Example #1
def get_quad_down_dip_vector(q):
    Compute the unit vector pointing down dip for a quadrilateral in
    ECEF coordinates.

        q (list): A quadrilateral; list of four points.

        Vector: The unit vector pointing down dip in ECEF coords.

    P0, P1, P2, P3 = q
    p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # fromPoint converts to ECEF
    p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
    p0p1 = p1 - p0
    qnv = get_quad_normal(q)
    ddv = Vector.cross(p0p1, qnv).norm()
    return ddv
Example #2
def get_quad_normal(q):
    Compute the unit normal vector for a quadrilateral in
    ECEF coordinates.

        q (list): A quadrilateral; list of four points.

        Vector: Normalized normal vector for the quadrilateral in ECEF coords.
    P0, P1, P2, P3 = q
    p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # fromPoint converts to ECEF
    p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
    p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)
    v1 = p1 - p0
    v2 = p3 - p0
    vn = Vector.cross(v2, v1).norm()
    return vn
Example #3
def get_quad_down_dip_vector(q):
    Compute the unit vector pointing down dip for a quadrilateral in
    ECEF coordinates.

        q (list): A quadrilateral; list of four points.

        Vector: The unit vector pointing down dip in ECEF coords.

    P0, P1, P2, P3 = q
    p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # fromPoint converts to ECEF
    p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
    p0p1 = p1 - p0
    qnv = get_quad_normal(q)
    ddv = Vector.cross(p0p1, qnv).norm()
    return ddv
Example #4
def get_quad_normal(q):
    Compute the unit normal vector for a quadrilateral in
    ECEF coordinates.

        q (list): A quadrilateral; list of four points.

        Vector: Normalized normal vector for the quadrilateral in ECEF coords.
    P0, P1, P2, P3 = q
    p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # fromPoint converts to ECEF
    p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
    p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)
    v1 = p1 - p0
    v2 = p3 - p0
    vn = Vector.cross(v2, v1).norm()
    return vn
Example #5
 def _fixStrikeDirection(quad):
     P0, P1, P2, P3 = quad
     eps = 1e-6
     p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # fromPoint converts to ECEF
     p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
     p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
     p1p0 = p1 - p0
     p2p0 = p2 - p0
     qnv = Vector.cross(p2p0, p1p0).norm()
     tmp = p0 + qnv
     tmplat, tmplon, tmpz = ecef2latlon(tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z)
     if (tmpz - P0.depth) < eps:  # If True then do nothing
         fixed = quad
         newP0 = copy.deepcopy(P1)
         newP1 = copy.deepcopy(P0)
         newP2 = copy.deepcopy(P3)
         newP3 = copy.deepcopy(P2)
         fixed = [newP0, newP1, newP2, newP3]
     return fixed
Example #6
    def _computeStrikeDip(self):
        Loop over all triangles and get the average normal, north, and up
        vectors in ECEF. Use these to compute a representative strike and dip.
        seg = self._group_index
        groups = np.unique(seg)
        ng = len(groups)
        norm_vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        north_vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        up_vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        for i in range(ng):
            group_segments = np.where(groups[i] == seg)[0]
            nseg = len(group_segments) - 1
            for j in range(nseg):
                ind = group_segments[j]
                P0 = Point(self._toplons[ind], self._toplats[ind],
                P1 = Point(self._toplons[ind + 1], self._toplats[ind + 1],
                           self._topdeps[ind + 1])
                P2 = Point(self._botlons[ind + 1], self._botlats[ind + 1],
                           self._botdeps[ind + 1])
                P3 = Point(self._botlons[ind], self._botlats[ind],
                P1up = Point(self._toplons[ind + 1], self._toplats[ind + 1],
                             self._topdeps[ind + 1] - 1.0)
                P1N = Point(self._toplons[ind + 1],
                            self._toplats[ind + 1] + 0.001,
                            self._topdeps[ind + 1])
                P3up = Point(self._botlons[ind], self._botlats[ind],
                             self._botdeps[ind] - 1.0)
                P3N = Point(self._botlons[ind], self._botlats[ind] + 0.001,
                p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)
                p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
                p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
                p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)
                p1up = Vector.fromPoint(P1up)
                p1N = Vector.fromPoint(P1N)
                p3up = Vector.fromPoint(P3up)
                p3N = Vector.fromPoint(P3N)

                # Sides
                s01 = p1 - p0
                s02 = p2 - p0
                s03 = p3 - p0
                s21 = p1 - p2
                s23 = p3 - p2

                # First triangle
                t1norm = (s02.cross(s01)).norm()
                a = s01.mag()
                b = s02.mag()
                c = s21.mag()
                s = (a + b + c) / 2
                A1 = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) / 1000

                # Second triangle
                t2norm = (s03.cross(s02)).norm()
                a = s03.mag()
                b = s23.mag()
                c = s02.mag()
                s = (a + b + c) / 2
                A2 = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) / 1000

