default", True): bool}) hooks = immp.ConfigProperty({AccessPredicate: [immp.Channel]}) @property def channels(self): inverse = defaultdict(list) for hook, channels in self.hooks.items(): if not channels: continue for channel in channels: inverse[channel].append(hook) return inverse # This hook acts as an example predicate to block all access. async def channel_access_multi(self, channels, users): return [], list(product(channels, users)) async def channel_access(self, channel, user): return False async def verify(self, members=None): """ Perform verification of each user in each channel, for all configured access predicates. Users who are denied access by any predicate will be removed, unless passive mode is set. Args: members ((.Channel, .User set) dict): Mapping from target channels to a subset of users pending verification. If ``None`` is given for a channel's set of users, all members present in the channel will be verified. If ``members`` itself is ``None``, access checks will be run against all configured channels. """ everywhere = set() grouped = {} for hook, scope in self.hooks.items(): interested = await hook.access_channels() if scope and interested: log.debug("Hook %r using scope and own list", hook) wanted = set(interested).intersection(scope) elif scope or interested: log.debug("Hook %r using %s", hook, "scope" if scope else "own list") wanted = set(scope or interested) else: log.warning("Hook %r has no declared channels for access control", hook) continue if members is not None: wanted.intersection_update(members) if wanted: everywhere.update(wanted) grouped[hook] = wanted else: log.debug("Skipping hook %r as member filter doesn't overlap", hook) targets = defaultdict(set) members = members or {} for channel in everywhere: users = members.get(channel) try: current = await channel.members() except Exception: log.warning("Failed to retrieve members for channel %r", channel, exc_info=True) continue for user in users or current or (): if current and user not in current: log.debug("Skipping non-member user %r", user) elif in self.config["exclude"].get(, []): log.debug("Skipping excluded user %r", user) elif await user.is_system(): log.debug("Skipping system user %r", user) else: targets[channel].add(user) hooks = [] tasks = [] for hook, channels in grouped.items(): known = {channel: users for channel, users in targets.items() if users} log.debug("Requesting decisions from %r: %r", hook, set(known)) hooks.append(hook) tasks.append(ensure_future(hook.channel_access_multi(known))) allowed = set() denied = set() for hook, result in zip(hooks, await gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)): if isinstance(result, Exception): log.warning("Failed to verify channel access with hook %r",, exc_info=result) continue hook_allowed, hook_denied = result allowed.update(hook_allowed) if hook_denied: log.debug("Hook %r denied %d user-channel pair(s)",, len(hook_denied)) denied.update(hook_denied) removals = defaultdict(set) for channel, users in targets.items(): for user in users: pair = (channel, user) if pair in denied: allow = False elif pair in allowed: allow = True else: allow = self.config["default"] if allow: log.debug("Allowing access to %r for %r", channel, user) else: log.debug("Denying access to %r for %r", channel, user) removals[channel].add(user) active = not self.config["passive"] for channel, refused in removals.items(): log.debug("%s %d user(s) from %r: %r", "Removing" if active else "Would remove", len(refused), channel, refused) if active: await channel.remove_multi(refused) async def _startup_check(self): log.debug("Running startup access checks") await self.verify() log.debug("Finished startup access checks") def on_ready(self): if self.config["startup"]: ensure_future(self._startup_check()) async def on_receive(self, sent, source, primary): await super().on_receive(sent, source, primary) if self.config["joins"] and primary and sent == source and source.joined: await self.verify({ source.joined})
