Example #1
def GenerateAnkiCardsFromWikipediaCategory(url,deckName,user_id,api_key):
		client = importio.importio(user_id=user_id,api_key=api_key , host="https://query.import.io")
		global queryLatch
		queryLatch = latch.latch(1)
				"connectorGuids": [
				"input": {
						"webpage/url": url
		}, callback)
		print "Queries dispatched, now waiting for results"
		print json.dumps(dataRows, indent = 4)
		queryLatch = latch.latch(len(dataRows))
		for data in dataRows :
			if('url' in data.keys()):
										"connectorGuids": [
										"input": {
														"webpage/url": data['url']
						}, callback2)

		print json.dumps(dataRows2, indent = 4)
		for d in dataRows2:
			if(all(x in d.keys() for x in ["title","first_par"])):
		return cards

import logging, json, importio, latch

client = importio.importio(user_id="cf592fba-bd1f-4128-8e98-e729c2bb7dec", api_key="aledxqRLOCLFo9O7cYeeC58aotifmZbL2C57Mg1zicz6ZLVSY94xttvI9AjeV1Fw9DpBg2y/cbrNZXM23yiWBg==", host="https://query.import.io")
queryLatch = latch.latch(13441)
dataRows = []
d = ''

def callback(query, message):
  global dataRows
  global d
  if message["type"] == "DISCONNECT":
    print "Query in progress when library disconnected"
    print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)

  if message["type"] == "MESSAGE":
    if "errorType" in message["data"]:
      print "Got an error!" 
      print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
      print "Got data!"
      print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
      d = message["data"]["results"]
      for i in d:
        with open('urls.txt', 'a') as f:
          f.write(i["url"] + ',\n')
Example #3
#proxies = { "http": "" }

# Then you can use the "proxies" variable when instanciating a new client library object
# For more details on this see below

# You have two choices for authenticating with the Python client: you can use your API key
# or your username and password. Username and password is quicker to get started with, but
# API key authentication will be more reliable for really large query volumes.
# If you need it, you can get YOUR_USER_GUID and YOUR_API_KEY from your account page, at
# http://import.io/data/account

# To use an API key for authentication, use the following code to initialise the library
client = importio.importio(
# If you want to use the client library with API keys and proxies, use this command:
#client = importio.importio(user_id="YOUR_USER_GUID", api_key="YOUR_API_KEY", proxies=proxies)

# Once you have initialised the client, connect it to the server:

# If you wish to use username and password based authentication, first create a client:
#client = importio.importio()
# If you wish to use proxies with your username and password, then you can do so like this:
#client = importio.importio(proxies=proxies)

# Next you need to log in to import.io using your username and password, like so:
Example #4
def clientGen():
	return importio.importio(user_id=os.environ.get('IIO_USER'), api_key=os.environ.get('IIO_API'), host="https://query.import.io")
Example #5
def extract(connector, urls):
    # To use an API key for authentication, use the following code:
    client = importio.importio(
            "http": "http://proxy.server:3128",
            "https": "http://proxy.server:3128"

    queryLatch = latch.latch(len(urls))

    def callback(query, message):
        global data

        # Disconnect messages happen if we disconnect the client library while a query is in progress
        if message["type"] == "DISCONNECT":
            data["log"].append("Query in progress when library disconnected")
            data["log"].append(json.dumps(message["data"], indent=4))

        # Check the message we receive actually has some data in it
        if message["type"] == "MESSAGE":
            if "errorType" in message["data"]:
                # In this case, we received a message, but it was an error from the external service
                data["log"].append("Got an error!")
                data["log"].append(json.dumps(message["data"], indent=4))
                # Save the data we got in our dataRows variable for later

        # When the query is finished, countdown the latch so the program can continue when everything is done
        if query.finished(): queryLatch.countdown()

    for url in urls:
                "connectorGuids": [connectors[connector]],
                "input": {
                    "webpage/url": url
            }, callback)

    data["log"].append("Queries dispatched, now waiting for results")

    queryLatch. await ()

    data["log"].append("Latch has completed, all results returned")