                # Up and North
                p1up = (p1up - p1).norm()
                p3up = (p3up - p3).norm()
                p1N = (p1N - p1).norm()
                p3N = (p3N - p3).norm()

                # Combine
                norm_vec = norm_vec + A1 * t1norm + A2 * t2norm
                north_vec = north_vec + A1 * p1N + A2 * p3N
                up_vec = up_vec + A1 * p1up + A2 * p3up

        norm_vec = norm_vec.norm()
        north_vec = north_vec.norm()
        up_vec = up_vec.norm()

        # Do I need to flip the vector because it is pointing down (i.e.,
        # right-hand rule is violated)?
        flip = np.sign(up_vec.dot(norm_vec))
        norm_vec = flip * norm_vec

        # Angle between up_vec and norm_vec is dip
        self._dip = np.arcsin(up_vec.cross(norm_vec).mag()) * 180 / np.pi

        # Normal vector projected to horizontal plane
        nvph = (norm_vec - up_vec.dot(norm_vec) * up_vec).norm()

        # Dip direction is angle between nvph and north; strike is orthogonal.
        cp = nvph.cross(north_vec)
        sign = np.sign(cp.dot(up_vec))
        dp = nvph.dot(north_vec)
        strike = np.arctan2(sign * cp.mag(), dp) * 180 / np.pi - 90
        if strike < -180:
            strike = strike + 360
        self._strike = strike
Example #7
    def _computeStikeDip(self):
        Loop over all triangles and get the average normal, north, and up
        vectors in ECEF. Use these to compute a representative strike and dip.
        seg = self._group_index
        groups = np.unique(seg)
        ng = len(groups)
        norm_vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        north_vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        up_vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        for i in range(ng):
            group_segments = np.where(groups[i] == seg)[0]
            nseg = len(group_segments) - 1
            for j in range(nseg):
                ind = group_segments[j]
                P0 = Point(self._toplons[ind],
                P1 = Point(self._toplons[ind + 1],
                           self._toplats[ind + 1],
                           self._topdeps[ind + 1])
                P2 = Point(self._botlons[ind + 1],
                           self._botlats[ind + 1],
                           self._botdeps[ind + 1])
                P3 = Point(self._botlons[ind],
                P1up = Point(self._toplons[ind + 1],
                             self._toplats[ind + 1],
                             self._topdeps[ind + 1] - 1.0)
                P1N = Point(self._toplons[ind + 1],
                            self._toplats[ind + 1] + 0.001,
                            self._topdeps[ind + 1])
                P3up = Point(self._botlons[ind],
                             self._botdeps[ind] - 1.0)
                P3N = Point(self._botlons[ind],
                            self._botlats[ind] + 0.001,
                p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)
                p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
                p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
                p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)
                p1up = Vector.fromPoint(P1up)
                p1N = Vector.fromPoint(P1N)
                p3up = Vector.fromPoint(P3up)
                p3N = Vector.fromPoint(P3N)

                # Sides
                s01 = p1 - p0
                s02 = p2 - p0
                s03 = p3 - p0
                s21 = p1 - p2
                s23 = p3 - p2

                # First triangle
                t1norm = (s02.cross(s01)).norm()
                a = s01.mag()
                b = s02.mag()
                c = s21.mag()
                s = (a + b + c) / 2
                A1 = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) / 1000

                # Second triangle
                t2norm = (s03.cross(s02)).norm()
                a = s03.mag()
                b = s23.mag()
                c = s02.mag()
                s = (a + b + c) / 2
                A2 = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) / 1000

                # Up and North
                p1up = (p1up - p1).norm()
                p3up = (p3up - p3).norm()
                p1N = (p1N - p1).norm()
                p3N = (p3N - p3).norm()

                # Combine
                norm_vec = norm_vec + A1 * t1norm + A2 * t2norm
                north_vec = north_vec + A1 * p1N + A2 * p3N
                up_vec = up_vec + A1 * p1up + A2 * p3up

        norm_vec = norm_vec.norm()
        north_vec = north_vec.norm()
        up_vec = up_vec.norm()

        # Do I need to flip the vector because it is pointing down (i.e.,
        # right-hand rule is violated)?
        flip = np.sign(up_vec.dot(norm_vec))
        norm_vec = flip * norm_vec

        # Angle between up_vec and norm_vec is dip
        self._dip = np.arcsin(up_vec.cross(norm_vec).mag()) * 180 / np.pi

        # Normal vector projected to horizontal plane
        nvph = (norm_vec - up_vec.dot(norm_vec) * up_vec).norm()

        # Dip direction is angle between nvph and north; strike is orthogonal.
        cp = nvph.cross(north_vec)
        sign = np.sign(cp.dot(up_vec))
        dp = nvph.dot(north_vec)
        strike = np.arctan2(sign * cp.mag(), dp) * 180 / np.pi - 90
        if strike < -180:
            strike = strike + 360
        self._strike = strike
Example #8
    def __setPseudoHypocenters(self):
        """ Set a pseudo-hypocenter.

