Example #1
def write_fenics_mesh_points_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, geometrynode, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
        Writes either into hdf5 file or into open mesh file

    numnodes = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.NodeCount

    dim = get_MaxDimElementFromList(get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj))[2]
    effective_dim = dim
    if dim <= 2:
        effective_dim = 2  # effective dim is 2 for dim==1
        geometrynode.set("GeometryType", "XY")
    elif dim == 3:
        geometrynode.set("GeometryType", "XYZ")

    recalc_nodes_ind_dict = {}

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = ET.SubElement(geometrynode, "DataItem", Dimensions="%d %d" % (numnodes, effective_dim), Format="XML")
        nodes = []
        for (ind, (key, node)) in enumerate(fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes.iteritems()):
            recalc_nodes_ind_dict[key] = ind

        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(points_to_numpy(nodes, dim=effective_dim))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:

    return recalc_nodes_ind_dict
Example #2
def write_fenics_mesh_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, outputfile, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
        For the export of xdmf.

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict = {
        "Triangle": "triangle",
        "Tetra": "tetrahedron",
        "Hexa": "hexahedron",
        "Edge": "interval",
        "Node": "point",
        "Quadrangle": "quadrilateral",
        "Polygon": "unknown",
        "Polyhedron": "unknown",
        "Prism": "unknown",
        "Pyramid": "unknown",

    print("Converting " + fem_mesh_obj.Label + " to fenics XDMF File")
    print("Dimension of mesh: %d" %
          (get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj), ))

    elements_in_mesh = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj)
    print("Elements appearing in mesh: %s" % (str(elements_in_mesh), ))
    celltype_in_mesh = get_MaxDimElementFromList(elements_in_mesh)
    (num_cells, cellname_fc, dim_cell) = celltype_in_mesh
    cellname_fenics = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict[cellname_fc]
    print("Celltype in mesh -> %s and its Fenics dolfin name: %s" %
          (str(celltype_in_mesh), cellname_fenics))

    root = etree.Element("Xdmf", version="3.0")
    domain = etree.SubElement(root, "Domain")
    grid = etree.SubElement(domain, "Grid", Name="mesh", GridType="Uniform")
    topology = etree.SubElement(grid, "Topology")
    geometry = etree.SubElement(grid, "Geometry")

    # attribute = etree.SubElement(grid, "Attribute") #  for cell functions

    recalc_dict = write_fenics_mesh_points_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj,

    # TODO: improve cell functions support
    # write_fenics_mesh_cellfunctions(fem_mesh_obj, {}, attribute, encoding=encoding)

    fp = open(outputfile, "w")
        '''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>\n''')
    fp.write(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
Example #3
def write_fenics_mesh_cellfunctions(fem_mesh_obj, mycellvalues, attributenode, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
    attributenode.set("AttributeType", "Scalar")
    attributenode.set("Center", "Cell")
    attributenode.set("Name", "f")

    (num_cells, name_cell, dim_cell) = get_MaxDimElementFromList(get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj))

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = etree.SubElement(attributenode, "DataItem", Dimensions="%d %d" % (num_cells, 1), Format="XML")
        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(np.random.random((num_cells, 1)))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:
Example #4
def write_fenics_mesh_cellfunctions(fem_mesh_obj, mycellvalues, attributenode, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
    attributenode.set("AttributeType", "Scalar")
    attributenode.set("Center", "Cell")
    attributenode.set("Name", "f")

    (num_cells, name_cell, dim_cell) = get_MaxDimElementFromList(get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj))

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = ET.SubElement(attributenode, "DataItem", Dimensions="%d %d" % (num_cells, 1), Format="XML")
        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(np.random.random((num_cells, 1)))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:
Example #5
def write_fenics_mesh_codim_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj,
    mesh_dimension = get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj)

    element_types = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj, remove_zero_element_entries=True)
    element_order = get_FemMeshObjectOrder(fem_mesh_obj)
    # we get all elements from mesh to decide which one to write by selection of codim
    # nodeindices = [(nodes_dict[ind] for ind in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_volume_ind)) for (fen_ind, fc_volume_ind) in enumerate(fc_cells)]
    writeout_element_dimension = mesh_dimension - codim