class _SyncHookBase(immp.Hook): schema = immp.Schema({"channels": {str: [str]}, immp.Optional("joins", False): bool, immp.Optional("renames", False): bool, immp.Optional("identities"): immp.Nullable(str), immp.Optional("reset-author", False): bool, immp.Optional("name-format"): immp.Nullable(str), immp.Optional("strip-name-emoji", False): bool}) _identities = immp.ConfigProperty(IdentityProvider) def _accept(self, msg): if not self.config["joins"] and (msg.joined or msg.left): log.debug("Not syncing join/part message: %r", return False if not self.config["renames"] and msg.title: log.debug("Not syncing rename message: %r", return False return True def _replace_recurse(self, msg, func, *args): # Switch out entire messages for copies or replacements. if msg.reply_to: msg.reply_to = func(msg.reply_to, *args) attachments = [] for attach in msg.attachments: if isinstance(attach, immp.Message): attachments.append(func(attach, *args)) else: attachments.append(attach) msg.attachments = attachments return msg async def _alter_recurse(self, msg, func, *args): # Alter properties on existing cloned message objects. await func(msg, *args) if msg.reply_to: await func(msg.reply_to, *args) for attach in msg.attachments: if isinstance(attach, immp.Message): await func(attach, *args) async def _rename_user(self, user, channel): # Use name-format or identities to render a suitable author real name. renamed = name = identity = None if not self.config["reset-author"]: renamed = user if self._identities: try: identity = await self._identities.identity_from_user(user) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to retrieve identity information for %r", user, exc_info=e) if self.config["name-format"]: if not Template: raise immp.PlugError("'jinja2' module not installed") title = await channel.title() if channel else None context = {"user": user, "identity": identity, "channel": title} name = Template(self.config["name-format"]).render(**context) if not name and self.config["reset-author"]: user = None elif self.config["reset-author"]: user = None elif identity: name = "{} ({})".format(user.real_name or user.username, elif self.config["strip-name-emoji"] and user: name = user.real_name or user.username if not name: return user if self.config["strip-name-emoji"]: if not EMOJI_REGEX: raise immp.PlugError("'emoji' module not installed") name = EMOJI_REGEX.sub(_emoji_replace, name).strip() if renamed: log.debug("Replacing real name: %r -> %r", renamed.real_name, name) renamed = copy(renamed) renamed.real_name = name else: log.debug("Adding real name: %r", name) renamed = immp.User(real_name=name) return renamed async def _alter_name(self, msg): channel = if isinstance(msg, immp.Receipt) else None msg.user = await self._rename_user(msg.user, channel) async def _alter_identities(self, msg, channel): # Replace mentions for identified users in the target channel. if not msg.text: return msg.text = msg.text.clone() for segment in msg.text: user = segment.mention if not user or user.plug == channel.plug: # No mention or already matches plug, nothing to do. continue identity = None if self.config["identities"]: try: identity = await self._identities.identity_from_user(user) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to retrieve identity information for %r", user, exc_info=e) # Try to find an identity corresponding to the target plug. links = identity.links if identity else [] for user in links: if user.plug == channel.plug: log.debug("Replacing mention: %r -> %r", user, user) segment.mention = user break else: # Fallback case: replace mention with a link to the user's profile. if log.debug("Adding fallback mention link: %r -> %r", user, = else: log.debug("Removing foreign mention: %r", user) segment.mention = None # Perform name substitution on the mention text. if self.config["name-format"]: at = "@" if segment.text.startswith("@") else "" renamed = await self._rename_user(user, channel) segment.text = "{}{}".format(at, renamed.real_name) async def _send(self, channel, msg): try: ids = await channel.send(msg) log.debug("Synced IDs in %r: %r", channel, ids) return (channel, ids) except Exception: log.exception("Failed to relay message to channel: %r", channel) return (channel, [])
class ForwardHook(_SyncHookBase): """ Hook to propagate messages from a source channel to one or more destination channels. """ schema = immp.Schema( { immp.Optional("users"): immp.Nullable([str]), immp.Optional("groups", dict): { str: [str] } }, _SyncHookBase.schema) _channels = immp.ConfigProperty({immp.Channel: [immp.Channel]}) _groups = immp.ConfigProperty({immp.Group: [immp.Channel]}) async def _targets(self, channel): targets = set() if channel in self._channels: targets.update(self._channels[channel]) for group, channels in self._groups.items(): if await group.has_channel(channel): targets.update(channels) return targets async def send(self, msg, channels): """ Send a message to all channels in this forwarding group. Args: msg (.Message): External message to push. channels (.Channel list): Set of target channels to forward the message to. """ queue = [] clone = msg.clone() await self._alter_recurse(clone, self._alter_name) for synced in channels: local = clone.clone() await self._alter_recurse(local, self._alter_identities, synced) queue.append(self._send(synced, local)) # Send all the messages in parallel. await gather(*queue) def _accept(self, msg, id_): if not super()._accept(msg, id_): return False if self.config["users"] is not None: if not msg.user or not in self.config["users"]: log.debug("Not syncing message from non-whitelisted user: %r", return False return True async def on_receive(self, sent, source, primary): await super().on_receive(sent, source, primary) if not primary or not self._accept(source, return targets = await self._targets( if targets: await self.send(source, targets)