        Adapted from ShakeMap 3.5 src/contour/directivity.c

        From Bayless and Somerville:

        "Define the pseudo-hypocenter for rupture of successive segments as
        the point on the side edge of the rupture segment that is closest to
        the side edge of the previous segment, and that lies half way
        between the top and bottom of the rupture. We assume that the rupture
        is segmented along strike, not updip. All geometric parameters are
        computed relative to the pseudo-hypocenter."
        hyp_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(geo.point.Point(
            self._hyp.longitude, self._hyp.latitude, self._hyp.depth))
        # Loop over each quad
        self.phyp = [None] * self._nq
        for i in range(self._nq):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._rup.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
            p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # convert to ECEF
            p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
            p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
            p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)

            # Create 4 planes with normals pointing outside rectangle
            hpnp = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0).norm()
            hpp = -hpnp.x * p0.x - hpnp.y * p0.y - hpnp.z * p0.z
            n0 = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, hpnp)
            n1 = Vector.cross(p2 - p1, hpnp)
            n2 = Vector.cross(p3 - p2, hpnp)
            n3 = Vector.cross(p0 - p3, hpnp)

            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Is the hypocenter inside the projected rectangle?
            # Dot products show which side the origin is on.
            # If origin is on same side of all the planes, then it is 'inside'
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            sgn0 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n0, p0 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn1 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n1, p1 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn2 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n2, p2 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn3 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n3, p3 - hyp_ecef))

            if (sgn0 == sgn1) and (sgn1 == sgn2) and (sgn2 == sgn3):
                # Origin is inside. Use distance-to-plane formula.
                d = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                d = d * d

                # Put the pseudo hypocenter on the plane
                D = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                self.phyp[i] = hyp_ecef - hpnp * D

                # Origin is outside. Find distance to edges
                p0p = np.reshape(p0.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p1p = np.reshape(p1.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p2p = np.reshape(p2.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p3p = np.reshape(p3.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                s1 = _distance_sq_to_segment(p1p, p2p)
                s3 = _distance_sq_to_segment(p3p, p0p)

                # Assuming that the rupture is segmented along strike and not
                # updip (as described by Bayless and somerville), we only
                # need to consider s1 and s3:
                if s1 > s3:
                    e30 = p0 - p3
                    e30norm = e30.norm()
                    mag = e30.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p3 + e30norm * (0.5 * mag)
                    e21 = p1 - p2
                    e21norm = e21.norm()
                    mag = e21.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p2 + e21norm * (0.5 * mag)
Example #9
    def __setPseudoHypocenters(self):
        """ Set a pseudo-hypocenter.

        Adapted from ShakeMap 3.5 src/contour/directivity.c

        From Bayless and Somerville:

        "Define the pseudo-hypocenter for rupture of successive segments as
        the point on the side edge of the rupture segment that is closest to
        the side edge of the previous segment, and that lies half way
        between the top and bottom of the rupture. We assume that the rupture
        is segmented along strike, not updip. All geometric parameters are
        computed relative to the pseudo-hypocenter."
        hyp_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(
            geo.point.Point(self._hyp.longitude, self._hyp.latitude,
        # Loop over each quad
        self.phyp = [None] * self._nq
        for i in range(self._nq):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._rup.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
            p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # convert to ECEF
            p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
            p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
            p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)

            # Create 4 planes with normals pointing outside rectangle
            hpnp = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0).norm()
            hpp = -hpnp.x * p0.x - hpnp.y * p0.y - hpnp.z * p0.z
            n0 = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, hpnp)
            n1 = Vector.cross(p2 - p1, hpnp)
            n2 = Vector.cross(p3 - p2, hpnp)
            n3 = Vector.cross(p0 - p3, hpnp)

            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Is the hypocenter inside the projected rectangle?
            # Dot products show which side the origin is on.
            # If origin is on same side of all the planes, then it is 'inside'
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            sgn0 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n0, p0 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn1 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n1, p1 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn2 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n2, p2 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn3 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n3, p3 - hyp_ecef))

            if (sgn0 == sgn1) and (sgn1 == sgn2) and (sgn2 == sgn3):
                # Origin is inside. Use distance-to-plane formula.
                d = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                d = d * d

                # Put the pseudo hypocenter on the plane
                D = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                self.phyp[i] = hyp_ecef - hpnp * D

                # Origin is outside. Find distance to edges
                p0p = np.reshape(p0.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p1p = np.reshape(p1.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p2p = np.reshape(p2.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p3p = np.reshape(p3.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                s1 = _distance_sq_to_segment(p1p, p2p)
                s3 = _distance_sq_to_segment(p3p, p0p)

                # Assuming that the rupture is segmented along strike and not
                # updip (as described by Bayless and somerville), we only
                # need to consider s1 and s3:
                if s1 > s3:
                    e30 = p0 - p3
                    e30norm = e30.norm()
                    mag = e30.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p3 + e30norm * (0.5 * mag)
                    e21 = p1 - p2
                    e21norm = e21.norm()
                    mag = e21.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p2 + e21norm * (0.5 * mag)