    (num_topo, name_topo, dim_topo) = (0, "", 0)
    for (num, name, dim) in element_types:
        if writeout_element_dimension == dim:
            (num_topo, name_topo, dim_topo) = (num, name, dim)

    (topology_type, nodes_per_element) = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_XDMF_dict[(name_topo, element_order)]

    topologynode.set("TopologyType", topology_type)
    topologynode.set("NumberOfElements", str(num_topo))
    topologynode.set("NodesPerElement", str(nodes_per_element))

    if dim_topo == 3:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Volumes
    elif dim_topo == 2:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Faces
    elif dim_topo == 1:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Edges
    elif dim_topo == 0:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes
        fc_topo = []
        print("Dimension of mesh incompatible with export XDMF function: %d" % (dim_topo,))

    nodeindices = [(nodes_dict[ind] for ind in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_topo_ind)) for (fen_ind, fc_topo_ind) in enumerate(fc_topo)]

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = ET.SubElement(topologynode, "DataItem", NumberType="UInt", Dimensions="%d %d" % (num_topo, nodes_per_element), Format="XML")
        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(tuples_to_numpy(nodeindices, nodes_per_element))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:

    return fc_topo
Example #6
def write_fenics_mesh_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, outputfile, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
        For the export of xdmf.

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict = {
        "Triangle": "triangle",
        "Tetra": "tetrahedron",
        "Hexa": "hexahedron",
        "Edge": "interval",
        "Node": "point",
        "Quadrangle": "quadrilateral",

        "Polygon": "unknown", "Polyhedron": "unknown",
        "Prism": "unknown", "Pyramid": "unknown",

    print("Converting " + fem_mesh_obj.Label + " to fenics XDMF File")
    print("Dimension of mesh: %d" % (get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj),))

    elements_in_mesh = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj)
    print("Elements appearing in mesh: %s" % (str(elements_in_mesh),))
    celltype_in_mesh = get_MaxDimElementFromList(elements_in_mesh)
    (num_cells, cellname_fc, dim_cell) = celltype_in_mesh
    cellname_fenics = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict[cellname_fc]
    print("Celltype in mesh -> %s and its Fenics dolfin name: %s" % (str(celltype_in_mesh), cellname_fenics))

    root = etree.Element("Xdmf", version="3.0")
    domain = etree.SubElement(root, "Domain")
    grid = etree.SubElement(domain, "Grid", Name="mesh", GridType="Uniform")
    topology = etree.SubElement(grid, "Topology")
    geometry = etree.SubElement(grid, "Geometry")

    # attribute = etree.SubElement(grid, "Attribute") #  for cell functions

    recalc_dict = write_fenics_mesh_points_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, geometry, encoding=encoding)
    write_fenics_mesh_volumes_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, topology, recalc_dict, encoding=encoding)

    # TODO: improve cell functions support
    # write_fenics_mesh_cellfunctions(fem_mesh_obj, {}, attribute, encoding=encoding)

    fp = open(outputfile, "w")
    fp.write('''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>\n''')
    fp.write(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
Example #7
def write_fenics_mesh_codim_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj,
    mesh_dimension = get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj)

    element_types = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj, remove_zero_element_entries=True)
    element_order = get_FemMeshObjectOrder(fem_mesh_obj)
    # we get all elements from mesh to decide which one to write by selection of codim
    # nodeindices = [(nodes_dict[ind] for ind in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_volume_ind)) for (fen_ind, fc_volume_ind) in enumerate(fc_cells)]
    writeout_element_dimension = mesh_dimension - codim

    (num_topo, name_topo, dim_topo) = (0, "", 0)
    for (num, name, dim) in element_types:
        if writeout_element_dimension == dim:
            (num_topo, name_topo, dim_topo) = (num, name, dim)