    # Now we can print out the data we got
    data["log"].append("All data received:")
    if connector == "fixture":
        for f in data[connector]:
            data["log"].append("%s vs %s" %
                               (f["hometeam/_title"], f["awayteam/_title"]))
    elif connector == "history":
        data["log"].append(json.dumps(data[connector], indent=4))

    return data[connector]
Example #6
from importio_login import GUID, API_key, Amaz_BestSeller_GUID, Amaz_BestSeller_URL
import logging, json, importio, latch

# You do not need to do this, but setting the logging level will reveal logs about
# what the import.io client is doing and will surface more information on errors

# If you wish, you may configure HTTP proxies that Python can use to connect
# to import.io. If you need to do this, uncomment the following line and fill in the
# correct details to specify an HTTP proxy:

#proxies = { "http": "" }

client = importio.importio(user_id=GUID, api_key=API_key)

queryLatch = latch.latch(1)

dataRows = []

def callback(query, message):
    global dataRows
    # Disconnect messages happen if we disconnect the client library while a query is in progress
    if message["type"] == "DISCONNECT":
        print "Query in progress when library disconnected"
        print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)

    # Check the message we receive actually has some data in it
    if message["type"] == "MESSAGE":
Example #7
def importquery(
        conNum, ImportURL, filename
):  # To use an API key for authentication, use the following code:
    client = importio.importio(user_id=user_id_Value,
    # Once we have started the client and authenticated, we need to connect it to the server:

    # Because import.io queries are asynchronous, for this simple script we will use a "latch"
    # to stop the script from exiting before all of our queries are returned
    # For more information on the latch class, see the latch.py file included in this client library
    queryLatch = latch.latch(1)

    # Define here a global variable that we can put all our results in to when they come back from
    # the server, so we can use the data later on in the script
    # dataRows = []

    # In order to receive the data from the queries we issue, we need to define a callback method
    # This method will receive each message that comes back from the queries, and we can take that
    # data and store it for use in our app
    def callback(query, message):
        global dataRows

        # Disconnect messages happen if we disconnect the client library while a query is in progress
        if message["type"] == "DISCONNECT":
            print("Query in progress when library disconnected")
            ##print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)

        # Check the message we receive actually has some data in it
        if message["type"] == "MESSAGE":
            if "errorType" in message["data"]:
                # In this case, we received a message, but it was an error from the external service
                print("Got an error!")
                #print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
                # We got a message and it was not an error, so we can process the data
                print("Got data!")
                #print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
                # Save the data we got in our dataRows variable for later
                dataRows = (message["data"]["results"])

        # When the query is finished, countdown the latch so the program can continue when everything is done
        if query.finished(): queryLatch.countdown()

    # Issue queries to your data sources and with your inputs
    # You can modify the inputs and connectorGuids so as to query your own sources
    # Query for tile Polycount_Freelance
            "connectorGuids": [conNum],
            "input": {
                "webpage/url": ImportURL
        }, callback)

    print("Checking " + filename + ", waiting for results")

    # Now we have issued all of the queries, we can "await" on the latch so that we know when it is all done
    queryLatch. await ()

    #print "Latch has completed, all results returned"

    # It is best practice to disconnect when you are finished sending queries and getting data - it allows us to
    # clean up resources on the client and the server

    # Now we can print out the data we got
    open("sites\\" + filename + ".dat",
         'w').write(json.dumps(dataRows, indent=4))
    print(filename + " data received, file saved")
# to import.io. If you need to do this, uncomment the following line and fill in the
# correct details to specify an HTTP proxy:

#proxies = { "http": "" }

# Then you can use the "proxies" variable when instanciating a new client library object
# For more details on this see below