class SyncHook(_SyncHookBase): """ Hook to propagate messages between two or more channels. Attributes: plug (.SyncPlug): Virtual plug for this sync, if configured. """ schema = immp.Schema( { immp.Optional("edits", True): bool, immp.Optional("joins", True): bool, immp.Optional("renames", True): bool, immp.Optional("plug"): immp.Nullable(str), immp.Optional("titles", dict): { str: str } }, _SyncHookBase.schema) user = immp.User(real_name="Sync", suggested=True) def __init__(self, name, config, host): super().__init__(name, config, host) # Message cache, stores IDs of all synced messages by channel. self._cache = SyncCache(self) # Hook lock, to put a hold on retrieving messages whilst a send is in progress. self._lock = BoundedSemaphore() # Add a virtual plug to the host, for external subscribers. if self.config["plug"]: log.debug("Creating virtual plug: %r", self.config["plug"]) self.plug = SyncPlug(self.config["plug"], self, host) host.add_plug(self.plug) for label in self.config["channels"]: host.add_channel(label, immp.Channel(self.plug, label)) else: self.plug = None self._db = False def on_load(self): try:[AsyncDatabaseHook].add_models(SyncBackRef) except KeyError: self._db = False else: self._db = True channels = immp.ConfigProperty({None: [immp.Channel]}) def label_for_channel(self, channel): labels = [] for label, channels in self.channels.items(): if channel in channels: labels.append(label) if not labels: raise immp.ConfigError("Channel {} not bridged".format( repr(channel))) elif len(labels) > 1: raise immp.ConfigError("Channel {} defined more than once".format( repr(channel))) else: return labels[0] def _test(self, channel, user): return any(channel in channels for channels in self.channels.values()) @command("sync-members", test=_test) async def members(self, msg): """ List all members of the current conversation, across all channels. """ members = defaultdict(list) missing = False for synced in self.channels[]: local = (await synced.members()) if local: members[synced.plug.network_name] += local else: missing = True if not members: return text = immp.RichText([immp.Segment("Members of this conversation:")]) for network in sorted(members): text.append(immp.Segment("\n{}".format(network), bold=True)) for member in sorted( members[network], key=lambda member: member.real_name or member.username): name = member.real_name or member.username text.append(immp.Segment("\n")) if text.append(immp.Segment(name, elif member.real_name and member.username: text.append( immp.Segment("{} [{}]".format(name, member.username))) else: text.append(immp.Segment(name)) if missing: text.append(immp.Segment("\n"), immp.Segment("(list may be incomplete)")) await, text=text)) @command("sync-list", test=_test) async def list(self, msg): """ List all channels connected to this conversation. """ text = immp.RichText([immp.Segment("Channels in this sync:")]) for synced in self.channels[]: text.append(immp.Segment("\n{}".format(synced.plug.network_name))) title = await synced.title() if title: text.append(immp.Segment(": {}".format(title))) await, text=text)) async def send(self, label, msg, origin=None, ref=None, update=False): """ Send a message to all channels in this synced group. Args: label (str): Bridge that defines the underlying synced channels to send to. msg (.Message): External message to push. This should be the source copy when syncing a message from another channel. origin (.Receipt): Raw message that triggered this sync; if set and part of the sync, it will be skipped (used to avoid retransmitting a message we just received). This should be the plug-native copy of a message when syncing from another channel. ref (.SyncRef): Existing sync reference, if message has been partially synced. update (bool): ``True`` to force resending an updated message to all synced channels. """ base = immp.Message(text=msg.text, user=msg.user, edited=msg.edited, action=msg.action, reply_to=msg.reply_to, joined=msg.joined, left=msg.left, title=msg.title, attachments=msg.attachments, raw=msg) queue = [] for synced in self.channels[label]: if origin and synced == continue elif not update and ref and ref.ids[synced]: log.debug("Skipping already-synced target channel %r: %r", synced, ref) continue local = base.clone() await self._replace_recurse(local, self._replace_ref, synced) await self._alter_recurse(local, self._alter_identities, synced) await self._alter_recurse(local, self._alter_name) queue.append(self._send(synced, local)) # Just like with plugs, when sending a new (external) message to all channels in a sync, we # need to wait for all plugs to complete and have their IDs cached before processing any # further messages. async with self._lock: all_receipts = dict(await gather(*queue)) ids = { channel: [ for receipt in receipts] for channel, receipts in all_receipts.items() } if ref: ref.ids.update(ids) else: ref = SyncRef(ids, source=msg, origin=origin) await self._cache.add(ref) # Push a copy of the message to the sync channel, if running. if self.plug: sent = immp.SentMessage(id_=ref.key, channel=immp.Channel(self.plug, label), text=msg.text, user=msg.user, action=msg.action, reply_to=msg.reply_to, joined=msg.joined, left=msg.left, title=msg.title, attachments=msg.attachments, raw=msg) self.plug.queue(sent) return ref async def delete(self, ref, sent=None): queue = [] for channel, ids in ref.ids.items(): for id_ in ids: if not (sent and == channel and == id_): queue.append(immp.Receipt(id_, channel).delete()) if queue: await gather(*queue) async def _replace_ref(self, msg, channel): if not isinstance(msg, immp.Receipt): log.debug("Not replacing non-receipt message: %r", msg) return msg base = None if isinstance(msg, immp.SentMessage): base = immp.Message(text=msg.text, user=msg.user, action=msg.action, reply_to=msg.reply_to, joined=msg.joined, left=msg.left, title=msg.title, attachments=msg.attachments, raw=msg.raw) try: ref = await self._cache.get(msg) except KeyError: log.debug("No match for source message: %r", msg) return base # Given message was a resync of the source message from a synced channel. if ref.ids.get(channel): log.debug("Found reference to previously synced message: %r", ref.key) at = if isinstance(ref.source, immp.Receipt) else None best = ref.source or msg return immp.SentMessage(id_=ref.ids[channel][0], channel=channel, at=at, text=best.text, user=best.user, action=best.action, reply_to=best.reply_to, joined=best.joined, left=best.left, title=best.title, attachments=best.attachments, raw=best.raw) elif channel.plug == log.debug("Referenced message has origin plug, not modifying: %r", msg) return msg else: log.debug( "Origin message not referenced in the target channel: %r", msg) return base async def on_receive(self, sent, source, primary): await super().on_receive(sent, source, primary) if not primary or not self._accept(source, return try: label = self.label_for_channel( except immp.ConfigError: return async with self._lock: # No critical section here, just wait for any pending messages to be sent. pass ref = None update = False try: ref = await self._cache.get(sent) except KeyError: if sent.deleted: log.debug("Ignoring deleted message not in sync cache: %r", sent) return else: log.debug("Incoming message not in sync cache: %r", sent) else: if sent.deleted: if self.config["edits"]: log.debug("Incoming message is a delete, needs sync: %r", sent) await self.delete(ref) else: log.debug("Ignoring deleted message: %r", sent) return elif (sent.edited and not ref.revisions) or ref.revision(sent): if self.config["edits"]: log.debug("Incoming message is an update, needs sync: %r", sent) update = True else: log.debug("Ignoring updated message: %r", sent) return elif all(ref.ids[channel] for channel in self.channels[label]): log.debug("Incoming message already synced: %r", sent) return else: log.debug("Incoming message partially synced: %r", sent) log.debug("Sending message to synced channel %r: %r", label, await self.send(label, source, sent, ref, update)