    (topology_type, nodes_per_element) = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_XDMF_dict[(name_topo, element_order)]

    topologynode.set("TopologyType", topology_type)
    topologynode.set("NumberOfElements", str(num_topo))
    topologynode.set("NodesPerElement", str(nodes_per_element))

    if dim_topo == 3:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Volumes
    elif dim_topo == 2:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Faces
    elif dim_topo == 1:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Edges
    elif dim_topo == 0:
        fc_topo = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes
        fc_topo = []
        print("Dimension of mesh incompatible with export XDMF function: %d" % (dim_topo,))

    nodeindices = [(nodes_dict[ind] for ind in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_topo_ind)) for (fen_ind, fc_topo_ind) in enumerate(fc_topo)]

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = ET.SubElement(topologynode, "DataItem", NumberType="UInt", Dimensions="%d %d" % (num_topo, nodes_per_element), Format="XML")
        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(tuples_to_numpy(nodeindices, nodes_per_element))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:

    return fc_topo
Example #8
def write_fenics_mesh_volumes_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, topologynode, rd, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
    (num_cells, name_cell, dim_cell) = get_MaxDimElementFromList(get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj))
    element_order = get_FemMeshObjectOrder(fem_mesh_obj)

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_XDMF_dict = {
        ("Node", 1): ("polyvertex", 1),
        ("Edge", 1): ("polyline", 2),
        ("Edge", 2): ("edge_3", 3),
        ("Triangle", 1): ("triangle", 3),
        ("Triangle", 2): ("tri_6", 6),
        ("Tetra", 1): ("tetrahedron", 4),
        ("Tetra", 2): ("tet_10", 10)

    (topology_type, nodes_per_element) = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_XDMF_dict[(name_cell, element_order)]

    topologynode.set("TopologyType", topology_type)
    topologynode.set("NumberOfElements", str(num_cells))
    topologynode.set("NodesPerElement", str(nodes_per_element))

    if dim_cell == 3:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Volumes
    elif dim_cell == 2:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Faces
    elif dim_cell == 1:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Edges
    elif dim_cell == 0:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes
        fc_cells = []
        print("Dimension of mesh incompatible with export XDMF function: %d" % (dim_cell,))

    nodeindices = [(rd[ind] for ind in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_volume_ind)) for (fen_ind, fc_volume_ind) in enumerate(fc_cells)]
    # FC starts after all other entities, fenics start from 0 to size-1
    # write nodeindices into dict to access them later

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = etree.SubElement(topologynode, "DataItem", NumberType="UInt", Dimensions="%d %d" % (num_cells, nodes_per_element), Format="XML")
        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(tuples_to_numpy(nodeindices))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:
Example #9
def write_fenics_mesh_volumes_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, topologynode, rd, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
    (num_cells, name_cell, dim_cell) = get_MaxDimElementFromList(get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj))
    element_order = get_FemMeshObjectOrder(fem_mesh_obj)

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_XDMF_dict = {
        ("Node", 1): ("polyvertex", 1),
        ("Edge", 1): ("polyline", 2),
        ("Edge", 2): ("edge_3", 3),
        ("Triangle", 1): ("triangle", 3),
        ("Triangle", 2): ("tri_6", 6),
        ("Tetra", 1): ("tetrahedron", 4),
        ("Tetra", 2): ("tet_10", 10)

    (topology_type, nodes_per_element) = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_XDMF_dict[(name_cell, element_order)]

    topologynode.set("TopologyType", topology_type)
    topologynode.set("NumberOfElements", str(num_cells))
    topologynode.set("NodesPerElement", str(nodes_per_element))

    if dim_cell == 3:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Volumes
    elif dim_cell == 2:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Faces
    elif dim_cell == 1:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Edges
    elif dim_cell == 0:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes
        fc_cells = []
        print("Dimension of mesh incompatible with export XDMF function: %d" % (dim_cell,))

    nodeindices = [(rd[ind] for ind in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_volume_ind)) for (fen_ind, fc_volume_ind) in enumerate(fc_cells)]
    # FC starts after all other entities, fenics start from 0 to size-1
    # write nodeindices into dict to access them later