# You have two choices for authenticating with the Python client: you can use your API key
# or your username and password. Username and password is quicker to get started with, but
# API key authentication will be more reliable for really large query volumes.
# If you need it, you can get YOUR_USER_GUID and YOUR_API_KEY from your account page, at
# http://import.io/data/account

# To use an API key for authentication, use the following code to initialise the library
client = importio.importio(user_id="YOUR_USER_GUID", api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
# If you want to use the client library with API keys and proxies, use this command:
#client = importio.importio(user_id="YOUR_USER_GUID", api_key="YOUR_API_KEY", proxies=proxies)

# Once you have initialised the client, connect it to the server:

# If you wish to use username and password based authentication, first create a client:
#client = importio.importio()
# If you wish to use proxies with your username and password, then you can do so like this:
#client = importio.importio(proxies=proxies)

# Next you need to log in to import.io using your username and password, like so:

# Because import.io queries are asynchronous, for this simple script we will use a "latch"
Example #9
import logging, json, importio, latch

# To use an API key for authentication, use the following code:
client = importio.importio(user_id="bf4b28b0-c952-47c2-a0c2-a615ae963b71", api_key="bf4b28b0c95247c2a0c2a615ae963b71d0de22db4cc190b6305176ed3aa35ef5c0765cb94923560fc48ce293ca722eee9578b2d55ac766852f751eb7e9818a1b495035b513f162f0d29ff242672209dc", host="https://query.import.io")

# Once we have started the client and authenticated, we need to connect it to the server:

# Because import.io queries are asynchronous, for this simple script we will use a "latch"
# to stop the script from exiting before all of our queries are returned
# For more information on the latch class, see the latch.py file included in this client library
queryLatch = latch.latch(2)

# Define here a global variable that we can put all our results in to when they come back from
# the server, so we can use the data later on in the script
dataRows = []

# In order to receive the data from the queries we issue, we need to define a callback method
# This method will receive each message that comes back from the queries, and we can take that
# data and store it for use in our app
def callback(query, message):
    global dataRows
    # Disconnect messages happen if we disconnect the client library while a query is in progress
    if message["type"] == "DISCONNECT":
        print "Query in progress when library disconnected"
    print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
    # Check the message we receive actually has some data in it
    if message["type"] == "MESSAGE":
    if "errorType" in message["data"]:
      print "Got an error!" 
      print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
      # We got a message and it was not an error, so we can process the data
      #print "Got data!"
      #print json.dumps(message["data"], indent = 4)
      # Save the data we got in our current_results variable for later
  # When the query is finished, countdown the latch so the program can continue when everything is done
  if query.finished(): queryLatch.countdown()

# Initialise the library
# To use an API key for authentication, use the following code:
client = importio.importio(user_id=user_id, 


# Now we are going to query the first extractor
print "Querying the first extractor:"
# If the input for the first extractor is onyl one:
if isinstance(starting_query,list)==False:
    # Use a latch to stop the program from exiting
    queryLatch = latch.latch(1)
    current_results = {}

    # Querying extractor 1:
      "connectorGuids": [
Example #11
import importio, latch, sys, uuid, time

# Retrieve the credentials from the command line
host = sys.argv[1]
username = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
userguid = sys.argv[4]
api_key = sys.argv[5]
Test 1

Test that specifying incorrect username and password raises an exception

client = importio.importio(host="http://query." + host)

                 host="https://api." + host)
    print("Test 1: Failed (did not throw exception)")
except Exception:
    print("Test 1: Success")

Test 2

Test that providing an incorrect user GUID raises an exception
Example #12
import importio, latch, sys, uuid, time

# Retrieve the credentials from the command line
host = sys.argv[1]
username = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
userguid = sys.argv[4]
api_key = sys.argv[5]

Test 1

Test that specifying incorrect username and password raises an exception

client = importio.importio(host= "http://query." + host)

	client.login(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4()), host = "https://api." + host)
	print("Test 1: Failed (did not throw exception)")
except Exception:
	print("Test 1: Success")


Test 2

Test that providing an incorrect user GUID raises an exception