class _SyncHookBase(immp.Hook): _override_config = { immp.Optional("joins", immp.Optional.MISSING): bool, immp.Optional("renames", immp.Optional.MISSING): bool, immp.Optional("reset-author", immp.Optional.MISSING): bool, immp.Optional("name-format", immp.Optional.MISSING): immp.Nullable(str), immp.Optional("strip-name-emoji", immp.Optional.MISSING): bool } schema = immp.Schema({ "channels": { str: [str] }, immp.Optional("plugs", dict): { str: _override_config }, immp.Optional("joins", False): bool, immp.Optional("renames", False): bool, immp.Optional("identities"): immp.Nullable(str), immp.Optional("reset-author", False): bool, immp.Optional("name-format"): immp.Nullable(str), immp.Optional("strip-name-emoji", False): bool }) _identities = immp.ConfigProperty(IdentityProvider) def _plug_config(self, channel): keys = tuple( immp.Optional.unwrap(key)[0] for key in self._override_config) config = {key: self.config[key] for key in keys} if channel and channel.plug: override = self.config["plugs"].get( or {} config.update( {key: override[key] for key in keys if key in override}) return config def _accept(self, msg, id_): config = self._plug_config( if isinstance(msg, immp.Receipt) else None) if not config["joins"] and (msg.joined or msg.left): log.debug("Not syncing join/part message: %r", id_) return False if not config["renames"] and msg.title: log.debug("Not syncing rename message: %r", id_) return False return True async def _replace_recurse(self, msg, func, *args): # Switch out entire messages for copies or replacements. if msg.reply_to: msg.reply_to = await func(msg.reply_to, *args) attachments = [] for attach in msg.attachments: if isinstance(attach, immp.Message): attachments.append(await func(attach, *args)) else: attachments.append(attach) msg.attachments = attachments return msg async def _alter_recurse(self, msg, func, *args): # Alter properties on existing cloned message objects. await func(msg, *args) if msg.reply_to: await func(msg.reply_to, *args) for attach in msg.attachments: if isinstance(attach, immp.Message): await func(attach, *args) async def _rename_user(self, user, channel): config = self._plug_config(channel) # Use name-format or identities to render a suitable author real name. base = (user.real_name or user.username) if user else None name = None identity = None force = False if user and self._identities: try: identity = await self._identities.identity_from_user(user) except Exception: log.warning("Failed to retrieve identity information for %r", user, exc_info=True) if config["name-format"]: if not Template: raise immp.PlugError("'jinja2' module not installed") title = await channel.title() if channel else None context = {"user": user, "identity": identity, "channel": title} try: name = Template(config["name-format"]).render(**context) except TemplateError: log.warning("Bad name format template", exc_info=True) else: # Remove the user's username, so that this name is always used. force = True elif identity: name = "{} ({})".format(base, if config["strip-name-emoji"]: if not EMOJI_REGEX: raise immp.PlugError("'emoji' module not installed") current = name or base if current: name = EMOJI_REGEX.sub(_emoji_replace, current).strip() if not name: return user elif config["reset-author"] or not user: log.debug("Creating unlinked user with real name: %r", name) return immp.User(real_name=name, suggested=(user.suggested if user else False)) else: log.debug("Copying user with new real name: %r -> %r", user, name) return immp.User(, plug=user.plug, real_name=name, username=(None if force else user.username), avatar=user.avatar,, suggested=user.suggested) async def _alter_name(self, msg): channel = if isinstance(msg, immp.Receipt) else None msg.user = await self._rename_user(msg.user, channel) async def _alter_identities(self, msg, channel): # Replace mentions for identified users in the target channel. if not msg.text: return msg.text = msg.text.clone() for segment in msg.text: user = segment.mention if not user or user.plug == channel.plug: # No mention or already matches plug, nothing to do. continue identity = None if self.config["identities"]: try: identity = await self._identities.identity_from_user(user) except Exception as e: log.warning( "Failed to retrieve identity information for %r", user, exc_info=e) # Try to find an identity corresponding to the target plug. links = identity.links if identity else [] for user in links: if user.plug == channel.plug: log.debug("Replacing mention: %r -> %r", user, user) segment.mention = user break # Perform name substitution on the mention text. config = self._plug_config(channel) if config["name-format"]: at = "@" if segment.text.startswith("@") else "" renamed = await self._rename_user(user, channel) segment.text = "{}{}".format(at, renamed.real_name) async def _send(self, channel, msg): try: receipts = await channel.send(msg) log.debug("Synced IDs in %r: %r", channel, [ for receipt in receipts]) return (channel, receipts) except Exception: log.exception("Failed to relay message to channel: %r", channel) return (channel, [])