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = ET.SubElement(topologynode, "DataItem", NumberType="UInt", Dimensions="%d %d" % (num_cells, nodes_per_element), Format="XML")
        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(tuples_to_numpy(nodeindices))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:
Example #10
def write_fenics_mesh_points_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj,
        Writes either into hdf5 file or into open mesh file

    numnodes = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.NodeCount

    dim = get_MaxDimElementFromList(
    effective_dim = dim
    if dim <= 2:
        effective_dim = 2  # effective dim is 2 for dim==1
        geometrynode.set("GeometryType", "XY")
    elif dim == 3:
        geometrynode.set("GeometryType", "XYZ")

    recalc_nodes_ind_dict = {}

    if encoding == ENCODING_ASCII:
        dataitem = ET.SubElement(geometrynode,
                                 Dimensions="%d %d" %
                                 (numnodes, effective_dim),
        nodes = []
        for (ind, (key,
                   node)) in enumerate(fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes.iteritems()):
            recalc_nodes_ind_dict[key] = ind

        dataitem.text = numpy_array_to_str(
            points_to_numpy(nodes, dim=effective_dim))
    elif encoding == ENCODING_HDF5:

    return recalc_nodes_ind_dict
Example #11
def write_fenics_mesh_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, outputfile, group_values_dict={}, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
        For the export of xdmf.

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict = {
        "Triangle": "triangle",
        "Tetra": "tetrahedron",
        "Hexa": "hexahedron",
        "Edge": "interval",
        "Node": "point",
        "Quadrangle": "quadrilateral",

        "Polygon": "unknown", "Polyhedron": "unknown",
        "Prism": "unknown", "Pyramid": "unknown",

    print("Converting " + fem_mesh_obj.Label + " to fenics XDMF File")
    print("Dimension of mesh: %d" % (get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj),))

    elements_in_mesh = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj)
    print("Elements appearing in mesh: %s" % (str(elements_in_mesh),))
    celltype_in_mesh = get_MaxDimElementFromList(elements_in_mesh)
    (num_cells, cellname_fc, dim_cell) = celltype_in_mesh
    cellname_fenics = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict[cellname_fc]
    print("Celltype in mesh -> %s and its Fenics dolfin name: %s" % (str(celltype_in_mesh), cellname_fenics))

    root = ET.Element("Xdmf", version="3.0")
    domain = ET.SubElement(root, "Domain")
    base_grid = ET.SubElement(domain, "Grid", Name="base_mesh", GridType="Uniform")
    base_topology = ET.SubElement(base_grid, "Topology")
    base_geometry = ET.SubElement(base_grid, "Geometry")

    # TODO: for the general mesh: write out topology and geometry in grid node
    # TOOD: for every marked group write own grid node with topology (ref if cells)
    #       geometry ref, attribute

    # write base topo and geometry
    nodes_dict = write_fenics_mesh_points_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, base_geometry, encoding=encoding)
    write_fenics_mesh_codim_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, base_topology, nodes_dict, codim=0, encoding=encoding)

    fem_mesh = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh
    gmshgroups = get_FemMeshObjectMeshGroups(fem_mesh_obj)

    if gmshgroups is not ():
        print('found mesh groups')

    for g in gmshgroups:
        mesh_function_type = fem_mesh.getGroupElementType(g)
        mesh_function_codim = dim_cell - FreeCAD_Group_Dimensions[mesh_function_type]
        mesh_function_name = fem_mesh.getGroupName(g)

        print('group id: %d (label: %s) with element type %s and codim %d'
              % (g, mesh_function_name, mesh_function_type, mesh_function_codim))

        mesh_function_grid = ET.SubElement(domain, "Grid", Name=mesh_function_name + "_mesh", GridType="Uniform")
        mesh_function_topology = ET.SubElement(mesh_function_grid, "Topology")

        mesh_function_topology_description = write_fenics_mesh_codim_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj,
                                                                          codim=mesh_function_codim, encoding=encoding)

        mesh_function_geometry = ET.SubElement(mesh_function_grid, "Geometry", Reference="XML")
        mesh_function_geometry.text = "/Xdmf/Domain/Grid/Geometry"
        mesh_function_attribute = ET.SubElement(mesh_function_grid, "Attribute")

        elem_dict = {}
        (elem_mark_group, elem_mark_default) = group_values_dict.get(g, (g, -1))

        # TODO: is it better to save all groups each at once or collect all codim equal
        # groups to put them into one function?
        # TODO: nevertheless there has to be a dialog which fixes the default value and the mark value

        for e in fem_mesh.getGroupElements(g):
            elem_dict[e] = elem_mark_group

        val_array = np.array([elem_dict.get(e, elem_mark_default) for e in mesh_function_topology_description])
        topo_array = np.vstack((val_array,)).T
                                               mesh_function_attribute, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII)

    # TODO: improve cell functions support

    fp = open(outputfile, "w")
    fp.write('''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>\n''')
    # xml core functionality does not support pretty printing
    # so the output file looks quite ugly
Example #12
def write_fenics_mesh_xml(fem_mesh_obj, outputfile):
        For the export, we only have to use the highest dimensional entities and their
        vertices to be exported. (For second order elements, we have to delete the mid element nodes.)

    # TODO: check for second order elements (what to do? deny export or reduce element order?)

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict = {
        "Triangle": "triangle",
        "Tetra": "tetrahedron",
        "Hexa": "hexahedron",
        "Edge": "interval",
        "Node": "point",
        "Quadrangle": "quadrilateral",

        "Polygon": "unknown", "Polyhedron": "unknown",
        "Prism": "unknown", "Pyramid": "unknown",

    print("Converting " + fem_mesh_obj.Label + " to fenics XML File")
    print("Dimension of mesh: %d" % (get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj),))

    elements_in_mesh = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj)
    print("Elements appearing in mesh: %s" % (str(elements_in_mesh),))
    celltype_in_mesh = get_MaxDimElementFromList(elements_in_mesh)
    (num_cells, cellname_fc, dim_cell) = celltype_in_mesh
    cellname_fenics = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict[cellname_fc]
    print("Celltype in mesh -> %s and its Fenics name: %s" % (str(celltype_in_mesh), cellname_fenics))

    root = ET.Element("dolfin", dolfin="http://fenicsproject.org")
    meshchild = ET.SubElement(root, "mesh", celltype=cellname_fenics, dim=str(dim_cell))
    vertices = ET.SubElement(meshchild, "vertices", size=str(fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.NodeCount))

    for (nodeind, fc_vec) in fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Nodes.iteritems():  # python2
            vertices, "vertex", index=str(nodeind - 1),
            # FC starts from 1, fenics starts from 0 to size-1
            x=str(fc_vec[0]), y=str(fc_vec[1]), z=str(fc_vec[2]))

    cells = ET.SubElement(meshchild, "cells", size=str(num_cells))
    if dim_cell == 3:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Volumes
    elif dim_cell == 2:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Faces
    elif dim_cell == 1:
        fc_cells = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.Edges
        fc_cells = ()

    for (fen_ind, fc_volume_ind) in enumerate(fc_cells):
        # FC starts after all other entities, fenics start from 0 to size-1
        nodeindices = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh.getElementNodes(fc_volume_ind)

        cell_args = {}
        for (vi, ni) in enumerate(nodeindices):
            cell_args["v" + str(vi)] = str(ni - 1)
        # generate as many v entries in dict as nodes are listed in cell (works only for first order elements)

        ET.SubElement(cells, cellname_fenics, index=str(fen_ind), **cell_args)

    ET.SubElement(meshchild, "data")

    fp = open(outputfile, "w")
    # xml core functionality does not support pretty printing
    # so the output file looks quite ugly
Example #13
def write_fenics_mesh_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, outputfile, group_values_dict={}, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII):
        For the export of xdmf.

    FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict = {
        "Triangle": "triangle",
        "Tetra": "tetrahedron",
        "Hexa": "hexahedron",
        "Edge": "interval",
        "Node": "point",
        "Quadrangle": "quadrilateral",

        "Polygon": "unknown", "Polyhedron": "unknown",
        "Prism": "unknown", "Pyramid": "unknown",

    print("Converting " + fem_mesh_obj.Label + " to fenics XDMF File")
    print("Dimension of mesh: %d" % (get_FemMeshObjectDimension(fem_mesh_obj),))

    elements_in_mesh = get_FemMeshObjectElementTypes(fem_mesh_obj)
    print("Elements appearing in mesh: %s" % (str(elements_in_mesh),))
    celltype_in_mesh = get_MaxDimElementFromList(elements_in_mesh)
    (num_cells, cellname_fc, dim_cell) = celltype_in_mesh
    cellname_fenics = FreeCAD_to_Fenics_dict[cellname_fc]
    print("Celltype in mesh -> %s and its Fenics dolfin name: %s" % (str(celltype_in_mesh), cellname_fenics))

    root = ET.Element("Xdmf", version="3.0")
    domain = ET.SubElement(root, "Domain")
    base_grid = ET.SubElement(domain, "Grid", Name="base_mesh", GridType="Uniform")
    base_topology = ET.SubElement(base_grid, "Topology")
    base_geometry = ET.SubElement(base_grid, "Geometry")

    # TODO: for the general mesh: write out topology and geometry in grid node
    # TOOD: for every marked group write own grid node with topology (ref if cells)
    #       geometry ref, attribute

    # write base topo and geometry
    nodes_dict = write_fenics_mesh_points_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, base_geometry, encoding=encoding)
    write_fenics_mesh_codim_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj, base_topology, nodes_dict, codim=0, encoding=encoding)

    fem_mesh = fem_mesh_obj.FemMesh
    gmshgroups = get_FemMeshObjectMeshGroups(fem_mesh_obj)

    if gmshgroups is not ():
        print('found mesh groups')

    for g in gmshgroups:
        mesh_function_type = fem_mesh.getGroupElementType(g)
        mesh_function_codim = dim_cell - FreeCAD_Group_Dimensions[mesh_function_type]
        mesh_function_name = fem_mesh.getGroupName(g)

        print('group id: %d (label: %s) with element type %s and codim %d'
              % (g, mesh_function_name, mesh_function_type, mesh_function_codim))

        mesh_function_grid = ET.SubElement(domain, "Grid", Name=mesh_function_name + "_mesh", GridType="Uniform")
        mesh_function_topology = ET.SubElement(mesh_function_grid, "Topology")

        mesh_function_topology_description = write_fenics_mesh_codim_xdmf(fem_mesh_obj,
                                                                          codim=mesh_function_codim, encoding=encoding)

        mesh_function_geometry = ET.SubElement(mesh_function_grid, "Geometry", Reference="XML")
        mesh_function_geometry.text = "/Xdmf/Domain/Grid/Geometry"
        mesh_function_attribute = ET.SubElement(mesh_function_grid, "Attribute")

        elem_dict = {}
        (elem_mark_group, elem_mark_default) = group_values_dict.get(g, (g, -1))

        # TODO: is it better to save all groups each at once or collect all codim equal
        # groups to put them into one function?
        # TODO: nevertheless there has to be a dialog which fixes the default value and the mark value

        for e in fem_mesh.getGroupElements(g):
            elem_dict[e] = elem_mark_group

        val_array = np.array([elem_dict.get(e, elem_mark_default) for e in mesh_function_topology_description])
        topo_array = np.vstack((val_array,)).T
                                               mesh_function_attribute, encoding=ENCODING_ASCII)

    # TODO: improve cell functions support

    fp = open(outputfile, "w")
    fp.write('''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>\n''')
    # xml core functionality does not support pretty printing
    # so the output file looks quite ugly